A/N: Hi, friends. And I say that with the utmost sincerity. I feel like I've made friends from this story. It sucks that this is the last chapter, though. But I've been at this one since November and it's time for it to end. It's been a hell of a ride, though. I'm going to miss seeing you guys every Tuesday. By this time next week, this story's going to become an Attack on Titan fic. I know. An odd juxtaposition. But if it makes you feel any better, the Ouran High School Host Club fic I ended yesterday is getting replaced with Castlevania fic, so…Hindsight's 20-20. But thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I love you guys and I'll see you later.

I did it. There were times where I thought I wasn't going to make it. So many all-nighters, a few cancellations that thought were going to make my heart give out. But dammit, I did it. I managed to pull together an RFA level party in exactly a week. By the looks of things, we're going to have a full house tonight, too. It's been a pain in the ass and I've been stressed to the gills all week, but dammit, I did it.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to arrange a date with Zen this week. God knows I could've used it. But on the plus side, I did have someone next door that stayed in his office all week in case I needed something. I swear, I don't know what I would've done without him. Whenever things were starting to look bleak and I wanted to throw myself into oncoming traffic, Seven was the one who pulled me back to the curb. And God bless him for it. For now, though, I knew I was prepared for a good, strong drink and a night off.

Along with not being able to have that date with Zen I was in desperate need of, I had no time to go find something to wear to this damn thing. I was too busy planning it! It's not like I could get away from that for an afternoon to go shopping. Yet again, that was a job delegated to Seven. The thought of it initially made me cringe. It was the Googleplex event all over again. And my gut told me that Seven was going to come home with a banana suit. I didn't have a chance to look at what he picked out until a couple hours before the party.

The garment bag hung on the back of my closet door, practically vacuum sealed. Seven wouldn't let me look at it. He'd slap my hands away anytime I'd reach for the zipper. He promised me, though, that it was my size and tasteful. Yet I couldn't help but worry if he trolled me. Because if we're being honest, it wouldn't surprise me. It wouldn't be a banana suit. It'd be something more along the lines of a cat maid costume or a slutty nurse or something of the like. Hey, God? Tell me Seven didn't troll me. Tell me Seven got me something presentable. This is my first RFA party and I don't want to screw this up.

Seven had gone to get his suit from the cleaners and left me alone in my apartment to get ready. Well…Moment of truth. Slowly, I pulled the zipper on the garment bag, keeping my eyes shut in silent prayer. This won't be a troll job. This won't be a troll job. This won't be a troll job. Seven loves me enough to where I can trust him with things like this and I'm not showing up to my first RFA party in a banana suit. Or as a slutty nurse…Or a cat maid. Or anything that wasn't perfect for this.

When I opened my eyes, my heart stopped. Oh, Seven…I'm sorry I ever doubted you. A deep blue dress hung on the back of my closet door against the white bag. In a way, it kind of reminded me of the red dress I wore to the Googleplex event. Although, the neckline wasn't as deep as the red dress. But the silhouette was relatively the same. And the sparkles at the waist were a nice touch. Goddamn, Seven…I underestimated you.

Gold. I'm thinking gold for the accessories. Even though I was half tempted to go with a bright red heel with this dress, I had a pair of gold flats that would work even better. Heels and I were rarely a good combination and since I had intentions of drinking this evening, heels were just downright dangerous. Gold flats. Gold flats would work just fine with this dress.

After one last look in the mirror, I made my own heart stop. Hello there, you gorgeous piece of ass, you. Holy shit. Seven did a nice job. I couldn't stop looking at myself. Not to be a massive narcissist, but…Why couldn't those paparazzi photos of Zen and me look more like this? Because mother of God, I'm almost too hot for TV. I could go home with anyone from this party I wanted. I just hope the guy I am going home with knows what he's done. Because he may have created a monster.

"Honey!" Speak of the devil, Seven yelled from the front door, "I'm home! Are you ready yet?"

"Almost!" I just needed a few more looks being served in this mirror. Yep. Seven's created a monster. I didn't have much of an ego until now. But now…My ego needs its own zip code and may possibly have its own orbit if I'm not stopped.

"I'm sure you're fine, MC," Seven groaned, walking toward my bedroom, "So, it's your first RFA party and you want to make a good impression. I get it. But V already adores you, thanks to a good recommendation from yours truly. You already know Zen and I think he's pretty sweet on you, too. Saeran, as bitter as he can be, has a soft spot in his heart for you. And I love you, so you're already in good with four of the members. And one of them happens to be the head of the organization. You're fine."

"Oh, I know I'm fine," I winked at my reflection, "But do you know what you've done?"

