Chunin Exam Finals
At the day of the Chunin Exam Finals, the day the greatest prank of all time would take place, the day Naruto worked towards the last years.
It took several hours for the Chunin Exam Stadium to fill and for the competitors to arrive. Even before the first spectators arrived. Naruto could be seen sitting cross-legged in the middle of the stage, drinking tea, as if he had no care in the world.
"Today is going to be a hell lot of fun" said Naruto to Kurama through their Mental Link
"That's for sure kit, but you know that the council will be a pain in the ass?" Kyubi growled in Naruto's Mindspace
"Ahh, don't worry we will show them to not fuck with us, after all I think I know the laws of these village better than the whole council combined."
"Hm… and if that's not enough we can still scare them a little bit" the fox said with excitement evident in his voice.
The stadium was now filled to the brim with people and all other competitors where standing in a line beside the still cross-legged and calm Naruto, most of the eyes were directed towards him, trying to see if he would give some sort of signal that he was aware of the situation he was in or that he was in fact not calm at all. To their disappointment he didn't even seem to take notice of the stares.
They watched Naruto so tense that most of them didn't even notice the proctor entering and were surprised hearing his cough.
"Thank you for the attention" he deadpanned, "Anyways I greet you ally to the final stage of this Chunin Exams, the rules *cough* stay the same as last time. Killing is *cough* allowed, the match ends if one is unable to fight. The first match will be Neji Hyuga vs. Naruto Uzumaki." Gekko said.
"Are both fighters ready?", he asked, looking at Naruto who just finished sealing his tea set and got into the basic academy stand. "Well then, Fight!"
"Just fortifie dead-last, I know that you have no skill at all, while I'm last year's rookie of the year. What could you do against me? Look at yourself trying to fight a Hyuga with Taijutsu? And with the basic academy stand non the less? Hell, I even see some openings right now.", said Neji with a smug expression, "Fate has already declared me the winner!"
"Hmmh, strange and I thought the proctor's name is Hayate", Naruto said and settled into what could best be described as a bastartied Academy Kata.
[A/N: The arena is built in a way that everything that is said in the middle can be heard even at the seats that are far away. So, everything the fighters say can be heard by the whole audience]
"Fighting an Hyuga in Taijutsu is not a smart move at all, but to try it against someone like Neji without any skills in Taijutsu will surely cost him his promotion" Analyzed Asuma with every other shinobi in the stands agreeing, while some still snickered at Naruto's remark.
"Why Are you trying to fight a Juken (Gentle Fist) prodigy like me with Taijutsu, I fought not even a dead last like you would be so dumb"
"you answered your own question, while normally ninjas shouldn't show his skill, here it's the whole point of the exam and to best a Taijutsu genius will surely show my Taijutsu skill."
Neji, no angered by Naruto's word charged at his enemy at a high speed, wanting to end this fight as soon as possible, to humiliate Naruto in front of the crowd.
Most of the crowd didn't even pay attention to the fight at this point, they fought that Naruto had no chance with his lousy style against a prodigy like Neji. After a few seconds Neji seemed to find an opening a tried to hit, but to the shock of everyone Naruto easily countered the attack and hit Neji in the chest. The same thing happened again and again
"How?", asked Neji. "How? Well that was rather easy, the opening that you saw, weren't openings at all, they were my own Taijutsu-style called the 'Enticing Fist'. It capitalizes on the cocky attitude of an enemy, showing them fake-openings that you than use to finish them.", the blond answered still loud enough that the crowd could hear him.
In the stands most of the shinobi were shocked, they knew about Naruto reputation as a dead-last a thought the he just made it with luck, but to use a such an intelligent style was something truly astonishing.
"Even if you can counter my attack you aren't strong enough to do any damage to me a clan-less orphan like you will never beat an Hyuga like me" Neji stated arrogantly
"Oi is that so, well let me prove you wrong again" said Naruto and to the shock of everyone present he slammed his fist into the ground and create a crater with a strength that could rival that of Tsunade herself.
