Your probably wondering why did this take so long to get finished. To be honest you might have a good idea given recent events. Combined that with my hectic life and well this took longer then i had hoped. Anyway, I managed to finish this so hopefully things can continue.

A special thanks to OMNISENSE95,ChimaTigon, GXY-2013, okguy167, keybladelight, for your feedback, thoughts, and questions. I also like to thank the readers along with those that favorited and/or followed the story.

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts is the property of Square and Disney, and Touhou is owned by ZUN. Please support the official release.

Without any idea of where he was going Sora just picked a direction and went that way. He did recall here about a village sometime during the party but as far as he saw he didn't see it anywhere. Maybe he was going in the wrong direction.

Regardless he saw a small clearing within the tree line and decided to land within the forest. A few minutes later Sora just asked through the place taking notice of some of the mushrooms and even deciding to take a few of them himself. It was only after he had picked a few of these did he stop and wonder something. 'Wait, are these poisonous?'

Sora wasn't all that concerned about himself eating them. The resistance the Keyblade offered would likely prevent any harm from it and if not he did know a spell that would undo the poison effects. However, if he decided to share any with someone else that might be a problem. "I really wish I knew what I was picking."

A few minutes later of wandering through the darkened place Sora could say, without a reasonable shred of a doubt, that he was lost. It wasn't his fault that everything started to look the same to him. "Maybe I should..." Immediately he felt danger as one of the vines that he stepped on wrapped itself around his leg. "W-what…"

The vine pulled him too, what looked like a flower with a mouth filled with sharp teeth. looking to eat him. Any normal human would be toast. Unfortunately for the plant, this was not a normal human. In a flash of light, Sora summoned the Keyblade and in one motion both cut his foot free from the vines and the plant in half. "Ok, I should be more on guard."

Continuing for a bit longer Sora eventually came across something that he hadn't expected to see. A house within something of a small clearing within the forest. This wasn't an abandoned place either as the outside was well kept. For a moment Sora remembered overhearing something about Marisa living in the forest. 'This does seem like a house in the middle of the forest.'

Alice Margatroid had not expected to hear the sound of someone knocking on her door. Getting a visitor was not a common thing for her if something she expected at all. Opening the door she was greeted with a strangely dressed boy who seemed almost as surprised to see her as she was of him.

Sora sat down as several dolls floated around the house. Alice had taken the whole thing in stride and the Keyblade Wielder did as well. "You thought that my home was Marisa's?"

Alice handed him a cup of tea. Introductions had gotten out of the way as Sora explained why he was here to the puppeteer. "Yeah," He took a sip of the drink that was offered to him. "I guess I'm in the wrong forest."

"Actually, she lives in the Forest of Magic as well," Alice looked at him wondering why he would even go to see her. The first thing to come to Alice's mind was that she had taken something from him. That thought was quickly removed as she recalled his outfit and him most likely being from the outside world. "Why are you looking for her?"

"To be honest I wasn't," Really that was just something that was happening. Sora's plan was to just wander around getting an idea about the whole of this world. "I only recalled her saying that her home was in the forest when I saw your house."

Now that Sora heard himself say it that did seem like a rather strange reason. Putting that aside Alice figured she might ask something else. "So, you wandered through the Forest of Magic on your own?"

"Pretty much," Sora answered it like it was just something he did normally. As far as he was concerned besides the plant that tried to eat him there was nothing different about it.

Alice looked at him for a moment after he had said this. Most humans didn't usually wander into the forest on purpose or treat it like it was something to casually do. Yet, here was one who didn't seem that phased by it. "You wouldn't happen to be a Magician?"

Sora was more commonly called a wizard, mage, or a sorcerer when he used his magic among people that had no idea about the Keyblade. Maybe that was what she was getting at. "I can use magic if that's what you mean."

His words did confirm something that Alice had suspected. Sora was almost certainly from the Outside World. "Somewhat though there is a difference between a human who can use magic and a Magician like me."

