It's been five years after the union of Ulstead and the Moors as well as the union of Prince Phillip and Queen Aurora. Maleficent left with the other Fae's to live with her own kind. She goes back here and there to check on the Moors as Aurora now resides at the palace with her husband.

Peace is not forever. Envy is just looming around the corner. Soon, new kingdom formed far from the Moors and Ulstead. They are known to be Crusaders of the Faith and soon they discovered the wealth of the Moors and the bond it formed with the kingdom of Ulstead.

"It disgusts me how humans, our kind, tolerate such abomination. They are evil forces dwelling in our world and Ulstead is just welcoming them with open arms. It's a disgrace!" King Leonard yelled while talking to his council members.

"Your Majesty, the Queen is said to be raised by the Mistress of Evil Maleficent. That would explain why Ulstead is in league with the Moors", one of them informed him.

The King only made a face of disgust by the information.

"We must do something to purify this land and this world. We cannot let those monsters take what's ours. This is our world. This is our land and we must take it back. They might have the devil on their side but we have God on ours", he exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Maleficent is sitting the edge of the cavern overlooking everything down below. It's what she always does. She watches the world beneath to make sure everything is fine. It's nighttime and the Moors and Ulstead are sleeping in peace. Borra came beside her.

"It's late. You should rest", he said.

"I am not tired", she responded briefly.

He chose to sit next to her to keep her company.

"The world is at peace thanks to you. It will not change if you take time to sleep and rest", he mentioned.

Maleficent let out a smile, short, but genuine. Borra always been in her confidence. He's tough, hardheaded, sometimes unpredictable but he's so much like her in that respect. They're both playful and most of the time, they are both short-tempered Faes.

"I wish that's true", she muttered.

He can immediately sense that something's troubling her. In five years, he has learned to read her.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I can smell it through the air. Something bad is going to happen. I've been getting that feeling for days now. It's not paranoia. Believe me, I considered that idea but it wasn't. Something will erupt and chaos will break. I don't know how it will start but I know it will come. I need to be ready when it does", she answered.

Borra knows better than to contradict the last descendant of the Phoenix who can turn into one herself. She's the most powerful of them all and if she says something bad is about to happen then it's most likely to happen.

"Do you wish me to inform the others?" he asked.

"No. Not yet, at least…I don't want to cause panic but make sure to be ready. Sharpen your senses. It may come at any moment", she answered and Borra acknowledged.

It's time for Maleficent's visit to Ulstead. Unlike before, the people are much more welcoming to her and the people of the Moors. After the war caused by Queen Ingrith, they began to understand that they are not so different from them humans. King John ordered a feast in their honor and opened the gate of the palace.

Maleficent walks through the halls of the castle still feeling the threat she's been feeling for days. Aurora can sense it from her mother not only because she's her mother but because her hands are glowing with green light. Diaval saw it too and made it a point to hold his mistress' hand to snap her out of her thoughts.

"You wouldn't want to blow up the entire castle with all of us in here", he whispered.

Maleficent looked at her hands and saw her powers coming off. She pulled it back in and the light disappeared from her hands.

"Everything alright, Mother?" Aurora asked.

She looked at her daughter and saw the worry in her eyes.

"Yes, beastie. Everything's fine", she lied and Aurora knows it too.

The day proceeded as usual. Everyone is happy including Maleficent. King John launched tales about his childhood and how much he wanted to go to the Moors to play with fairies but was forbidden by his father. Diaval told stories of his life as a raven before Maleficent found him. Laughter filled the entire room.

Amidst all the happiness and festivities, a wave of pain hit Maleficent in her gut that made her gasped. It caught everyone's attention and stopped the celebration. Everything around her went silent as she opened herself up to find out where the feeling is coming from. The Moors. Something is happening at the Moors.

"Mother, what is it?" Aurora asked but she doesn't have the time to answer.

Maleficent quickly opened her wings and burst out of glass window to go to her home. Diaval quickly followed after being turned into a raven by his mistress.

"We need to follow them", Aurora said and her husband agreed.

Maleficent arrived and saw the nearly half of the forest are burning and some of the fairies left behind are in panic. Her eyes lit up as she puts out the fire herself.

"Maleficent!" Borra called.

Once she went to him, she immediately saw Balthazar laying on the ground lifeless. He survived the iron powder from the war but he wasn't able to survive that attack.

"I tried to save as much as I can but I was too late. I am sorry", Borra apologized.

Maleficent didn't hear the word he said. All she knows is that Balthazar is dead. Her father is dead.