"As you can see Neji I merely held back to prevent this fight from ending to soon, but tell me why do you think I'm not from a clan? The proctor just called me Naruto UZUMAKI"
Neji while shocked from Naruto incredible strength, tried to keep calm and come up with a new plan. "I don't know what you are dreaming of but there is no clan that can rival the Hyuga and I never have even heard of other Uzumakis"
Normally someone would feel insulted if some told him that their clan wasn't important, but Naruto was simply shocked, "Y-You don't know? And you wanted to be a Chunin? PLEASE tell me that you are just an exception" but to Naruto shocked a lot people in the crowd seemed to be puzzled
"Why would it be important to know about some weak no name clan for being a Chunin"
"Well because you would wear the symbol of my clan on you flak jacket like every other Chunin and Jonin does, "Naruto said in a matter of fact tone and shocked the people that didn't knew about the history between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha, "and for being a weak clan" Naruto continued while pulling a sheathed katana seemingly out of the air, "I think that I have showed enough of my Taijutsu skills, so we can continue to one of the two things that made my clan feared, Kenjutsu" he ended and draw his sword, while throwing away the sheathed that dissolved into blossoms as soon as it left his hand.
Many of the older shinobi were shocked again, despite what already happened.
"Why are the people looking so strange at Naruto?", asked Ino. Before anyone could answer, TenTen, squealed like a fangirl, "That is Benihime, the Blade of Uzu!" To see the normally calm TenTen act that excited made Lee ask" What is so exciting about this sword Guy-sensei?" Before said Green Beast could start his speak about the youthfulness of the blade of Uzu, one of the ANBU that was standing nearby, also with heart in her eyes, spoke "It's the best sword, no weapon, to ever exist, it's said to be a gift of the Sage of Six Paths himself to the Uzumaki Clan, furthermore whoever wields that blade is not only considered Clan Head of the Uzumaki Clan, but also Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, with that sword he is automatically equal to any Daimyo."
"hmph, then I'm going to take it for the Uchiha clan" said Sasuke. At this most of the surrounding people looked shock at the disrespect, while Kakashi just chuckled, "If I were you I wouldn't try that Sasuke-chan, not only would you that be illegal, but also if anyone not of Uzumaki blood tries to hold it he will die a cruel death, Benihime after all is a sentient being, who's one loyal to those of royal Uzumaki blood"
Naruto settled into his raging fox stand and quickly began his fight with Neji, not that it really could be considered as such, as soon as Naruto started attacking cuts appeared all over Neji body even the ultimate defense of the Hyuga, the Kaiten (Rotation), was destroyed with one of Naruto sword techniques. After Naruto showed the crowd some of his Kenjutsu skills for some minutes he stopped the attacks and stored his sword away. "I think that was enough Kenjutsu for now." Naruto said to the kneeling Neji, that could just barely stop himself from passing out due to the pain that came from the cuts, to his dismal Naruto's last strike had cut Neji hitai-ate so that the caged bird seal was visible for everyone. "Now to end this fight I will show you why Iwa, Kumo and Kiri sacrificed nearly 20.000 shinobi just to destroy my clan, Fuinjutsu" he said to Neji while part of the crowd where shocked from the revelation that Naruto clan alone had taken down so many enemies, some of them started to remember the stories about Uzushiogakure and how they basically won the second shinobi world war for Konoha alone.
At the mentioning of Fuinjutsu Neji looked utterly disgusted.
"I understand that you as well suffer from a seal Neji but lucky for you Uzumaki's always have been some of the best seal master to exist" and before anyone could comprehend Naruto statement he placed his hand on Neji forehead and cried out "Secret Uzumaki Technique: Release of a caged bird!" and the shock of everyone that knew about the caged bird seal it wasn't on Neji head anymore. "You will be happy know that once a caged bird flies he can't be captured again" Naruto told Neji shortly before the Hyuga passed out from the pain
"So… care to call the match Hayate-san?"
"Ahem… yes… winner Naruto Uzumaki."
The crowd was shocked that Naruto was not only skilled in an unknown Taijutsu and Kenjutsu style, but also was the head of a clan and disrupted one of the biggest clans in the village and showing his Fuinjutsu skill with destroying a seal that was said to be unremovable. After a few moments some of them started to cheer, and not shortly after they exploded, roaring in approval of the skill of the blonde.
