Author's Note: Welcome back to another chapter of The Stardust Demon Hero. Hope you liked the last chapter and are ready for me, as this chapter will touch upon stuff between the Arc's along with my own little twists of fun. On another note, sorry it took so long as I've been working with college assignments, work, and a lot of things that have happened amid this whole Coronavirus mess as all of my classes are now online and I'll be releasing more chapters while doing my classwork first. Now, I've also gone through the liberty to go back and edit some things on grammar before uploading this chapter. So without anything else to say, let's get into this chapter.

I don't own My Hero Academia or other crossover elements from different areas.

"..." Character P.O.V.

'...' Character Thoughts

"..." Quirk Attacks or Moves

'...' Narrator

Chapter 13: Interlude I

'The news of the attack of the U.S.J. Incident spread among Japan's population like wildfire.'

- Deika City, Aichi Prefecture -

"Did you hear about this upstart group of villains that attacked U.A. High? Apparently they call themselves the "League of Villains"." says one man at a table of three, as he was eating with another man and a woman while enjoying a fine glass of red wine.

"Heh, Pretty ballsy for a starting group. Though the video I saw was interesting to say the least. Though, I wonder who's back them." says the second man at the table wearing glasses, as he spoke again. "So, what did the Supreme Leader say about these upstarts?" asks the second man.

"Supreme Leader Re-Destro? Nothing at all. He put down the newspaper a thirty seconds into the article about the news." says the lady at the table of three, as she continued. "They're not a threat. At least...not yet for the moment. Considering he's more worried about the deaths of some of our associates in the Hokkaido Prefecture." says the lady, finishing up on her reason why as she sips from her glass.

- West Japan -

"Did you guys hear what happened to U.A. High?" asks a young man of fairly average height with thin, slanted eyes and a straight purple fringe, parted on his right so it covers his left eye.

"Yeah they got attacked. A bummer they had to go through that." says a young woman with straight, fawn-colored hair that reaches just below her shoulders and large, dark brown eyes, as she spoke again. "Though, the one who took charge and fought the villains like that is a cutie." says the girl with her eyes closed as she smiled.

The young man sweat-dropped a bit as he spoke again.

"Right…" says the young man as he continues. "Though I gotta say, that form the kid took was a bit overwhelming." says the young man as he looks up to the sky in thought, only to turn his head and speak again. "What do you think about all of this, Inasa?" asks the young man.

"Only that the kid was amazing! That's what I expect from U.A.!" says the now identified Inasa yelling out in excitement, as the other two looked on at this scene.

- Hosu City -

In an abandoned building in Hosu, one man sits at a table as he reads the newspaper while having one thought out loud.

"Hmmm. Such an intimidating form." says the man, as he read the article.

- In Japan -

Somewhere on the road, two men were cruising down the street in a car discussing the events of yesterday alongside other things..

"I heard through the connections that the Eight Bullets got orders from the boss. Apparently they don't want any of the lower members of the organization like us to draw attention to ourselves after what happened with U.A.." says the first man in the passenger seat.

The second man sitting in the driver seat turned to his friend with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey! Eyes on the road!" says the first man.

"I got it." says the second man as he continued to speak again while not paying attention. "So this group of upstarts actually had the balls to attack U.A.?" asks the second man, as he swerved the car out of the opposite lane at the right moment.

This caused the car that almost got hit to swerve a bit, as they came to a full stop before hitting a second car coming into the intersection while a truck crashed into an expensively good looking car parked near the sidewalk as a silver car behind this truck came to an abrupt stop.

"I told you to watch the road!" says the first man yelling at his friend again, as he calmed down to speak. "Yes, and from what I was able to gather the group wanted to kill All Might. I mean can you believe that? Fighting the No. 1, who is said to be undefeatable?" asks the first man sarcastically as he continues. "Those dumb fucks were lucky to still be alive and not dead considering some escaped. And from the video leaked online along with what was said in the newspaper about All Might and the former No. 2 Pro Hero Amaterasu arriving on the scene, the battle was one sided. Well in my opinion it was, considering that all of the students they tried to kill got out safely." says the first man as he continues. "But that's besides the point. The real point is that the boss is not only jumpy from what occurred a few days ago before the attack on U.A., but is also even more jumpy and pissed off because we can't move anything around until the heat dies down as it pushes back a lot of profit and lucrative business. The attack yesterday really fucked things up for us." says the first man finishing up now.

"Are you sure he's jumpy about all of that? I mean come on, at best this group that attacked U.A. are nothing but a gang of street punks. No wonder why a lot of rumors are flying around in the Underworld that this group is causing problems for organizations like us." says the second man with his opinion.

"Well from what I'm hearing it's complicated when it comes to our boss." says the first man getting his friend's attention as he spoke again. "A guy I know who works around the higher up members says that the boss is afraid that this upstart group is being led by someone with a dark reputation. Going as far as to call this individual "The Dark Emperor Who Ruled Over The Shadows" with most people his age thinking the individual is an urban legend." says the first man as he spoke again to warn his friend. "There's a light dunce." says the first man pointing forward.

"Eh?" says the second man, as he saw the light and stopped to slow down at the red light as his friend decided to speak again on another subject.

"Hey, you know the rumors about some of the killings on some of the Yakuza in the organization, right?" asks the first man.

"Rumors? No, I haven't." says the second man answering while being a bit intrigued.

"Well, there was an attack on one of the many hideouts. Some few miles away from the main Shie Hassaikai Compound, in a much quieter part of town." says the first man as he continued to speak. "A single guy tore through the entire hideout and left almost no one alive. Everyone that was dead had gaping holes through their chest with some having neck punctures as the cause of their death." says the first man as he continues further. "Those that did get away alive told Overhaul of what happened, and boy was he pissed...Well, until he heard the entire story, that is...because the granddaughter of the former boss that Overhaul took on as his foster child ended up going missing in the chaos." says the first man as his friend becomes shocked.

"Huh?! Are you shitting me?!" asks the second man as he continues. "Just if the germophobic bastard wasn't enough already." says the second man as he sighed.

"Yeah I know. Because of it, Overhaul has everyone on the streets looking for her discreetly." says the first man, as he leaned forward in his seat.

"Which means us lower members of the organization have to do the work in finding her. And without reward I suppose." says the second man with a frown.

"Not sure, although a thought did occur to me just now." says the first man as he continued. "Just what kind of guy can be that hellishly strong to take down one of our hideouts with such ease? Considering it was one person." says the first man as the light turned green.

With this occurring, the second man in the driver seat proceeded ahead down the road only for his friend to speak again.

"And with that question being left unanswered, we are left with the problem at hand, which is the girl. If she's found by the Pro Heroes or anyone with a brain then the Shie Hassaikai is finished and we'll all be sent to prison." says the first man as he continues. "For us and most of the other members, it'll be some low level or mid level prison but for Overhaul, it's an entirely different story. They'll send his ass on a one way ticket straight to Tartarus." says the first man as he continues further. "And as such, we all know the reputation of a prison like Tartarus. A high-level maximum security prison located far away from civilization, where extremely dangerous Villains are imprisoned, whom of all were convicted of crimes where even death was too great a mercy for them." says the first man, as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes.

"Seriously? You make it sound like we're in the end times." says the second man with a narrowed look while not paying attention to the road at all in front of him.

"I'm just looking at this troublesome situation from a realist point of view. Between the hideout being attacked like it was, and to losing track of the girl. It's only a matter of time until we either find her or don't, and at that point we might be clashing with police and Heroes alike." says the first man as he opened his eyes and became shocked to his core. "Grrr, Hey! Watch the fucking road damn it!" says the first man to his friend.

