A/N: Hello, people! COVER ART BY Niyuu_Trickster_Kat!

I don't own Naruto.

I have no beta.

If you don't like the themes within, I encourage you to stop reading and go find something else to pass your time with. No one is forcing you to read anything you don't like and the power is literally in your hands to leave. As in, there is side Sasunaru/Narusasu at some point later in this fic when everyone's older and it won't be weird to have romance. If you're a homophobe, I am not the kind of writer for you and your delicate sensibilities. :)



I decided that I fucking love OC fics and I love writing them. One of
my fav writers, Tsume Yuki has an ass load of great OCs. I refuse to
to be made to feel guilty over this. They have inspired me to do my
fav thing, and I extend a massive hug and cookie their way for it.

TAGS for this Chapter: SWEARING and VIOLENCE.

裕生 - Yuuki - "Living Rich". The kanji used determines what the
name means. In some cases it can mean "sweet princess" and in
others it can mean"snow", but in this case, the kanji used means
"to live rich" basically.

5,000 Ryo = about $460. 1 Ryo = 10 Yen.

Yuuki perfectly remembered the day she transferred out of the normal, civilian school and into the Shinobi Academy of Konohagakure.

She'd been eight at the time, living in the orphanage with dozens of other kids, and just meandering through life with no apparent purpose in sight. In her private time she would sleep if there was no food. If there was food she would eat her share. Sometimes she'd squeak in some reading if she was too restless to relax in any fashion.

Usually she ended up with books about ninja stuff since it was a ninja village and brainwashing the kids at the orphanage with tales of heroism and stuff was the faster way to recruit. Even with no chance of becoming a ninja herself according to the former matron Nono, she'd wanted to know as much as a civilian could know about them. This lead to the discovery of chakra and its varied uses.

Yuuki had chakra. She could feel its warmth. It was like a flame inside her stomach and when she fiddled with it, it would grow. Sometimes when she wanted hard enough, she could make it pool in her hands and spread all along her arms. She tried with the feet too but it was too hard to bother with for too long. But keeping the torso warm was most important anyway since it held most of the body's organs anyway.

There was nothing in the books she had that explained how to use chakra though, so she just messed around on her own and used it to keep warm in the colder months. Konoha wasn't exactly a cold place but winter there was about seventeen degrees cooler and when one is used to 39°C(102.2°F) on the daily, having it drop to 22.2°C(72°F) was like hell frozen over. No one in Hi no Kuni liked cooler temperatures.

It had been during lunch at school. Yuuki wasn't a popular kid. She was poor and an orphan and a girl, which made her a prime target for bullies. Boy bullies. Much older boy bullies to be specific.

Most days it was just words, but the day things changed it had gotten physical for the first time.

The Rich Kid Group of the school that was led by a teen by the name of Komatsuzawa Hanataro - who went by 'Komatsuzawa-sama' and did everything he could to distract people from his 'girly name' - cornered her near the trees outside the school yard. The other teen boys stood in a semi-circle to cage her in, but didn't get involved beyond that. It was how that sort of altercation went. They let their leader be the mouthpiece for them.

Hanataro was a dick. Yuuki had heard a kunoichi call her ninja friend that once when he stole her dango, and it hadn't been in a friendly tone. So she inferred it was an insult and used it accordingly.

The usual taunts about being unwanted and worthless were first. Nothing new or remotely interesting so he just kind of sounded like a tape that was rewound and played every day. Then came the encouragement for her to just drop out of school because she'll never amount to anything. Finally was the suggestion of suicide to get out of everyone's way, which got an eye roll after hearing it so often.

And boys who think they're hot shit, don't like it when you don't take them seriously. They throw tantrums in response. And so Hanataro proved her right by lashing out and grabbing her hair in an unforgiving grip that pulled at her scalp, using his height over her to his advantage.

It wasn't anything special as far as hair went. Solid black and spiky around her head. That was it. She wasn't into long hair personally and kept it ear length at all times. Less time washing it because less product had to be used. And it never knotted so brushing it wasn't necessary. She was lazy and didn't care about how she looked.

The grip tightened, pulling at the roots. "Got something to say, trash?" the punk taunted, lording his height over her like it was something to brag about. Hanataro wasn't a very tall teen which probably made him so self-conscious. His friends were like shields around him everywhere he went 'cause they were all so big.

"Let go, Hana-teme."