"So, what's the difference?"

A short explanation was all that was needed. Apparently, while some Magicians were once humans they, thanks to the effect of magic or other things, became what they were. A kind of Youkai that didn't age or need to eat. Sora noticed the food that the dolls were giving them both. It seemed that Alice still partook in that.

Technically he also didn't need to eat. His clothes were enchanted to take care of that for him. Something that Yen Sid added to the outfits that the Three Good Fairies had made for him, Riku, and Mickey. He wasn't paying attention as to why or how, to be honest.

"Yeah, I don't think that describes me," He just held out his hand as a small flame came into being for a moment before being put out. "I just learned my magic on the fly."

Alice had a curious look as he said those words. He didn't mean he had literally just learned all his magic on his own right? "No books or teachers?"

"I had some guidance but beyond that I'm self-taught," Sora answered, putting aside any questions about if Ventus had helped him for right now.

Unknown to Sora his words were astounding to hear. Most youkai tend to have some basic instinctive understanding of their powers and learned on their own through trial and error. However, Sora was human, as far as she knew at this point, and usually, even those with great magical potential tend to have either of the two.

Sora finished the small treat that had been given before a thought crossed his mind. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask given he didn't have any idea about where he was going. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a map of the area?" He rubbed the back of his head as he realized how awkward this was. "Reimu didn't have one and I am kind of lost as to where I'm going."

The Heartless picked itself back up as it turned over to the keyhole-shaped portal that it had been tossed through. As if he was trash to be put away by the cloak covered beings. If it had higher thoughts it would have felt insulted at such an action as the portal closed. Its sensing fell back on the world around it almost noticing a strangeness about the area before it started to move through the trees.

Out the corner of its eyes, it saw something. A faint light of a campfire and someone eating a bowl of soup. The Heartless could smell a faint scent, one that enraged it. Without much thought, if such a thing was even possible, the Heartless jumped at the target with a loud growl escaping its mouth.

Sora jumped back words as the red faded claws nearly cut at him. A roar greeted him as he stared at the creature before him. His Keyblade appeared in his hands only one thought going through his mind. "Heartless!"

The Heartless looked at him, its eyes turned red as it sized up the threat. It's very instinct telling it to rip the Keyblade wielder apart. Dark flames built up within its jaw before it let loose a barrage of Dark Firaga. Sora knocked the shadowy flames away with his Keyblade before leaping towards the Heartless as it did towards him.

It swiped its claws at him while Sora jumped underneath and somersaulted. As soon as he got back up he turned and smashed his Keyblade on the Heartless a few times before bringing it down to the ground. A glow of light sprung up from the ground as the Heartless was almost blasted back.

Enraged, it slammed his front claws back into the ground as a pulse of electric darkness sprung out from its body tearing at the ground around it and knocking Sora back as dark electric sparks aced over his body. Sora righted himself within the air and pointed his Keyblade to the beast. "Fire!"

From the tip, several balls of flames were sent towards the Heartless who reacted by sending its own barrage of Dark Firaga to meet and cancel Sora's own. In the smoke Sora raced towards the Heartless with flowmotion, his Keyblade coming down for a swing and was met by a sphere of darkness blocking it. Taking advantage it swooped it's clawed as Sora who just barely managed to air dodge out of the way.

Landing back on the ground Sora held out his own hand as the Heartless jumped with dark flames enveloping its mouth. A honeycomb-like barrier strange into being as the attack burned over it. "Reflect!"

The barrier broke exploding as the Heartless was sent back and off of Sora. It rose back up and let out a roar in rage as it tried the same pulse attack from before. This time he wasn't going to be hit by the same attack and raced out of the way, moving as far back as he needed. He started at the Heartless and pointed his Keyblade forward gathering energy as his pupils contracted.