The second man in the car turned his attention back to the road only to see that his vehicle was in the opposite lane and went to swerve out of it when he saw an oncoming car. This forces the first man to take the wheel himself and guide the car out of the way quickly, avoiding the collision while swerving into the opposite lane again only to get back in the right lane again and let go of the wheel.

"Bastard! I told you to watch the fucking road!" says the first man, now even more angry.

"Sorry! Sorry!" says the second man taking back control of the vehicle.

"Don't be sorry! Just pay the fuck attention to the road!" says the first man as he continued for a final time. "It's shit like this that the boss didn't want us doing. If we're gonna cruise around then pay attention. Because believe me, based on this attack on U.A. and the attack on one of our hideouts, I think things in the country are gonna be heating up soon." says the first man, as the car continued to cruise down the road.

- Midoriya Estate -

As It was currently, the day after the whole U.S.J. Incident. It meant that Izuku was at home currently in the living space as he was on his laptop surfing the web. The reason being that Principal Nezu decided to cancel classes for the day due to wanting the police to thoroughly finish their investigation while finalizing the paperwork for the Speedwagon Foundation's private security. So pretty much it meant that Izuku had nothing to do for the day as both his parents were currently at U.A. High.

So in a great amount of boredom, Izuku decided to text Momo now.

Izuku: Hey Momo, are you doing anything right now?

Momo: No, why?

Izuku: Wanna go out and get something to eat? We can talk about yesterday.

Momo: Sure, I'll get ready for when you get here. See you soon, Zuzu.

Izuku: Yea you too.

So with this said, Izuku closed his laptop and got up from the couch to go upstairs and get ready. It only took a bit of time to shower, brush his teeth and get dressed in some casual wear with a black jacket, though he left his hat on the dresser in his room. So as he left his room while grabbing his car keys, Izuku caught Alfred coming up the steps as he spoke.

"About to leave out, master Izuku?" asks Alfred, curious.

"Yes I am, though I should be back later in the day. I'll see you later, Alfred." says Izuku as Alfred nodded.

Izuku continued to walk down the steps toward the garage to get in his car, put on his seat-belt and start it up. So when that was done, Izuku pressed a button in his car to open the garage door and drive forward to the gate of the estate and onto the road towards Momo's home.

'What a day it was yesterday. Not to mention all the news coverage it's getting...' thought Izuku with a sigh.

As Izuku had this thought, he decided to speed up on the road as he made his way over to Momo's home.

- Yokohama -

Currently in Yokohama, Bakugo took the day off he was given to walk around and look around some shops. So due to not being able to find anything he wanted, he decided to continue walking around while thinking about yesterday and everything else that happened before that.

It was clear that things weren't working out for him like he swore back in Aldera. As all of his failures were adding up. From being saved by Izuku, to not being first in the Entrance Exam, to the Quirk Assessment Test. To his humiliating loss to Izuku in the combat training exercise and lastly, being useless when it came to fighting that monster called Nomu as it almost took his head off.

So Bakugo was really taking the time to sit back and think about things. Though the one thing that had been on his mind so far were the hard words of advice Izuku said to him while leaving U.A. yesterday.

- Flashback -

It was still currently sunset in the aftermath of the incident at the U.S.J., as all of the students in Class 1-A were free to head home now from the main campus after getting changed. This meant that most of the class was either sticking around to leave in small groups or that some had already left, or lastly it meant that some were getting a ride. So now, we find Bakugo walking down the hallways heading for the front entrance to proceed heading home.

Though now, Bakugo stops for a moment and has a thought while being very silent. As he came to a conclusion and decided to head in the direction of U.A.'s student parking lot. The reason behind why he was heading in this direction was because he needed answers to something while gritting his teeth a bit.

- U.A. High School Parking Lot -

When Bakugo did reach the parking lot, he saw that Izuku was with Momo along with Tamaki as they were walking to his car. Upon seeing them, he decided to speed walk and speak out.

"Deku!" says Bakugo yelling out while getting the group of three's attention.

Izuku for his part sighed a bit, as he turned around to face Bakugo with Momo and Tamaki doing the same as he spoke.

"What do you want Bakugo?" asks Izuku, already not in the mood for whatever the explosive blonde had to say to him.

"How?" asks Bakugo with gritted teeth.

This got a raised eyebrow from Momo and Tamaki alongside Izuku, as he spoke.

"How what? You're not making any sense." says Izuku calmly.

"How?! How is it that you're so damn powerful?! Why is it that every time you manage to keep pulling ahead of me?! Every time?!" asks Bakugo, yelling out in anger.

As this question was yelled out, Tamaki and Momo didn't say anything because they already knew Izuku would handle it. So as for Izuku, he looked on for a moment with a bored and calm look as he decided to speak and answer Bakugo's question.

"Do you want an honest answer? And I don't mean just how I manage to pull ahead every time. I mean, about yourself included?" asks Izuku calmly, as he spoke to Bakugo.

"Damn right I do!" says Bakugo, still angry.

This got Izuku to look on for a few moments, before sighing heavily as he nodded at this answer and decided to speak now in giving an honest answer.

"Alright, then I'll give it to you." says Izuku as he continued speaking with a harsh look and voice. "You're a crude, arrogant, short-tempered, and aggressive person. Honestly to me you're unpleasant to look at or even sight at all. Almost to the point it makes me want to puke." says Izuku while shocking Bakugo along with Tamaki and Momo as he continues. "You lack the ability of being able to work with others making you prideful. Even if you do work with someone else your cooperativeness would be nothing short of atrocious. You often have difficulty accepting your own mistakes and shortcomings, and will fiercely deny them whenever they are pointed out to you by others, regardless of who they are." says Izuku as he continues further. "But above all you lack the drive. You only seek to be the No. 1 Hero and surpass All Might only because of your thirst to win while not being able to handle a single loss from anyone. As it's caused you to develop a superiority complex and, because of that, you desire to be the first and best at almost everything. Never knowing there are stronger people than yourself out there in the world. Myself included." says Izuku, finishing up very harshly to the blonde.

These words spoken by Izuku shocked Momo and Tamaki but especially for Bakugo, as the prideful blonde was shocked to his entire core as the hits kept coming to him while he listened. The message was very clear that Izuku didn't like Bakugo, but it didn't stop him from verbally and truthfully thrashing into the blonde with his very truthful answer considering the two had known each other since being little kids. Izuku was someone, who studied a person's personality along with their own faults. His own included.

So because of that, Izuku was able to give the best answer to Bakugo as he decided to speak very calmly now.

"What are you getting at?" asks Bakugo, now very calm as Izuku spoke again.

"What I'm getting at is that normal people and many of them around you may not be powerful in Quirk alone but in mind. They make up for where they are lacking. They don't break apart when their pride is damaged a few times. What they do, is suck it up and take the fucking hits." says Izuku as he continues further. "Yes Bakugo, we may be fighting for the same goal, but our reasons for wanting the number one spot as Heroes differ very much entirely." says Izuku finishing up.

"How so? How much do they differ?" asks Bakugo with gritted teeth, as Izuku spoke again.

"I want the number one spot because I seek to help the people. The same people who are shunned everyday for having so-called villainous and unsightly Quirks by bringing them out into light instead of letting them hide in the shadows of shame. That along with helping the Quirkless stand on equal ground with the population that has Quirks. The same people you look down on along with most of the population." says Izuku as he continues. "You on the other want the number one spot because you believe a hero should never stop fighting or give up, regardless of the threat they face, and that always winning is the mark of a true hero.

