Well now, its time for chapter two! This chapter introduces three new characters of the peerage, the last three Naruto will acquire for now!

However, there are still more spots open that I'll probably fill!

Once again, I don't own any of the anime/manga/movies etc. that I use in this story.

Chapter Two: Stardust to Vampire!

"Damnit Sam, how the hell did we end up in Egypt?" Naruto asked, as his peerage walked through Cairo International Airport. Naruto looked around to see various people milling about, some in a rush to catch flights. Akame and Esdeath seemed to be in a glaring contest, and Sam appeared to be checking something on his phone.

"Sorry boss, it seems I booked a connecting flight that leaves in a couple of hours. We're gonna have to stay in Cairo for a bit." Sam said, placing his phone in his pocket. Naruto groaned. "Dangit, I wanna get to Japan now! I've got some very important business there, if you don't know!" he said, pulling out a copy of his book. Sam simply nodded and grabbed the bags. "I know boss, this is just how things work up here. Now c'mon, I hear Cairo is lovely this time of the year."

The group headed out to a taxi outside. "Ah yes, where can I take you this wonderful night?" the driver said, inviting the group in. "Cairo, and make it fast." Sam said, placing the bags in the trunk of the taxi. "Ah, of course. Are you planning to see the beautiful pyramids?" the group ignored the driver as they piled into the taxi. "Ok then…not a very talkative bunch are you?" the driver asked, and received no response. He huffed and began driving towards Cairo.

A few minutes later

"Thank you for your patronage, good customers!" the driver said, before speeding off. "Well now that that's over, lets go find a hotel." Naruto said, looking around. "Hey, I think I see-"

Naruto was cut off as a young man was suddenly sent flying into a nearby water tower. "What the hell?" Sam said, dropping the bags. "Esdeath, Akame, spread out, secure the area!" Naruto said, jumping up to a nearby roof top. Esdeath and Akame nodded and fanned out, searching for any potential threats.

Naruto landed near the water tower, getting a better look at the person who flew into it. He had strange red hair, and was wearing a green uniform. He had a large hole in his chest and what looked to be scars over his eyes. Naruto whistled. "Damn, you certainly had a number done on you.." The man groaned, feeling his life fading.

"His stand…why is it so powerful?" he muttered out, looking over to the nearby clock tower. "Stand? The hell is a stand?" Naruto asked, looking at the man. "Oh crap, he's about to die!" Naruto exclaimed, before fishing around in his pockets. "I don't know if this is the best idea, but I don't know much healing magic.." Naruto pulled out a bishop piece, then shoved it inside the hole. "I'm sorry, but I don't have any time to give you a choice!" He then quickly recited the words necessary, and the man became a devil. He suddenly looked down to see the hole in his chest closing, and felt his strength returning.

"What..did you do to me?" the man asked, looking at Naruto. "I feel.. different." Naruto looked at him with a grimace. "I saved your life by turning you into a devil. I'm sorry, I had no time to ask you if you wanted to change or not, but if you really hate it I can undo it, but it'll kill you and-" The man held up his hand. "It's not important. Right now, I need to stop DIO. Have you seen an old man, dressed somewhat like Indiana Jones?" Naruto shook his head. "Damnit, we need to find him! He needs to know the power of The World!" The man stood up, but began to fall to his feet once more.

"Hey hey, relax man! You still need to adjust to the healing!" Naruto said, helping the man back up. "Listen, I'll help you stop this DIO guy or whatever. My peerage is fanning out right now, looking for threats and-" Sam appeared next to him, with his sword drawn. "Hey boss, we haven't found anyone who seems threatening, but we did see something strange. This old guy is leaping around with some purple wires, and he's being chased by some weird guy wearing a crap ton of yellow." The man suddenly looked over at Sam. "Where are they? I have to go now!"

Sam held his hand out. "Relax man, tell us your name first. We can't have some unknown jumping around." The man nodded. "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin. I came here to Egypt with my friends, hoping to stop someone named DIO. He's an unspeakable evil, and has caused nothing but grief and misery. It is our duty to stop him!" he said passionately. "Alright Kakyoin, that's cool and all, but if we're gonna help you, you'll next to explain just how you plan to stop DIO." Naruto said. "With our stands, of course." Suddenly, a green figure appeared next to kakyoin, its glowing yellow eyes standing out amongst the dark of the Cairo night.