The next fights proceeded as predicted, with Sasuke beating an Ame-nin, Gaara crushing a girl from Kusa and Shikamaru forfeiting against Temari.
"I wonder what Naruto has in store for us know" said Kurenai curiously. "Perhaps some Ninjutsu?" asked Kiba, who was still quit exited from Naruto sudden skill,
At the mentioning of Ninjutsu Shikaku's brain, who sat just a row behind the rookies, together with some fellow clan-heads, started to work and before anyone could say another thing he started to laugh like a mad man. To the others, especially Inochi and Choza, that was quite a shock, they couldn't remember the last there usual silent and lazy friend had such an outburst.
"What's the matter Shikaku?", Inochi asked, worry for the sanity of his friend in his voice.
"I just realized what kind of prank Naruto has played on us for the past years, and what we are about to see." After this statement all of them looked puzzled
"For years? And what will we see?" asked Choza
"Oh, it would be extremely mean to destroy all the hard-work Naruto had with this, but I'm fairly certain that however bet their money on Naruto will be a rich man tonight." He said still chuckling, while his evidence for his assumption were quite circumstantial everything from the Tai-, to the Ken- and Fuinjutsu skill remembered him of a certain Bingo Book Entry, from a person who wore a fox mask non the less. "I will just say one thing: prepare for some awesome Dragons"
Kage Booth
"Ahh Jiraya there you are, you wouldn't happen to know something about the sudden increase in Naruto's skill?", asked Hirzuen the newly arrived Toad Sage.
"Why of course I would know about the skill my apprentice has, it would be a shame if I didn't."
"And why didn't you tell me about it?" asked Sarutobi, now with a slight edge in his voice
"Kid asked me too, besides I'm sure you will love the… show that Naruto will deliver today."
"You mean that we haven't already reached the climax, with the humiliation of one of the biggest clans of the village?" asked the Hokage, slightly worried what a Jinchuriki with the dramatic tendencies of his pupil would do.
Jiraya just gave a short laughed and said, "Far from it, sensei."
As Sasuke and Naruto were standing opposite each other, Gekko started the match.
"Hmph, you may have beaten the Byakugan but you can't beat the Sharingan, you won't become a famous shinobi after all, and then I'm through with you I'm going to take the sword of you and make it an Uchiha weapon."
Naruto smirked "an advice to you and everyone Sasuke, I didn't chose my sword, it chose me it's a sentient weapon that won't let itself be wielded by someone else, but enough trash talk for now, don't you agree?" he said a set into a thinking pose "now what should I use…?" he trailed off before apparently coming to a conclusion "seeing as I beat the Hyuga with Taijutsu it would only be fair if I use Genjutsu and … let's say elemental ninjutsu against you? Don't you agree?"
"Why would he let Sasuke copy his Jutsus?" was the one thing everybody thought
"Oh, and before you get a hard-one you won't be able to copy any of my Jutsus"
"Hn, the Sharingan can copy everything, it's after all a gift from kami."
"well no it isn't, and it can copy Jutsus without hand-seals"
"Is that true Kakashi-sensei" asked Ino up in the stands
"Maa it is, but most Chunin aren't able to do anything else than e-rank Jutsu seal-less and were few shinobi have ever been able to use anything above b-rank like that. The Nidaime was known…" Kakashi explained but was interrupted by sudden cry of "Kage Bushin" from Naruto
Shortly after Naruto stopped the trash talking he created 5 Kage Bushins, each of them clapping there hand and crying either "Suiton/Katon/Futon/Raiton/Doton: Kage Ryu" (Water-/Fire-/Wind-/Lightning-/Earth Release: Shadow Dragon "and to the shock of the crowd 5 perfect dragon appeared in front of the shadow clones and started to attack Sasuke
"That…That…That…That…" was the exact thing most shinobi were only able to say, and it was a pretty got description of the situation to be honest. Naruto's former shown skills, while impressive, weren't really that good to evaluate in a fight against a single Genin, the Tai- and Kenjutsu, was simply above Genin level, but no one was really able to analyze it enough to rank him in a certain skill level, while the Fuinjutsu was generally so far above the level of even most Jonin that the only one that could judge Naruto's skill with it at the moment would be Jiraya. But to create a dragon of every element, let alone without a single hand-seal was something they could judge. Or could if they would be able to realize what has happened.