"What do you mean?" he wondered, "Do I get to see you some time tonight or no?"

"Alright then," I allowed, "It's your funeral."

"Are you going to kill me yourself, MC?" Seven teased as I walked out of my bathroom. I could see his heart stop in his eyes, "Ok…I get it now."

"You did this to me, Seven," I kissed his cheek.

"All I did was buy the dress," he blinked the stars out of his eyes, "And I didn't think I'd hear you say that very phrase until you were giving birth to our first child and pissed off for me getting you pregnant in the first place. Wait…Possibly children. Twins kind of run in the family on my side."

"Excuse me?" I gave him a look, "Since when are we already family planning here, Seven?"

"I'm not saying let's have a little league team right now," Seven assured, "I mean…I know it's kind of a stereotype for Catholic families to be huge, but if you don't want to put your body through something like that, I'm not going to force it."

"Way to drink your respecting women juice today, baby," I laid my head on his shoulder, "But I'm just giving you shit. You're fine. Little league team, not little league team. When it happens, it'll happen, and we'll figure out shit from there."

"But before we do that," he laced his fingers between mine, "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I'm ready. What about you?"

"As ready as I'm going to be," Seven put an arm around me, "Can I just make one little request?"

"What's that, Seven?"

"After this party is over," he asked, "Can we go out for pizza?"

"What?" I sat up, "Seven, I hired some top-notch caterers for this event and you're wanting to get pizza after?"


"No," I shot him down with a better plan in mind, "We are not getting pizza after the RFA party."


"We should get going, though," I got up from my bed, "Shall we?"

"Car's up front," Seven shooed me out of my room, "And by the way, MC…"

"What?" Without another second, Seven took my hand and gave me a quick spin, making me a little dizzy, "What the hell was that for?"

"I just wanted a better look," he shrugged, "And you look absolutely stunning. Are you sure I don't have to be weird and hover you the whole party because you could very easily trade up and find someone better suited to your standards?"

"Seven," I shut him up, "You are my standards. You don't have to worry. If I didn't run off on you the night of the Googleplex event to have weird, drunk sex with Trevor, I'm not going to run off on you tonight either. You don't have to worry about me. Do I need to worry about you?"

"Are you kidding?!" Seven freaked, "If we ever break up, I don't think I'll ever find better than you. At this point, in my limited dating experience, you're kind of the god tier."

"Aww," I melted inside, "I'm not sure if that's cute or sad. But I love you, too. Now, let's get to this party, so we can not get pizza after."


And so, Seven got my car door for me and the two of us headed off to the RFA party. I did good. I picked a beautiful venue that's served as the home of a couple different Googleplex events over the years and the first one I ever went to. How fitting that it's where I host my first RFA party, too. There were already a lot of people at the front door, trying to get in. Lucky for us, we didn't go in through the front door. After Seven gave the valet his keys, we went in through the door in the alley like a couple of hoodlums. And if we're being honest, I kind of loved it.

Then, the doors open and the bodies started pouring in. I wasn't sure how to handle one of these parties, but I've done enough trips through the Googleplex wringer that it was practically muscle memory. I'm sure it won't be too terribly difficult. All I knew was one thing for sure. I'm starving and I want to see if the caterers I hired were as up to snuff as their website said they were. Just don't stuff your face, MC. I know you want to and dammit, it's tempting, but don't you do it. You know what's coming after this event and you do not want to be horrendously full for that.

"I know you…" a deep, silky voice boomed behind me and my heart stopped. You're here with someone, MC. Don't let that shatter your ovaries. Although…In my defense, I think Seven would understand. When I turned around, I was not expecting my new friend…Nor was I expecting him to be hot. However, I'll chalk that up as a bonus.

"You're…" I struggled to formulate a complete sentence, "You're…Jumin Han."

"Last time I checked," he confirmed, looking me over, "Forgive me if I'm being forward, but have I ever chased you out of the C&R dumpster?"

"Um…" I bit my bottom lip, hiding my minor shame.

"Jumin!" Seven, I love you so much right now.

"Hello, Luciel," Jumin wasn't going to look away from me, still trying to place me as the chick from the C&R dumpster.

"I see you're chatting up my lady friend," Seven snaked his arm around my waist. Have I mentioned how much I love this boy right now? Because I do. Dammit, I do.

"Lady friend?" Jumin wondered, "Since when do you go out and meet people?"

"Do you pay no attention to the chatrooms?" Seven groaned, "Wow, Jumin. I'm disappointed. Anyway, not disappointed enough to stay away from gushing about my girlfriend. This is MC. She planned this whole party! I'm so proud of her."