"What the hell is that?" Naruto and Sam said, staring at the green being. "It's my stand, named Hierophant Green. It allows me to posses individuals, along with fire a high pressure barrage of emeralds." He then looked at Naruto and Sam. "Wait, you two can see Hierophant Green? Are you two stand users as well?" both shook their heads. "We're devils, but not stand users." Suddenly, Kakyoin heard a scream, and saw the man he described earlier on the floor with a knife in his neck. "Joestar-san!" He shouted, leaping down.

"Damnit! Sam, lets go, he'll need our help!" Naruto said, and the two jumped after him.

Cairo Streets

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." A man said, approaching another man. "DIO!" he shouted, causing the blonde man to laugh. "Oh! Then come as close as you'd l-" he was cut off as Kakyoin landed in front of him. "DIO! You'll pay for what you've done to Joestar-san!" the two men were shocked. The man with the black uniform especially. "Kakyoin? Impossible! I killed you!" the blonde said. "Yes, if it wasn't for the timely intervention of someone, I'd most likely have died here." Kakyoin said. The man in the black uniform walked up to Kakyoin, looking him in the eye. "Kakyoin, how are you still here? I thought…" Kakyoin looked over to his friend. "Not right now Jotaro. We need to defeat DIO, here and now!" Jotaro nodded, and looked over to DIO. "It seems its two on one now DIO. And since we know how your stand works, you wont defeat us so easily!" he said, summoning his stand, Star Platinum.

"One, two or a thousand! It makes no difference! All will bow before the might of DIO and The World!" DIO shouted, summoning his stand and rushing towards Jotaro and Kakyoin. However, as he was about to attack, a red katana came flying, severing both of his hands. "Not yet big guy!" Sam shouted, leaping down to the road as well. "You're part of the gang now Kakyoin, you cant just rush off!" Jotaro looked over to Kakyoin. "Who's that?" he asked, and Kakyoin looked over to Sam. "He's a friend. I hope." Kakyoin then shot several emeralds at DIO, who dodged them. Jotaro ripped some concrete from the sidewalk and threw it at DIO. One of the chunks hit him, causing him to fly back. "Not a bad shot Jotaro!" Kakyoin said.

As DIO flew back, he saw the corpse of Joeseph Joestar on the sidewalk. 'I need to get to his body! His blood will allow me to gain full control over JoJo's body!' He flew through a shop window, severing one of his legs in the process. "Damnit! I can't afford to be defeated here! I won't be defeated here! I am DIO!" he said, struggling to get up. He grabbed a nearby office worker and began draining her of her blood, rejuvenating himself.

"So, Kakyoin, I assume that's DIO your friend there just sent flying?" Naruto said, having joined the group. Kakyoin and Jotaro nod. "Well, I guess we can beat his ass, right Sam?" Sam nodded at Naruto's statement, then began to approach the shop DIO flew into. "Be careful, he has the ability to stop time itself!" Kakyoin said. Sam simply chuckled and kept advancing. "If it's anything like Esdeath's time stop, it should be a prob-"

"THE WORLD! STOP TIME" Suddenly, all time froze around Sam. 'This shouldn't be a probl- I can't move! This isn't right!' DIO walked out of the shop and towards Sam. "It seems you charged in, even after you learned about the power of The World. Foolish human, you should have-" DIO cocked his fist back "LISTENED TO YOUR FRIENDS!" DIO was about to punch through Sam's chest when suddenly Naruto appeared, stabbing DIO with a blade of energy. "IMPOSSIBLE!" DIO said, as time resumed.

"Your time stop must be powerful, to stop a devil like Sam in his tracks." Naruto said, looking at DIO. "You'd make a wonderful addition to my peerage, if you weren't such a god damn asshole." Naruto then jumped back towards Kakyoin and Jotaro.

"Alright, go get em guys!" he said, causing Jotaro and Kakyoin to sweat drop. "I've been waiting for a chance to beat your ass DIO!" Jotaro said, approaching DIO. "ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" suddenly his stand began punching DIO at extremely high speeds, mercilessly pummeling the man. "Not like this! Za War-" DIO was cut off with a strong punch to his skull by Jotaro. "You're not gonna hurt anyone else you bastard." Jotaro said, grabbing his hats brim. "I'll end this right here, right now!" As he moved to finish DIO off, he was distracted by DIO quickly throwing a knife at him. "Shit!" Jotaro dodged the knife, causing DIO to smile.