He didn't, obviously. And he didn't like her dig at his name either. She could feel some of the pressure on her roots become loose, not because he let go, but because he'd pulled hard enough to pull some of her hair out.

Now Yuuki did not like Hanataro as one might guess. And she didn't appreciate being manhandled either. So when the twerp decided to lay hands on her, she did the first thing that came to mind.

After being in a few friendly tussles at the orphanage, Yuuki knew how to throw a good punch. She had to if she wanted to get out of doing chores for the week.

Channeling that same desperation her, she swung back a fist full of chakra and clocked him in the jaw. Hanataro flew back a few feet and landed on his back where he ceased moving entirely. And his group, the 'ever faithful' followers of his who would supposedly defend him to the moon and back with their dying breaths, backed up in horror. None of them even bothered to check if he was okay before running off with their tails between their legs.

She wasn't shocked. There was no loyalty in that relationship.

As for Yuuki, she turned and walked off, rubbing at the slight ache that still lingered on her scalp. The dick had successfully ripped some hair out with that little stunt.

When she reached the building, she turned back to see him still lying there, and had a stray thought. Could someone die from being punched? Did she have a murder on her hands when she wasn't even a shinobi or shinobi-in-training?

The thought made her panic slightly as she hadn't been aiming to kill. She just wanted to scare him away to he'd stop touching her. Maybe even stop bothering her altogether. Murder wasn't how she'd planned on it though! She couldn't afford to go to prison! And there was no way she could outrun a squad of Anbu!

The child who lived richly - 'rich' her ass - rushed to class. She'd never been a favorite and she doubted the sensei even knew who she was. Still, it was best to fess up now instead of later. It would show maturity and initiative. It would get her in less trouble than hiding it would.

"Sensei! Komatsuzawa-san is on the ground and isn't moving!"

Every teacher knew who Komatsuzawa was, and upon hearing the most wealthy student's name, stood in a hurry. "What happened?!"

She followed him back toward the playground, explaining along the way, "He was bothering me with his friends and grabbed me. So I punched him when he wouldn't let go and he hasn't gotten up. I don't know where his friends went though. They ran away."

And that was how she ended up in the Hokage's office of all places?

So to make it clear for everyone involved...

Yuuki was an orphan. She had no surname as far as anyone was aware. Though as she hadn't even been to a doctor, so who knew what relation she had. Yuuki had punched out the son of one of the wealthiest couples in the village. Yuuki, with her twig arms, had broken a teen boy's jaw.

As such, both parents wanted to hang her by her toes and choke her out basically. Other less kind words were uttered in her direction but she didn't care enough to remember.

So Yuuki, Rin who was the new Matron of the Orphanage, both of Hanataro's parents, Takahashi-sensei, Hanataro's friends and their parents, and the Hokage were sitting in the man's office. And while it was not a good situation, Yuuki didn't feel guilty in the slightest. Her bully wasn't dead, just hospitalized and that was good enough to appease her worries. The chances of prison time were lowering further and further.

"Now," began the Hokage, "we're all here because of a concerning report of an incident that happened this afternoon. I will have the eye-witness report from everyone who witnessed this event. Hanataro-san's has already been recorded by one of our Anbu. An additional report as made from a Genin who had been passing by and decided to watch the altercation in case help was needed. I will know if you lie to me."

The group of teens fidgeted as each told their version of events. They glossed over the insults used and just said insults were traded back and forth. They neglected to mention the push for suicide. And they all agreed that Yuuki hit Hanataro out of nowhere and with no provocation.

And when the Hokage turned to her, the Komatsuzawa Head blustered, "Surely you don't need this hooligan's word! She's obviously no better than a rabid dog!"

At the old man's glare, he shut up instantly. The Hokage motioned to Yuuki so she could tell her side.

"This was the first time Hanataro-san ever got physical. Usually they all just corner me somewhere, tell me I'm worthless and that I should kill myself, and then leave after a few minutes. After a while it gets boring hearing the same stuff, so I rolled my eyes at him and he grabbed my hair in an attempt to seem threatening. And when he didn't let go after I told him to, I punched him in the face with a fist full of chakra. His buddies scattered like cockroaches and I went to get Takahashi-sensei."

Quick and to the point.

"She's lying!" the parents and group of boys insisted all at once. Takahashi-sensei looked resigned. The Hokage was emotionless as he shuffled the papers on his desk around.