"Alright! I have had enough! Get to the point!" says Bakugo yelling out as he continued. "How does any of this help you pull ahead of me in anything?! How does pointing out my faults and our different ideals make you stronger?!" asks Bakugo, highly pissed off while not seeing the point.

"Because I'm fighting for something other than myself and above all, I'm nothing like you. Far from it in fact." says Izuku, calm in his simple answer as this made Bakugo's eyes widen in shock and become completely frozen. "You wanted an honest answer, well there you have it. So I'll give you some advice. Real and to the point advice." says Izuku as he spoke for a final time while turning his back on Bakugo to walk away. "If you can't change, then at least try to act a bit more bearable to others around you. After a while your whole demeanor, and the way you act entirely will start to become unsightly and nothing more than become an annoyance as it is to me. Then, and only then, I may be able to accept you as a rival. But...until that day comes, you are nothing more than a stranger that's in my class." says Izuku walking away entirely with Momo, and his cousin.

As these last words were spoken, Bakugo stood there shocked beyond belief from everything that was said to him. As everything Izuku did they say, the explosive blonde could not refute. He had to stand there and take the thrashing of these verbal and truthful words. Listen to the difference in attitude and ideals along with what they strove towards. The general conception of one having something he seeks to protect, while the other only seeks to win at everything. But above all, Bakugo had to realize that they were in fact, nothing alike. Not even close to it.

- End Flashback -

As Bakugo continued to walk down calmly while recounting this conversation from yesterday. In his mind, he knew it clearly that something in him had to change. He knew his attitude and everything about it at best was annoyance, as Izuku made that very clear as day. Bakugo knew that in his mind that he couldn't feel insulted about any of the words in the slightest, considering all of the stuff he put Izuku through for years. The hate given to him in truthful form was fair on all accounts.

It was the truth and Bakugo had to accept that. Though, he knew it would take much time to change, as Izuku said if he couldn't at least make it tolerable for others to be around him. And so with any task like this, it was sure to be interesting and long at the same time.

- U.A. High School -

Currently at U.A. High School, Toshinori was in his All Might Form wearing a black suit and tie along with Inko, who was in a formal black dress. So now, having both finally finished all the paperwork for the Speedwagon Foundation's private security with Principal Nezu. The paperwork detailed that operatives would be on the grounds of the school 24/7 along with having operatives be positioned outside the Hero Course student's homes as well. The reason being for added security and

So now, All Might and Inko were walking down the hall with Nezu to a meeting room as she got a text and decided to speak.

"Well Izuku texted me, he said that he'll be home later in the day." says Inko with a smile.

"I think I already know where he's going." says All Might with a smile of his own as Nezu chuckled a bit.

"Well, it's good that the students are getting back to everyday things considering what happened yesterday." says Nezu, glad that none of the students were traumatized as he continued. "Now, let's get to the meeting room to discuss what we know so far about the incident." says Nezu getting back on track.

- Conference Room -

As they continued walking, the group of three arrived before a door that opened for them. So as they walked in, all of U.A.'s staff was present along with a heavily bandaged Aizawa. Tsukauchi was also present along with Heroes, Endeavor and Best Jeanist. Who were called in considering the two were both a part of U.A.'s Alumni.

Though now, All Might saw that Tsukauchi looked a bit nervous about something and decided to speak on it with a question.

"Something wrong, Tsukauchi?" asks All Might with a raised eyebrow.

" do I say this, um." says Tsuckauchi as a voice got their attention.

"What he's trying to say is that I'm here." says the voice of a man making All Might and his group turn to see the person with shock.

"N-Nighteye?! What're you doing here?" asks All Might, shocked to see his former sidekick.

"Hero business. Amongst other things." says Nighteye with a stern expression.

Sir Nighteye is a tall, lean-but-muscular man with sharp and rather elongated features. His shiny hair is always worn smoothed down and parted to his left, and is of a dark green color, with three yellow streaks towards the front, two on his right, and one on his left. His eyebrows are also yellow, matching the rims of the triangular glasses he wears and the strikingly bright-yellow irises of his stern-looking eyes. His looks give off a sense of authority, as he rarely smiles, and he always appears to be glaring.

The reason All Might was shocked is because he, and Sir Nighteye some time ago both worked as partners, with All Might taking the man on as his number two. The two worked together for a couple of years, as All Might picked up Nighteye after Inko decided to raise Izuku. Nighteye being the strategy of their duo, made their operations works smoothly but after the injuries All Might's received their relationship

So now with this being said, Nighteye turned his attention to Inko and decided to walk over and greet the woman.

"Inko. Always a pleasure to see you." says Nighteye coming over to give the woman a hug.

"You too, Nighteye." says Inko hugging back with a small smile, as Principal Nezu begins to speak.

"Alright, considering everyone's here now. Please take your seats and we shall begin." says Nezu to everyone present.

As everyone begins to take their seats like Nezu asked of them, Tsukauchi starts handing out folders to everyone. Once this is done, he takes his seat and allows Nezu to continue from here by speaking.

"Now as we look at the information gathered in these folders, we'll be watching what took place yesterday at the U.S.J on this projection screen right behind me. So let's begin." says Nezu as he presses a button on the small remote in his hand.

As projection screen plays, the meeting at U.A. High officially begins.

- Tokyo, Japan -

Currently it was noon, as Izuku was with Momo at a small cafe in Tokyo. The two decided to ride around the city, look around a couple of shops in the city, and buy a few things considering the weather would be perfect up until the evening. So now, the two were enjoying their time together while sitting in a small booth as Momo decided to speak first.

"Have you seen the news today?" asks Momo, curious for an answer as Izuku looked to her now.

"About U.A.? Yeah, the media's going crazy about it." says Izuku, answering her question.

"No, not that considering our class knew that would happen. I'm talking about this story I'm reading on page five." says Momo as she shows him the headline for the article on the page.

'Hideous Slaying of a Group of Villains Last Night In Fukuoka!'

This article's title catches Izuku's full attention now as he starts to read the article with Momo.

'At around 11:00 PM last night, multiple calls came in to the police in Fukuoka about sounds of gunfire, Quirk use, and screaming. So when police arrived on the scene, they were greeted to find a villain's hideout, and decided to call in for Heroes to help in storming the hideout. Though when they did get to storm the hideout, they were greeted to the sight of murdered villains all over the place with the cause of their deaths being dissevering wounds at the torso or head. Eyewitnesses who live in the area claimed that they saw 'A tall figure with black wings' fly away from the scene.'

'These gruesome murders tallying up to forty villains in total leave not only the city of Fukuoka in a state of shock, but also to those living in the entire Prefecture of Fukuoka as well. As this state of shock greatly stretched over Japan, especially to the No.3 Pro Hero: Hawks, as his Hero Agency is based in the city of Fukuoka itself. With the Wing Hero himself, vowing to hunt down whoever did this unspeakable crime and bring a sense of security to the city once again.'

'This horrific crime is the latest in a brutal string of murders that law enforcement says leads all the way back to the Hokkaido Prefecture in the far north of Japan that started around April. With Heroes and Police investigating this further to find the assailant.'

This article brought some shock to Izuku, as he spoke now.

"What shocks me about this whole report is that they said one person did this." says Izuku with a wide eyed expression. "How can one person do that? Not to mention the amount of lives lost. No matter if they are a villain..." says Izuku still shocked.