"Wow… 5 dragons that looks cool!"
"No Kiba" Asuma said "that doesn't look cool that is more than unbelievable" he continued, describing what everyone of the gathered Jonin thought.
"why is it so unbelievable sensei?" asked Chouji
"Well for starters, an elemental dragon is an a-rank Jutsu, that usually take about 40 hand-seals, most Chunin wouldn't be able to create one for the extreme concentration and the chakra it takes. So, creating 5 at the same time is a feat only the Hokage and maybe Jiraya-sama can hope to achieve." Asuma explained
"But that obviously not all creating something like an a-rank Jutsu with just half the seals is something most elite Jonin struggle with, because it takes unrivaled mastery over the perspective element" Kakashi continued
"Hahahahaha" the voice of a Jiraya shadow clone interrupted "you are too confident in my abilities Kakashi I wouldn't be able to create any 3 a-rank Jutsus at the same time, I simply haven't mastered enough elements for that" he continued.
"to master all five elements like that is unheard of expect for the…" Asuma trailed off than realization hit him some other seemed to come to the same conclusion because they, despite all odds, became even more shocked.
Down in the arena Naruto was finished letting his dragons' toy with Sasuke and shouted "Henge Fuin: Kai (Transformation Seal: Release)" and in poof of some in place of Naruto stood, what could be best described as an enigma of the shinobi world. The renowned elemental dragon, with his signature mask on but for the first time with his hood down showing his sun-kissed yellow hair, there was no denying it for the audience Naruto Uzumaki was already considered an S-rank shinobi in many bingo books.
Kage Booth
"Troublesome" muttered Hirzuen, "an S-Rank at the age of twelve, really next you are telling me that he has mastered… oh no! Jiraya! Senjutsu with twelve? Why did Ma and Pa even allow this?"
"Sensei", Jiraya said with a stern voice, "don't ruin the surprise!"
Up in the stands Kurenai had just explained who exactly the elemental dragon was, and they now stared all down into the arena eager for an explanation
"You see Sasuke I don't need to become a famous shinobi, because I'm already am… so let me show you my very first self-created s-rank elemental Jutsu" and without anyone letting comprehend what he said he started a short series of three hand-seals Dragon-Ram-Kage Bushin Seal "Ninjutsu: ErementaruKage Ryu (Ninja Technique: Elemental Shadow Dragon) and before Sasuke could react the five dragon that had begun to circle him traveled to the same spot where the seemingly clashed to create an bigger and by the looks of it more dangerous dragon. The most astonishing thing about the dragon was that no one would be able to pinpoint what part was made of which element, if one watched the dragon it could seem like the body was made of earth while it was surrounded by wind blades and had fire in the eyes, while in the next moment it would seem like it was made out of water with lightning sparkling the surface.
It seemed like the brains of the gathered shinobi got into override from the shock they witnessed and instead of blabbering nonsense or repeating phrase stuttering, everybody mind just seemed to except everything impossible that Naruto did and made an note do themselves that they should stop talking about impossible and start using improbable if something was related to Naruto
"I wonder if he really has created it himself. Asked Asuma
"Maa to create a combined dragon is really impressive but I wonder if its really s-rank" said Kakashi
Jiraya who had listened to the Jonin talking started giggling" you are right Kakashi I wouldn't label as a s-rank" that irritated some of the ninjas, it was obviously very powerful" it should be a ss-rank the least and he did create it himself, after all I was the one he tested it one" to Jiraya's surprise none of the shinobi gave astonished reactions, their brains seemed to be to overloaded to do so instead the asked why an ss-rank. "hmm," Jiraya smirked and asked "you haven't notice "just to get a shake from everyone "him let me give you a hint what hand-seal did he end on"
"the one for a shadow clone I think" said Kakashi
"Yapp and now asked yourself what you have seen so far, normal dragon attack an enemy once maybe twice but what the Gaki did is creating dragons that are semi-sentient like shadow clones, so is the combined dragon, that alone gives every single dragon at least s-rank in my mind, even if he disagree with me, but the combination…" Jiraya trailed off" I haven't found a Jutsu that is able to resist an direct attack from the dragon because it seemingly change his attack element to use the weakness of the Jutsu, combined with the incredible speed they have when the really attack… I'm pretty sure none of you would be able to survive it" Apparently Jiraya spoke louder than he had anticipated because a whole lot of the audience start whimpering again and cried things like" How? How? How?" or just stammered.
