Fallout-Man101 presents:
All For One Remnant
Chapter Five.
I do not own RWBY or My Hero Academia, they are a property of Rooster Teeth and Japanese Manga writer Kohei Horikoshi.
Obsidian Residence.
"Who on earth would be calling me at this hour?" Rouge Obsidian huffed as he pulled himself angrily from bed at the sound of his cell phone ringing on the night stand, a quick glance revealing a unknown number.
"Great another one of those Mistralian scammer's whose neck I can't wring." He though as he answered the call rudely. "Whatever your selling I am not buying!".
"I am afraid I am not 'selling' anything, it is you who owes their soul to me after all." A chilling voice that might as well belonged to the God of Darkness replied each word reverberating like a pronouncement of doom in the police detective's ears...
"S-Sensei!" Rough sputtered. "I-I am s-s-sorry I thought you wer-"
"A Telemarketer? I realize that, if I hadn't you would have ended up like the last one in particular that called me." Sensei intoned.
"Yes." Rough spluttered back in relief. "To what do I owe the pleasure Sensei?"
"Business, not pleasure." Sensei corrected. "Tell me, has any news come about recently within the VPD concerning any of Beacons activities?"
"Not that I have heard of they have been rather quite lately other than a public comment made about Torchwick about a week ago." Rouge stated.
"That's interesting, can you explain to me then why their was a confrontation between Beacons deputy headmistress and Torchwick in the commercial district last night then?
Rough felt his heart stop at his bosses words "I don't know" he replied shakily as he shot over to his computer and did a quick search only to see the incident plastered all over the news page.
"Don't know? Why is that? You should very well know, it's your job to know..."
"I don't know." Rouge replied shakily at the razor thin edge present in his masters voice. "Maybe the higher ups have grown suspicious of possible moles in the department although I don't know why I haven't exactly done anything to gain that type of attention but it's not like the Commissioner and the Chief have ever been forward in regards to making their plans known."
"Yes, which is exactly why you will lay low for the moment, A friendly reminder however is you should very well know the consequences of betrayal I have other people besides you in the VPD you must surely realize and you aren't at all vital in the scheme of things.
"Yes sir, u-understood." Rouge responded nervously.
"Good and don't forget what I said detective..."
And with that the line hung up and Rouge let out a sigh.
"Fuck my life."
Apple Way Industrial Park.
"Just what is this?" Melanie Malachite thought her eyes furrowed as she glanced to her twin sister Miltia who sat beside her in the back seat of Junior's car, the man in question driving quietly.
Her sister shrugged back at Junior's weird behavior and this entire situation.
"More questions than answers." she thought as she remembered being awaken from a hangover by a clearly sleep deprived Junior who told them to get dressed to impress before noon and that he had a important meeting to attend to that demanded their presence.
"Why us? she thought as she went over her memory of the report their mother had sent them a week ago for any suspicious activities in Vale That said nothing seemed out of the ordinary or was planned things were quite as usual...
"And that's the problem, nothing is happening other than Torchwicks dust robberies." Melanie though, growing up she had been regaled with tales of the infamous crime wars that Valean's waged in the shadows against one another to say nothing of the infamous turf war that took place three years ago...
The city was quite...too quiet...
"So Why is Junior sweating like a fish?" she thought as she glanced at their driver whom seemed nervous. "This can't be a plan to off us, Junior is too much of a coward to risk mothers rath and he knows that it wouldn't mean anything in the long run..."
Not that their was a reason to kill them or that Junior even could, sure his income imbalance had irked their mother but their investigation hadn't brought up anything as far a embezzling was concerned. In fact, despite a large portion Junior's cut of the money vanishing everything seemed pretty legitimate.
"But where is the money going and what for? that's the question." Melanie thought. "Even with all the resources at our disposal mother couldn't trace the money any further than a single bank account in Vacuo and from their it split into dead ends, it could have been funneled to just about anywhere in the world for any reason..."
Weapons for a up and coming turf war against other groups, Junior trying to expand his 'side' of the business to increase his capital or a plot to cut there mother out no matter how unlikely were all options of where the money could have gone and all of this irked their mother the fact that she the premier information dealer in Remnant hadn't a clue why it was happening.
Melanie wiped the thought from her head and glanced out at the factory buildings that they passed of the lower industrial district. "Some place for a high class meeting, the way Junior was talking implied some form of high class business deal, not a standard gang meet..."
"We are almost there." Junior stated breaking her line of thought.
