Main Lab: Exercise Room, Evening…

Cobalt: Age 17

Cobalt was wearing his pants alone as his right hand rested on a balance post. The apprentice was moving up and down until it was time to switch to his left.

"I only have four days left before I head to Beacon and take the Initiation Exam. I've been working so hard, and soon I will take that next step towards becoming a Huntsman." Once he was done, the apprentice flipped off the post landing on the ground.

"These are my last minutes of work before resting up for what's to come." He grabbed the pull-up bar and began doing pull ups. "My last set of reps." He continued to push his body. "It's almost time for dinner." He did one last pull up before dropping. "I should get washed up."

Kitchen, Some Time Later…

Cobalt walked into the kitchen finding the lights off.

They suddenly turned on and Lloyd yelled, "Surprise!" Cobalt jumped back shocked. "Happy 17th birthday!"

The apprentice recovered and looked at the table which had an ice cream cake on it. "What's this?"

Lloyd smiled. "What do you think? This is for your birthday and to celebrate all your work these last seven years. Especially this last year." He grabbed Cobalt by the shoulder and led him to the table. "You deserve it."

Lloyd gave his grandson a present and the boy. "You know, I'd lost track of the days." Cobalt looked at his grandpa with a genuine smile. "That you so much."

"It's nothing fancy, but you can consider it a good luck charm." Lloyd replied. "Go on ahead and open it."

Cobalt opened the present to find dark blue, fingerless gloves with silver, metal plating on the backs. The apprentice removed the gloves and put them on. He made a fist with both hands finding that the gloves did not impede.

"They're perfect." Cobalt hugged his grandpa. "Thank you."

Some Time Later…

Cobalt had finished eating his fill of ice cream cake.

"Seven years…" Lloyd chuckled. "It's hard to believe that much time has passed since I took you in."

"Yeah, and I'm glad you did." He bowed his head and sighed sadly. "I can't believe it took such a horrible incident for me to see what I could become."

Lloyd was concerned. "Are you okay?"

He stood up. "Yeah Grandpa. I'm going to hit the hay." Cobalt closed his eyes at the doorway. "Sorry if I ruined the evening."

Cobalt's Room

Guard woke up and looked at Cobalt, but the young man didn't acknowledge him instead he laid down on his bed.

The apprentice looked at the ceiling. "Steel… I can't believe I lost track of time. The anniversary of everyone's deaths have come and gone, yet I forgot. Is that something that will continue to happen? Will I just forget all of you?" Cobalt thought sadly.

Guard jumped onto the bed landing atop Cobalt. "Gah, Guard! What was that for?"

Guard barks, stands up, and licks Cobalt's face, repeatedly.

Cobalt laughed. "Okay. Okay. I get it boy. No moping."

Guard happily pants before spinning around and laying down next to his owner. Cobalt smiled and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Living Room, Next Day…

Cobalt had long since finished the history books given to him, so he'd gotten back to reading the myths and legends he started with long ago. He was currently reading the story of the four maidens and old wizard while Guard laid on the floor next to him.

Lloyd appeared in the doorway. "Cobalt my sensors seem to be on the fritz. They're picking up activity before going silent. This has already repeated a few times now."

Cobalt placed his book on the coffee table. "None of the camera's have picked anything up?"

Lloyd shook his head. "Nothing. I want you to head to the village and check around."

Cobalt hoped to his feet. "Right. Guard and I got this."

Guard barked and followed Cobalt out of the lab.

Star Village

Cobalt walked into the village. He saw children playing and people going about their normal day. An old woman with shoulder length grey hair and simple, dull blue clothing approached him.

"Hello Cobalt." The old woman said before petting the wolf. "You to Guard."

Cobalt nodded. "Good day Mrs. Ash. Have you seen or heard anything strange?"

"I can't say I have." Mrs. Ash replied. "Is there a problem?"

"We're not quite sure ma'am, but my grandfather has sent me to make sure there isn't." Cobalt replied.

Mrs. Ash smiled. "Such a sweet boy."

She walked away.

"Maybe I should try Bastion next? No, he's likely been in his office all day. The children! When there was an attack, I was the one to spot Stone and didn't realize what was going on. If something's going down, they might have heard or seen something." Cobalt reasoned.

