Bell Cranel opened his eyes to stare up at the bright blue sky, its thin wispy clouds giving the sky character. He could hear the sounds of Orario around him, distant, but clearly there. And a, warm breeze blew across his body the smells of the city and the surrounding farmland to his nose.

Which was odd, as the last thing Bell remembered was being send flying by the black goliath in the dungeons 18th floor. Yes, the last thing he recalled was being thrown by its howl, feeling impossible pain across his whole body, and hearing the scared and sad voices of Lily and His Goddess Hestia, calling to him to hold on.

Then everything had gone dark.

It didn't take a genius to realize what probably happened, he had probably died. Though, if he had died in the dungeon, how did he get outside? Or even better, how was he alive and breathing?

'I can't just stay here and think on it,' Bell mentally chided himself as he flipped his legs up and then leapt up to a standing position, allowing himself to look around better. He was in an alleyway that was very clean and had what looked like a direct connection to one of Orario's main streets, though he could not tell which one. He could also smell the sweet aroma of bread and other foods, telling him he was not at least near the Smith's areas of Orario. What was truly weird however was that he was able to hear more than usual. He could clearly hear people talking even out in the street many meters ahead of him, and the clatter of feet, carts and people talking almost was hurting the top of his head.

"Wait, why does my-"

"Wow, look at what we got here!"

"Yeah, an adorable little rabbit!"

Bell inwardly groaned at hearing that particular nickname that he had carried in one form or another all his life, and turned to see a pair of adventurer men, one of whom was Mord Latro. "Oh, uh, Hello Mord," Bell greeted uncomfortably as the last time he had seen him, they had been duking it out just before the Goliath had appeared.

"Hey Mord, you never mentioned knowing such a looker! Stop holding back on us all!" Mord's friend said with a chuckle as he licked his lips, making Bell uncomfortable with the way he looked at him.

"No, I don't know this person," Mord said with a shake of his head before looking back at Bell and smiling? "Not that I don't want to get to know you. What do you say?"

"What are you talking about? We were fighting just before the Goliath fell in the 18th floor, remember? How did you get away? Is everyone else all right?" Bell asked as he realized what Mord being before him could mean.

Mord however, only raised an eyebrow and looked even more confused. "What are you on about? I haven't been down to the 18Th in weeks. And why would I pick a fight with a fine piece like you?"

Bell went from confused to disturbed with Mords few words in a bare second and took a step back. He knew that there were men who were interested in other men, and while he did not understand it, he didn't want to fault them for it. He had no idea Mord was such a person either, and being the target or such words was more than just uncomfortable.

"Hey, uh, Mord? I think this one might be a little bit, lost in the head. If you take my meaning," Mords friend said in a whisper, yet somehow heard by Bell, much to his confusion.

"No, its fine. You say you know me right? Thing is, I don't know you," Mord said as he walked up to bell and put a hand over his shoulder. "So, why don't we get to know each other better, huh cutie?" He then finished as his hand hung around bells neck, allowing his hand to roughly grope Bells chest.

Bell let out a squeak of surprise as he looked down in confusion, his eyes going wide as he saw that Mord was not groping his chest, but one of a pair of moderately sized, well rounded, and seemingly soft and sensitive breasts. "Wh-what, what is, this, but this cant-" Bell stammered out, quickly realizing his voice sounded higher than it should have, and that he must have gotten a bit taller somehow.

"Oh? Never known a mans touch have you?" Mord asked with a grin as his fingers squeezed the breast, making a shock run right up and down Bells spine, causing him gasp in surprise at the alien feeling.

"No, I, of course not, I, let go of me please!" Bell asked as he grabbed Mords arm and pulled it off his chest, but could not get his arm away from around his neck without using more force as Mord seemed to be resisting.

"Now don't be like that, I just want to show you a good time!" Mord stated as he tried to grope Bells chest again with the one hand around his neck.

"I, I'm not interested," Bell said as he pushed against Mords arm with one of his own, and his chest with the other. He didn't want to hurt him, he just wanted to get away and get answers, as the more he struggled, the more he realized that his body was not quiet right. He just had to see how not right it was!

"Sure you are, you just have a case of nerves!" Mord said with a grin that was downright creepy with how close it was to Bell.

"I said let go!" Bell yelled as he pushed against Mord with all his strength, sending him away and into a nearby wall with a crack.

"Hey, Mord, you okay?" his friend asked as he ran over and knelt down beside Mord, helping him off the ground.

"Yeah, she must be an adventurer it seems," Mord commented with a chuckle as Bell rushed out of the alleyway, into the main street, and down it towards Babel.

He didn't stop until he got to the fountains that surrounded the grand tower, but once there he slumped into a bench, his mind running twelve different ways at once. What was going on? Why had Mord acted that way instead of his usual rude tone? And why had there been-

Bell shook his head, ending that train of thought as he got up from the bench and walked over to the fountain. He didn't want to confirm what he had thought he had seen, but he needed to, for a variety of reasons, so after taking a deep breath to steel himself, leaned over the fountain and looked in it at his reflection.