"Yeah and from what other news outlets are saying online, Endeavour's agency along with a couple other Hero agencies are keeping an eye on this as well as they want to prevent anymore occurrences of this. The Hero Association also made a statement on the matter as well." says Momo informing Izuku of that, as he spoke again.

"It's always something. Everyday after the next." says Izuku as he rubbed his forehead, as Momo spoke again for a question.

"What a day yesterday, right?" asks Momo as she looks at the newspaper in her hand.

"Yeah tell me about it. Between the whole incident yesterday, to finding out who my dad is, and then to you getting hit with a Stand Arrow." says Izuku while rubbing his head to calm a headache.

"And then your whole fight gets leaked." says Momo in a whisper.

"Yeah. That too." says Izuku in a whisper as well with a sigh.

'After the Incident that took place in the U.S.J., the villain's managed to get the video of my fight with that thing they called Nomu and upload it. This seemed to be the main focus of talk after everything Class 1-A went through, and the media seemed to be having a field day with it.'

"I read some of the articles myself, none of them good. The bastards really think we should have waited for more Heroes to arrive, excluding the fact that our lives were in danger." says Izuku, a bit pissed at that as he continued. "This is exactly why those laws on Quirk use are pointless. Especially if a person's life is in danger." says Izuku, finishing up.

This got Momo to rub Izuku's head as she spoke now.

"Well don't be so upset about it. Because of your quick action in taking charge, we were able to get out of it alive." says Momo, reassuring Izuku of that.

"I know, it's just our teachers got hurt and they could have died. And the public is complaining about Quirk use in all of these articles. I swear their just really being selfish when it comes to stuff like this. On one end, they want protection from villains and on the other end, they want to criticize those who act out with the purpose of just helping and doing what's right." says Izuku as he continues speaking. "I'm not a saint but I'm a person of common sense when it comes to things like this. Laws and regulations mean nothing when it comes to fighting people like this." says Izuku as Momo nodded.

"Yeah, I get it. It's frustrating." says Momo, understanding that as she spoke again.

As she said this with a frown, Momo for her part had also really understood the frustration coming from Izuku. She knew the reason why was because everyone could have been killed yesterday, but more so because she could have been as well. The Stand Arrows missed vital points due to Izuku's quick action in defending her. But to Momo from her point of view, he seemed very afraid of losing her considering anybody would be if you've known each other for years. The whole incident yesterday had plagued his mind for so many reasons, not just because of the incident itself but because of what he knew about those arrows along with what he was told by his father.

So now, coming to a decision of her own. Momo decided to scoot over and lean her body against Izuku and wrapped her arms around the young man, which surprised him greatly. So as Izuku was about to speak, he was stopped by Momo who beat him to it.

"Don't say anything. Just go with it, okay." says Momo with a smile. "Stop worrying so much, it'll only give you headaches and keep your mind away from what's important." says Momo closing her eyes while enjoying the warmth.

Izuku for his part when hearing this, got a surprised look before his face softened up into a content smile as he spoke now to acknowledge her words.

"Alright. I'll do just that." says Izuku, as he wrapped his arms around her now.

The two would continue to enjoy their time together, while finding comfort in each other's company amid everything going on so far in their lives.

- Back At U.A. High School -

The conference took place at U.A. was reaching its final stages. As the Heroes and staff of the school went over the footage of the fight between Izuku and Nomu, and then to everything else that came after with some parts being left out. They went over the information gathered by the police and discussed some concerns over the course of this meeting. So now, Nezu saw this meeting reaching its end and decided to speak now.

"That concludes much of what needs to be said in this meeting. Now starting tomorrow effective immediately, the Speedwagon Foundation's private security will be on the school grounds at all times, and at every one of our facilities. Throughout the coming weeks, they'll be working to increase the security for our students and staff so that something like this doesn't happen again." says Nezu as he continues. "This also means classes will start back up tomorrow as well, along with homeroom teachers discussing a certain topic with their students before they begin their other classes throughout the day." says Nezu finishing up what he had to say, only to continue. "Now, any questions?" asks Nezu, now waiting for them.

Everyone at this point was mostly quiet, mostly. As it seemed no one had any questions on the matter, only one person in the room stood up and spoke with his whole aura giving off a serious tone. As everyone turned their attention to the No. 2 Hero in the room. Endeavor.

"I have a question of my own." says Endeavor, beginning as he continues. "This green haired boy. Who are his parents?" asks Endeavor wanting to know.

This question alone got All Might to flinch a bit as he didn't say anything. Sir Nighteye didn't say anything as well along with some of the staff, who knew. Some knew this question was already coming considering the man's reputation.

The No. 2 Flame Hero: Endeavor, otherwise known as the Pro Hero with the highest tally of resolved cases in history. Also known as a prideful and ambitious man driven by his one goal. To surpass the No. 1 Hero, All Might. This obsessive drive has followed the Pro Hero throughout his entire life, with repeated failure having plagued him since his youth.

Dedicated to his studies and hero work, Endeavor has strived to become the absolute strongest Pro Hero in the country, but the figure of All Might and his power proved itself too much of an insurmountable obstacle for him or anyone else to overcome, leaving Endeavor in a growing state of despair as he became more and more aware that closing the gap between him and the Symbol of Peace was futile. Along with this, the Pro Hero would also prove to be cold to everyone, even to his own children.

So now, Inko was the one to stand up and speak.

"He's my son." says Inko, surprising the man as she continued. "As for his father, he works overseas doing Hero work. Uncover Hero work. Along with that the foundation I work for will be providing the school with extra security as you already know." says Inko, being simple in her answer while not telling the truth, as Endeavor spoke again.

"I see." says Endeavor accepting this answer with narrowed eyes. 'Hmm…' thought Endeavor as he turned to Nezu now to speak. "I can assume that with this being said everything here at U.A. will be fine. Considering my son is attending." says Endeavor as he looked at Nezu and spoke in a matter of fact tone.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about." says Nezu calmly as he spoke again. "So, if that's all the questions we have, then his meeting is officially concluded." says Nezu.

Everyone nodded, and got up to leave now except for All Might, Inko, Sir Nighteye, Tsukauchi, Nezu, and Recovery Girl. So when the door closed behind everyone who had got up to leave and they knew it was secure to talk freely, All Might decided to drop his Hero Form to be back in his everyday look. This action alone surprised Nighteye as he saw the man he had admired so much, now in a much more healthier state. As it seemed All Might looked how he did in his younger years as a Pro Hero, but you could see the age in his face as he was able to regain his normal muscular figure as well.

"All Might...your… you look..." says Nighteye, shocked by the man's appearance not being able to come to an answer.

"Healthy, and not like I'm dying." says Toshinori with a small smile.

"How? I thought the doctors couldn't do anything." says Nighteye, remembering this fact.

"My son, Izuku's work. Two of the three Quirks he was born with were able to help me fully heal and restored my respiratory system alongside my stomach. So no more spitting or puking blood alongside being able to keep my food down." says Toshinori explaining it, as Nighteye was a bit surprised.

"I see." says Nighteye understanding as he spoke again. "So...he's your successor I suppose?" asks Nighteye, as he pushed up his glasses.

Toshinori knew this question was coming, as he sighed and spoke to answer his former sidekick's question.

"Yes. He is." says Toshinori answering the question with a straightforward answer.

"Then why didn't you tell me this over the phone? Matter of fact out of all the people you chose to make your successor, why did you choose your son?!" asks Nighteye yelling now as he continued. "Do you not know the level of danger you're putting him in? Does he even know what he'll have to face in the future?!" asks Nighteye, shouting in frustration.