The apprentice walked over to the kids only to be immediately jumped on.

"Cobalt!" All the kids happily shouted.

"You came back!"

"Create more of those weapons!"

"Play a game with us!"

He eventually got them to calm down and got back to his feet. "I'll play with you later, but right now I'm on an important errand for my grandfather. I need to know if you've seen or heard anything odd today."

A girl raised her hand. "Oh, I heard lots of growling coming from outside the wall. It sounded like your wolf except there were lots of them. Were they his family?"

"Lots of growling? Could it be Grimm!? No, it couldn't be. This island's big, but between Signal and Hunters, like my grandfather and Taiyang, they should be all but eradicated at this point." Cobalt looked at the children. "I have to go, but I'll be back."

Forest around Star Village, Some Time Later…

Cobalt and Guard had been walking through the trees looking for anything out of the ordinary. Just as he was about to head back to the village, they came upon a clearing near the river.

A figure. in a black cloak, was speaking to himself. "Time is moving forward, and the thought of such a different meeting excites me."

Cobalt approached him. "Hey, who are you?"

The figure turned and Cobalt saw that all his features, but his mouth, were covered by the cloak and hood. "So, you've shown yourself. Hm, who am I? I'm afraid that's a question I don't wish to answer. Though you'll know later."

Cobalt raised an eyebrow. "What is this guy talking about?"

The figure smiled. "Though you are wasting your time here considering the Grimm that lie beneath our feet. They will attack your village before moving onto Signal." The man simply stated.

"What are you saying!?" Cobalt asked confused.

The figure turned away from him. "Times ticking ever onward. How do you wish to spend your time? Is it speaking with me or will you save your village?"

The figure walked away leaving Cobalt and Guard. The wolf looked to his master waiting for instructions. The choice was made when Cobalt noticed smoke rising from the direction of Star Village.

"Guard, I'm taking the quick route back. I want you to take the long route and deal with any Grimm your come across." Cobalt ordered.

Guard barked and ran into the brush while Cobalt ran back the way they came.

Star Village

Cobalt ran into the village finding the guards doing their best to fend off a horde of Beowolves, but they were far too large for them to deal with while protecting the civilians. On top of that, buildings were on fire which slowed the guards down as they had to free the trapped civilians.

"No, not this time." Cobalt clenched his fist determined. "I will protect them!"

He created two small machine guns, from his fire dust, and opened fire on the Beowolves. This drew the attention of the horde as their comrades started dropping dead.

Cobalt addressed the villages. "Everyone, listen up!" Beowolves charged at him, so he gunned them down. "If you're able bodied, help your fellow villager to my grandfather's lab! You'll be safe there. Guards, go with them because there's a chance I won't be able to hold them!" He created a red great sword slicing a Beowolf in half. "Hurry!"

Doctor Bastion shouted, "You heard him! If people are frozen in terror, grab them and go! Cobalt's got this!"

Cobalt changed to twin pistols and continued firing on the Beowolves as he ran away from the now retreating villagers. "Hey, you dumb mutts! Focus on me!"

He never stopped firing and taunting the horde as the villagers fled down the path. This resulted in most of the Grimm focusing their attention to him but three Beowolves gave chase to those retreating.

The apprentice charged into the horde, creating a rapier from his lightning dust, meeting the Grimm halfway. He used the style he gleamed from Winter. His movements became more of a dance as he weaved through the Grimm thrusting the blade into them.

He soon finished off the last Beowolf leaving evaporating corpses littered around the village. He was preparing to follow the villagers when an Alpha Beowolf, with bones protruding from its back, entered the village turning its attention o Cobalt.

The apprentice created a shield from earth dust and blocked the Alpha Beowolf's claws. Before he could land a hit of his own, Guard ran at the Grimm slamming into it. The golden wolf landed growling at the Alpha, and the Alpha growled back.

Cobalt came in slamming his shield into the Grimm. "Guard leave this one to me. I want you to go after the villagers down the path and make sure their okay."

