"Buttercup..." The young woman sighed as she leaned into the hand. Her eyes closed as she fought the tears threatening to spill. A rich chuckle echoed in front of her. That sound would usually ease the tension in her muscles. Not this time. Everything was different this time.
"Look at me." She shook her head, clenching her eyes tighter. As if that would change anything.
"I can't." She choked on her words, her bottom lip trembling. His hand moved from her cheek, entwining their fingers instead. He sighed, and for a moment her heart stopped. Her bright lime eyes opened of their own accord, darting to the man below her. He stared back up at her with a triumphant grin. Buttercup let loose a watery chuckle.
"Looks like you can." He cut off to cough, his body shaking with the effort. She held him as he pressed a hand to his stomach, wiping the blood from his mouth once he'd finished. The tears would not be stopped this time, splashing onto his cheeks. The young man stretched his hand up, wiping her tears.
"It's alright love." She shook her head, her hands fluttering around his face as she fought to keep it together. He would tease her if she lost it now. Help was coming, and then they would go home. Like always.
"You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You have to be okay..." He stroked her cheek with both hands, his blood smearing her right cheek. The blood pooled underneath him. She watched his eyes dim. The life slowly leave him.
"I...I love..." His hands fell to his sides. Never again would they stroke her hair. Never again would they be used to drag her to someplace on a whim. Buttercup placed his head gently on the ground. She placed his hands across his chest, closed his eyes. She released one, solitary sob as she buried her head on his chest.
Buttercup rubbed her eyes as she sat up in bed. That dream again...She swung her legs over the side of the bed, making her way to the bathroom. Her school uniform hung by the door. She brushed her teeth and showered, humming a song she'd heard on the radio last night. She emerged from the bathroom with a cloud of steam in her wake. She dressed quickly, throwing her hair into a high ponytail. She slid down the stair railing, grinning as her mother met her at the bottom. Mrs. Takano shook her head, handing her daughter her lunch.
"Thanks mom! I'm off!"
"Be careful! I've got the night shift tonight, so you'll have to make your own dinner tonight."
"Okay!" Buttercup walked to school, waving at some of the neighbors as she went.
"Buttercup!" She grinned and sped up, falling into step with her best friends. Bubbles Mason was a blond beauty, inside and out. She had a mean streak if you crossed her, but otherwise was a sweetheart. She stood at the top of the highschool food chain as the proud Queen B. She wasn't part of any clubs, but the art, dance, and poetry clubs had tried to recruit her.
"Sorry, sorry." Bubbles grinned, shaking her head.
"You almost made us late BC." Blossom Utonium was the beautiful genius of Poaky Oaks Academy. Unlike her two best friends, her shyness made her hard to approach, and student body had nicknamed her 'the Ice Queen.' However, her introverted personality didn't take away from her beauty, and led to her own hidden fan base. She was part of the writing and chemistry clubs.
"Did you oversleep again?" Buttercup rubbed her neck, an awkward laugh escaping her. Blossom and Bubbles exchanged a look, their brows creasing in worry.
"Was it that dream again?" Buttercup forced a grin, picking up her pace as she spotted the front gates.
"Yeah but it's no big deal. It's probably just my imagination or something..." Blossom opened her mouth to protest, but Bubbles touched her arm, shaking her head. Blossom huffed, following the two as they stepped through the gates.
"Well if you want to talk about it some more you can always come to us again." Buttercup grinned, throwing her arms around their necks.
"Thanks Blossy." Blossom swatted at her arm, while Bubbles giggled.
The academy was bordered by brick walls that connected to spiral iron gates on the front and back. Lush green grass lined the gates, and continued around the concrete pathway that lead to rustic wood grand doors. To the right of the school yard were picnic tables and trees that provided the perfect amount of shade. To the left, was a single marble fountain. The fountain had a circular base, with the top in the shape of three baby cherubs. One was pointed to the left, its bow drawn and ready to fire. One was crouched, pointing its bow and arrow straight in front of itself. The last was pointed to the right, but seemed to be flying slightly above the other two. The inside was split into two levels, with ninth and tenth graders on the first level, and eleventh and twelfth on the top floor. The cafeteria and gym were on the first floor, with most of the club rooms located on the second floor. The girls entered the building, but only Bubbles paid attention to the spotlight suddenly shone on them. Buttercup linked arms with Blossom, falling back behind their blond friend. Buttercup leaned over to whisper in Blossom's ear as they continued to class.
