September 1st, 2023
London, England
Harry Potter looked around at the very familiar surroundings. It was a familiar place, but one he hadn't seen in awhile. The blindingly white station looked exactly like Kings Cross Station, from the flooring to the ceiling, every inch was similar to the real deal except for the whiteness. It was a place he had visited once before, twenty five years ago. "I'm dead then," he sighed while brilliant green eyes glimmered with sadness, frustration and anger. It was only his luck that he'd die when a war was starting up again in his world, leaving behind those he cared about.
"You are, my Master," a whispery voice announced behind him, echoing in the empty station. Harry spun around to face the voice that spoke and paused in surprise. The man that stood before him was dressed in a plain black suit with a white, button up, long sleeved shirt and black tie. A black trench coat fell to the heels of his black dress shoes. He had long, slicked back hair that fell to the nape of his neck and eyes so dark, they looked like black holes. His skin was papery white, almost translucent in the brightness of the station. He was thin, with his cheeks sunken in, making him look like a skeleton. In his hand he held a cane with a small silver statue of a skull.
"Death…" Harry trailed off in surprise. It was not the first time he had met Death, but it was the first time he's been confronted by him looking like this. All the other times he ever died, if only for a few minutes, he was met by someone he cared about, like his parents, Sirius and Remus. "How did I die Death?" He questioned with interest. His memory was a bit blurry and it seemed his memories of before his death were also becoming unclear.
"You died by protecting your children, Master." Death explained. He watched in curiosity as his Master smiled and then quickly frowned as the news sunk in. He assumed his Master would have been pleased by this news. Not look upset about how he died.
"My children are orphans," he sighed again and rubbed his face. "Did they see me die, Death?" Harry asked with wide, concerned eyes. He didn't want them haunted by watching their father die because he had protected them. He knew how they would feel because he knows what that was like, knowing your parents died for you.
Death slowly shook his head. "No, Master. Your friends arrived only a few minutes before. Long enough for them to get the children away so they would not see your fallen form," he explained in his soft voice.
Harry nodded, a feeling of relief settling over. "Am I able to move on then, Death?" He inquired to the elder deity. At the expression that graced Death's features, the wizard sighed heavily, already knowing the answer. "I'm not able to move on am I?" He rhetorically asked with a frown. Even in the afterlife he was unable to get peace.
"I am sorry my Master. You are the only person that has ever come to master the Deathly Hollows. You are my Master and will not be able to join your loved ones." Death explain in an apologetic tone. "But…" He paused, unsure if he should actually continue on speaking. He wasn't sure if his Master would want to go along with his idea.
"But…" Harry replied with searching eyes. His expression was curious as he faced the Entity he was the Master of. He was interested in what Death had to say.
"I can have you reborn. I can give you a new life with a loving family. Unless you would like to go back to your old life?" Death questioned as he faced his young Master. He did truly wish to help his Master. By giving him a new life, he would finally get the happiness that he deserved. After all the hardships he had dealt with in his life, he deserved to be happy. He had just the family he could go to and make things even more interesting for that family. Most would assume he hated demons, but it was he who had gifted them the ability of immortality. They could still die, but it was just harder for them to. Only beings of Good, those of Witches, were truly able to be the end of a demon. He was curious to see how this particular family handled Harry Potter in the mix, considering what he was to be.
Harry stayed silent as he thought over what he wanted to do. Since he was unable to move on he had two choices. He could go back to his world that was about to start another war and deal with that all over again or he could be reincarnated and have the family he always wanted. As much as he loved his children and family, he was tired of fighting and war. He wanted a life for once where he didn't have to fight. "I'd like to be reborn," he finally decided with a nod of his head.
"Wise choice my Master." Death replied with a nod. "I do believe I have the perfect world," and with a flick of his hand, Harry disappeared as he was sent off to start the beginning of his new life.
The Halliwell Manor
May 1st, 2002
It was an intense pain that coursed through Phoebe Halliwell as her pushing contractions shot up and down her spine. Sweat dripped down her flushed face while her hair clung to the back of her neck. She was weary, hot, and feeling extremely tired. She was so exhausted, but she was unwilling to stop now, not when she was so close to holding her baby boy in her arms.
Phoebe had fought so hard for her child. She had done everything she could to ensure his safety and survival. Her wedding with Cole, their White Wedding, that her sisters had been there for, before everything with the Source happened, had ensured that her son had a destiny of a Charmed One. Her son had a tremendous concentration of power, that even when he was just a two month old fetus he performed astonishing and spectacular feats of magic through her.
The mother to be thought back to when he had nearly been taken away by the Seer and the Source of All Evil. She and her sisters had been kidnapped by demons and wound up in the Underworld in a cage. There the Seer had explained just what her son was to be. That her baby boy, who had an accumulative and balanced amount of Good and Evil in him, was destined to be the most powerful being in the world. Phoebe and her sisters were appropriately shocked. Phoebe had known her child was powerful, in the first two months he was already able to use his powers to protect himself and her, but she hadn't realized just how powerful until that short time down in the Underworld.