The Heartless rushed forward with lightning arcing over its form, dark flames burning in its mouth, as it was ready to attack. From the glowing tip of Sora's Keyblade, a barrage of heart-shaped light blasts exploded outwards and slammed into the Heartless head-on. The Shotlock causing it to stop for a moment as a stream of Dark Firaga flames was sent all around the area in front of Sora.

Jumping up into the air to dodge the attack Sora's foe leaped up to him and bit into his leg pulling him down and tossing Sora into a tree. He looked at his leg catching sight of the blood posting from the bitemarks. As far as injuries go that was extremely mild and didn't need healing at the moment.

Yukari wondered about the strange turn of events in the last two days. First, the barrier had been broken through by some unknown force. Then the boy Sora, a Lunarian, had helped the Shrine Maiden deal with the latest incident. Finally, a strange almost youkai like creature had appeared right at her home.

This was not a coincidence. These things happening so close together tended to mean that there was at the very least some sort of connection. One which she had a theory as to what it could be. That this was all a Lunarian scouting mission done in a late response to the failed invasion of the moon.

Reaching into a gap Yukari pulled out a small cup of tea that had already been prepared for her. As much as she wanted to commit to this theory there was something that didn't add up. For one thing, the creature or whatever it was didn't seem right.

It didn't look like it actually held a proper form. In essence, it was like some primal instinct with the look it gave her. If it had no connection to the moon then why was it here? Another theory came to her mind concerning the powers and claims of one of her old acquaintances.

The thought of it being an attempt at creating a youkai from her abilities was logical but Yukari knew that this was likely not what she had once meant. Finishing her tea she decided to not dwell on it for right now. There was something she should look into.

It seems that a pair of gods were planning to move to Gensokyo along with their Shrine Maiden. Her Shikigami has been the one to bring it to her attention and perhaps it was worth looking into more personally.

Sora skidded to the ground as he ignored the pain from the attack on his arm. It was time to get serious with this Heartless. Grabbing his Keyblade his form seemed to explode with a pulse of Light as his clothes changed to match that of his second journey. Immediately he rushed forward at the Heartless which attempted to block the swing with the dark sphere like before. Sora, however, stabbed his Keyblade into the ground and with a pulse of Light sent himself overhead. When the shield was down he tossed his Keyblade at the creature from behind.

As it hit the Heartless in the back of the head it disappeared and reappeared in Sora's hands who on landing leaped back this time spinning around as he smacked the Keyblade into the side of the Heartless. The force of the attack knocking the creature of darkness into and through the nearest tree.

It picked itself back up and with a grow turned its eyes to its opponent. Sora wasting no time decided to finish this. His Keyblade glowed as in an instant he trusted forward again and again at the Heartless before stopping as he used the technique known as Sonic Blade. The Heartless let out one last fading roar as its form slowly started to dissipate.

Sora reached into his pocket and grabbed a hold of a Hi-Potion. Tossing the contents up above him a wave of healing energy washed over his being as his wounds healed back to normal. Now that he wasn't having to fight Sora could finally think about what just happened.

It seemed that the Heartless had followed him to wherever he was. Something like that wasn't surprising as they were attracted to his Keyblade. What was surprising was why he hadn't seen any smaller Heartless. Usually, they tend to attack first before anything bigger would appear. 'Maybe I'm overthinking it.'

How long had she been wandering this place? Days, weeks, months, maybe even years? Time was apparently very hard to keep track of when you wander through the Final World. Besides the few remains of people who have not wanted to pass on, there was only the occasional Nightmare Dream Eater that crossed over by accident from the Realm of Sleep, there was nothing.

Nothing but an endless cloudy sky, clear water, and crystals that seemed to be just below the surface. Still, she had pushed on hoping to find something of a clue as to where Sora was. Kairi just knew that he was out there somewhere.

'Sora,' Kairi was pulled from her thoughts as she was starting to make out something on the horizon. A small light was seemingly falling before landing right in front of her. The catlike Dream Eater that appeared from it hoped a bit on the water before stopping. "Chirithy what are you doing here?"

