Hello, everyone.
Thank you to the several people who followed and favorited this story. A bigger thank yoú to those who reviewed. Here's for you guys waiting.
Hariel Potter is not the person Severus Snape expects her to be.
After Hagrid returns from his trip to retrieve her empty-handed (and isn't that just a doozy,exactly how does a ten year old child disappear from an island without a boat?), Albus guilt trips him into following up after the Dursleys have returned from their impromptu vacation.
Scowling fiercely, he stalks down Privet Drive, aware that he is causing a stir with his robes and foreboding appearance, but surprise, he just can't being himself to care, not breaking his stride for even a millisecond to consider adjusting how appearance to make the muggles more comfortable.
He does hesitate, if only for a moment, when he reaches the doorbell of Number 4. A fleeting thought of apparating away before this impeding disaster of a meeting passes through his mind, but he imagines Albus' sad disappointment directed at him, and squares his shoulders, pressing the button with a hint of a sneer on his pale visage.
Severus prides himself on his Occlumency skills as Petunia answers the door. His face is stone, despite his heart thundering in his chest.
Looking at Petunia reopens old wounds he thought were sealed. No one would ever claim Petunia and Lily to look alike, but as he gazes at her face, decades older and more mature than her remembers, he sees Lily bleeding through her.
Petunia is just as affected by his appearance, it seems. Her knees buckle slightly, and her mouth falls open in a small 'o'. They stare at each other, silent and tense, until a yell from inside breaks the spell.
"Muuummm!" a little boy's voice calls out. "Muuuummm, I'm still hungry!"
Petunia pales, then flushes, and angry red color that splotches her pale cheeks and thin neck. "Why are you here?" she practically hisses at him, her eyes darting past him to check the streets for any witnesses.
"It's lovely to see you too, Pet," he sneers. "I'm here for the girl."
Her flush darkens, and after debating with herself, she pulls the Potions Master through the door, slamming it shut with a bang. Severus allows himself to be manhandled by the slight woman, although the sneer never leaves his face.
A blond, quite rotund child waddles out of the kitchen, whining. "Muumm, I want some more -"
"Hush Dudley," Petunia snaps. "Upstairs, to your room now. Do not leave until I tell you can."
The child looks like he's about to throw a tantrum, his face reddening at a frighting pace, until he spies Severus, and he immediately turns a sickly pale. With a quiet meeping sound, he bounds for the stairs at a pace faster than Severus expected he was able. The dour man's lips twitch as he notices that Dudley's hands cover his large bottom as he runs. It seems Hagrid had success in one aspect of his trip to the Dursleys, even if his main mission had been a bust.
"I dearly hope you haven't fattened up your niece as much as you have your son," he intones, looking around the mundane home with disinterest. "I'd dare say the school will not let others starve to keep up with the voracious appetite you have most likely built for her here."
Petunia doesn't answer, although Severus hadn't expected her to. Her hands clench and and unclench at her sides sporadically, but she doesn't say what's on her mind.
Better this way, Severus thinks to himself. Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, Petunia.
It seems, age has done more than mature her physically, and the thin blonde turns away, allowing both of them to compose themselves slightly.
"Girl!" she calls out abruptly. Severus will always deny that her shrill call startled him. "Come down here!"
There is silence, for a long moment, and Severus scowls inwardly. If the spoilt brat thinks she can simply ignore her aunt's request (although it came out more like an order), she is going to have a hard time at Hogwarts. He certainly is not going to baby her through her school years, Lily's daughter nonwithstanding-
"Yes, Aunt Petunia?" A soft, calm voice calls out from behind them. Thanking Occlumency once again, Severus is able to stay perfectly calm, while inwardly he curses fouly and barely stops himself pulling his wand out. How did she do that? he thinks to himself.
Petunia is not so versed in the matter of mind magic, and spins around with a slight shriek, clutching at her heart as it threatens to jump out of her chest.
"Jesus bloody fucking Christ!" Despite the fact that Severus is just as startled, he manages to crack a slight smile. Perfect, proper Petunia cursing up a storm in the presence of magic pulls a nostalgic tune from the dark haired man.
"I apologise, Aunt Petunia. I didn't mean to startle you," the girl says. For a moment, Severus cannot bring himself to turn around. It takes all his strength, all his willpower, to turn and face the daughter of the woman he loved.