It took some minutes for everyone to stop whimpering, in which the dragon seemed to toy with Sasuke while Naruto had begun to drink tea again.
After Naruto felt like the majority of the crowd had overcome their shock at least for now he dismissed his dragon and turned towards the exhausted Sasuke, "Now like I promised: Genjutsu" and before Sasuke could react Naruto called out "Genjutsu: Kokuangyo no Jutsu (Illusionary Technique: Bringer of Darkness)" and true to his word Sasuke world turned black and to his shock his Sharingan wasn't able to break the Illusion. Meanwhile Naruto smirked, this specific Illusion was created by the Nidaime (2nd) Hokage for the use against Doujutsu wielders, because it would only be lifted when the target would deactivate there Doujutsu, something most Hyuga and Uchiha wouldn't dream off.
Kurenai, as the Genjutsu Mistress she was renowned as, was astonished and Jealous, that Naruto was able to use a Technique, that she knew was in the Scroll of Seals alongside with many Kinjutsus the Nidaime and other shinobi created.
After most of the crowd was seated again, Hayate jumped down into the arena to call for the competitors. Shortly after he stated, "Final Round of the third stage of the Chunin exams: Gaara No Subaku vs. Naruto Uzumaki, begin!"
Unlike Naruto's former enemies Gaara didn't feel the need to tell Naruto an endless Monologue and simply stated, "Mother will have your blood!", before sending sand tendrils towards the blonde.
Said blonde immediately begun to dodge and throw some shuriken at his opponent to test his defense. Before he created a bunch of Shadow Clones that distract Gaara, while he to the bewilderment of the people, sat down near the whole, while closing his eyes. Just a few of the shinobi that had seen Jiraya fighting serious in the last war had a clue what he did.
The Clones were able to distract the red-head for several minutes, enough time for Naruto to gather some Nature Chakra and to enter Sage Mode, when he suddenly jumped up many were astonished by the change of his eye color, the normal blue orbs had been replaced by golden ones with a black bar in the middle. "Coming up next: Senjutsu!" he cried out and started to attack.
Meanwhile Kakashi and some fellow Jonin were only able to mutter something about "crazy overpowered brats, that can apparently do everything" before Jiraya explained the awesomeness that came with being a Toad Sage, while forgetting to tell them that Naruto has mastered it even more than he had. Now in Sage Mode Naruto was able to dodge each of Gaara's Sand tendril with ease and gave deal some devasting blows to the red head, forcing him to partially transform.
Finally, even his Shukaku form wasn't enough and Gaara casted a sleep Genjutsu, releasing Shukaku in the process. Then Sandaime started to give orders for his ANBU to interfere when Jiraya laid a hand onto his shoulder and shocked the, signalizing that Naruto had it under control
Naruto sheathed his sword and adopted a Madara like grin on his face, "so the little tanuki finally decided to play with me!" he said in a teasing voice "HOW DARE YOU PUNNY HUMAN I'M GOING TO DEVOUR YOU! ROOAR!" screamed an oblivious angered Shukaku. Naruto still stood calm and collect before the one tailed beast, when he started to run through hand-signs in a fast pace. Attacking Shukaku with different Jutsus while dodging at the same time.
"Why did you tell Hokage-sama to stop the ANBU from interfering?", asked Kakashi worriedly "I understand that Naruto is strong, but even a Kage was normally not able to defeat a Tailed-Beast on their own."
To the shock of the surrounding people Jiraya just chuckled and said, "Indeed, most are not, but that actually is a brilliant opportunity for the climax of the whole thing."