The catlike Dream Eater turned its gaze up to her. "I came to check up on how you're doing," Chirithy knew that her body was being looked over but Kairi's sense of self was wondering though Final World all on her own. "So far no one has been able to locate Sora."

Kairi had a feeling that this might be the case. As much as it pained her to hear. "I haven't either."

Chirithy thought about this. Sure the Final World was big but the overuse of the Power of Waking should at the very least… He stopped his thoughts as he remembered something. There was something that could overcome the Power of Waking. Assuming Sora still had a connection to it. "There might be a possibility that the X-Blade saved him from fading away."

"Really?" Something within her heart told her that this had to be the case. Maybe it was her bond with him or perhaps it was due to the nature of the light from the original X-Blade. "Do you know where he might be?"

Chirithy debated in his mind if he should tell her about this. Doing so wasn't technically unknown to the Keyblade wielders but over the years it had slowly fallen out of knowledge. "The worlds you know are not the only ones to exist," Chirithy pointed upwards. "Beyond it and beyond this are many different Worldlines each born at around the same as your own."

Worlds beyond the ones she had known. It would make sense if Sora had faded from their own that he would end up in another. "Is there any way I can reach him?"

"The Final World is very loosely connected to each Worldline," Although, Chirithy wasn't completely sure about that. He had never traveled beyond the Worldline on his own power. In fact, he technically cheated. "However, without the Power of Waking one can't jump between them and even then the effort to do so could possibly kill you."

Jumping Worldlines was not an easy feat. There wasn't distance in a traditional sense but there was something of a way to know how far one was going with it. If Sora was in a comparably close Worldline maybe Riku could with great effort find him. If not then the process would be suicide. "Is there any other way?"

"Not unless you want to free your heart to find him."

Dull and almost monotone was the way its kind had felt the world. In the back of its mind, it still recalled what it had once been. That was gone much like its feelings. Now, all that was left was a shell of a being.

Carried along the tides of the Realm of Darkness it felt pulled in some way it had never been before. Unlike its more stable superiors, the degenerated shell was more carried along instead of willingly able to control its movements within the darkness. Wherever it was now just felt even more off.

For one that was supposed to be lost between the light and darkness, such a thing was strange, to say the least. Around it was what felt like a forest of something. It didn't quite know what but whatever it was it didn't matter. The Dusk floated up into the air and started to seemingly swim through it without a care in the world on where to go.

A few minutes after the Nobody had left the area another Dusk seemed to pop into being followed by another and another. Soon five of their kind all appeared within a gathering just as confused, as much as one could be without any emotions and barely a sense of self, as the one from before.

After a few minutes of taking notice of one another, they all went their separate ways. Each one was uncaring about where they had ended up. Perhaps, they could find a means of purpose within this new world.

The repairs had been mostly finished thanks in a large part to Sakuya's own abilities. Remilia looked on as she sipped her drink in thought. She could still recall the strange feeling about the boy Sora. It was strange that he had shown up and his presence seemed to almost alter the way fate was heading.

Something else was off about him. His clothes did block out her natural Youkai senses to a degree but her senses did pick up the fact he was human and yet different. Remilia was pulled from her thoughts as Sakuya appeared with a plate of food that she had just set down."Is something troubling you Mistress?"

"That boy, Sora, there is something about him that seems strange but I can't put my finger on it," The Vampire turned over to her maid. "His presence is changing the course of fate and yet he doesn't seem to have any power over it."

So, if anyone is wondering yes the Nobodies are from Sora's Worldline. Just how badly did Sora mess up if thats now a thing? As for why Luxu was able to just jump Worldlines so easily seeing how you will likely bring it up.

The Foretellers know things that the current Keyblade wielders do not. Owed to the fact, the Master of Masters literally researched the X-Blade itself. To be honest the Power of Waking that Riku and Sora has can be seen as using a Sword while the Foretellers us a scaple to perforn surgery.

Anyway I'll cya all next chapter. Remember to donate to the Hakurei Shrine