Nighteye was not only frustrated for his own reasons, but because he needed to know from Toshinori if his son knew the risks. Considering there was so much done to protect not only Toshinori's wife, Inko but his son, Izuku. So depending on the response now, it would really determine where Nighteye would take this.

"Not yet fully, but he will. I didn't choose him just because he was my son but because he has a heart beyond what being a Hero is all about. He'll understand the risks that come with the great power." says Toshinori responding calmly to the question.

"Anything else?" asks Nighteye, looking for more.

"Is there supposed to be anything else to say, Nighteye? He wants to help and save people. Especially those who are being shunned because of their Quirk, and those who never got a Quirk of their own and are being pushed around by the current ways of society." says Toshinori being serious about his reason.

"He can't do that with intentions alone! I already said, there are any number of people more suitable than him! Why can't you see that?!" says Nighteye yelling once more.

"It doesn't matter who is more suitable! It's my choice, not yours!" says Toshinori yelling as the room fell completely silent the moment he raised his voice.

Nighteye was not only completely silent, but everyone else present as well. It was clear as day that Toshinori had made his decision. It was also clear that the tension in this conversation was thick, and no one said anything because this was something that they knew Toshinori needed to say. Toshinori didn't want to yell at Nighteye, it was just that he was getting tired of the man trying to push someone else on him when he had already chosen his son as his successor. Not to mention, his son had proved to be an already great successor. It was also that Toshinori knew in his mind that Izuku wasn't doing things on intentions alone and would see what he said through to the end.

So now, Toshinori spoke after breathing in a bit.

"I say it one last time, Nighteye. One last time. It doesn't matter who the better candidate is, It doesn't matter if the successor is chosen on intentions alone, And it definitely doesn't matter who's more worthy of the power." says Toshinori as he spoke again. "At the end of the day, all Heroes and anyone with dreams in this world are built off intentions somewhere in their lives. So as it stands my decision is final on the matter, Nighteye. He will wield One For All." says Toshinori being final on the matter with a serious look on his face.

Nighteye could tell this was something, Toshinori was serious about. He didn't like it on his part but had to accept it to some extent.

"I see." says Nighteye as he pushed up his glasses. "I'll be taking my leave." says Nighteye as he turned and went for the door to leave entirely, now having nothing else to discuss.

As he left the room, it was quiet for a few moments as All Might sighed a bit as he spoke out loud while rubbing his forehead.

"Just great. I think I may have widened the gap between us even more." says Toshinori, not liking how he left things with Nighteye for a third time.

Inko came over and rubbed circles on his back as she spoke.

"It'll be alright, Toshi. Things like this take time, and you two have known each other long enough to not leave each other on bad terms like this. Plus you said what you had to say to him, it may have not come out in the way you wanted it to but you did say it." says Inko, reassuring her husband.

"She's right, All Might. There's no need to rush things on this matter. Afterall, he does need to accept that you choose a successor. So try not to dwell on the conversation." says Nezu, advising the man as he spoke again. "So without anything else to say, I'll be taking my leave now." says Nezu with a smile as he went to leave now.

Tsukauchi went to leave with the man, as he spoke to Inko and Toshinori.

"I'll update you both on any developments I find with the villains we captured. So for now, just try to relax." says Tsuckauchi, as they both nodded and he went to leave entirely now.

With everyone about gone now, Recovery Girl went to walk up to the two only to speak.

"Come on, Toshinori. I need to do one last check on you to see if everything is fine before you leave with Inko. So come along now." says Recovery Girl as she went to walk to her office with Inko and Toshinori behind her.

"You haven't changed one bit, Recovery Girl. Not one bit." says Inko with a smile.

"Well you know me Inko, got be a tough on these kids today. Especially for one that's right in behind me." says Recovery Girl, as Toshinori was sweating by just a bit now in fear of the Youthful Heroine.

- Back With Izuku and Momo -

Currently, Izuku and Momo had finished up their time at the cafe and were walking with bags in their hands. As they had nothing left to do and nothing more to shop for, they decided it was best to make their way back to the car and leave back for Musutafu. The reason being that Izuku wanted to draw out Momo's Stand along with the fact that Tamaki was coming over later. If he didn't do it today, then tomorrow was perfect for doing it.

So now as they continued walking, they were discussing other things that were happening in their life.

"So, did your doctor ever call you back with the results about what was burned into your right forearm?" asks Momo, curious about this considering Izuku still had it wrapped.

"No, not yet. Though, I am supposed to receive a call later on in the day before nightfall." says Izuku, answering as he spoke again on something else. "I heard from my mom that you, and your parents are supposed to be showing up to the event taking place at Might Tower in a few weeks." says Izuku.

"Yeah we are. Aren't you excited? I heard from Ms. Midoriya that you're supposed to be the one making the speech at the event." says Momo with a smile, as Izuku sighed with a smile.

"I am, I am but at the same time those events can be sometimes overwhelming, you know." says Izuku.

"Oh come on, Izuku. Those Speedwagon Foundation events are always something you look forward to every year. Plus from what I've heard, this year a lot of people are coming out for it, especially Heroes~" says Momo as she kept her tongue on the word for a bit more.

This only got a long sigh from Izuku, as he spoke now.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. And from what I've been told so far from my mom, dad's supposed to be making an appearance at the event in Hero Form." says Izuku, getting Momo's attention as he continues. "Though he'll only be there for a few minutes to wave, say a few words and then he's off to disappear from sight. As he'll then will reappear back in normal form wearing a tux." says Izuku informing Momo, as she remembered something.

"Oh! That's right. I still have to buy you a tux for the event." says Momo, remembering that.

"And I suppose, I'll be buying your dress? Considering we dress each other for stuff like this all the time." says Izuku with a small chuckle.

"Yep. Hit your guess right on the mark." says Momo with a smile, eager to do so.

- A Couple Of Minutes Later -

As they continued walking, they were almost to the car when something bumped into Izuku on his left side. Once this happens, Izuku stops walking alongside Momo as they look over and see a small girl with bluish, off-white hair, messy and unkempt, which is parted in the middle of her forehead, almost reaching down to her waist. She has very wide, innocent-looking eyes, which are bright red in color.

So upon seeing the little girl on the ground fallen over, Izuku decides to lean down and speak in an apologetic tone.

"Whoa, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting anyone to run into me like that. Are you alright?" asks Izuku as he reaches out to help her up.

Once he did this, she leaned back a bit. Seeming to be entirely afraid for which Izuku saw alongside Momo.

'She's trembling, but why?' thought Izuku, concerned about this alongside Momo, who also leaned down as well while seeing the girl covered in bandages.

"Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you." says Izuku reassuring the small girl, as she seemed to calm down just a bit. "Alright, seeing as you calm down a bit. Is it okay, if we can help you up?" asks Izuku waiting for at least some form of acknowledgement.

With this being said by Izuku, the little girl took a few moments to look between Izuku and Momo as she looked back at the boy of the group to nod. Once she did this, Izuku nodded back and picked her up with both hands as he stood up fully now with Momo. So as he did this, he placed her back on the ground as she stood up.

"Okay. Now that we're making progress, are you lost by any chance? Did you get separated from your parents?" asks Izuku.

The little girl shook her head, confusing the two a bit as Izuku decided to ask a question that would determine an answer.

"Do you have any parents?" asks Izuku waiting for an answer.

The girl shook her head no, which surprised the two now. It was clear that the little girl was not only scared but trembling for some reason. She didn't have parents and it was clear that she was in fact lost in a city like this. So upon knowing this little bit of information, Momo decided to lean down eye level and speak.

