A.N: Chapter fifteen.

It was a few weeks later and it was Thanksgiving. The day after the disco Josh had asked my Red's permission to take me on a date. We went to the cinema to watch some comedy. (Can't be bothered to think of a movie). Red had been very nice to Josh. We obviously weren't allowed in my room alone if he was there. When he was home we usually stayed in the basement with the others. Jackie was so excited that all of us girls had boyfriends. I had called Laurie and told her and she was happy for me.

We were actually waiting for Laurie at the bus stop.

"Laurie's bus isn't here yet," Eric informs us coming out of the bus station. "dad, can we get in the car and turn on the heat I'm freezing," Eric complains.

"Yeah daddy its really cold," I agree.

"Josh hug her," Dad barks before facing Eric, "And you, I am not wasting gas so you can be comfortable."

"Well, can we at least go wait inside?" Eric asks trying to get warm.

"I'm not going in that bus station with those people," Mom interrupts.

"God, I'm freezing," Eric moans.

"Oh, Eric, Tina I forgot to tell you, your sister's bringing a friend home, so Eric you'll be sleeping in the basement," Mom informs us. I snort knowing the basement is freezing.

"The basement. They should sleep in Laurie's room," Eric argues.

"Oh, and Red, I've been thinking. Maybe this year we should skip the big turkey," Mom continues ignoring Eric, "This year small ones are on sale at Piggly wiggly."

"This family doesn't scrimp on holidays," Red tells us, "can you imagine my mother sitting down to a chicken?"

"Red your mother won't eat my cooking anyways so that won't be a problem," Mom snaps.

"What!? Grandma's coming," I ask slightly panicked. Mom gives me a sympathetic look. Eric looks at me strangely and Dad is staring wide-eyed. "Great I can show her how much I learnt while I stayed with her," I say trying to cover up my panic as believes me but Josh doesn't. He squeezes my waist making me look at him I can tell by his face he is asking what my reaction was about. "Another time," I whisper and he nods.

"Dad they should sleep in the basement," Eric continues complaining after my outburst.

"Red, last Thanksgiving she said her jaw wasn't strong enough to chew the turkey," Mom snips. "And that was a magnificent turkey," Mom admires.

"Dad it's my room!"

"I worked myself to the bone for that," Mom interrupts Eric. I can see dad getting angry and have a plan.

"Daddy you said josh could sleep in my room as his parents are away this year so they can't sleep in my room," I add.

"All right, that's it! hold it!" Dad shouts silencing us all. "Now, kitty, don't get worked up over my mother," he directs at mom. "And you, you're sleeping in the basement," he continues at Eric. "Josh you are staying because I promised your father but I will kill you if you touch my daughter," he threatens pointing at us. "And we're all having a happy damn thanksgiving!" he finishes.

Just in time as we heard Laurie call, "Mommy, Daddy, Tina. This is Kate."

"Hi," Kate says.

"Hi, sweetheart let's get you and your sister in the car you must be freezing," Dad says hugging Laurie and beckoning me and Josh after them.

"How did you do that?" Josh asks meaning earlier.

"I know he agrees to anything when worked up," I shrug, "Figured I should gain something out of it. You were staying anyway."

When we get home Red get's the bags out of the car handing them to Eric, "Get Kate settled into your room."

"Oh, yeah, and hey, don't forget to show her your GI Joe dolls," Laurie calls after him mockingly.

"That's such a good idea. That will give you a chance to tell dad about that professor you're dating," Eric retorts.

"What?" Dad asks his head appearing out the car.

"Dad he's joking," Laurie laughs it off glaring at Eric.

"Is she really?" Josh whispers to me from our place at the back door. I just shrug.

"Gosh I hope it doesn't get too cold tonight I sleep practically naked," Kate says grinning at Eric, but winks at Josh at the end when Eric isn't looking.

"Yeah, that's why I am sleeping in the same bed as my girlfriend. To make sure she is warm as she gets ill easy," Josh retorts hugging me making it obvious he isn't interested.

"See Eric be more like josh and considerate," Dad tells us.

"How did he win over daddy?" Laurie asks after Eric and Kate go inside.

"He helped me when some guys were attacking me and is a perfect gentleman," I respond smiling kissing his cheek.

"Alright well, Josh with me helping me with my bags so I can interrogate you," Laurie orders pulling him after. He looks at me for help but I just laugh. He glares and calls me a traitor.

I walk into the kitchen and the phone rings. I call tell it's grandma, trying to talk to mom about who knows. Once mom gets off the phone she smiles at me.

"She is agreeing with the plan as she doesn't want anyone to know so we look perfect to others," Mom tells me. I sigh in relief.


"We are going to have to tell Eric eventually, and Josh will need to know at one point as well honey," Mom tells me sympathetically.

"Eric can know when he has to and I am not telling Josh yet," I argue. Mom sighs but hugs me.

"Alright, I am here when you need me," she reassured me.

We were all at the hub and Eric had just been explaining our extra guest to the guys.

"So this kate is she hot?" Hyde asks.