"You did a lovely job with it," Jumin approved, "That still doesn't answer if you've rifled through the C&R dumpster before."

"She's probably furnished half her apartment out of the C&R dumpster!" Dammit, Seven. You dropped the ball.

"No," I clarified, "I have not furnished half my apartment with dumpster furniture from C&R."

"What about your bookshelf?" Seven asked, "The nice white one."

"...Yeah." Dammit, Seven.

"And what about your desk? Wasn't that C&R dumpster furniture, too?"

"No!" I stood my ground, particularly proud of that one, "I built that desk with my bare hands, thank you. When I say I have a driftwood desk, I'm not talking about the prefabricated bullshit driftwood. That's legit."

"But the chair?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "That came out of the C&R dumpster…"

"Congratulations, Luciel," Jumin praised, "Your girlfriend is a racoon."

"She's actually several racoons in a trenchcoat," Seven shrugged, hugging me tight, "But she's my several racoons in a trenchcoat."

"Thanks, Seven," I grumbled, "Now, everyone's going to know my secret."

"She's…" Jumin wasn't sure what to think about me. Rightfully so, "Definitely something else."

"Hey, Jumin!" Seven's train of thought did a complete one-eighty, "Did you bring a certain special lady with you, too?"

"The only lady I brought with me is Assistant Kang," Jumin rolled his eyes, "Even if I did bring Elizabeth III, the restraining order is still in effect."

"Come on," Seven begged, "I just want to pet her."

"I've seen how you pet her," Jumin started getting angry, "You do not just pet her."

"Let me love her!" Seven whined.

"Uh…" I was lost, "What the hell is happening?"

"Is something wrong, Mr. Han?" a striking woman stood next to Jumin. I feel like if I looked at her wrong, she could kill me with her bare hands. But at the same time, she had a look in her eyes that suggested she'd be far too tired to do it.

"Do you remember me talking about our dumpster rat, Assistant Kang?" Jumin asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Well," he shot a look at me, "It turns out that not only did our dumpster rat plan this party, but she's also Luciel's girlfriend."

"Don't be like that, Jumin," Seven whined, "If she can make her apartment look like it was high end with trash furniture from the C&R office, this was just an inevitability."

"It's just simple repurposing, Mr. Han," she settled him, finding somewhere for him to cool off. Then, in a strange turn of events, she shook my hand, "Hello, MC. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Jaehee Kang. Please excuse Mr. Han's behavior. Sometimes…He can be a little…"

"Go ahead, Jaehee," Seven allowed, "This is a safe space. Tell us how you really feel."

"Well," Jaehee winced, "I don't want to say insufferable. That's not the right word."

"Kind of a stuck-up jackass?" I knew that voice. I knew that voice anywhere.

"Zen!" I squeaked, throwing myself into his arms. I've never been so happy to see a familiar face.

"Hi, MC," Zen snuggled me, "Look at you…You're…"

"Seven said the same thing," I blushed a bit.

"That's where I know you from!" Jaehee chirped, "You're her, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I cringed, "The one from all the pictures of Zen that have come out recently. I'm the bitch that allegedly broke his heart."

"She didn't, Jaehee," Zen promised, "I knew where her heart was. And it's with a certain little weirdo we all know and love."

"Pick me!" Seven shot his hand straight up, waving it frantically, "Pick me! Zen! I know this one! I know who that is!"

I leaned over and kissed Seven's cheek, "I know who it is, too."

"Did you do all of this, MC?" Zen asked.

"Yep," I nodded, taking great pride in my work, "What gave it away?"

"The gold and the pastels," Zen pointed out, "It's nicely put together."

"Seven pulled some strings with V for me," I held my boyfriend's hand, "And here we are."

"You're a lucky guy, Seven," Zen gushed, keeping me close.

"Yes," Seven agreed, a permanent smile on his face, "Yes, I am."

"And you know what?" I pulled Seven into my arms, "So am I."

"You're a lucky guy, too?!" Seven gasped, "I mean, don't get me wrong, MC. I love you and all of you, no matter what gender you are."

"You're a dork, Seven," I giggled, "But we should probably mingle a little more, yeah?"

"Do we have to?" Seven pouted, "That means more people."

"You, my dear, sweet, Seven," I laid my head on his shoulder, "are the most extroverted introvert I have ever met in my life. And I love you for it."

"I'll let you two crazy kids get back to it," Zen backed off, "Hopefully, this won't be the last time I see you tonight."

"Probably not."