"Where is there?" Miltia asked as Melanie turned to her and saw the same look that she herself was feeling, a mix of annoyance and trepidation.
"A meeting place by the docks from there we will be going to our final stop." Junior stated as he made a turn.
"Junior..." Melanie drawled pulling out as much of her mother's angry voice and tone that she had been thankfully gifted with by the Gods with. (Much to her sister's annoyance) "Where are we going? I think Miltia and I have humored you enough on this issue, as I am seeing red flags everywhere here and getting little explanation as to why I am seeing them."
"As I said a meeting." Junior stated nervously glancing at them briefly in the mirror his face sweaty.
"With?" Miltia calmy asked.
"Does it matt- AGGHA!" Xei screamed as he was rudely cut off, as Melanie nodded to her sister as they both lunged forward and grabbed him Miltia in a chokehold and herself by the head painfully grabbing his ear as well, as her and Militia's aura flared to life...
"Pull over Junior..." Melanie stated calmly as she felt her adrenalin kick in. "Or we will kick the car's door's off it's hinges, Snap, your, neck and be in Mistral before midnight..."
Junior grunted painfully as he slowly pulled over into a parking space and stopped the car.
"Now are we ready to talk Xei?" Melanie asked her voice dropping to a razor thin edge. "Or are you just going to give us a royal runaround?"
"Taallk!" Junior coughed out through Miltia's chokehold.
Melanie nodded to her sister who promptly let go Xei who burst out coughing for air. "Now Junior, you know if a thing escapes a spider's web once it's beyond lucky, don't test me or Miltia again, understand?"
"Y-Yeah." Junior sputtered out.
"Good." Melanie stated. "Now thanks to this we are at a impasse, Junior if you fail to provide us with as reason as to why we must attend this 'meeting' or Miltia and I will leave immediately on the first flight to Mistral, we may trust you somewhat but don't think we are fools."
Junior's eyes went from scared to be beyond terrified. "BUT YOU CAN'T, HE WI!-
The club owner's face flew to the side at Melanie's hit as she leaned forward and replied. "We can and we will Xei if it pleases us, don't mistake your place. We are here because our mother ordered it, we helped you in the club in the fight with 'Blondie' because we wanted to and we respected the authority you hold their, do not mistake our generosity for weakness, understand?"
"Yes, I understand." Junior stated in a hurry as apologetically as he could before continuing. "But please, don't leave me! You will have all but signed my death warrant if you did and you would still be attending this meeting regardless!"
Miltia's huffed breaking her silence her eyes narrowing suspiciously as she asked. "At whose hand's Junior? Don't tell us you sold us out, I knew you could be brave if you wanted but I didn't think you were suicidal..."
"Ha!" Junior coughed out looking like he was about to break out crying or laughing. "If only it were that simple, at least then I would know to make funeral arrangement's, this feels more like Atlesian Roulette."
Melanie quirked a eyebrow and asked. "Then what it this about? And don't state a 'meeting' or we leave immediately..."
Junior turned and looked at them with blood shot eyes before sighing a stating "A powerful man wishes to meet you, someone whom I desperately want to stay in good graces with on penalty of death, why I don't know although I doubt it's malicious towards you, it's 'me' who should be worried.
"So you have been paying money to some sort of racket Junior?" Miltia stated quietly. "I suspected it due to your money loss but disregarded it as a possibility, as I was sure that mother mentioned that no one faction in Vale that has enough power to extort money from a organization of your size or has the reasons to politicize a info broker by extorting them into breaking their neutrality..."
Melanie wasn't sure what he expected to hear from Junior in his response to her sister's comment, but it definitely wasn't to laugh in a way that turned her blood cold.
Your mother is right, there is no 'faction' in Vale that could threaten any one of the other factions or would even try to break the neutrality of a info broker." Junior stated as he looked at them wearily and said something that sent a chill down the sister's spine's.
"But 'neutrality' and 'factions' mean nothing, if they all bow to the whims of a single man."
AN: F*ck my life, lately everything seems to be going down hill and up like a roller coaster but the show must go on...
Anyway, I hope everybody likes my interpretation of the Malachite twins! Usually everybody portrays them in the sense that they are unquestionably loyal to Junior but in my interpretation I made them much more independent and darker in nature.
I will say that they still 'care' for Junior but they also aren't fools or have normal relationships by normal standards, they keep most people at arms length and are always contemplating a possible betrayal from those near them thanks to their spymaster mother's teaching's.
As always, Favorite, Follow and Review!