"Of course she's hot," Kelso interrupts, "all college girls are hot. I mean we have all seen the brochures right?"

"Okay, donna help me play some music. right now," Jackie orders and Donna follows.

"I am going with them so you guys can fawn over Kate," I say standing up. "You can too babe I know she is hot," I tell Josh.

He smiles, "You are the best but she is nothing compared to you."


"You like it," he argues and I just roll my eyes walking away with a smile.

"Donna, how can you be okay? There is a college woman sleeping in his bed," Jackie is saying as I walk over.

"He's sleeping in the basement," Donna argues.

"Donna, stairs are not gonna stop a high school horndog," Jackie tells her, "Barbed wire will not stop a high school horndog. A wall of fire will not stop a high school-"

"Jackie I get it, I get it," Donna interrupts.

"Red doesn't stop my high school horndog," I snort.

"What?" they both ask.

"Nothing," I sing.

"Poor Donna so naive," Jackie sighs. Donna shakes her head and goes back to the guys.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Donna ask.

"Not sure," Jackie shrugs.

"I am gonna help mom with the food," I tell the others.

"I'll come I am pretty tired," Eric says quickly. Josh comes too as he is staying the night.

"So tell me about school," Red tells Laurie as we come in the back door. Josh and I sit at the counter.

"Oh, well I've decided to major in philosophy," Laurie says excitedly.

"That's good because they just opened up that big philosophy factory in green bay," Eric remarks sarcastically.

"No being a smart ass Eric," Josh sighs.

"See not funny Eric," Red says pointing at Josh before pointing outside, "Now sweep the garage."

"Yes sir," Eric replies going outside.

"I'll help," Josh offers.

"Good man Josh," Red nods.

"Suck up," I tease.

"Works doesn't it," He grins. "Besides I believe it is you that does the sucking," he whispers in my ear pretending he is giving me a hug.

"Isn't he great Laurie I told you," Mom says smiling and laughing.

"Yes mom he even passed my test," Laurie smirks.

"How can I help?" I ask mom hopping off my chair.

"Peanut butter in celery," Mom orders. "I wonder if the pilgrims were clever enough to put peanut butter on their celery," Mom comments laughing. The phone rings.

"Kitty could you get that I am fixing the drawer," Red asks. Mom doesn't pick it up and Red looks at her.

"Oh, dear god. Your mother has already called me five times this morning red. you answer it," she tells him.

"Kitty I don't want to talk to her," Red argues.

"She gave birth to you," Mom says glaring. He sighs and picks up the phone.

"Hello. hi ma. Really?," he says into the phone before passing it to mom, "It's for you."

"I'll take it," I sigh. "Hi grandma it's Tina," I say into the phone.

Oh hello dear, where is your mother?

"Oh she has a hot tray in her hands right now," I reply making up an excuse.

I see.

"Anything I can help you with," I offer.

When will your siblings be here tomorrow?

"Should be around noon grandma."

You aren't coming to get me are you

"No grandma I will wait at the house," I reply tensely.

Good I don't want to be in that awful truck

of course

You really should become more ladylike

"I am working on that

And you better not be showing anyone that you went THERE because you were being silly I want my family to look normal

"I wouldn't dream of it," I laugh off. "Now I really must go, grandma, I have to tell your flying monkeys you haven't arrived yet," I say sharply before slamming the phone on the receiver.

"Honey," Mom starts.

"No mom," I snap before going upstairs and laying on my bed.

A little while later Josh comes in the door and sits next to me, "You alright babe?"

"My grandma just makes me agitated," I sigh.

"I'm sorry she is so bad."

"It's alright."

"How did you live with her then?"

"Not without difficulties," I say not technically lying, "I used to just sneak out and lie and bite my tongue."

"okay enough sadness, you go take a shower and I will find us some music to listen to," Josh orders dragging me to stand.

"Thanks, babe," I say smiling and kiss him. When we pull away Josh leads me to the bathroom. I take a nice hot shower and I am relaxed after. I had a pair of pyjama bottoms and one of Josh's jumpers as sleepwear.

"Aww you look adorable," Josh teases from his place on the bed. His jumper came to my knees nearly as it was too big for him even.

"That's because I am," I snort getting in bed, "now let's sleep."

"Alright come here," Josh says opening his arms and we hug.

"You know we can't do anything right, my dad will probably come to check soon," I tell him.

"Yeah I know," he sighs. We end up having a heavy makeout session anyway.

The next day we were all downstairs in the basement. I was sitting on the washing machine with Josh between legs and I was hugging his back.

"So you made out with a college girl?" Hyde asked. He and the guys were huddled around Eric.


"Start talking," Hyde orders.

"Tell it like a story. Like a sexy story," Kelso girns.

"I don't see the big deal," I comment.

"It's a college girl," Kelso states as if that makes it obvious. I just shrug.

"Tina what you don't realise is that this is the first college girl and probably last a Forman will ever kiss," Hyde explains.

"No, it's not. I have kissed a few of Laurie's friends," I tell them.

"What!?" all the boys yell.

"We were drunk played spin the bottle," I shrug.

"You are telling me later," Josh tells me and I grin and nod.