As the night went on, I found myself near the bar, finally getting that well-deserved drink I so desperately needed. If I do say so myself, I'd say this party is definitely shaping up to be a crowning achievement. I took my phone out and started snapping pictures. Mostly because I wasn't allowed to bring my DSLR. It'd be too much for me to fit in my bag anyway. But my phone was fine. Hopefully, I'll be able to run this by V before I get the blog out.

While I was snapping pictures, I noticed a little something, something in each and every one of them. The same face kept popping up. And if I didn't know any better, I'd think he was going to throw up. Color me curious. And concerned. If this kid was going to throw up, someone needed to be there for him. And…well…I wasn't the heartless bitch that would leave him alone. He's just…twitchy. Maybe I should go and say hi.

I walked over to him with my glass in hand and gave it to him, "Here. You look like you could use this more than me."

"Oh!" he jumped out of his skin, "No. I can't. I'm too young."

"I'm not going to tell," I insisted. "One drink isn't going to kill you."

"You're beautiful!" Wow…Homeboy was coming on a little strong. But like I said, he was just a kid. Chances are, he's never had a girlfriend before and can't talk to girls very well. And in his defense, I was kind of looking like a ten tonight. I understand how that may be a little intimidating. Especially with someone of his…Lack of experience level.

"Thank you," I smiled sweetly, trying not to freak him out any more than he already was, "I'm MC. I planned this whole party."

"What?" his eyes damn near popped out of his head.

"Yoosung!" There he was. There was my beloved idiot.

"Hi, Seven," the kid stuttered a little. I think I've heard Seven talk about this one in particular a time or two before.

"I see you've met my special lady friend…" It's so sweet to hear Seven introduce me to people, "MC, this is Yoosung. He's kind of a spazz."

"Seven!" Yoosung whined.

"Seven," I settled him, "That wasn't nice. And do you really have the room to talk? You're kind of a spazz, too. And probably to a more severe degree."

"Yeah…" Seven hung his head, "You got a point. Sorry, Yoosung. I'm sorry that you're a spazz and that I'm a bigger spazz than you."

"Very good," I gave him a well-deserved pat on the head.

"Thank you, MC," Yoosung smiled back, relaxing a little bit. Only to start back up again, "Wait a second, you're dating Seven?!"

"Yeah," I nodded, getting a gentle kiss from said boyfriend.

"What's the matter, Yoosung?" Seven teased him, "You jealous?"

"No!" Yoosung jumped on the defensive.

"If you are," Seven wondered, "Are you jealous of me or of her? Because depending on that answer, I might be able to make this work as a polygamy kind of thing."

"Don't make it weird, Seven!" Yoosung squeaked, "I'm not jealous!"

"Have you just met him?" I giggled, "When doesn't he make it weird?"

"That's my girl," Seven melted, "Hey…Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Hopefully," I crossed my fingers, "It'll be longer than a second."

"Just come here," Seven took my hand and brought me to a door. But a very special door. One that had a do not enter sign on it. And for someone like Seven, that's always asking for trouble. On our way out, I caught a quick look from Saeran. And if I didn't know any better, I'd think that boy was smiling. Look at that, MC. You did manage to break both of them. Good for you. Little did I know, though, that do not enter sign should've said rooftop access. I didn't think we'd end up on the roof tonight, but I'm sure as hell not complaining, "I figured we could go somewhere quiet."

"This is definitely quiet," I cuddled into his chest, "What are we doing up here?"

"We both needed to get away from the crowd downstairs," Seven figured, "You know, MC…I'm really glad you're here."

"I had to be," I pointed out, "I mean, I planned the party. What kind of…"

"No," Seven cut me off, "I mean…Here. With me. And I can't ever begin to thank you for what you've done for me. And I love you so damn much…"

"I love you, too." Hello. I'm a puddle. And only one thing could make this moment worse, "You know how I said we weren't getting pizza after the RFA party?"

"I remember," he nodded, "You're also still the biggest tease on the planet. Unless…Are we going to get pizza tonight, MC? Because that'd be awesome."

"No," I smiled a little, "But I did finish a job tonight. What do you say we go get some pancakes?"

"Oh, MC," Seven clutched his chest, "You really do know how to woo a lady, don't you?"

"I seduce you with pancakes," I laughed, "Almost as if…Destiny was calling me."


"Seven…" I held his hands, "Open up your eager eyes…"

"DID YOU JUST MEME ME?!" Seven's nose started bleeding. My work here is done.

"I might have," I started heading for the stairs, "So? Are we going to get pancakes or no?"

"Absolutely," Seven chased after me and we left our friends behind.

And that…That was the story of how I fell in love with Mr. Brightside.