"You fool! Your weak mortality has caused your defeat! I will once again release THE WORLD!" Time stopped once again, and this time, Naruto was too far away to save them. "DIE, JOTARO!" DIO punched Jotaro in the stomach, tearing through him like paper. "Now then…" DIO said, pointing at Naruto. "You're next."

However, DIO was blasted back once again by a barrage of green emeralds. "You…bastard! You'll pay for that! EMERALD SPLASH" Kakyoin shouted, firing more of his emeralds at DIO. Naruto jumped over to Jotaro, who was on the ground, dying. "Jotaro! JOTARO! Don't die!" Kakyoin said, rushing over to Naruto's side. "Don't think…that I've got much choice in the matter…Kakyoin." Jotaro said, coughing up blood. Naruto looked over to Sam, who nodded. "He's certainly got the heart." Sam said cryptically. Naruto pulled out a chess piece, a pawn. "Jotaro, we don't have much time so I'll be quick- I can save your life, but you wont be the same. You'll be whats known as a devil, and join the ranks of the super natural. You'll work for me, but I promise, you wont be a slave."

Jotaro looked over to where DIO was, getting up slowly, then over to the corpse of his grandfather. "If it'll help me kill.. that bastard…then I'll do it." Jotaro said, and Naruto unceremoniously shoved the chess piece into the hole DIO created. "Alright then, welcome to the Uzumaki family."

Cairo Alleyway

"Jotaro is down! I can't believe it! I guess its up to me-" A man with large silver hair was stopped when Esdeath and Akame appeared in front of him. "Oh shit!" the man said, jumping back. "Who are you? What are you doing here? Akame asked, while Esdeath simply licked her lips and pulled out her sword. "I can sense he's a fighter, and has some strange power. I cant wait to see it for myself!" Esdeath said, but was held back by Akame. "Hold on, we don't know if he's a threat." Akame looked the man dead in the eyes. "Are you?" The man shook his head. "Not unless you work with DIO." Akame and Esdeath stopped. "DIO? Who is this DIO?" asked Esdeath. The mans face contorted into a snarl. "DIO is true evil! An immortal vampire who's caused misery and death wherever he goes! It's up to me and my friends to stop him, for everyone we've loved and lost!"

Akame and Esdeath deadpanned. "Very…inspiring. May I ask you for your name?" Akame said. The man grinned. "Jean Pierre Polnareff, at your service." He bowed, then saw the emeralds from Hierophant Green. "If you two don't mind, I have to go. C'mon Silver Chariot!" he summoned what seemed to be a thin man wearing all armor and a sword, and jumped towards the Emeralds. "Well, Egypt certainly is proving to be…entertaining." Esdeath said, following the man. Akame looked around to see people staring in awe at the people leaping into the sky. She then followed Esdeath, intent on making sure the ice general did not go too far.

Back with Naruto

"Wait, you're really gonna bank on that? I'm not sure that's a good idea." Naruto said, looking over to Jotaro. "The bastard said it himself- Star Platinum and The World are similar. I figure that applies to everything, even its abilities." Naruto shook his head. "Similar does not mean the same! How do you even know if-" He was cut off as Polnareff landed infront of him. "Jotaro! What's going on? Who are these people?" he asked, looking over to Naruto and Sam. "These two are allies. They've agreed to help us defeat DIO, so long as I come with them after." Polnareff looked alarmed. "And you agreed to that? Jotaro, we don't know who these people are! They could be working for DIO, for all we know!" Jotaro shook his head. "I've got a feeling that these guys are on our side. Or, at the very least, aren't working for DIO. I figure we need all the help we can get right now." Jotaro summoned Star Platinum and began approaching DIO. "Hey, wait up!" Polnareff shouted, following.

Naruto dusted himself off and jumped to his feet. "Alright Sam, let's go beat up this DIO dude!" Naruto began following after the two Crusaders, and Sam did the same.

