Jay ran as fast as he could. He cursed himself when he realized he didn't pay enough attention during the tour. He had no idea where the medical office was so he ran to the Remedial Goodness classroom. His only hope was Fairy Godmother.

"Fairy Godmother!" Jay shouted as he threw the door open. "I need your help!" His voice shook in desperation. He searched the empty room for a second and then turned to leave.

"Jay? Good heavens, what is wrong?" Fairy Godmother came out of her office. She had heard the frantic screams from inside.

"Mal's been injured." Jay looked down in shame. He didn't want to admit to his wrongdoings but he knew the consequences would follow. "Will you help her?"

"Have you talked to the nurse? She would be better equipped to help." Fairy Godmother tried to calm the young man in front of her. She was known for staying level headed during distressed times.

"Please, just follow me!" Jay pleaded and headed back to the dorm. He looked back with begging eyes and jerked his head for her to follow.

"Oh, heavens, I'm coming." Fairy Godmother sighed and followed her student. She smiled and talked to everyone she passed in the hallway with no sense of urgency.

"Fairy Godmother, please, this is an emergency!" Jay was at his wits end. His guilt over the situation was making his temper run rampant. "She could die!" He threw his hands up.

"Jay, let's not exaggerate. I'm helping a student right now and then I can help you." Fairy Godmother reprimanded gently. She didn't like when the truth was stretched for more urgency than was needed.

"She's bleeding out! Oh I forgot, the goal in Auradon is to let all the villains suffer by killing their kids. Newsflash, the villains don't care about what happens to their kids. We are expendable everywhere, aren't we?" Jay was getting impatient. He knew better than to ask someone for help, but he messed up and he wasn't sure how much longer he had to fix this.

"That's enough, young man. I will not tolerate the disrespect from you. If you need my help, you need to drop the attitude." Fairy Godmother left no room for argument. She wasn't going to allow these kids to continue on the path of villainy activities.

"I'll find someone who cares about the students here. Hopefully Mal can hang on until I do." Jay shook his head in disgust and started to run down the hall. He had to circle back to the dorm. Maybe Doug could help him. He had never felt like such a failure before and he constantly disappointed his father.

"Doug, I tried. I…Fairy Godmother wouldn't hurry. I told her what was happening and she still refused to come here." Jay rushed out. His face drained of color when his eyes landed on Mal's unfocused eyes. "Where can I go? What adult will help? Do you have a medical bag here? Actually hand me that pillow case and look for a couple of belts." He figured his knowledge of first aid from the Isle would pay off.

"If you knew what to do, why didn't you do something earlier?" Doug felt his anger seep up from his gut. "You know what, never mind." He got up and stripped the case off the pillow. He searched the desks and night stands for a belt. "I can't find a belt! Oh wait, here, take mine." Doug undid the buckle and pulled it free from his pant loops.

"Thanks," Jay mumbled and took the belt from Doug. "Look in the closet for another one. I'll use this one to make a tourniquet." He took a moment and focused on the task. He silently begged Mal to hold out for a little while longer. If it were the Isle, the risk of infection would be higher than the chance of survival but he hoped it was different in Auradon.

"How do you know what to do?" Doug paused his searching and watched Jay with interest.

"When you grow up on the Isle, you learned first aid pretty quickly. People die frequently over there for various reasons but lack of medical attention after a sword stabbing is one of the major reasons." Jay didn't take his eyes off his hands. "Can you hand me a marker or pen?" He held his hand out.

"Here," Doug pulled one out of his pocket and handed it over. "What do you need that for?" He was curious. He never had to learn much about first aid, Auradon had a fantastic medical department and while he excelled in science, his focus was mainly in chemistry.

"I'm writing when the tourniquet was tightened. It'll help determine the chances of saving her leg and life." Jay never had to remove a tourniquet. No one was lucky enough to survive a wound that needed one. "Can you go get someone?" He turned to Doug. He had no idea who would listen to him. Fairy Godmother was the only one who he thought believed in second chances enough to help.

Doug looked between Mal and Jay. He left them alone together once already and now Mal was in terrible shape.

"I promise nothing more will happen while you are gone. Just please," Jay knew that his word meant little but he made a mistake when he let his anger take over his mind.

"Okay, I'll be right back, just please, no more damage." Doug pleaded and gave one last look at the pair and headed out the door. He knew that the two people he needed to get were Fairy Godmother and Nurse Flora.

"Nurse Flora! Can you page Fairy Godmother and follow me? There has been a…" Doug struggled to find the right word. He didn't want the guards to bust into the room when both teenagers were skittish. Sure Mal was pretty much unconscious when he left, but he still didn't want to risk it. "There's been an accident." He didn't like omitting the truth.

"Oh, Doug, lead the way," Nurse Flora gestured for Doug to lead the way. She sent a message through the air and hurried after her favorite student.

"Thank you," Doug turned his head to the side, not slowing his pace.

"Can you tell me what happened? I need to know what I'll be walking in on." Nurse Flora wasn't rude. She needed to know what supplies she would need and if anyone else would be needed.

