Hi, all! This is a re-upload of Futures Past. For the moment, I will ONLY be uploading this story. We'll see how things go: if things go alright, I'll bring back Battle of the Kings and the Reconciliation stories.

Special thanks go to the following for letting me run my ideas by them and for pointing out where I could strengthen this as much as possible: AnsemD, Toonsgirl27, skeali, VeryEagerPerson.

DISCLAIMER: Zootopia belongs to Disney.



Ever heard the tale of the fox who changed the future? Sounds like a clichéd story, I know. But it's pretty much what happened.

The story's been told, sure. About how a naïve little bunny came to Zootopia, dreaming of being a big city cop. Along the way, she was put down by her colleagues. Made to do the only duty fit for a bunny: parking duty. And along the way, she happened to meet this handsome, dashing, charming fox who conned her into thinking that he was trying to buy a Jumbo Pop for his son as a birthday present. Of course, said bunny cop found out it was all a hustle and got very mad. Mam, those were the days… of course, bunny cop also stumbled upon a missing mammals case, and she hustled the fox right back. Made him help her find the missing otter, and in the process, they uncovered a vast conspiracy to cover up the fact that mammals were going savage, headed by none other than the mayor of Zootopia. Not just mammals: predators. Of course, this led to an argument between said bunny and fox and they parted ways. The bunny, horrified at unrest she perceived to be her fault, ran her fuzzy wuzzy tail back to her carrot farm home. I guess that should have been the end of that, but something clicked for her while she was out there. And she rushed back to the city to ask the fox for help. The fox didn't want to at first, but the bunny was really sincere in acknowledging and even apologising for how much she had hurt the fox. The fox forgave her, and together, they unearthed the true roots of the conspiracy: the mayor, formerly the deputy mayor, had set the whole thing up in an effort to subjugate predators. Thankfully, she did not win. The bunny and fox tricked the mayor into giving up her plan, and the mayor was arrested. And afterward, the bunny even convinced the fox that he too could be a great cop.

The bunny was Judy Hopps, the most optimistic, outgoing, driven bunny I have ever met. And the fox… that's me. Nick Wilde. Everybody has heard the story by now. But they would never have heard about the events leading up to it. In some ways, because they haven't happened yet.

Had former Mayor Dawn Bellwether won, the future would be bleak. I know, because I've seen it already. Carrots would never believe me if I told her that her very words that day at the press conference would help Bellwether, and eventually, a prey supremacist group who had been biding their time, to gain a foothold on Zootopia, to eventually ostracise the predators from Zootopian society. To subjugate them.

Domare Dominatio. The group that were, or will be, more extreme than even ex-Mayor Bellwether.

It's a complex, tangled web I'm about to weave here, but bear with me.

The first thing to get out of the way is this: I've made it sound like everything that has happened up to this point is a coincidence. Do coincidences that big exist?

Well, no. No, they do not.

Can I see the future? Am I a psychic? Nobody can see the future. So how do I know what's going to happen? Do I cheat? Have I been told all this myself?

No. I know what's going to happen because I've lived it. I Nicholas Piberius Wilde, was not born in 1984. In fact, you could say that I didn't even exist until eleven years ago. But I will exist, I will be born.

About one hundred years from now.

I, Nick Wilde, am a time traveller, from a future where predators have it really, really bad.

It's odd to think that even my parents haven't been born yet. My great-grandparents are alive, though.

And we come full circle to what I was talking about.

I knew where Judy Hopps would be that day. I purposefully set up my hustle there. I purposefully melted that Jumbo Pop, knowing I was in full view of Judy. What, is it that hard to believe that if I could notice the fox repellent on her belt, I could spot her watching as we melted the Jumbo Pop? Is it difficult to believe that I knew she would follow us into Tundratown, and from there that she would follow us back into Savanna Central to sell those pawpsicles? Then from there to the construction site to sell the leftover sticks to the mouse construction crew in Little Rodentia? She wasn't exactly well-hidden in that patch of grass as I sold those sticks. If I had truly been surprised, I wouldn't have handled her confronting me as calmly as I did. It's all because I knew she was coming.

But just because I came from the future, it doesn't mean I know how things will go now. And that is what I meant when I said 'the fox who changed the future'.

The events that allowed Domare Dominatio to take control and subjugate the predator minority one hundred years from now… they've been stopped. And all without revealing the future to anybody.

Well, maybe that's not true… I had told one mammal when I got here, eleven years ago, where I came from, and I did prove it.

It's a long story, but I'll do my best to tell it. How I came to be, what I saw, how I came back through time to change it all… and how there were others who tried to shore up the prey supremacists.

This is a story of futures past.