A/N: Hello my people. I am so sorry this was late. I had writer's block and I just got my groove back. This chapter will be short. But I hope you like it anyway.

I don't own Frozen or the mentioned Disney characters. Please enjoy.

The fates seemed to both in Elsa's favor and against her. Given the number of athletes, everyone would need to share a room. And Elsa had lucked out with having Anna. But they also had to share with Rapunzel and Jasmine. The other girls claimed the bed near the window, and Anna and Elsa got the one closest to the door. And immediately Elsa went to shower. Leaving the other girls to their own devices. But the second the water started to run; Rapunzel cleared her throat to gain Anna's attention. Anna turned with a raised brow in question. She saw a pair of eager faces. Confused Anna said,

"What's up?" Rapunzel hopped in place clearly excited about something.

"Soo" she started. Easily taking the bait, Anna followed with,

"Soo, what?" now it was Jasmine who giggled,

"You and the captain have gotten more friendly lately" Anna scoffed, clearly caught off guard about the topic.

"I can't be nice now?" Anna asked, immediately taking the defense.

"Well sure, but I specifically remember you saying that Elsa's flirting was, and I quote "over the top" end quote" Rapunzel said, looking proud of herself for remembering. But she wasn't wrong, Anna had said that. At Regionals last year, Elsa suddenly started flirting with her. And she came on very strongly. The truth about why Anna had said that was because they were in the heat of competition and Elsa had been very distracting. Acting as any flirty teenage girl would. She had cheered extra loud whenever Anna went into the ring to throw. And because of the blonde, Anna had scratched one of her throws. But it wasn't the throw that made Anna reject Elsa's advances, it had been what she said then. But Anna didn't want to think about it.

"She was! But she's toned it down, somewhat" Anna said.

"I guess so, but her pick up lines sure haven't" Jasmine snorted. That Anna could agree with.

"So, are you two like, dating now or something?" Rapunzel asked bluntly. Making Anna blush deeply.

"Are you crazy? No, we aren't dating!" Anna nearly squealed in surprise. Making her roommates giggle and snort in doubt.

"Anna come on, the whole team talks about you two. You've been way chummier lately, not to mention you haven't threatened her since you hurt your ankle" Rapunzel pointed out.

"And Kristoff said that you slept on Elsa's lap on the way up here" Jasmine added in. Anna knew that she had slept on the way up to the hotel. But she wasn't sleeping on Elsa when they left the school.

"I must have fallen over or something, I didn't just lay down and go to sleep" Anna defended with a pout. Rapunzel and Jasmine shared a look.

"Whatever you say, but when you guys get married don't forget to invite us" Jasmine said before Anna threw a pillow at her.

The team had gone to the local mall to eat and explore. It was mostly to kill time, but it was also to help the athletes stay distracted before they needed to worry about the meet tomorrow. And everyone had scattered into small groups or pairs. As per coach's demand. And Anna had naturally gone with Kristoff. They talked the drive up and she gave him an earful for telling Rapunzel and Jasmine about her accidental sleeping arrangement with Elsa.

"But Anna, you two looked so cute, I had to tell someone" was his, in Anna's opinion, weak excuse. He received a swift punch in the ribs for that. And his yelp of pain echoed throughout the mall.

They stopped at GameStop, Bath and Body Works, FYE, different shoe stores and even a pet shop; where Anna cooed at the hamsters and Kristoff was attacked by a parrot. But as they did their exploring, Anna couldn't help but think about what Rapunzel and Jasmine had been talking about when they first got to the hotel.

Elsa had gotten better with her flirting and was even nice. Well genuinely nice, not flirty nice. And her talking to Anna about her fears about tomorrow only cemented in the reluctant fact that Anna indeed like Elsa. She knew it from the start, but she was stubborn as the day was long. But, maybe just maybe, she could give Elsa a chance.

And as she thought that, she saw something in the corner of her eye. A flash of silver and a familiar voice calling after him.

"Jack! Stop running so I can kill you!" Elsa yelled. Anna and Kristoff both turned to see Elsa looking angry and flustered while running in their direction, Jack ahead of her laughing carelessly. He saw the pair and made a bee line towards them.

"I need to borrow him, have fun!" Jack said quickly. And within the time he said that sentence, he snatched up Kristoff and took off running with him confused in tow.

"What the?" Anna asked as the captain slowed down in front of Anna. Her face flustered,

"S-Sorry about him, he's . . .special" Elsa groused before straightening herself up.

"Well I guess that makes you my new buddy then, coach doesn't want us to be alone here" Anna said after a second of contemplation. Elsa paused for a moment before speaking again.

"I guess so, which reminds me, how are you feeling Anna?" Elsa asked. Anna tilted her head in slight confusion, something Elsa found to be cute.

"About what?" Anna asked.

"The meet tomorrow. You were pretty anxious when we left school today, are you feeling better?" Elsa asked in a reminding tone.

"Oh, yeah I guess so, I just needed a distraction was all" Anna said with a care free shrug.

"Well, so long as you're okay" Elsa said with a smile. Whether it was tone of sincerity in Elsa's voiced concern, or the degree of kindness that was clearly displayed in her smile as it stretched across her pale face. But it hit Anna like a freight train. She really was done for now.

After another forty-five minutes of further exploration of the mall, and Anna dealing with her not so newly acknowledged feelings, while avoiding Elsa's eye contact, the coach had everyone rounded up. They ate dinner in the food court before heading back to the hotel. A meeting was held in the lobby, explaining when they would leave in the morning, what events would be first, and that everyone made sure to check in their spikes and needed implements. And afterward they were to return to their hotel rooms. They didn't have to go to bed, but they had to behave and keep the noise down to a minimum.

Naturally the noise was not kept to a minimum, and several doors were opening and closing every few minutes or so. And in Anna's room, there was a heated trash talking session going on. Kristoff and Anna had brought their Nintendo Switches and them, and Anna's roommates were playing Mario Kart and switching players. Loser switches off. And right now Elsa was talking serious trash to Anna and Kristoff. Rapunzel and Jasmine cheering in the background.

"Haha! Take that you losers! How do you hit the railing when you picked Baby Park?" she cackled as she lapped Kristoff after hitting him with a red shell.

"Shut up! Oh! Are you kidding me? Lightning! I was this close to catching her!" Kristoff barked as Anna struck the racers. She had not been doing good these last few rounds. She was hit with a red shell and lost her item when a COM hit her with a star. She was borderline dead last. But they had two laps left.

"I'm had a crappy race! Let me live!" Anna growled before drifting past three COMS. She was in fifth now with one lap to go. And Elsa was still in first, trash talking everyone else still. And it was starting to grate on the strawberry blonde's nerves. But luckily, she had an idea and happened to be sitting next to the captain. So, within the blink of an eye, she leaned over and kissed Elsa's cheek. Causing her to short circuit. Anna hit the power up box and got a blue shell. She bombed Elsa with no mercy.

Kristoff and everyone else were behind her and Anna skid over the finish line, taking first. The room erupted in outrage. But Elsa was still in shock over the kiss. It was a bold move on Anna's part. Witnesses everywhere. But she had finally decided to start acting on her long-acknowledged feelings. She could only hope that it wouldn't come back to bite her later. But this was Elsa she dealing with, and Karma was normally not on her side. But she would have to wait and see. And as she thought about what Elsa might do, her unease about the meet tomorrow seemed to disappear. Which was something she really needed. But it only ignited her thoughts about Elsa.

A/N: That was chapter 7 guys. See you soon.