"Because the ridiculously strong Ninjutsu wasn't enough, what could possibly…" Kakashi started sarcastically before trailing of and looking at Jiraya in shock again. "Please let it be Chakra Chains and not the unique Bloodline that no one seems to be able to manifest naturally since him, please"
But Kakashi prayers weren't heard and after a few moments Naruto started a series of hand-seals, with the kanji for "sit" appearing on his right hand "Sadly I think we have played long enough "and before Shukaku could respond Naruto jumped forward an pressed his hand against Shukaku's head. "Mokuton: Kakuan Nitten Suishu (Wood Release: Kakuan's Tenth Edict on Enlightment)" To the surprise of the crowd ten wooden pillar rose around the tailed beast, and slowly began draining the demonic chakra, a few moments later an unconscious Gaara laid in the middle of the circle.
Kage booth
Again Hirzuen Sarutobi had dropped his pipe, before today he would have sworn that nearly nothing could shock and that was true, a joined invasion from Iwa, Kumo and Suna would have never made him loose his cool, but seeing the supposed dead-last of the last graduation class, not only beat an Hyuga prodigy in Taijutsu but also the Uchiha prodigy in Ninjutsu, while using a-Rank Jutsu of every element without hand-seals, and also wielding the legendary blade of Uzu, definitely shocked the Sandaime Hokage, when he then saw the same person defeating a tailed beast, using a blood-line that was only recorded once in the history of the whole elemental nation's Sarutobi finally snapped and turned toward his pupil "HOW?! HOW CAN AN ROOKIE GENIN BE THE PROBABLY STRONGEST SHINOBI I HAVE SEEN IN MY ENTRIE LIVE, WITHOUT ME EVEN NOTICING?!" he shouted so loud that the whole stadium could hear him. Most of the crowd where shocked, the Kami No Shinobi, called the blonde the strongest person to ever live, could that be true?
Before something else could happen, the "Kazekage" jumped down into the arena along with the sound-four, alongside with many of his ninjas, before any of the Konoha shinobi could react, a purple barrier surrounded the arena "Surender boy you are trapped inside here, even if I must admit that you are good you can't hope to defeat me" shouted Orochimaru who had taken a battle stance after revealing his face to the crowd. "Orochimaru, the pedo-sanin, hmmh, I think you misinterpret the situation, it's you who is trapped inside this barrier, perhaps you can guess who my mother was from my sword, well let me introduce my father" Naruto said, and to the shock of everyone he pulled out an familiar three pronged kunai "BWHAHA, as if, you can't do it anyways", said the Sanin, ignoring the comment on his… sexual preferences "Watch me" answered Naruto calmly, and in a flash of yellow he disappeared.
After a few moments he appeared at the same spot again, with everyone besides Orochimaru knocked out, some of the audience were whimpering and curled to a ball, muttering about how "blonde-overpowered-brats that an heir to a nation, are of course the son of the Yondaime"
"And now for the final act", Naruto stated and before Orochimaru could say something he cried out "Futon: Rasenshuriken (Wind Release: Spiraling Shuriken) and slammed the attack into Orochimaru, who was reduced to a pulp before smashing into the barrier of his sound-four where his remaining parts where incinerated.
It was at this day that many shinobi defined a new first rule for themselves: Don't assume anything about Naruto! Those who weren't in the process of making life changing decision still tried to dispel the Genjutsu they were trapped in or simply stated curled up into a ball while muttering some incoherent phrases. "A weird day", Naruto concluded, "but definitely a Great Prank"
[A/N: I don't own Naruto! The image belongs to tubeyo on DeviantArt! So, I own nothing *sob*
Another thing before the end, I have published a new FF today, it's a crossover but, while I use a common premise, it's NOT simply the canon story of PJO with Naruto inserted, but a new adventure. I hope you give it a try if you are familiar with the Percy Jackson Universe and not to put off by crossover generaly.]