What looked back at him in the fountain was not a young boy of fourteen with white hair, red eyes and the light of adventure in his eyes. What looked back at him was a Hume Bunny with white ears, hair that went down to around her shoulders and was a bit messy but not unkempt, and red eyes filled with confusion that got worse the longer he stared. The Hume Bunny was wearing a loose black top that showed the tiniest sliver of her pale belly, as well as a kneel length black skirt and simple shoes and socks. Her hips were nice to look at, her waist tight, and her moderate breasts pressed against the shirt, Showing their size, and made it clear the Hume Bunny was a few years older than him at maybe sixteen or seventeen. "What is, eek!" Bell began to say, and then stopped when the reflections mouth moved alongside his voice. "N-No way, is that, me?" Bell muttered as he moved his arms and body, looking it over in the reflection and seeing it respond in kind. He even managed to find a small fuzzy rabbit tail poking out from above the skirt, and after a few seconds his hands drifted up, cupping the breasts lightly. "They're, almost the size of Ryuu's, maybe?" he muttered in slight embarrassment. He always wanted to respect girls, especially ones who were adventurers, but he would be lying if he said he had not found some of their bodies hard to not stare at sometimes.

Ryuu's outfit had hugged her body and shown off her legs, Lili's had shown a good amount of skin of her legs and belly, Aiz's armour hugged her form, and then there was Hestia, always pressing against him. He wouldn't be a man if he didn't take note the bodies of the lovely ladies that surrounded him.

"Uh, miss. As nice a view as you groping yourself is, might I suggest doing such a thing in private, or in the red light district?"

Bell turned to see a male adventurer, older that him by likely a decade, and wearing leather armour with a broadsword at his waist. He was scratching at his stubble while trying to not look directly at Bell, an odd look in his eyes and his face flushed slightly. "Um, are you speaking to, me?" Bell asked after a slightly awkward second of silence.

"well, yes. I mean, you are the only girl who is groping herself in public, and that is really not a way to attract good attention if you are looking for it," the man said, moving his hand to scratch his head, instead of his cheek.

Bell looked down to see his hands, groping the breasts that came off his chest under his shirt, and turned as red as his eyes. "I'm sorry please excuse me!" he yelled as he turned and ran down a street now that he knew where he was.

Nothing made sense. This had to be some kind of weird dream! He needed to find someone who knew him, who could never not recognize him. That was it! He'd head to the guild! After all, Eina would recognize him and know what to do! She always knew what to do!

With a plan in mind he redoubled his speed and headed for the guild. On the way Bell noticed a couple things that were odd. Not only was his hearing very good, better than ever in fact, he could feel the wind on the rabbit ears coming off his head. He also noticed that he was moving much faster than normally, less like running, and more like dashing down the street, or like each footsteps he took was like a jump or leap propelling him forward with speed he would normally reserve for the dungeon. And even more surprising was the fact that he was not feeling tired at all!

Finally reaching the Guild building, and being thankful that it was where it should be and looked as it should, Bell entered and began looking around for Eina. She wasn't behind the counter, nor was she at any of the couches and tables talking to another adventurer. Just a Bell began walking to the counter to ask if she was in, he saw her leave a consultation room to one side of the hall with a calm smile on her face. Bell ran over to her immediately, nearly falling against her as he spoke.

"Eina! Please help! No one recognizes me, something is wrong with me, and I don't know what is going on as I had just been in the dungeon!"

Eina looked at the bunny clinging to her for a second, blinked, blinked again, and then lightly shook her head to shake away her surprise and compose herself. "Please excuse me, but you are?"

"Its me, Bell! Bell Cranel!"

Eina looked at him for a second with no recognition in her expression, and then said the words Bell had hoped not to hear. "I'm sorry but, I do not recognize your name miss."

"what?! b-but you're my advisor!" Bell declared, starting to look like he was going to cry, and feeling like he might as well.

"Um, I'm sorry miss, but I don't have an adventurer that is a Hume bunny," Eina stated, driving home the reality of the situation just a bit more than Bell would like.

"I, dammit!" Bell swore in a moment of anger as he tried to turn and run off, but was stopped from doing so when Eina suddenly grabbed his one wrist.

"Now hold on there miss, you cannot just run up to someone and ask for help and then run off!" Eina said, clearly upset by the way Bell was acting.

"But, I'm not recognized, I don't know what's going on and-"

"And you asked me to help you, so I will!" Eina said seriously as she gripped Bells wrist tighter and then proceeded to drag him down a hall into the back of the Guild, and eventually to a different consultation room from the one she had come out of. One without line of sight to the main guild hall. As soon as she brought Bell in, she shut the door, and pointed to one of the chairs. "Have a seat and please take a moment to calm down. You do not have to worry about causing a scene here."

Bell nodded and sat down, realizing from Eina's words how ridiculous his actions probably looked, and made him hang his head. Which then made him look away as he still did not believe what he was seeing on his chest.

"Now then miss, it was Bella, yes?" Eina asked as she sat down across from Bell and placed a document case on the table to her left before pulling out some paper, an oil well and a quill.

"Um, Bell Cranel."

"I see. That is a strange name for a girl as nice looking as you," Eina said her words both painful, and oddly gratifying to hear, confusing Bell further.

