A/N: Hi there. For those of you who are new, my name is Lumi and it's a pleasure to have you here. Now, I've written for Mystic Messenger before. There are two other stories on my profile if you're curious. Mistake Messenger has alternate routes for everyone, but if you're looking for something a little more Jumin centric, Man's Best Intern is a good place to go. However, if cute, little hacker boys are more your speed, stick around. Because we are going to be following the ever illusive, always adorable 707 this time around. I'd love to stick around and talk more, but I'm in the middle of NaNoWriMo right now and I need to get back to work. We'll get to know each other a little better in December, but for the next four weeks, it'll be you and me, my friend. Every Tuesday. So, are we ready? Let's get started then.

Finally. All moved in. I've had my eye on this building for months, so when an opening comes up, I have to jump on it. The neighborhood was safe. The shops nearby were reasonable. Everything was coming up roses for me. All this time working my ass off on my lifestyle blog and for that hellish think tank will finally be worth it. Now that I had all of my stuff here, it was time to get to work.

I made a promise to my readers that this month's blog post would be before and after pictures of my new apartment. To call myself an interior designer would be ridiculous. I wasn't a professional by any stretch of the imagination. It started as a simple hobby. Something I happened to have an eye for. That's how I got on the think tank's radar. My boss found my blog and I ended up the social media manager. Because that's what my generation is good for. His words, not mine.

But that was also five years ago. Then, my blog hit a major spike in traffic and the ad revenue poured in enough for me to tell my old boss to kiss my ass and strike out on my own. And eventually got my apartment. It wasn't overly huge, but that wasn't a problem. Most of my readers ask me about how to decorate small spaces. It's half the reason why I snapped this place up.

Personally, I was always the type for light colors. It's just who I am. Soft, peaceful pastels made my heart happy. At the end of the day, that's what it's all about. Whatever makes the heart happy. I didn't want to be cliché and cover the whole place in marble printed contact paper. Every other design blogger I've seen figures overdosing on marble contact paper can cover all of life's little flaws. But I knew better.

Although, I was going to be that guy and pair pastels with gray. Is it cliché? Yeah. A little. But it's all about picking the clichés carefully. It makes for a soft color pallete. I know there are other pastel neutral colors, but gray cools everything down. Gray and white worked for all occasions. Besides, with my small apartment, it'll make the space look bigger.

The only suck part about my little apartment was that I didn't get a designated room for my office. That's what I could section the living room off for. It was plenty big enough. My white leather couch served as a divider between the living room and my little driftwood desk. That was my jumping off point. A few light green office supplies, my white laptop, a gray mousepad (because I may be the last person to use a mousepad), and a silver wire basket for my mail. There. Desk, done. All I needed was my bulletin board.

Unfortunately, my big ass bulletin board I used to plan out my month had snapped in half during the move. Oh, I was pissed. That bulletin board was the subject of its own blog post. I decided to go dumpster diving and scooped that building up from behind some office building. With a little bit of love (and some bleach to get the trash smell out of it), she hung in my office in my old apartment until…her unfortunate demise. That just meant another trip to the thrift store. Or another dumpster.

Alright. One corner down. Three more to go. If I work hard enough, I could probably have this place picture ready by tonight. That would mean no breaks and no food. Not happening. I get bitchy if my blood sugar gets too low and I don't need that. Besides, I'll want some good, natural light for those pictures for the blog.

My desk was missing something. The more I stare at it, the more it pisses me off. You need something, but I can't put my finger on what. Maybe if I keep working on the living room, it'll come to me. If it doesn't, I'll sleep on it and everything will sort itself out. What to do with the rest of the living room. A few plants would help. I loved my succulents, but I needed to pick some new ones up.

After a couple hours of arranging furniture and setting throw pillows just right and adding in a blue afghan I knitted a few years ago, I fell into my couch. I love decorating my apartment, but damn, it takes all of my energy out of me. Maybe I should've done my bedroom, so I could immediately crash afterward. No, MC. Start with the public areas first.

I know what I needed. Since the living room was done, I earned a break. Some dinner would hit the spot. I grabbed my bag off the kitchen counter and headed out. All I knew about the neighborhood was by reputation. It won't kill me to get out and experience it. Besides, it's an adventure. Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like taking a walk. And nothing helps my brain function like proper nutrition.

A lot of lifestyle bloggers I knew were super picky about what they ate. Some of them even documented it. But their blogs were mostly about their veganism or whatever extreme diet was popular at the moment. Out of respect, I wouldn't eat animal product in front of them, but because of that respect, they wouldn't preach to me about how I live my life. Luckily, it'd be a table for one tonight. And I'm thinking a food truck.

There was one that only sold grilled cheese that a friend of mine wrote a piece on a few months ago. It parked near my new building from seven o'clock to nine o'clock every night and moved around the city until two o'clock in the morning. I didn't envy the guy at the end of the night when last call hits. The very thought of it made my skin crawl. Nevertheless, my happy, yet tired ass was getting a grilled cheese.

I walked to the end of the block and ordered my sandwich. A margherita pizza in a sandwich. And it's delightful. Damn, this guy knew what he was doing. Having him so close to my new apartment might be dangerous. Oh, well. Worth it. Now, I can go home and call it a night. I did have a big bathtub I could indulge myself in. That just sounded…


Out of nowhere, a red flash nearly knocked me on my ass. Some guy with his laptop. I hope whatever he had on that screen was important. Even worse, the elevator closed before I could see who it was. Looks like I'll have to catch the next one. I'll live. Unless that guy has another electronic device in need of charging. I'm going to take a stab in the dirt and say he lives in the building. At least he knows someone that lives in the building. Or he's nuts. Either way, I'm locking my doors tonight.

As I finished my sandwich and I watched my clock turn from PM into AM, I slipped into some comfortable pajamas and made my bed enough to where I could sleep on it. This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. My new apartment, my new job. And I was ready for whatever the universe wanted to throw at me. When I shut my eyes, I had already begun drifting off into sweet, sweet slumber. Tomorrow morning, I'll wake up and hit it hard again.

Then, I heard something humming from the other side of my bedroom wall. I couldn't quite make it out, but it sounded like music. I mean, I'm trying to sleep, but it doesn't have to be dead silent in here, I guess. Alright, neighbor. Go ahead. If I can hear it on my side, I can only imagine how loud it is on the other side.

I'm coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine.

Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all.

It started out with a kiss.

How did it end up like this?

Who the hell would be playing Mr. Brightside at one in the morning?