Seeing Lily's eyes looking up at him in curiousity is a stab in the heart. Seeing Lily's features, blended with Potter pureblood features, is a twist of the knife logded deeply in him. He's not sure how long he keeps his gaze to her face, tracing it, categorizing what parts of Lily the girl kept and what parts are her father's.
She's so tiny, he thinks, the voice in his head weak with his emotion. So small...smaller than Lily was. Smaller than her cousin...
Before he can continue on his train of thought, said little girl steps forward, hand thrust at him. "I am Hariel Potter, sir," she begins politely. "My Aunt informed me that someone would be coming for me, to inform me about Hogwarts and how to get into the Wizarding World.
Hariel glances at her Aunt, and if she is startled by the tears shining in Petunias eyes, she doesn't give it away. Severus doesn't notice Petunia's emotional state, focused only on the little girl who looks so much like Lily, but at the same time not at all.
Clearing his throat softly, he takes a slight step forward, grasping her hand in his in a firm handshake. His first thought is of how small, how delicate her hand feels in his, like she a strong gust of wind away from just falling apart. His second is of how surprisingly polite she is, considering who she is and how Petunia spoils her son, Severus had had no doubt in her mind that she was going to be insufferable. But looking at her now...
"Yes, I am Severus Snape, resident Potions Master at Hogwarts. I am also the Head of House for house Slytherin. You may address me as Professor Snape."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor Snape. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to attend to my situation."
...what in the blazing hell did Petunia do to Lily's child? Resisting the urge to give the blonde a questioning look, he keeps his eyes on the serious girl in front of him. And he knows he is tall, he had started towering over his yearmates after third year, but the top of Hariel's head barely even reaches his knees.
They aren't all that small, are they? He has a sinking feeling in his gut about the sort of household Hariel has been raised. Horror and anger swirl in the pit of his stomach, but again, he keeps his focus on the girl, keeping it professional.
"Of course, Ms. Potter. It is the duty of Hogwarts professors to ensure that muggle-born magical children, or muggle-raised, in your case, smoothly find their footing in the Wizarding World," he replies, straightening his spine after releasing her hand.
"I'm sure your aunt has informed you on what she knows about the world your parents came from." It isn't phrased as a question, but Severus pauses, waiting for confirmation.
Hariel clasps her hands behind her back, large green eyes focused entirely on Severus. "She has told me what she can. My mother was a muggle-born, she received her letter at eleven, she was sorted into house Gryffindor, who's emblem is a lion. She met and married my father, both of them dying when I was a little over a year old."
Behind him, Petunia mumbles, "Oh god Lily...I can't do this," and turns around, not waiting to hear more of their conversation and flees upstairs without another word to either. Even though it has been a decade since Lily's death, Petunia has never had closure, and the memories cut through her harshly.
Severus doesn't need to read her mind to know any of this. He's going through the same thing.
Hariel doesn't look at her Aunt for even a second, keeping her eyes locked on the Potions Master. He in turn, meets her gaze squarely, not allowing himself to show how affected he is at her blasé tone about her mother's death.
Clearing his throat, he replies to her, "My main priority is to familiarize you with how to contact people in the Wizarding World, as well as how to retrieve the items you require on your school list, and how you shall be reaching the school this upcoming September. However, considering the..unique.. situation of your celebrity status, I will allow questions that do not pertain to Hogwarts, and I will answer them to the best of my ability."
She nods thoughtfully and Severus braces himself for a painful question like, Why did you not save my mother or Did you honestly think that she was nothing more than a mudblood but nothing that painful crosses her lips. Of course not. She doesn't know, he reminds himself guiltily.
"My first inquiry is about fees, Professor Snape," she announces, professional and straight to business.
"I understand that I am legacy, however I would like to make you aware that I have no funds to pay for tuition and books. Does Hogwarts have any sort of scholarship or sponsership program that I could apply for? If necessary, I can also provide my reports from my previous school, St. Rose's Primary School. Although it is a muggle school, I assure you that it is a very quality school, and I was always at the top of my year."
"Are your guardians not financially well off?" Severus glances around the house for a minute before bringing his gaze back down to Hariel. It has been a long time since Severus had been exposed to the muggle world, but everything in the Dursleys' looked new and shiny. Her question puzzles him, but the sinking feeling in his gut grows stronger.
Hariel's lips quirk up slightly, watching his eyes rove around in confusion. "I have an...agreement with the Dursleys," she confesses. For a moment, her image of a serious, quiet child breaks, and Severus sees a cold mischief shine through her eyes. He goes rigid, his mind screaming wrong, wrong at the sight something he had only ever seen in Potter's eyes swimming in Lily's.
