Keep Calm and Carry On Part 1
A/N: Hey, guys, welcome to Resurrected! This is the 11th installment in the Messenger of God Saga! It involves my OC Angela Morgan and the daughter she had with Sam, Grace Elizabeth Winchester. This will be a revision of season 12 and will be written from the Winchesters' POV, so some scenes will be cut out. Enjoy!
Robert, Mary, and Angela were in the park in the dead of night. Angela looked down at the phone in her hand and put it in her pocket. She stared at her father in shock, not really believing that he was back after 15 years… When he died, Angela was 18 years old. The young woman in front of him definitely looked like Angela, but she was in her 30's…
"Dad?" her voice cracked. "Are… are you… really… real?"
As Angela tentatively approached her father, Mary went to grab her arm in defense. However, Robert quickly stopped Mary from tackling his daughter.
"Pumpkin?" Robert breathed out. "Is it really you, Angie?"
"Where am I?" Mary demanded angrily as she glared at Angela. "Who the hell are you?"
"I'm—I'm Angela Winchester," she told Mary, interrupting her father. "Your son, Sam Winchester, he's my husband."
"You're married?" Robert's eyes widened in disbelief.
"No." Mary shook her head. "My Sammy is 6-months-old. Robert's daughter, Angela, is the same age as him."
Angela let out a shaky breath. "He was when you died, Mary. The same day my mother, Lillian Ann died."
Mary gasped and her eyes widened as she remembered the night she died. She leaned into Robert's hold, finding comfort in his familiarity.
"I burned… in 1983…" Mary whispered. "How long have I been gone?"
"33 years," Angela replied gently before turning to her father. "Dad… you've been gone for… for 15."
Robert pulled away from Mary and moved toward his daughter. He soaked in the sight of her before pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.
"Hi, Dad." Angela's voice cracked.
As the sun started rising, Robert, Angela, and Mary sat on one of the park benches.
"My boys… they were raised to…?" Mary frowned.
Angela nodded. "From what they've told me, after you died, John became… different. Obsessed with hunting."
"How did John die?" Mary inquired.
"Mary, I think Sam and Dean should be the ones to tell you," Angela replied softly, earning an understanding nod from the older woman.
"And you said we've met before, when you traveled through time," Mary noted.
"Twice," Angela nodded. "Your memory and my mom's got wiped, so…"
"And God's… sister brought us back to life?" Robert frowned in confusion.
"Pretty much," Angela confirmed. "It's a lot, for both of you. And I know it's a lot. And I'll explain everything. I will. But right now, let's get out of here. Let's get you guys home. Come on."
Angela, Mary, and Robert got up off the bench. Angela placed a comforting hand on Mary's shoulder and took her father's hand in her free one.
Toni Bevell knocked on a door while a rooster crowed in the distance. Behind Toni were her SUV and a man. The door opened to reveal a young-looking man.
"Dr. Gregory Marion?" Toni inquired, her British accent thick.
"Uh-huh." The man nodded.
"I need your help."
"It's—it's 6:00 a.m." Gregory frowned.
"It's an emergency." Toni walked down the steps headed toward the SUV.
"Lady, hold up," Gregory followed her.
"You have a clinic at the back of your house. I trust it's fully stocked."
"Lady. Lady, seriously," Gregory stressed. "Unless your uh—your puggle got hit by a car or something, it can wait."
"It really can't," Toni assured.
There was a beeping sound as the trunk of the SUV opened to reveal Sam and Dean laying in the back, trussed up and clearly in distress.
"They were shot in the leg," Toni explained casually. "Each with a single, .38-caliber bullet. I need the rounds dug out, the wounds sutured, and some anesthesia to go."
"No. No way." Gregory shook his head. "I'm a veterinarian."
"Animals, people." Toni shrugged. "They're all meat. But I understand this is an unusual request, and I want to do everything I can to ease your concerns."
"Yeah, not happening. Mnh-mnh."
Toni opened a bag and showed Gregory the great deal of money that was in the bag. "Hear me out."
Aldrich, Missouri
Sam and Dean were each chained to chairs that were placed over a drain. A woman walked over and used a cattle prod on the unconscious Winchesters, causing them to each groan in pain.
"Be good, boys." The woman smirked devilishly.
"You," Dean grunted as Toni walked down the stairs.
Toni sat down across from the boys and pulled out a book, then a pen. She took off the cap and placed it on the table situated next to her. "Now, boys. Let's begin."
"Toni Bevell, London Chapterhouse," Sam commented.