Version 2.0
Iwagakure Bing Book Entry #223
Naruto Namikaze
Basic Information:
Status: Active
Classification: SS-Rank
Name/Alias: Naruto Namikaze/born as Naruto Uzumaki/Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, /Konoha's 2nd Flash/The Elemental Dragon/Jinchuriki of the Kyubi No Kitsune
Family: Kushina Namikaze (born Uzumaki), deceased, mother, known as the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero, S-Rank Kunoichi, married to Minato Namikaze
Minato Namikaze, deceased, father, known as Konoha's Yellow Flash and Yondaime Hokage, SS-Rank, married to Kushina Namikaze
Hashirama Senju, deceased, great-great-grandfather, known as the Shodai Hokage and first Mokuton user, S-Rank, married to Mito Senju (born Uzumaki)
Tsunade Senju, alive, surrogate grandmother and sensei, known as the legendary sucker, one of the Sanin and best medic-nin to ever live, S-Rank
Jiraya, alive, godfather and sensei, known as Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku, one of the Sanin and self-proclaimed super-pervert, S-Rank
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Affiliations: Mount Myoboku
Village: Konohagakure No Sato
Rank: Genin (because the second person that achieved an SS-Rank status apparently doesn't have the potential to become a Chunin in the eyes of the tree-huggers)
Registration-ID: 220301
Date of Birth: October 10th
Blood Type: 0+
Height: 1,55m
Weight: 50kg + unknown amount of Weight Seals
Biography: Born as Naruto Uzumaki, he was treated badly in his village for most of his life, with the people thinking he was the Kyubi. Sometime after hist 7th Birthday he began training with Jiraya and left with former, after creating a Blood Clone. He learned nearly every Taijutsu-Style known and came proficient with it, while also mastering his unique Kenjutsu-Style the Raging Fox, before he turned 10. Following his 10th birthday he started his elemental training, that took him approximately seven months, being able to do hand-seal less A-Rank Jutsus, with all five elements, when he completed it. After that he travelled to Mount Myoboku, to train with the Toads and learning Sage Mode. After fishing his Senjutsu-Training and returning to the Elemental Nations, he began to make a name for himself, quickly becoming known as the Elemental Dragon. In the year between his 11th and 12th birthday he mastered his father's Hiraishin No Jutsu and Rasengan, while also starting to utilize his Mokuton ability.
After returning to Konoha he shocked everyone with his kills, while participating in the Chunin exam. He basically defeats all the shinobi Oto and Suna send ending the invasion on his own. Due to the joined attack by Sound and Wind, the Chunin exam were interrupted and no Genin was promoted.
Mission Completed:
S-Rank: 18
A: Rank 5
B-Rank: 1
C-Rank: 0
D-Rank: 21
Advanced Data:
Academy Info: entry at age 8, known to be the dead-last, a Blood Clone act in his place
Genin Info: enlisted at age 12, a Blood Clone act in his place for the first six months
Team: Kakashi Hatake, A-Rank Bingo Book Entry #78, sensei
Sasuke Uchiha, C-Rank Bingo Book Entry #224
Sakura Haruno, E-Rank Bingo Book Entry #225
Chunin Info: -
Jonin Info: -
Special Unit's (ANBU, T&I…): -
Elemental Affinity: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water
Taijutsu: SS-Rank (Use the Enticing Fist, nearly impossible to fight because you never know if he has an opening or if it's a trap, if you fall for a trap you are mostly like beaten with one hit)
Kenjutsu: SS-Rank (at least on par with the seven swordsmen of the mist, wields the legendary Blade of Uzu)
Ninjutsu: SS-Rank (extremely skilled in elemental manipulation and space-time-techniques, uses high ranking Jutsu with ease and seal-less, can create semi-sentient dragons)
Genjutsu: A or S-Rank (largely Unknown, can use an Illusion that apparently even the Sharingan can't break)
Fuinjutsu: Seal Master
Special abilities:
95.000.000 Ryo in Iwa for several crimes committed by former Namikaze's, dead or alive
35.000.000 Ryo in Otogakure for several crimes, dead, in-active due to destruction of village
Recognizable Traits:
Wears a Kirikagure-ANBU-Style outfit
Black, foxlike mask with red markings
Red Katana in black sheathe at his side
Eye color changes, normal = blue, using Senjutsu = Yellow, using Demon Chakra = red
blonde hair
Do NOT attack under any circumstances!
Known Pranking Mastermind!
[A/N: Yo, I just noticed that there are some hyphens in the text, that make no sense. They were created, when I copied the text from Word to the Editor. I will fix them at some point, but are to lazy right now.]