"According to the eye-witness report of Genin Hyuga Hayato, Yuuki-san was told that being an orphan meant she was unwanted by her birth parents and that she was worthless. To quote, 'Your real parents didn't want you and since no one's adopted you it means you're worthless. Why don't you just give up and go back to the orphanage? You'll never make it anywhere. In fact, why don't you just give up on life since you're just taking up space someone else needs.' Is this or is this not what Hanataro-san said?"

The boys were stiff with fear. The Hyuga were of a well-respected shinobi clan. Wealthier than all of their civilian families combined. They had a better standing in the village too. Having the word of a Hyuga against them was bad for them in every possible way.

"Hyuga-san proceeded to explain that Hanataro-san grabbed a handful of Yuuki-san's hair hard enough to rip it out. This is proven true by the fact that the Iryo-nin in charge of his recuperation found this in his enclosed fist." The Hokage held up a tuft of black hair that had no doubt come from Yuuki's head.

"It was further explained that he taunted her and she told him to let go. When he did not do so, she reared back her right fist that was coated in a thick layer of chakra, and slammed it into the left side of his jaw. He flew back a meter and a half and was unconscious before landing. Hyuga-san saw all of this with his Byakugan from the other side of the building, and it follows Yuuki-san's version of events more than anyone else's. What do you have to say for yourselves, boys?"

Yuuki understood that things were looking bad for the bullies. This would be the moment they finally got their asses handed to them!

One of the boys, someone that she never cared to learn the name of as he was just Hanataro's lackey, couldn't stop himself from saying, "But she never fought back any other time we did it so how could we know she could fight?!"

As one, all the parents slapped a hand to their heads. Takahashi-sensei groaned something about 'implicating yourselves' as the Hokage smiled in victory.

"I'll take that as a confession, thank you. I have enough information. Yuuki-san will not face punishment from this. In fact, it seems to me that Hanataro-san should being punished once he's out of the hospital. There isn't much that we can do about standard bullying as words can be traded back and forth without anyone's knowledge, but encouraging suicide is a big concern and laying hands on another makes it even worse. He will not only serve detention for every day of the remaining school year, he will see a psychiatrist to work out his personal issues, and Yuuki-san will be compensated 5,000 Ryo a week from his personal allowance until she reaches adulthood. Hopefully this will teach him a valuable lesson."

Both of Hanataro's parents gaped openly in horror at their son's punishment.

The Hokage turned to the other teens. "You're getting off easy with a year of detention. As Hanataro-san was the mouthpiece and did the most damage, he gets the most punishment. That doesn't mean you'll get off again if you get into more trouble from here no out. Might I suggest counseling for their attitudes as well? Perhaps a good lesson on how having money doesn't make you more important than anyone else?"

The offenders and their parents were escorted from the office by an Anbu in a cat mask, leaving Yuuki and Rin behind. The Hokage shuffled some more papers around.

"Hyuga-san was impressed with your even control of your chakra. As such, you've earned yourself a chance to enter into the Shinobi Academy on scholarship. You'll have to take the entrance exam of course, but there's no doubt you'll make it as your chakra manipulation is ahead of many your age and your school grades show you're in the 99th percentile of your year even if you've been noted to have issues with laziness."


"Of course as an orphan you will be provided with the usual stipend of orphans attending the Academy and it will remain as such until you reach Genin status. That is usually at age twelve in peace times, meaning you will reach adulthood in terms of our laws, early on. I did not mention this to your contemporaries so they can sweat a little as additional recompense."

Double cool.

"You can also choose to rent an apartment where the bills will be handled until you reach adulthood, or continue staying at the orphanage until you reach adulthood."

"Apartment!" she decided immediately. Anything was better than the orphanage.

"I had a feeling you would say that," the old man smiled. "Rin-san would still maintain contact in case you require an adult's signature if you need medical treatment, but otherwise you would fall under shinobi watch. I have taken the liberty of having an Academy instructor bring up the current entrance exam. If you'd like to take it now, that is."

Yuuki did. In the meantime, the Hokage and Rin talked in hushed tones while she ran over the exam's requirements.

She never thought she'd get to be a ninja. Who knew messing around with her chakra on her own and then punching a bully was the way to go about getting the chance? There were better options for her as a ninja than there were as a no-name civilian.

A/N: The first chapter is done!

No, it's not the Rin you're thinking of, people can have the same name in the same village of several thousand people.

Komatsuzawa is a name, I did not make that up FYI.

How was it? Let me know.

Ja ne! :D