"That's right."
"So, you're what? You're, uh, English Men of Letters?" Dean scoffed.
"British." Toni corrected.
"Same difference," Dean grumbled.
"Where are we?" Sam demanded as Toni wrote in her book.
"Does it matter?"
"Just wondering how far we're gonna have to walk back to town after we kill you." Sam retorted. "And her. But you first."
"Yes, well, before you murder us all, we do have a few questions about you two, your wife Angela, hunters in America, and how you saved the sun."
Dean chuckled. "Right. You shoot up, kidnap us, but yeah, happy to help."
"I didn't want to hurt you two, Dean. You gave me no choice." Toni explained. "And, well, I could say it was never supposed to go this way, but you're… you. It was always going to go this way."
"And you know us?" Sam scoffed.
"We do." Toni nodded. "We've been watching you boys and Angela for years. Ever since you almost ended the world the first time. We knew all about Lucifer, the angels falling."
"Then where were you?" Dean questioned.
"Fair question. See, some of us wanted to get involved, but the old men wouldn't allow it." Toni explained. "Thought we were overstepping our bounds. After all this business with the Darkness, even they have to agree, things need to change. And while you might not believe this, we're here to help."
"Yeah, no, w-we can tell." Dean retorted, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"I want to apologize for locking you boys up," Toni started. "You're dangerous—to others and yourselves—but if you answer my questions, you two walk right out that door. I promise."
Sam and Dean looked at each other before looking back at Toni.
"Pass." The brothers replied simultaneously.
"Sam, Dean," Toni sighed deeply.
"You can ask us any kind of questions you want," Sam started. "The answer's gonna be the exact same—Screw you. You want to get mad? You want to get mean? I've been tortured by the Devil himself and Dean's been to Hell." Sam scoffed. "So you, you're just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to us?"
Toni placed the cap back on the pen with a click. She nodded to Ms. Watts, who turned on the water. A hose led to a point above Sam and Dean's heads as cold water rained down on them.
"A cold shower? That's your play?" Dean scoffed. "Screw you, bitch."
Lebanon, Kansas
Angela, Mary, and Robert walked into the bunker.
"You live here?" Mary asked as she looked around in awe.
"Yeah, when we're not on the road," Angela nodded. "It's an old Men of Letters bunker."
"Men of Letters?" Robert's brows furrowed. "They're a myth. An old Hunter's story."
"Not so much," Angela replied before looking at Mary. "New duds look good."
"Well, thanks. It's better than walking around in that nightgown the rest—
Angela, Mary, and Robert noticed several large splatters of blood on the floor.
"That's blood," Mary noted obviously.
"Yeah," Angela muttered.
She removed her gun and cocked it. Walking forward, she checked out the immediate area and noticed a sigil on the wall.
"Sammy? Dean?" Angela called out. "Gracie? Cas?"
Angela pulled two guns out from under the table and handed them to Mary and Robert. "Take these. Stay here." She instructed before walking off to check out the bunker.
"Angie," Robert called out in concern.
"Guys?" Angela called out as she started to clear the rooms.
Grace poked her head out of her bedroom and her eyes widened. "Mommy!"
Angela turned and immediately put her gun in her waistband as she knelt in front of her daughter. "Grace, what happened?"
"Scary lady," Grace hugged her mother tightly. "Daddy said run."
"Okay," Angela nodded. "You did good, baby girl. You did good."
Angela walked back into the library with Grace at her heels. Angela frowned in concern when she noticed Mary and Robert had their guns trained on Castiel.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" she exclaimed. "It's okay. It's okay. He's a friend, all right?" she assured before smiling gently at the angel. "Hey, Cas."
A relieved Castiel stepped forward and embraced Angela. "Angela!"
"Hey," she hugged him back. "Okay. All right, hon."
"Angela," Castiel's brows furrowed in confusion. "You're alive?"
"Yeah." Angela nodded in confirmation.
"What about the bomb and the Darkness? What happened?"
"I'll tell you everything," Angela promised. "Where are Sam and Dean?"
"They're not here." Castiel shook his head.
"Are you a hunter?" Robert demanded.
"No, I'm an angel," Castiel replied.
"Come again?" Mary's brows shot up.
"An angel, with a-a capital 'A.'" Angela smiled. "You know, wings, halo. Dad, Mary, this is Castiel."
"Ghosts." Gracie breathed out with wide eyes as she stared at Robert and Mary.