"Okay, considering you don't have any parents and you're lost. Why don't we get names first. My name is Momo, and this is Izuku." says Momo gesturing over to Izuku, who waved with a warm smile as she spoke again. "Now, Can we get yours, sweetheart?" asks Momo in a polite tone with a smile.

As she said this, the small girl felt some sort of warm comfort with the two. The kind that tells you these people are alright and safe to be around. So upon feeling this, the little girl spoke out while being a bit nervous in her response.

"It''s Eri." says the now identified Eri, speaking a bit nervously.

"Eri, huh? What a beautiful name for a girl like yourself." says Momo as she was getting somewhere too with the little girl and decided to speak again. "Okay Eri, now considering you're a little girl with no parents and are lost in a big city like this, it wouldn't be right to leave you by yourself. You understand?" asks Momo as Eri nodded at these words. "So we're gonna take you to the Heroes so they can help, okay?" asks Momo waiting for an answer.

"He...roes? What's that?" asks Eri confused while shocking the two at this.

The reason for this shock was because for someone her age, she should know what Heroes are. So to not know, it meant that she must have lived a sheltered life away from stuff like that which brought even more worry.

"Well Eri, Heroes are people who seek to protect people like yourself from any kind of harm. They devote themselves to making sure you can smile and live in a world without worry." says Izuku now taking over while squatting down. "I can tell you more about what they are on the way, if you like?" ask Izuku, holding out a hand with a small smile.

As he did this, Eri looked at his hand for a couple of moments. She was mostly and naturally scared but for some reason, to her these two made her feel safe and protected. For her she didn't want to separate from the two, and at the same time knew something about them was honest. So in a leap of faith, Eri decided to reach out her hand slowly to put hers on Izuku as he nodded.

"Okay. Let's go then." says Izuku softly as Eri nodded, only for him to turn to Momo. "Text my mother, and tell her what has happened. She'll be able to figure this out and maybe the detective dad knows can help." says Izuku as he handed her his phone.

Once this was done, Eri decided to tug on Izuku's hand a bit in order to get the young man's attention as he looked down.

"C-can you carry me?" asks Eri stuttering at the beginning while looking up to Izuku, as this question surprised him a bit.

"Oh, sure. No problem." says Izuku with a warm smile.

As Izuku said this, he picked up Eri and started carrying her as requested while holding her close as they walked back to his car. So as they were walking back, Eri in Izuku's arms started looking back between Momo and the said boy carrying her. This whole interaction she faced just now was a whole new feeling for her entirely as she never felt this safe before.

So while being carried she held onto Izuku a bit more tightly now.

- Streets of Musutafu -

After finishing their business at U.A. and with Recovery Girl, Inko and Toshinori were on the road now waiting in traffic. Now that they were trying to get home during the busiest part of the day, it meant that it would be like this for a bit. So while waiting in traffic, Inko's phone went off and she decided to check it with Toshinori wondering if everything's all right.

"Something wrong?" asks Toshinori with a curious expression.

"Momo used Izuku's phone. She said on their way back, they found a small girl wandering the streets covered in bandages. They are both on their way back to the Estate now." says Inko informing him as she put the phone down now. "We should get back to the Estate as soon as possible." says Inko.

"Alright, I'll call Tsukauchi. He may not be able to come over today, but he should be able to come over tomorrow." says Toshinori as he went to make the call with Inko nodding.

- Somewhere In Japan -

Currently in an abandoned building somewhere in Japan, Diavolo was speaking with the boss running the League of Villains from the shadows. The purpose of this meeting was because he had some concerns that had been in his face and he had a solution to fix it along with organizing things to be better than what they were. And to do this, Diavolo asked Kurogiri to set up a sit down with the man himself.

"I heard from Kurogiri that this sit-down is supposed to help solve some problems, and organize things for the group." says the boss in a matter of fact tone while he sat at a table.

"Yes. As it will also flesh out who we accept as a full member." says Diavolo as he rolled out a large chart onto the table and spoke again. "Now, the biggest problem I saw at the moment is that this group doesn't have a hierarchy except for you leading it, and the boy with a hand fetish as your successor." says Diavolo as this got a chuckle out of the boss.

"Alright, I see your point. Now, how do you propose we fix this issue?" asks The Boss wanting an answer.

"I'll explain. Now in any group there is always someone at the top, that being you leading as Boss. Next to that is Consigliere, who counsels the Boss and acts as a messenger between him and the adviser's direct subordinates." says Diavolo as he continues. "Now of course, the group needs an Underboss, for which I already assume you have chosen Shigaraki considering your grooming the boy. Under him you're gonna need Caporegimes, that means people like Dio and myself included who will give out the orders from you and make sure the group's business runs smoothly." says Diavolo explaining as he continued. "Though there is a problem with this too, as well." says Diavolo, making that clear.

"What's the problem then?" asks The Boss, wanting an answer.

"The problem is Capo's are usually given a territory, and a crew of their own. And considering that we're villains in a society like this, we won't be able to have territory so we'll just have to stick to making sure things run efficiently as possible. Along with that, having someone shadowing us because I don't like large groups so the Capo's will have one person with them making it two man squads." says Diavolo as he continues. "Now because we're still a small group, the lower position of Soldier will be given out when we find suitable candidates for the positions. As for everything else after that, it requires numbers. The people we don't have." says Diavolo finishing up.

The Boss of the league listened to all of this, and knew this would stabilize things greatly for them. Sure it was a small group, but he knew exactly where to place certain people at for these positions. So now, The Boss decided to speak on where he was placing people at.

"Alright then, the first open position known as Consigliere will be held by you. For obvious reasons." says The Boss, shocking Diavolo a bit.

"What? Why am I getting that position?" asks Diavolo, surprised by this course of action.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd like having that position. Considering it was you, who suggested this hierarchy." says The Boss a bit confused now.

"Don't get me wrong, I want the position but shouldn't this go to Kurogiri? I mean the guy was the one who set this meeting up in the first place for me." says Diavolo, pointing that out to The Boss and giving credit to the man.

"I see. Well the reason I haven't chosen Kurogiri is because he's special, in a manner of speaking…" says The Boss trailing off at the end, getting a raised eyebrow from Diavolo as he continued. "So I'm handing that position over to you for my own reasons, for which we'll discuss more about later." says The Boss with Diavolo nodding, as he continued speaking. "Now as for the Capo positions so far, they'll be filled by Dio and Muzan Kibutsuji, when he recovers fully and awakens. The third position however will be held by a third individual Dio is out looking for." says The Boss.

"Not anymore. I already found him." says the voice of Dio coming into the room.

This makes both Diavolo and The Boss look towards where his voice emanated from to see that Kurogiri had brought the man here, as the portal closed and they began walking forward.

"Dio. I never recalled myself summoning you here." says The Boss not liking how the man just popped in.

"Figured I would drop in considering my timing was spot on, but anyway." says Dio with his usual amused look as he continues. "The media is making a big thing out of all the news surrounding that Hero school U.A. not to mention the string of murders that's been taking place all across the country." says Dio.

"I've already been informed. And now that it's been brought up, the two of you need to calm down on that front. The senseless murder will get us nowhere and it's not necessary, which means I want things to calm down from here on out until we make our next move. I know you both want to be back at full power but there are other methods." says The Boss being final on the matter, as they could tell by the power in his calm voice.

"Fine." says Diavolo, agreeing as Dio spoke now.

"I have to disagree on this matter myself, only for the sole reason that I need to drink blood. My body hasn't been restored to full strength, meaning I still need more blood for the effects of the stasis pod to wear considering that pod is also responsible for reconstructing my body as a whole." says Dio explaining his reasoning.