"I, I'm not a girl! I mean, I'm not supposed to be!" Bell said, earning a very strange stare from Eina.

"Um, I see. Why don't we start with your comment of supposedly knowing me? May I ask how you know me?" Eina asked as she wrote on the papers in front of her.

"Well, when I became an adventurer you became my advisor and have been teaching me about how dangerous the dungeon is and giving me tips to survive for months now!"

"While that is what I hope to do for most adventurers, few keep coming to me for advice. Also, I have not had a single person to keep up with my lessons for more than a couple weeks. I also truly do not recognize your name, or looks. May I ask what Familia you are in perhaps?"

"Goddess Hestia's Familia."

Eina's hand stopped writing for half a second. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"Goddess Hestia. I'm the only one in her Familia," Bell repeated, adding more to the information as he did.

"I see," She said as she continued to write for a few seconds. "Why don't we start at the beginning. What exactly has happened to and led up to you running up to me?"

"Well, the Goliath broke down into the 18th floor of the dungeon and, I think I, might have died fighting it. Then I woke up in an alleyway here in Orario. Got hit on for some reason by another adventurer who should have recognized me and then , uh, ran here."

"Hmm, understood," Eina said as she continued writing for a few moments, then she put the quill down and looked at Bell. "So, Bella, sorry, Bell, I need to check and cross reference some of the information you have given me. Would you be willing to stay here for a few moments while I do that?"

"Oh, okay," Bell said simply.

"Thank you," Eina said with a smile as she stood up and went to the door, pausing as she opened it. "I should only be a few minutes." Then she was gone.

Bell sat there and after a few se ones leaned back in the chair and let out a sigh as worries crowded his thoughts. Did Eina believe him? What would happen now? Was there a way for him to go back to normal? What if he couldn't go back? Was this some kind or curse? Would it kill him?

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doors latch, and a second later it opened and Eina came back in, smiled, closed the door, and sat down. "So, I have had the information you have given me delivered to my boss and was able to look over and compare some things. There are some points of, interest."

"Um, what do you mean?" Bell asked nervously as he shifted in his seat.

"The Goddess Hestia has never once descended from heaven," Eina said very clearly, much to Bells surprise.

"what?! But, I was her first member of her Familia! She found me after I was denied by so many!"

"I am not saying you are a liar," Eina stated simply. "I am just telling you what is strange with the information you have given me. Such as there has never been a Goliath sighted in the 18th floor, and the Guild has never had anyone named Bell, or Bella, Cranel registered as an adventurer."

Bell just stared at Eina in shock for a few seconds before he was able to react. "B-But I'm here, and that's, I mean it-"

"Calm down please, I'm not saying you are a liar, I needed to see your reactions to-" Eina stopped as there was a knock on the door, and without warning a young Pallum stepped in and handed Eina a piece of paper. "Thank you . . . . . . . it seems the messages travel faster than anticipated. I have been asked to bring you to speak with the highest leader of the guild."


"Lord Oranos."

"O-Oranos!?" Bell exclaimed in surprise. After all, everyone's knew who he was, but few had ever seen him apparently.

"Yes," Eina said as she stood up. "Shall we?"

"Y-yes," Bell responded as he followed Eina out of the room, down a hall to a simple unassuming door at the back of the guild. When she opened it Bell surprised to see a long and dark spiral staircase that led down. Eina held no reservations and walked straight in and down the stairs, prompting Bell to follow instantly. There were magic lamps in the stairway, but they all were dim and barely enough to see the stairs, or the small seemingly random alcoves along the walls. After what felt like hours of walking, but couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes, they came to the bottom of the stairs and up to a set of double doors made of solid bright green copper.

Again Eina showed no hesitation and simply opened of the doors and walked in. Bell followed in, and quickly grew nervous all over again. There, on a rising throne of stone in the center of the perfectly circular room, sat a man who Bell somehow knew in the depths of his being was Oranos, the most powerful god on the mortal plane.

"So, you are the one who claims to know those who do not know you?" Oranos spoke, his voice booming yet somehow contained. "The one who claims to be a race they are not?"

Bell looked at Eina, who simply gestured for him to reply. "Y-yes, I am."

Oranos looked at him for many seconds before leaning back in his chair. "What is your name, Girl?"

Bell flinched a bit at Oranos calling him a girl. Physically he probably was, as much as he didn't want to admit it. Admitting it felt like it would make it permanent. It did make him think for a second though. Was Oranos asking his name, or a name for his current look? Bell swallows, finding his throat oddly dry, and spoke up as strongly as possible. "My name is Bell Cranel!"

Oranos, much to Eina and Bells surprise, smiled. "I can tell you are not lying which leads me to understand the situation. The reason you are not recognized by others you think you know, and the reason you are not human, or male anymore, is due to what happened to you in the dungeon. When strange or odd monsters appear, the results can be equally strange. You died and have been reincarnated into our world, an alternate dimension from the one you hail from!"

Author note: so uh, first story here, hopefully people like it. My hope is a split between gender bender shenanigans and adventuring in a new dimension. Thanks for giving this a chance!