Josh is spying on her, Maddie knows this.

(Okay, maybe referring to it as "spying" is a little juvenile. He's keeping tabs on her for Chimney, which is annoying and feels unnecessary, but what remains of the grounded in actual real world logic corner of her brain finds it a little sweet. Just a little sweet. Mostly annoying.)

The attention, from everyone, is overwhelming. She knows she's brought it upon herself, especially after her whole running away stunt last week, but still, that doesn't mean she has to like it.

She's starting to get desperate for some peace, or at least less scrutiny. So for the first time in roughly two months, she agrees to go to a firefam dinner. What's the worst that could happen, really? As long as she doesn't eat anything else that day, and hardly eats the day before, and goes to the gym the next morning, it'll be fine. If she keeps repeating how she'll deal with her departure from her usual food routine, maybe the anxiety she'll feel at the firehouse dining table will be manageable. Maybe.

It's not really, and her skin feels both like it's coated in freezer burn and is on fire at the same time, but she manages to finish about half of what Bobby had plated for her. If anyone thinks she hasn't eaten enough, they don't say anything. So she'll take that as a win.

Everyone keeps staring at her, though. Shooting her "hidden" and "inconspicuous" glances when she's "not looking." She tries to ignore it, but it just adds to the mountain of anxiety inside of her. And outside of her, apparently.

"Maddie, honey, if you keep bouncing your leg underneath the table like that, all the food is going to fall off it. And I like you, but Bobby worked way too hard on this meal for that," Athena says with a warm, casual laugh, and well, Maddie has to appreciate how Athena is doing her courtesy of pretending like everything is normal in front of everyone. If only the rest of the dinner guests could do her that favor.

"Sorry," she says with a forced little smile, "it's a habit."

"Only when you're nervous," Buck grumbles under his breath, and really, it's practically not even her fault when she kicks his ankle under the table. Where else did he think that behavior was going to get him?

"You know, it's been a while since we've seen you last," Eddie states, and there must be an unspoken rule (or spoken, but before she got there) that none of them were to address it head on, because half the table is now glaring at him.

"I've been busy," she replies quickly, hiding her hands in her lap so no one can see how they're shaking,

Eddie doesn't say anything back, and she's grateful that he's let it go.

"So, Maddie," Karen murmurs, "any bizarre 9-1-1 calls at the call center, lately? I hear all the crazy stories about random injuries as a result of stupidity from Hen all the time, but I'm sure it gets pretty weird over the phone, too."

"Oh, yeah, of course," she laughs, remarkably easily because really, she's always liked Karen, "just the other day we had someone calling because they lost their pet snake. One of the ones strong enough to strangle someone."

"What is it with the people of LA and snakes?" Buck cackles, "we had almost an identical situation two years ago. Crazy snake charmer lady."

"Didn't you sleep with her?"

"I was a different person then, Chim."

"Mmmm how much different, though?"

"Shut it," Buck laughs, "I haven't had sex with someone I shouldn't in over a year."

"Over a year? Buckaroo, we gotta get you a medal," Athena says with faux pride.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm incredible."

"Maddie, I'm glad you at least inherited some common sense from your parents," Bobby adds, "Buck has some, I think. It's just buried way, way, way, way down."

"Hilarious, Bobby, hilarious. But you know, she's still a Buckley, after all. She might not have ever stolen a firetruck to have sex-"

"She doesn't work for the fire department, Buck-"

"But she definitely has some of that good ole fashioned Buckley brashness in her blood."

"I can testify to that," Chimney teases gently, patting her back, "if Maddie is really determined about something? Everyone better get out of the way, myself included."

"Chim," she blushes, hiding her face in his shoulder for a moment.

"One time she punched a kid who was mean to me at school."

"To be fair," Maddie says meekly, "the kid was in my year. I wouldn't have punched an eight year old."

"Would you have, though?"

"No, Buck, but what you would."

"Hey," he gasps, pretending to be offended, "let's not forget the time you drove me to school even though you only had a learner's permit."

"Oh, please, it's not like I was a novice driver. Mom and dad were away, you missed the bus, and I was only a week away from taking my drivers test, anyway. And did we crash or get pulled over, no?"

"Wait- what?" Chimney laughs.

"As an officer of the law, I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear any of that," Athena says crossly.

But then, she winks and mouths "nice" at her.

"Yep, Maddie's pretty incredible. Runs in the Buckley bloodline."

"Hmm, don't know about it applying to both of you, Buckaroo," Chimney muses, lightly punching his arm, "but Maddie is definitely incredible."

"She is," Bobby nods, and Maddie is both surprised and touched, "an incredible woman. I'm so glad you came to LA and that you and Chimney found each other."

"I second that," Athena agrees.

"You guys…" Maddie trails off, blushing again.

"Incredible enough to run away for six hours and not tell anyone."

"Eddie," Bobby admonishes, shooting him his most scary "captain" glare.

"Um, you know, I-I have an early shift tomorrow," Maddie says in a panic, hastily getting up from her chair, "I should-"

"No, stay, Eddie was just about to apologize. Right, Eddie?"


"Eddie," Chimney growls, uncharacteristically aggressive, "what is your problem?"

"I don't know, what's Maddie's problem?"

"You're out of line. Apologize or get out."

"Seconded," Bobby says flatly.

"Fine, fine, I'll go, but you all want to act like there's not a problem? Like nothing's wrong and just welcome her back after putting Buck and Chimney through hell? Whatever's wrong, just say it- don't run away, or avoid them, or draw it out to be this whole big dramatic thing. God, I guess you and Buck do have something in common. Instead of dealing with your problems-"

"EDDIE!" Hen shouts, banging her first down on the table, "shut the hell up and take a walk!"

"Don't talk to me like that, Hen."

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" Chimney yells.

"Eddie, seriously," Buck cuts in, angry but trying to salvage the relationships at the table as he puts a hand on his arm and starts to tug him toward the stairs, "let's go-"

"Why are you defending her? All she's done is stress you and Chimney out, which in turn has just stressed the whole station out. She's just as much a drama queen as you are, if not more. So you got your leg crushed, so she got abducted, deal with your pain instead of starting a stupid lawsuit or acting like a prima donna!"

"He did not just go there," Athena gasps.

Followed by a long silence.

And then a slap, Hen's hand meeting Eddie's face.