"One of the Isle kids, Mal, she has a puncture wound on her upper thigh. She's lost a good bit of blood and she was nearly unconscious when I left to find you. Jay has a tourniquet tied but it doesn't look too good." Doug rushed out. He didn't want to give away any information about how it happened. He was trying to earn the trust of the teens; he didn't want to put a strain on that.

"Mal? Isn't she the paraplegic one?" Nurse Flora tried to think. She was never really good with names. Faces were her thing.

Doug nodded and stopped at the doorway. "She's in here. I'll stay out here until Fairy Godmother gets here." He knew to give space in a situation like this. "Jay is in there now."

"Okay, dear, come on in once she gets here. I may have to transport her to the hospital if there is a tourniquet involved. Magic will do nothing if she is already close to death. I can't restore fae blood so let's hope the hospital has some on reserve." Nurse Flora patted his shoulder and walked through the door.

Doug could hear the low murmurs as the information was passed. He fell against the wall behind him. He couldn't understand why Mal hadn't screamed louder. He couldn't understand why he hadn't went in the second the voices got louder. He let his head fall back on the wall and looked up at the ceiling. He had tried to do the best thing for the friendship in his mind. He calmed down Jay. He thought the anger wasn't there. He had never been more wrong in his entire life.

"Doug! Do you know where Nurse Flora is? I got her message about the emergency and followed the magic trail here." Fairy Godmother was out of breath. She felt the urgency of the message.

"There was an accident with Mal. She's not doing well. Jay had to tie a tourniquet on her leg to stop the bleeding." Doug explained everything like he had with Nurse Flora.

"Jay?" Fairy Godmother looked away in shame. She had been sure there was an overreaction with Jay's response. She hadn't considered there could have been an emergency by the blatant disrespect he showed. "Oh, no, I have to go in."

Doug gestured to the door. He needed another second with just his thoughts before he went back in. "Nurse Flora, Jay, and Mal are in there already. I'll be in, in a moment." Doug's voice cracked.

Fairy Godmother gave his shoulder a squeeze and hurried through the door.

Doug waited just a second longer before he pushed through the door. He could tell by the grim faces it was serious.

"We need to take her to the hospital. They'll be able to give her the proper advanced care there. She's lost a good bit blood. I'm not sure she would survive the magic transportation. We might have to transport her with the campus van." Nurse Flora was fluttering around Mal. "We need to hurry."

Doug spaced out and by the time his mind came back into focus, Mal was no longer in the room. Jay was off to his left with his head in his hands.

"I didn't…I don't…I swear I didn't mean it." Jay muttered. "I thought she was faking everything. She didn't scream. She just cared about me. She didn't try to stop her bleeding. She begged me to get away."

Doug wasn't sure if Jay was talking to him or trying to talk through his thoughts out loud. He didn't dare interrupt.

"I don't understand. She left us. She didn't care about us. She allowed us to believe she was dead. She didn't send for us. She wasn't there to pick up the pieces. She was my sister and I had lost her." Jay voice broke. He wasn't going to cry, but that didn't stop defeated look.

"You need to talk to her. Listen to her side." Doug reasoned. From what he had seen, Jay was the least forgiving of the group. He wouldn't allow Mal to explain.

"What if I can't? What if my freezing meant that she wouldn't survive?" Jay breathed. He didn't couldn't stop his head from swirling with the "what ifs".

"You can't think like that." Doug couldn't take Jay's obvious guilt. "Think of something positive. It will help."

"You don't think of the positives of a situation when you are born on the Isle. I've seen people die for less than that injury." Jay wasn't pushing his misery in Doug's face. He was just saying about the ugly truth of the Isle.

"Did a lot of people you knew die?" Doug wanted to create a safe space for Jay. With his father being Dopey, he knew first-hand the judgment from the Auradonian people. When he was starting school, he was put in the lowest classes offered. His teachers often accused him of cheating. He didn't want any other kid to go through that.

"On the Isle, if you aren't a resourceful villain, you are hunted. If you are a child and your parent crosses a top villain, you are hunted in revenge." Jay was bitter. He had watched many children die by his father's hands. "It's just the way it was. When Mal was hurt, the Isle was rocked. Everyone thought she was dead. Maleficent didn't give any indication otherwise. She cut contact with everyone except her goons. She killed those responsible and it put enough fear in everyone else. No one would look in her direction after." He remembered the way the lesser evil villains would throw themselves into walls and behind stands to avoid looking at the Mistress of All Evil.

"That must have been tough on you." Doug tried to imagine finding out his best friend or even his sister was dead.

"It is what it is. That's the life of the Isle." Jay shrugged. "Thank you for helping." He looked into Doug's eyes for the first time since Mal was taken away.

"It's what friends do for each other." Doug shrugged of the gratitude. "Now, what do you say we go over to the hospital and see how everything is going?" He smiled in reassurance.

"Can we get Evie and Carlos?" Jay needed the strength of his friends. He wasn't sure if he could handle losing Mal twice in one lifetime.

I'm sorry my updates are so sporadic. I can't promise they will be any different but I haven't abandoned this story. I appreciate the feedback. I love knowing you all enjoy it!