"It seems you survived Jotaro. No matter, it will be a simple task to finish you off." DIO said, looking down at Jotaro. He then saw Polnareff and laughed. "And it seems you've saved me the trouble of hunting down Polnareff. I really must thank you, Jotaro." DIO then threw several knives at the two, which were sliced out of the air by Sam. "Tch, you again. Do you even understand who, no, what I am? I am DIO! I am the most powerful being in the world!" Sam chuckled at DIO's declaration. "You don't even rank in the top 100 pal." DIO began to move, but suddenly found himself stuck in place. "Hierophant's tentacles?" he exclaimed, looking around. He was ensnared by several green tentacles, holding him in front of Jotaro. "Impossible! I didn't even see Kakyoin!" Naruto smirked at this. "It's because I hid him using my magic. He was right in front of you the entire time." Naruto snapped his fingers and suddenly Noriaki Kakyoin appeared, smirking. "It seems you got a bit too overconfident, DIO." He said, while DIO began struggling. 'How did his Hierophant become so strong? What changed? What did that blonde child do?'. DIO tried to summon The World, but Jotaro punched him across the face.

"Normally, I'd have an issue beating up on a person like this, but for you DIO, I think I'll make an exception." Jotaro said. He knocked DIO to the ground, then smashed his legs with Star Platinum. "YOU BASTARD! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" DIO shouted, looking furiously at the Crusaders. He tried to reach for more knives, but found his arm sliced off by Silver Chariot. "Not on my watch, DIO!" Polnareff shouted, high fiving Jotaro. "You know, I've met a lot of scum on this trip. D'Arby, Alessi, Steely Dan… but you DIO…" Jotaro pulled his hat up and looked DIO in the eyes. "Aren't even worthy of being scum!" Star Platinum then began punching DIO, shouting "ORA!" as it continuously barraged DIO. Small screams erupted from the vampire as he began being reduced to mush from Star Platinum's barrage. Eventually, Jotaro stopped, seeing only a pile of meat chunks where DIO once was. He let out a breath then turned to his companions, who nodded. "That bastard got what he deserved." Kakyoin said, and Polnareff nodded.

Naruto and Sam looked at the pile of meat impassively. "Looks like those stand things of theirs got upgraded when they became devils." Sam said. "You seem to be collecting lots of powerhouses boss. Myself, Esdeath, and now this Jotaro kid." Naruto nodded. "Power is everything to us devils Sam. A strong peerage is a sign of a strong devil." Naruto said, closing his eyes and nodding. "Did I sound wise and badass? 'Cause that's what I was going for." Sam facepalmed at Naruto's antics. Akame and Esdeath returned with the body of Joseph Joestar, placing it on the ground. "We found the body like you instructed, though we're unsure as to why." Naruto looked over to Jotaro, who was staring at the body of his grandfather. "I figured he'd know what to do with that." Naruto said, pointing at Jotaro, who nodded. "I'll call the Speedwagon foundation. They'll..take care of it."

An Hour Later

"And that worked? You just restarted his heart?" Naruto asked incredulously. Jotaro nodded, and Naruto whistled in appreciation. "Well played then. Now, you two don't have to stay in the devil world if you don't want to, but I'd prefer if you guys were all somewhat near me. I do plan on staying in Japan, but.." Jotaro and Kakyoin looked at Naruto as he pulled out a pamphlet. "Have you ever heard of Kuoh?" he asked, smirking.

And that's the end of Part One of Stardust to Vampire! The second half will be collecting the last member of Naruto's peerage for now (and the title of the chapter should give you an indicator on who it is.)

Sorry for the major delay, I got really busy and couldn't find time to write. However, I'll try to put out more chapters soon!

Oh, and here's a list of people who almost made it into the peerage.

Albert Wesker (Resident Evil 5)

Hit (Dragon Ball Super)

Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia)

Dabi (My Hero Academia)

Arthas Menethil (World of Warcraft)

Ayano Aishi (Yandere Simulator)

Joseph Joestar (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures)

DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures)

Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengance)

Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)

Thomas Wayne Jr. (DC Comics)

Sinestro (DC Comics)

Revy (Black Lagoon)

The Peerage (for now)

Naruto: King

Jetstream Sam: Knight

Esdeath: Rook

Akame: Pawn

Jotaro: Knight

Kakyoin: Bishop

Revealed Next Part

There are two more additions that will come out later in the story!

Rate and review, and ill see ya next time!