"Unfortunately, that agreement does not include school fees and tuition," she shrugs casually, and her calm serious demeanor slips back on.
"Well, you will be relieved to know that although Hogwarts does indeed have a scholarship and sponsership program, it will be unnecessary for you. Your father comes from old money, you see," he explains to her. "You have a trust fund available to you now, and once you are of age, you may access the family account."
Hariel hums thoughtfully, then asks, "And this money, is it the same as is used in the muggle world?"
"No, we have our own currency, which I can go more into depth with you once we head out to purchase your books. Is it agreeably with you for us to go today?"
He is breaking protocol by suggesting they go to Diagon Alley on the same day that she has been "officially" introduced to magic, but Severus is a busy man, and he doesn't want to have to come back if he can help it. He also wants to take more time to observe Hariel, see if he can catch a glimpse of the person behind the mask, if only for a second more.
"Yes, certainly, I can go now," she says eagerly.
"Very well, we are going to Apparate there. It is an instantaneous form of transportation, I will have to hold your hand to perform it. You might feel a bit tight on the way, but it will pass quickly. Are you ready?"
She nods, holding out her hand for him to take, which he does. With a loud crack, they disappear from Number 4 Privet Drive.
The duo arrives in front of the Leaky Cauldron a second later. Severus turns to Hariel, expecting her to be sick, but to his surprise she seems fine.
Her small face is twisted into a slight scowl, and she runs a hand over her chest uncomfortably, but she doesn't look green or look like she's going to vomit.
Impressed, Severus tugs on her hand slightly to get her attention, "This is the gateway into Diagon Alley, one of the biggest Wizarding shopping districts in the country," he tells her, slipping into his Professor persona easily.
Holding on to her, he enters the dark pub. It is mostly empty, which doesn't surprise Severus, considering how early in the morning it is. Tom greets him quietly, eyes quickly moving from him to the child. Severus winces; waiting for the exclamation about exactly who the child he is leading is, but it never comes.
"Ah, hello lass," Tom says, peering over the counter to look at Hariel. "Why, you're just a wee bit, aren't ya? And off to Hogwarts already eh? Good for ya!"
Hariel smiles politely, adjusting the baseball cap on her head...was that always there? Severus frowns, turning fully to look at her. He could swear she hadn't been wearing a hat just a moment ago...
The Potions professor looks at the girl keenly now, suddenly on edge. He is almost positive that she had not been wearing any sort of hat when he met her, but yet here she was, walking into the public's eye for the first time with the perfect accessory to keep eyes off her. He almost wants to ask her if she knows more than she's letting on, but she steps up closer to him, her smile turning mysterious.
"Lead the way, Professor," she requests.
Pushing aside her oddities, Severus does, watching as wonder and glee fill her eyes as the barrier blooms open to them.
No, she can't know more, he decides, watching her take in the sights and sounds with barely concealed awe. After all, she's just a child.
The shopping trip goes quite well, all things considered. After stocking up a hefty sum from Gringotts, Severus leads her through the stores of Diagon Alley, crossing off the Hogwarts checklist as they go. Hariel is attentive as he instructs her on Wizarding culture, nodding in understanding and asking for clarification on occasion. It is almost - dare he say it - pleasant.
He leads the girl to Madame Malkin's, and instructs her to go on ahead. "I have an errand I would like to run while you get your robes fitted," he explains. "I will be back to collect you in half an hour, though if I'm not back by then, please refrain from going off on your own."
She nods pleasantly, "Of course Professor. See you soon."
Hariel walks into the shop, where she is immediately greeted. "Hello," she answers back politely. "I'm here to be fitted for my Hogwarts robes and uniform."
"Right this way darling," Madame Malkin says, leading her to a small platform that faced a full-body, three-sided mirror. To her left, another child with shockingly blonde hair is already being fitted, tape measure flying around him dizzingly.
Madame Malkin rummages through the folds of her robe, pulling a tape measure out. "I'll need you to take your shoes and your hat off dear, alright?"
Hariel does as she's asked, then climbs onto the platform. Quickly checking her reflection, she is pleased to see that her bangs are still hiding her scar. Madame Malkin waves her wand at the tape measure, and it immediately comes to life, twirling around her.