"When we walk like this, it's like we're her lackeys." Blossom giggled, shaking her head.
"So if I was in the front, you and Bubbly would be my lackeys?" Buttercup grinned, playfully nudging her.
"Of course." Bubbles lead the way until they made it to the classroom, sinking into her chair near the front.
"It's not fair that you two get to sit in the back." Buttercup shrugged, sitting her bookbag at her desk.
"It's not our fault our last names come in handy at times like this." Blossom nodded, swinging her legs from her seat on top of Bubbles's desk.
"Yeah. In this case you should take it up with your parents-" Her leg hit something mid sentence, cutting her off. Blossom blushed as she stammered out an apology.
"I-I'm so s-sorry..."
"Hah? So you can speak." Blossom gulped as the voice washed over her. She ducked her head lower, waiting until she couldn't see his feet anymore to look up. Buttercup frowned.
"What a jerk. He could've kept that comment to himself." Bubbles nudged her red haired friend, who still sat perfectly still.
"You okay Blossom? What luck to hit him though." Buttercup nodded, but Blossom sighed, looking at the seat in front of hers. Brick Tsukino. He was infamous, almost rivaling her in intellect. But he had a mean streak a mile long, and looked down on everyone he deemed incompetent. It was a mystery how he and Boomer Jojo were such close friends. The blond Adonis was a womanizer, using his deceptively innocent looks to get what he wanted. He was quiet, unless he was smooth talking his way into a date or a better grade, but wasn't stupid. His laziness was unparalleled, often getting others to do his work for him.
Blood red suddenly met rose pink, causing Blossom to blush and hurry to her seat. Brick smirked as their teacher walked in, tapping the smart board.
"Pop quiz time folks. So clear your desks!" The cheery grin the teacher sported was out of place with the collective groans rising from the students.
"Ugh, I swear our math teacher is a demon." Buttercup complained as they switched classes. Blossom had free period, so she disappeared with a wave. Bubbles rubbed Buttercup's back soothingly, but nodded in agreement.
"I swear my eyes crossed halfway through that test. Did we even learn that stuff yet?"
"I doubt it. You know he likes to mix in what we'll be moving on to. I just hope I got right the problems that covered what we've learned so far." Buttercup and Bubbles picked two paint stations beside each other. Bubbles hummed, arranging her station. Buttercup picked up her paintbrushes, staring at the blank canvas.
"How did you talk me into taking this elective again? I suck at this." Bubbles giggled, waving her hand dismissively.
"You can't 'suck.' It's art, and therefore subjective. It's an easy A as long as you try every week." Buttercup mumbled something, straightening as their teacher walked in. In his arms he carried a basket of fruit. He grabbed the apple, biting into it as he pointed to what was left.
"Pick a fruit, and start drawing kiddos." Buttercup groaned. She sucked at drawing fruit.
Blossom hummed softly as her fingers skimmed the spines of the books. The library was massive, and her own personal sanctuary. She even had her own unassigned assigned reading corner. She grabbed a few SciFi novels, having already grabbed some medical books for her studies. She smiled in excitement, having spotted the sequel she'd been waiting to read. She set the new additions on the small wooden table, pushing the medical books to the side. I'll start with the sequel first. She made herself comfortable in the oversized bean bag, sinking into the chair and the book.
"So we meet again Pinky." Blossom startled, wild eyes looking around until she settled on the person who'd spoken to her.
"Brick..." She didn't say anymore, instead trying to disappear into the bean bag. He grinned, plucking one of the medical books from her stack. Blossom sat up, laying her book on her lap.
"U-um...I'm using that..." He flipped through it before setting it back down, his eyes staring intensely at her own.
"You want to go into medicine?" She blushed but nodded, rubbing a page between her fingers. He frowned when her eyes darted away from him. In two strides he was in front of her. He grabbed her face, much more gently than she thought he would.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." She pushed against his chest, trying to break free of his hold.
"Please don't touch me so casually." He grinned at the command in her tone, and the strong gaze she stared at him with. He let go, rocking back on his heels.
"So you can be assertive." She frowned, not liking how familiar he was acting.
"We don't know each other, so please don't do things like that again. If you'll excuse me." He let her pass, but stood to his full height as she gathered her books.
"So it's fine as long as we know each other?" Blossom paused long enough to take in his words, but didn't respond as she walked away. Brick watched her go, and if Blossom had turned around, she would have seen the sinful, sharp toothed grin aimed at her.