"Then be more discreet. Attacking a small group of Yakuza and bringing attention to yourself is no good." says The Boss being final on that.

Dio nodded with his eyes closed, considering the man said be more discreet about how he did it. So now, The Boss continued to speak.

"Now considering you're here, Diavolo has set up the hierarchy in the league. That means the last person you found, who you're bringing into our business aligns perfectly with how we move forward." says The Boss as he continued. "I also want to meet with him tonight when you can move freely." says The Boss.

"Splendid that things are working out in terms of organization. After all, Diavolo is a clever boy indeed." says Dio with amusement in his voice.

'What the hell is this bastard up to...' thought Diavolo with a narrowed look in his eyes. 'The niceties won't fool me, or a man like this before you Dio. What the hell is your angle in all of this?' thought Diavolo, as Dio spoke again.

"And don't you worry, I'll bring him here right on schedule." says Dio making sure of that as The Boss nodded at this.

"Good. Then if there is nothing else left to discuss, you all may leave." says The Boss, finishing up now.

As he said this, Diavolo rolled the paper on the table back up as Kurogiri opened a portal up for them to leave. So when it was ready, Dio walked through with Diavolo behind him as the entire portal disappeared with him. Leaving The Boss by himself as he was in thought about two individuals.

'Yes. All of the pieces are slowly coming together on the board now. Let's just see where this all goes and how things will play out for the league.' thought The Boss feeling confident in his decisions. 'Now, two of you have been found so far. Now where is the third...' thought The Boss as he sat back in the chair he was in.

- Midoriya Estate -

It was now in the afternoon, as Izuku and Momo got back to the Estate. Izuku parked his car in the garage and got out to open, Momo's door as she held Eri in her arms. So upon walking through the garage to use a door that led through another hallway, they were now in the large foyer of the Estate as Alfred came walking in to see the small girl with both Izuku and Momo.

"Master Izuku, good to see your back. I've already been informed by your parents of the situation. They should be here within a few minutes." says Alfred as they walked up to the man.

"Thank you, Alfred. Is there anything else I should know about?" asks Izuku.

"Your cousin arrived ten minutes ago, Sir. He's in the living space." says Alfred informing him of this.

"Alright." says Izuku as he turns to Momo. "Get situated, I'll be right back." says Izuku as he looks at Momo and then down to Eri with a smile, before walking away from them.

- Living Space -

As Izuku walked to meet his cousin, he went to use his Quirk to remove his shoes and leave them at the front door considering there were no shoes allowed in the house. He went to then take off his jacket, as he hung it up and was now comfortable. So now, as he walked to the living area, he already found Tamaki sitting down just relaxing.

"You're early." says Izuku getting Tamaki's attention to look up from his phone.

"You're the one that's late to your own house." says Tamaki as he stands up. "I heard from Aunt Inko about the little girl you guys found." says Tamaki, letting Izuku know about that.

"Yeah, when we found her walking back to the car she was scared out of her mind." says Izuku as he rubs the back of his neck, only to continue. "Then those bandages wrapped around her arm and legs worry me as well." says Izuku thinking about it now.

Tamaki could tell Izuku was worried about this, anyone would. Though now, he decided to speak.

"Hey, it'll be alright. Trust me, it's a good thing you both found her." says Tamaki noting the positives.

"Yeah...your right." says Izuku with a nod.

As this conversation went on, Alfred came into the living space to speak now.

"Sirs, your parents have arrived back home and are with Momo checking on little Eri." says Alfred, informing Izuku and Tamaki.

"Thank you Alfred. We'll be right up." says Izuku as Alfred nodded and walked away. "Come on, let's go check on them." says Izuku as Tamaki nodded and they walked off to head upstairs now.

- Upstairs, Master Bedroom -

Inko and Toshinori were currently with Momo and Eri inside the Master Bedroom of the home. So as Momo held Eri, Inko was asking small questions the girl could answer to get as much information. As for Eri, she finally calmed down after some time and was answering all of the questions timidly.

"Okay Eri, we're almost done for today because I don't want to overwhelm you with so many questions." says Inko as Eri nodded. "Do you know why you're wearing these bandages by any chance?" asks Inko, wanting to get an answer to that.

The reason why Inko was asking this question was because when she worked as a full-time Hero along with being the former No. 2 Hero, she became widely known for solving tens of thousands of cases involving illegal Quirk experimentation. So being a partner beside Toshinori for so long, they discovered a few sites where these illegal experimentation took place on people with rare Quirks. So now, they wondered if she was a victim of this as Eri spoke.

"I don't know...I can't remember." says Eri as she looks down with a sad expression. "I'm sorry…" says Eri with tears in her eyes, as Izuku and Tamaki came in quietly.

It was clear to Inko that whatever Eri faced caused some memory loss, so she knew not to push further and rubbed circles on the little girls back as she spoke.

"It's okay Eri, don't cry. This is something that's normal and takes time." says Inko calming the girl a bit as she spoke again. "So how about this, considering we're done, how about we get you cleaned up and in some new clothes? Along with re-wrapping your arms and legs with clean bandages before we eat." says Inko as Eri looked at her. "That sounds okay to you, sweetheart?" asks Inko, giving her a warm smile.

"Mhmm." says Eri while nodding and wiping her eyes.

"Good. Now Momo, could you please take her down stairs while I find some clothes that fit her?" asks Inko.

"Sure thing, Ms. Midoriya." says Momo as she got up with Eri and left the room.

So now as Momo went down the stairs with Eri, Inko sighed and spoke to those remaining there.

"Poor girl. Just by how she's been acting so far, you can tell she's been through a lot." says Inko as she continues. "I'm just hoping she'll be alright here with us." says Inko as the three turned to her.

"Eri's staying with us?" asks Izuku, curious and hopeful at that.

"She is." says Inko with a smile as she spoke again. "Now, everyone go do what you wanna do before dinner and get cleaned up before so as well." says Inko as she decided to leave the room now.

As Inko left the room now, Izuku turned to Tamaki and spoke to ask his cousin a question.

"I assume you're staying the night in one of the guest rooms, right?" asks Izuku, wondering about that.

"Yeah, sure." says Tamaki with a nod.

"Alright, good." says Izuku.

So without anything else to say, everyone leaves the room now to get ready for the evening.

- Tea Room -

It had been three hours since it was decided Eri would stay at the Estate. Which meant the men had already gotten washed up in one of the other bathrooms, taking turns to use it. So while the ladies were still doing the same now in another bathroom after getting clothes that fit for Eri, the gentlemen were currently sitting in the Tea Room next to the Estate as they were discussing the events from the previous day.

"I swear, it's gonna take time getting used to this house, again." says Toshinori as he sits inside the room.

"That'll come quickly. Trust me." says Izuku with a calm smile.

"Right." says Toshinori with a smile, as he continued speaking. "So, I can assume you both read the articles on yesterday's incident." says Toshinori in a tone of statement, and not question.

"Yeah, I read most of the major ones this morning. Though that's not what I'm worried about." says Izuku as he continues. "What I am worried about, is how someone got their hands on those Stand Arrows. Because to my understanding, they were supposed to be kept locked up by the Speedwagon Foundation." says Izuku as he raised his cup of tea to take a long sip.

"Hmm." says Toshinori with a nod, as Tamaki speaks now.