Guard heeded the order and ran down the path. The Grimm growled after the wolf until Cobalt appeared nailing the Beowolf with a thrust from his rapier. The Alpha sprang back turning to Cobalt before charging at him.

The apprentice used his shield catching the Beowolf's claws before thrusting his sword into the Grimm. Electricity surged through the Grimm and it fell slowly evaporating like the rest of the Grimm. Almost immediately after he heard bears growling.

Cobalt turned to the gate as 5 Ursai entered. "Why are there so many Grimm coming to the village? Where did they even come from?" He formed a red bow and pulled the string back. "It doesn't matter. I must beat them.

If I don't, they could run after the villagers, and there's no guarantee they've made it to the lab yet." The Ursai charged at Cobalt, so her jumped onto a nearby roof. "Just a few more feet… Now!"

A barrage of fire dust arrows came from the bow, but the Ursai broke apart resulting in only one falling. The rest charged at the house tearing into the structure. The building began shaking.Cobalt formed a great sword from air dust before jumping off the roof.

The apprentice pointed the sword down impaling another Ursa before rolling to his feet. The house then came down behind him with the remaining 3 Ursai coming out of the wreckage charging straight for him.

Cobalt held the great sword in his right hand while creating an earth dust shield in his left. He brought the shield up blocking an Ursa's claws. He let go of the shield, pivoted around the beast, and thrust the sword into the Grimm's body.

The apprentice rolled to the right avoiding another Ursa as the Ursa with his sword turned into dust and started evaporating. Cobalt then made the sword and discarded shield explode catching the last Ursai with shards of air and earth dust.

He then made twin pistols from his fire dust and began unloading into the nearest Ursa until it to fell leaving one Ursa to deal with. This Ursa charged Cobalt catching him with it's paw. The apprentice flipped in mid air and landed on his feet.

He then created a lightning dust lance as the last Ursa growled at him menacingly. It charged at Cobalt, but he stood his ground thrusting the lance out at the approaching Grimm. The Ursa swatted the lance away, but that was exactly what the Apprentice wanted.

Now he was in range having created twin, red long swords. Cobalt lunged forward driving the blades into the Grim. They burned as the apprentice gripped them both giving a mighty yell as he pushed the swords out cutting them free of the Grimm.

The last Ursa fell and slowly began to evaporate as Cobalt scanned the village for any more Grimm. "The threat seems to be over, and the houses are smoldering out." He sighed. "These Grimm couldn't have started this. Could it have been that figure? If not him, then who?"

His attention was drawn to the gate as three people walked through it heading towards him. While it was true that he hadn't meet them, he'd certainly heard of them. The one leading the group was a middle age man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes.

He wore shaded spectacles, and an unzipped, black suit over a buttoned vest with a green shirt, black shoes, and dark green pants. He walked with a cane, though not like someone who needed it. Behind him stood a younger man with short blond hair and blue eyes.

On his right arm was a tattoo like a heart. He wore brown cargo shorts with a dark brown belt, black shoes, a red bandana on his left arm, and a brown leather vest over a tan dress shirt with the right sleeve cut off.

For armor, he had a metal spaulder, leather vambrace, and a brown fingerless glove, all on his right arm. Next to the blond-haired man their stood a middle-aged woman with light-blonde hair tied back in a bun. Her eyes were bright green and she wore thin ovular glasses.

Her attire consisted of a white long-sleeved, pleated top that has a wide keyhole neckline. Her lower body was covered by a black high-waisted pencil skirt with bronze buttons and black-brown stockings. She wears black boots with bronze heels, and a cape that is purple inside and black on the outside. She also had a collapsed riding crop attached to the top of her right boot.

The silver haired man was clapping, "Well done." He and his companions stopped before Cobalt. "We had heard there were Grimm invading, but it appears as though we were not needed."

Cobalt noticed that the blond-haired lady was staring at him, but she quickly turned her attention to the village.

He turned to the silver haired man curious. "So, I could understand Mr. Xiao Long coming out here, but what are Beacon's Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress doing here on Patch?"

"So, you have heard of us." Ozpin stated. "We were at Signal when a call came in for Hunters, and despite our current professions, we are first and foremost Hunters." He turned to his companions. "Glynda, take Taiyang and ensure that there are no more Grimm in the area. Afterwards, come join me at Lloyd's lab."