"Alright, hang tight love, I'll be back once it's done," she hurries back to the entrance after hearing the store bell ring.
The other patron smiles at her. It isn't a pleasant smile, he looks down at her condescendingly. "Your parents having a party, little girl? My parents had a party last month, I had to get fitted for new robes as well. Of course, we went to Twilfitt and Tatting's for those; their outer cashmere robes are to die for."
Hariel raises an eyebrow at him. "No," she replies shortly. "I'm going to Hogwarts."
He snorts, looking thoroughly amused. "You're going to Hogwarts? You're like six, aren't you?" The condescending tone in his voice hikes up, and he baby talks to her, "Is the widdle itty bitty baby playing pwetend with her wobes?"
Her eyes glint dangerously at him, "Actually I'm eleven. And I'll let that comment go this time. Since you don't who I am."
He scoffs, "Who you are? Do you know who you're talking to? My father is -"
"I'm not talking to your father, am I?" A dark eyebrow raises at the boy, who sputters wordlessly at her. "I'd suggest you use your next words wisely to change my growing opinion of you."
He flushes darkly, reminding Hariel of Ron for a brief moment, before he gathers his wits and sneers, "Father says the opinion of sheep doesn't matter to the dragon. It's not hard to see which we both are."
No, it's not, Hariel agrees silently.
They ignore each other for the remainder of their time in the shop. The boy leaves first, nose upturned to Hariel's amusement. A few moments later, Professor Snape retrieves her, where they make their last two stops: the pet store and the wand shop.
Snape suggests she buys a pet, so she browses the around mentally debating whether or not she'll need an owl - it's not like she has anyone she's going to be owling letters to, besides Ron, and he's going to Hogwarts with her. In the end she falls in love with a gorgeous snowy owl, who hoots at her in greeting.
"You're just the handsomest fella, aren't you?" she coos at him, giggling quietly when he preens in response to her compliment.
"A fine choice, Ms. Potter," the Professor says as they walk out, cage in hand. He offers to hold on to the owl for her, allowing her to shop for her wand privately.
"I will be waiting at the Apothecary for you," he says briskly, taking off when she nods in understanding.
Two hours later, with Ollivander's ominous words burning in her mind, Hariel stumbles out of the dusty store, clutching her boxed wand tightly, blinking blearily at the sun.
Professor Snape steadies her with a strong hand on her thin shoulder. "I was worried I would have to interrupt, Ms. Potter," he says, guiding her away from the bustling crowds.
Hariel's eyes take a few more minutes to adjust to the light, but she quickly apologies to the professor, who nods curtly in acceptance.
"There's no telling how long until a witch or wizard finds a wand they are worthy of wielding. In rare cases, some must have a completely new wand crafted for them," he informs her.
Professor Snape offers to take her out to eat before they return, but Hariel declines politely. She has taken up enough of his time, and quite frankly, she'd like to return home to start reading up on the all the new books she's just purchased. The dark-haired man's lips twitch minutely at her announcement, but he concedes to her.
The Dursleys house is quiet when the pair returns, Snape Apparating them directly into the house. Hariel quickly notes that the telly is quiet, and she can't hear Petunia's fake laugh on the phone.
"They must have left," she informs Snape, "to avoid us returning. All the better to have the place to myself for a few hours."
Severus doesn't react outwardly, yet his mind races with everything he is learning about Hariel and her family. She is smaller than most eleven year olds - the trip to Diagon confirms that - despite her cousin being as fat and big as a whale. Although the Dursleys are well off and living comfortably, Hariel is used to working for her tuition and school funds, like she has no familial support.
Snape stows away everything he is noticing, promising himself to keep an eye on the small girl, no matter what house she ends up in - she seems to be a budding Ravenclaw, from the looks of it.
Passing her the Hogwarts train ticket, he explains to her how to get into Platform nine and three-quarters, warns her to not be late, carefully relieves himself of her trunk and owl cage, and bids her goodbye.
She reaches out again for a handshake, "Thank you again for your help. You were very informative."
"My pleasure, Ms. Potter," and to his surprise, it is a pleasure. "I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks."
As Severus walks out the door, he realizes she didn't ask him a single question about her fame. Curious child, he thinks to himself. What will the rest of the world make of her?
Did you know, that only male snowy owls are pure white? Female snowy owls have flecks of brown/black in their feathers. Considering that, I'm making Hedwig a male. I'm still not sure what to name him though, I'm open to suggestions.