"Then there was this "league" that was especially out to kill you for some unknown reason, Uncle." says Tamaki as he continues. "And what bothers me the most about this whole troublesome situation before us, is that someone knew what those arrows could do. Along with the fact that they were able to make a creature designed to give you such a hard time." says Tamaki as he continues for a final time. "To me, this seems like no coincidence at all. Someone is targeting us, and anyone that's closely associated with the family, may they be blood related or not." says Tamaki as he thought about all of this himself.

"Yes, that was something even I drew a close conclusion too in the aftermath. Not to mention that the star-shaped birthmark has been acting agitated as late." says Toshinori as he rubbed the back of his left shoulder. "I assume it's the same for you too?" asks Toshinori as he looks at his son.

"Yes, it's been doing the same since the sludge villain incident. Which is very concerning." says Izuku as he sat there in thought. "Is there a way to at least track the cause of this problem? Or at least give us a lead in some cases?" asks Izuku, curious while a bit hopeful.

Toshinori sat there for a couple of moments in thought. He knew the Speedwagon Foundation had kept some very old files with pictures in their archive just in case of something like this. Though for him, he only dabbled in them a bit. So as he was in thought, Toshinori's eyes widened a bit as he came to a conclusion.

"I think we may have a lead, but I'll have to get the thing beneath the Estate set back up." says Toshinori as he stands up to leave. "I'll get started on it now, but it'll take some time. So, excuse me." says Toshinori with both boys nodding, as he took his leave.

With Toshinori gone now, Izuku went to make some more tea for Tamaki and himself. As it was quiet and peaceful for some time until Tamaki asked a question of his own.

"What do you think of all this so far, Izuku?" asks Tamaki wanting to hear his cousin's thoughts on the matter.

"Firstly, like you said it's troublesome. We don't know who's behind this and why they created that thing called Nomu. Then there's the fact that they put me, my dad, and class in danger all because they wanted to kill him for just being the No. 1 Hero. And lastly to top it all off, we don't know who got their hands on the Arrows." says Izuku as he took a sip from his cup, only to continue speaking. "In all honesty, this worries me greatly considering they don't seem ready to show themselves. I'm starting to think, this is only a small taste of what's to come before the real battles begin." says Izuku as he took another sip from his cup.

Tamaki for his part nodded at these words because it was something that worried him as well. A small group of villains like that having that kind of firepower, making it sound like they had the kind of resources to make more. Not to mention, the attack was an attention grabber to not only them but the school.

It definitely did sound like the real battles were going to come soon enough.

- With Toshinori -

Currently, Toshinori was with Alfred as they walked through the halls of the Estate to a certain room. So right now, they found themselves walking to Toshinori's study in the home where he did his work when at home. The room had a few bookcases, though what they were looking at right now was the piano.

"Alright. Let's see if I still remember the pass code." says Toshinori, as he walked up to the piano.

"Best of luck, Sir." says Alfred, as he watched.

Toshinori went up to press a right side key on the piano, as he then went to press the piano key right next to the previous one, only to finish off by pressing a piano key in the middle. This caused a doorway to open up in one of the glass cases near the bookcases present in the room. So now, both men went over to it and walked inside to see an elevator.

"Alright Alfred, let's go." says Toshinori as he got on the platform with Alfred doing the same now.

As Alfred went to stand on the platform, it moved after a couple of seconds to descend.

- Under The Midoriya Estate -

So now, the two were waiting for a few minutes in silence while descending as they readied the flashlights they had in hand. They knew it was going to be dark when they arrived at the bottom, so it was better to get prepared now in advance. So when the platform finally stopped, they could hear water running from somewhere inside while they got off and began maneuvering their way into the darkness.

"Now, the switch should be somewhere close." says Toshinori as he beamed his light on a few pieces of clothes covering objects on this level.

So as he and Alfred made their way further in without hitting anything, both men finally came to a large object covered by a cloth. So upon seeing it, Toshinori pulled the cloth away only to reveal a large computer with multiple screens now. So when he did this, Toshinori sat down in the chair while clicking a button on the keyboard that made the screens light up.

Toshinori decided to crack his fingers and enter in his encryption code to a large computer. As it didn't take long for him to finish doing so, as the computer hummed and gave off a green glow of which proved that the computer was now fully opened. So when this happened, Toshinori entered in some instructions that made the lights turn on all across the underground cave now.

Once this was done, the lights went to show that Toshinori and Alfred were on the main floor of the cave where Toshinori could work. As It consists of different computers so All Might could and can hack into websites and CCTV cameras to spy on his enemies or points of interest. There are different staircases leading to different floors of the cave: one leading down to a memorial, one leading to the Workshop and one leading to the Gym. As the workshop itself is where Toshinori and Inko could work on different tools and upgrades for when they are needed in the field of fighting villains.

The weapons room of the cave is where Toshinori and Inko keep their standard costumes, along with other pieces of weaponry, as It also contains a memorial case of their Young Age costumes along with their costumes from the Bronze, Silver, and Golden ages of their careers. As for the Gym it's where Toshinori and Inko work out sometimes, as the Estate already has one with a training ground for Quirks. The room itself consists of many workout equipment such as Tires, a Power Rack, Punching Bag, Dumbbells, Barbells, a Prowler, Kettle-bells, and many other workout equipment.

Next is the trophy room where Toshinori and Inko have stored trophies and items from previous cases or Hero work. This cave also comes with a garage where Toshinori and Inko have stored vehicles for Hero work. Lastly is the repair room, where two vehicles are parked at. As it also contains several repair supplies and tools for the two Heroes and a third person to use when working on it or making repairs.

So now as Toshinori looked out at the cave for himself, he nodded with a small smirk.

"Just how we left it. This'll work perfectly." says Toshinori as he smiled with one thought. 'Perfect indeed.' thought Toshinori, as Alfred began to speak.

"Sir, may I ask why you're bringing the place back up? It seems rather odd, considering you and Lady Inko haven't used it for quite some time." says Alfred, wondering where the man was going with all this.

"Well Alfred, the reason I built this place was because I didn't feel like running back to the support companies to fix my costumes amongst other things." says Toshinori as he continues. "The other real reason I'm using it now is because it'll be of great use in the purpose of tracking down ghosts of the past that in all honesty, I hope are dead and remain that way. Though, I've been wrong before." says Toshinori with a sigh, as Alfred nodded and decided to speak again.

"What kind of ghosts, Sir?" asks Alfred, raising his eyebrows by just a bit as Toshinori spoke again.

"The kind that my ancestors fought. Something I never and am still hoping, will never have to face." says Toshinori as he continued to look around the cave for a bit.

All was quiet as Alfred did the same, for a few moments as he turned to Toshinori and spoke again.

"So I can assume I'll be very busy again, Sir? Considering I'm working with you, Lady Inko and Master Izuku along with any others that come into this, Sir." says Alfred already coming to a conclusion, as Toshinori laughed a bit.

"...Yeah, hehehe. I guess you will." says Toshinori as he looked out at the water running through the cave. "Though, it'll prove to be interesting. Won't it?"

"Very much so, Sir. Very much so." says Alfred with a nod accompanied with a sigh as well.

The pieces were being set on the table for everyone, as the winds of the storm were still brewing for one in the future.

To Be Continued...

Done!, good, bad, don't like it that's on you. So yea, here's the Interlude with a few surprises as I introduced Eri early as the next chapter will cover a bit more that leads up to a lot in a later arc. So now with this chapter done, I can start the next arc which I'm looking forward to very much as I introduced one more factor into this story. And also before I released this chapter, I went back and edited the grammar on where there were majors errors or screw ups. So analyze this chapter, and get ready for more as they come. So without anything else to say, please review and I'll see you all for the next chapter.