When the Seer attempted to take her baby, a little being made of her and Cole, the Seer had been stopped by a green force field of power that surrounded her stomach and repelled the spell. What had happened after surprised them all. Her little boy, not even born yet, had protected his family by using Phoebe as a conduit to destroy the Seer and the surrounding demons with a force of immense power. Her son's desire to protect his mother and Aunts, had allowed for them to escape.
Even though her child was part demon (like his father) and part witch (like her) it wouldn't stop her from protecting her son at any cost. Phoebe would ensure that he wasn't going to be a toy for the Underworld to use or for the forces of Good like the Elders. It didn't matter to her if he was the strongest magical being to exist in the world. He was her baby, and she'd be damned if she let anyone hurt him.
"Push Phoebe! You need to push!" Piper ordered her younger sister as another pushing contraction hit Phoebe and knocked her out of her thoughts.
Phoebe cried out as she pushed with all her might. She was close, she was so very close to holding her son in her arms.
"I can see his head!" Piper encouraged as she gently held her hands beneath the newborn as he was pushed out. She carefully held her nephew as she adjusted her grip. "Push Phoebe, you need to keep pushing!" She encouraged her younger sister.
Quickly handing a towel to her oldest sister, Paige remained holding Phoebe's hand. She had been the one to hold Phoebe's hand as she went through contractions. Now she could only watch in awe as Piper cleaned the newest member of their family's face. She watched as Piper clamps the umbilical cord about 3 to 4 centimeters (1.5 to 2 inches) from the baby's belly button with a plastic clip. Then she watched Piper place another clamp at the other end of the cord, near the placenta.
Piper had never taken midwife classes, but she knew enough to assist her younger sister with giving birth to her nephew and Phoebe's son. They had all known that they would be unable to have a hospital delivery, especially with how the magic in the air was thick and electric. It was a heavy presence within the Manor. The house thrummed with the power that her nephew was emitting. Piper swiftly moved the towel away from the baby's belly, as Paige grabbed the utensil used to cut the cord between the two clamps, leaving a stump about 2 to 3 centimeters (1 to 1.5 inches) long on the baby's stomach. There was a brief moment of quiet, before a startling cry released from the newborn, whose dark brown hair, like his mother's, was sticking up in tufts. It was an adorable sight and made Paige smile at the cuteness factor.
Beneath the chandlers in the living room/dining room of their home, where Phoebe had been laying on the table, as she had abruptly gone into labor, a glow of bluish white light settled over the family and bathed them all in it, before it disappeared.
"My baby," their middle sister whispered as she held her shaking hands out for him.
Piper smiled as she handed her nephew to her sister. Her brown eyes, the colour of coconut shells that radiated the warmth of a tropical beach, looked at her nephew. He was adorable and beautiful. His perfect little face was pink and scrunched up with what could only be annoyance at the stress he had just been out through. His cries had settled once he was in the protective and loving arms of his mother.
Tears of joy, wonder, and sadness fell from deep, earthy brown eyes - the color of the earth after torrential rains, as Phoebe gazed down at her little boy. She had waited just about ten long months to finally have him in her arms and now that she did, she was overwhelmed by emotions.
"He's beautiful Pheebs." Piper said as she finished cleaning away the after birth and tossed the towels into a bucket to be thrown out. She had purposely bought new towels for the occasion. She knew what was going to be needed to help her sister with the birth. She wiped her hands with a few wipes and also tossed them into the bucket beneath the table. She'd wash her hands later, once they got Phoebe comfortable somewhere else that was not a table, even if it was covered by blankets and pillows.
"What did you decide to name him?" Paige asked her older sister. Her eyes are a hickory brown, as rich as the earth's soil; stained with the colour of hot chocolate on a cold winter's night. They looked down at the newborn, the baby's blue eyes (as all newborns had) looked up at the three older woman looking down at him. While he was only able to see shapes and blurry figures, he could still hear their thoughts. He had always been able to do so, even in the womb.
"Peter," Phoebe replies with a smile. "His name is Peter Warren Halliwell-Turner."
Author Note: If any of you are a fan of my other story, Into The Unknown, then you will recognize the first part of this story. I am currently working on various other stories, but my mind wouldn't let this idea go until I wrote it and posted it here. I may continue it, depending on the reception, but mostly on the ideas and what I come up with for the next chapter. The title is based on what I think could have happened with having Cole and Phoebe's child be their child and survive.
Furthermore, the timeline for Charmed is rearranged and different. I made it so the episodes with Cole being the Source and Phoebe is Evil Queen occurred around when she was further along in her pregnancy. I'm not exactly sure when Phoebe's son would have been born, so I'm making up my own. I have it so Peter (Harry) is born May 1st, 2002. He is a Twice-Blessed Child and the way he was conceived is the reason he is considered Twice Blessed. Wyatt is also Twice Blessed, because of chocolates Piper ate that had a potion similar to Phoebe, that increased the child's magical powers. This means that Peter is nine months and two days older then Wyatt, rather then just a few months older. It fits the ideas I have for this story.
In this story, Cole and Phoebe were not married in the dark wedding, but a white wedding, with her sister's present. This led to their child, Peter, being a powerful force of good, and the first heir to the Charmed Ones' destiny. Even though the Seer and the Source were already attempting to steal him, even before he was born, but they were stopped and vanquished and Phoebe was still pregnant with her son when they left.
You'll learn more about their changes throughout the story.