Glynda nodded. "Right."

They left the village.

Ozpin turned back to Cobalt. "Now, it is a pleasure to meet you Cobalt Sky. Honestly, if you weren't set to come to Beacon, I'd have offered you a place on the spot. At the very least I can offer you a lift to Vale tomorrow that way you can take the bullhead with the other students the day after."

Cobalt smiled. "That's very kind of you sir. My grandfather will likely be busy rebuilding." He turned to the path leading to the lab. "If you would follow me, I can take you to the lab.


Cobalt walked in to be met with applause and cheering from the villagers.

Lloyd walked up to his grandson happily putting his arm around him. "I'm proud of you and Guard. He caught up with the villagers just in time to take down the Beowolves."

Cobalt chuckled. "Thanks Grampa. Now I need a shower, and I'll have to get packed. Headmaster Ozpin has offered me a lift to Vale tomorrow

He pulled away from his grandfather, and the people let him pass as Ozpin entered the lab.

Lloyd smiled. "Ozpin, it has been awhile. How are you doing old friend?"

Ozpin gave a small smile. "I have been doing well. I hope we are not imposing given current events, but I promised young Cobalt a ride to Beacon tomorrow evening."

Lloyd shrugged. "There's plenty of room. Let me get the villagers settled before we catch up."

Cobalt's Room, Night…

Cobalt was dressed in his night clothes and had just finished packing his bags. He'd thought about packing more, but those could be sent latter. Currently, Guard was using one of his bags as a pillow while lying on the floor. Cobalt smiled before sitting down to write another letter.

"Hey Steel,

Today I was sent to investigate the village. I eventually came upon a man in a black cloak that spoke cryptically. In the end, he got away while me and Guard went about fighting off Grimm. That's right! I fought my first Grimm today! Can you believe it?

After I was done, Headmaster Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch, and Taiyang Xiao Long arrived having received word that we needed Hunters. Tomorrow, he's giving me a lift into Vale. Soon I will be attending Beacon, and one step closer to becoming a Hunter.



He put the letter with the rest before climbing into bed and instantly falling asleep.

Living Room

Ozpin and Lloyd sat down to a cup of coffee.

"So, what do you think of him? I know you arrived much earlier, so you had to have seen him in action." Lloyd asked.

Ozpin said, "I'll put it this way. Each of his parents could be described in one word when they attended Beacon. This doesn't mean there weren't other aspects to them. These are just what shown through the brightest.

His father was strong for obvious reasons. His mother, on the other hand, was determined. Never once did she show her Semblance, but that just made her train harder. Hence why I made her a leader and dubbed them team SMOK.

Cobalt seems to be a combination of the two. It is too early for me to say if it is the right or wrong amount, but he seems to be leaning towards the right amount. Considering you vouch for him, and what I've heard of his deeds. Speaking of his mother, has he…"

Lloyd replied, "He doesn't want anything to do with her, nor does he wish to learn of her. Why?"

Ozpin sighed, "It might keep Glynda from telling him she's his aunt."

"She is?" Lloyd asked shocked.

"Technically, considering it was her family that adopted Sakura. The two were so close before she vanished on us." Ozpin stated.

"How come she hasn't come forward?" Lloyd asked on the verge of rage.

Ozpin took a drink of his coffee. "At first, she knew nothing of the boy's existence, then three years ago Sakura sent her a letter, the first letter in a long while, informing her about him. At this point it is fear of what he will think of her. A fear that may have some grounding it appears."

Lloyd sighed, "Look, I think his reasons for not wanting to know about her are just. He doesn't say it but being abandoned has deeply affected him. He doesn't want anything to do with her, yet I do not believe this would dissuade him from getting to know his aunt.

If she wishes to enter his life, then it needs to be for good. If you'll recall, he lost his whole village, his family, that is what drives him to become a Hunter. He doesn't want to lose those precious to him again nor does he wish others to feel that pain."

Ozpin nodded, "I'll be sure to inform her." He got up. "Thanks for the coffee."