"Anyway," Hyde says getting back on track. He prompts Eric.

"She like, jammed her entire tongue into my mouth."

"Eww," I mutter.

"and you wouldn't think a girl had like that much tongue," he continues.

"Yeah you would," Josh comments.

"Ewww gross my sister," Eric says pulling a face.

"That's great," Kelso says smacking Eric.

"Oh … oh, yeah," Eric says in a sad tone.

"What?" Hyde asks.

"I don't know I feel kinda guilty, Like dirty," he explains.

"Dirty is good," Kelso laughs.

"I like feeling dirty," Fez agrees.

"No no I mean I feel bad. Look, I think I gotta tell Donna," Eric tells us.

"Remembered her finally," I snark.

"Really? Well on behalf of men everywhere," Hyde tells him before slapping his face.

"Yeah man, I mean the right thing to do is to juggle them both until it all blows up in your face," Kelso tries to convince him and I snort.

"Look, you guys don't understand. I can't hide anything," Eric panics and we hear the basement door opening.

"It's true he can't, I am the liar out of us," I explain.

"The minute she looks at me she is gonna know," Eric panics.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Donna asks. We all are quiet.

"I kissed a girl!" Eric blurts out.

The guys all yell outraged.

I tighten myself on Josh's back, "Run," I whisper in his ear. He tightens his hold and runs upstairs before the guys.

"Why are you here? Why are you always here? It's thanksgiving don't you have families?" Red asks Kelso, Hyde and Fez. Josh and I are sat at the table.


Before they can give a real answer Donna comes storming up the stairs, "Hey Donna you wanna talk?" Hyde asks but she just storms out the house.

"I guess donna didn't take it very well," Kelso mutters.

"Well no wonder dumbass," I say rolling my eyes.

"Take what well?" Red asks. No one answers so he stares Kelso down until he breaks.

"Eric made out with kate."

"Anything else?"

"Your son is a whore," Fez adds. Red glares and they all run out. A moment later Eric comes up from the basement.

"Eric. Now Donna just came through here looking very upset any idea what that's about?" Red asks stopping him.

"I have no idea," Eric denies, "She seemed fine when we ... you already know don't you."

"Of course I know," Red tells him. "Donna is such a sweet kid how could you do this to her."

"I don't know, you know, it seems like bad things are always happening to me like I have bad luck or something," Eric tries and I just shake my head.

"Son you don't have bad luck. The reason that bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass," Red tells him. "Now fix it," he orders and Eric leaves. "And you better not do that to my daughter," Red tells Josh.

"Never sir."

We are all sat around the table praying. We had added a table to the end of the table so there were enough chairs.

"Amen, let's eat," Red suggests.

"Now is everything on the table, I still feel like I forgot something," Mom says as we start to pick up the food. The phone rings and we all freeze. "Oh, my god, I forgot your mother," Mom yells before running to the phone while Laurie and Eric jump up. "Hello, mother Forman. No, I didn't forget you, I don't know the kids left half an hour ago. I don't know what is keeping them," she says into the phone before knocking on the table hiding it in her cheat. "Put that back," Mom hisses and dad put the turkey back on the plate.

"The Toyota is blocking the car, I need the keys," Eric whispers rushing in and dad looks for the keys in his pockets.

"Could you hold on for one teeny tiny second?" Mom asks grandma. "For the love of God, move!" I stifle a laugh at mums next attempt to hide the truth, "Are you sure they're not there? Look out your window. Now, do you have your glasses on?"

It is an hour later when Eric and Laurie come in, "where's your grandma?"

"She's not coming. She said she is going to cousin Jole's for thanksgiving," Laurie says sitting down lighting a cigarette.

"Ah, that's not so bad," Red says putting Laurie's cigarette out.

"Actually she said it's a shame she can't spend what might be her last Thanksgiving with her family," Eric adds sitting at the table, "But she does hope we all enjoy ourselves."

"Eric remember that talk we had about not repeating rude things," I hiss kicking his shin.

"Well, you know what? That's just fine. I don't need to kiss some old lady's A-S-S on my holiday," Mom says serving herself. We all look at her socked. "You heard what I spelted," she tells us. The phone rings, "Forget it."

"Please let me," I beg.


After we finished dinner Josh and I were sitting at the counter in the kitchen eating dessert.

"Still can't believe you got me in your room with your dad here," Josh laughed.

"I am his favourite," I shrug.

"So what's the deal with you and your grandma?"

"What are you talking about?" I fake confusion.

"T, you were tense all day until you found out she wasn't coming. And for someone who is supposed to think you act like a lady you were the exact opposite," he tells me. I sigh but before I can answer Kate asks to speak alone with Eric I quickly rush to the basement.

"T I am not letting it go," Josh tells me.

"I know, but I can't tell you yet okay," I sigh giving him a hug. "Not even Eric knows," I tell him.

"Alright, I will let it go. I will respect your privacy," he relents hugging me back. "I hope you will tell me one day," he tries.

"Maybe," I sigh resting my head on his chest.

"That's all I ask," he says squeezing me tighter.