Angela picked Grace up. "Gracie, they're not ghosts. They're your grandparents. That's my dad, and Mary is your daddy's mom."
"We're grandparents?" Robert asked in disbelief.
Angela nodded with a smile. "Dad, Mary, this is your granddaughter, Grace Elizabeth Winchester."
"She looks so much like Sam." Mary gasped.
"Say hi, Gracie." Angela murmured.
Grace waved shyly at her grandparents. "Hi."
"Now, Cas, where—where are Sam and Dean?" Angela asked worriedly. "Grace had Sam's phone, a-and Dean's not answering his. There's blood on the floor. What's going on?"
"I don't know," Castiel admitted. "We came back here, there was a woman waiting for us. She blasted me away. I don't know who she was. I don't know what happened to Sam and Dean."
"I don't understand," Mary cut in. "What happened?"
"Okay, well, the bunker's empty, so—so, they've obviously left here," Angela muttered. "You said woman—not an angel, not a demon, a—a human."
"She was human." Castiel nodded.
"When did this go down?" Angela asked as she set Grace down and walked to one of the tables, grabbing her laptop.
"It was 2:12 a.m." Castiel replied.
"Is that a—a computer?" Mary asked in disbelief.
"Yes," Castiel muttered. "I don't trust them."
"Got something," Angela commented. "An SUV ran a red light a few blocks from here at 2:21 a.m. And there wasn't another car for 40 minutes."
"How did you do that?" Mary asked curiously.
"I hacked the traffic cams. Welcome to the future." Angela replied with a small smile.
"You think it's them?" Castiel inquired.
"It's worth a shot."
Angela, Robert, Mary, Castiel, and Grace walked into the bunker garage. Angela switched the light on and Mary stopped walking when she saw the Impala.
"Mary?" Angela frowned in concern.
Exhaling sharply, Mary walked toward the Impala and ran her hand lightly over the car. "This was John's car. Oh, she's still beautiful."
"Yeah," Angela agreed. "Dean takes really great care of her."
"I remember when John bought that car." Robert laughed. "Mary, you were so ticked when he came home without that van."
Mary rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face. "Hi, sweetheart. Remember me?"
Mary leaned down and looked into the car. She started looking at the front seat, but her eyes and thoughts lingered on the back seat.
"We should go." Robert cleared his throat.
Aldrich, Missouri
The freezing water was still pouring over the brothers, who were shivering. Ms. Watts finally shut off the water.
"Can I end this, please?" Toni quirked a brow.
"Screw you." Sam spat as he shivered.
"What do you imagine is happening here? Do you think you're being brave, that you're the heroes of this story?" Toni questioned. "Well, you two are no heroes. You're just bad at your job."
"Yeah, and you're better?" Dean glared.
"So much better." Toni nodded. "You drive back roads, catching cases at random. You get word a body's dropped, you check it out, and maybe you even kill the thing that did it. But that person is still dead, and maybe a few more. But my people? We plan ahead." She explained. "We study lore, and we use it against our enemies. Back home, every thoroughfare, every bridge, every dock, every airport has been warded. The moment a monster steps foot in Britain, we know about it. Within 20 minutes, he's been picked up. And within 40, he's dead. There hasn't been a monster-related death in Britain since 1965 because we are good at our job." She stressed. "Now, you two were always lost causes, but I'm hoping there are other Hunters we can work with, teach. So, I need you to give me names and locations and everything else. Dead drops, meeting places, an organizational hierarchy, because maybe with all of us working together, we can do what you never could—make America safe."
"Or maybe you tie them to a chair." Sam glared. "Maybe you do worse. So, maybe… maybe you can go to Hell."
Toni pursed her lips. "Hmm. Have it your way."
Toni nodded to Ms. Watts before she walked up the stairs and closed the door. Ms. Watts lit a blow torch and stalked toward Sam.
"Are you really gonna make me do this?"
"Screw… you." Sam bit out.
"You get away from him, you bitch!" Dean struggled against his bonds.
Ms. Watts squatted down and side-eyed Dean. "Wait your turn." She retorted before she brought the blow torch toward Sam's right foot.
Sam attempted to move his foot away. "No! Don't. Don't. Don't."
As the blow torch burned his foot, a scream ripped through Sam's throat.
A/N: Hey, y'all, I hope you liked the first chapter of Resurrected! Also, my apologies for not posting yesterday, I had to get an x-ray and I was exhausted and drained by the time I got home. Anyway, be sure to let me know what you think! Love y'all, xoxo :)