warning people now, this is 95% smut 3% fluff and 2% plot. many sex scenes ahead.

It was a dark summer night out in the middle of the woods. Where Beverly kissed her current boyfriend in their shared tent. When they first dated he was exciting and fun, but now he was becoming a stick in the mud. Accepting Beverly's idea to go camping, except he forgot to mention he hated camping. Hated the filthy dirt to continue his complaining about animals roaming around the forest. It became quickly apparent the true reason he followed her out into the middle of nowhere was for more alone time in the bedroom.

This was an unfortunate common quality between all her boyfriends in her life. She tried so hard to find someone happy to spend time with her. At this point, after 10 years of dating, she was willing to settle on a boyfriend who had at least a job. Debating on if Jason was the one to settle with or send him packing after their camping trip. Hoping he'll prove to be the one these next few days leading up to this moment of Beverly sparking up a bit of romance for the night. drinking a campfire lightened bottle of wine straight from the cooler. Taking a walk down by the river to stop in a field to watch the colorful lowering sunset. Ending the day with a chase back to the tent.

"hold on, I have to get something from my bag." winking at Beverly as he went out of the tent. The romantic mood faltering a bit as she was left alone and naked for Jason to hunt down a condom in whatever forest brush he dumped his backpack in. laying back into their sleeping bag with a sigh as she grabbed her phone to pass the time. Already losing motivation to keep the excitement going. Jason cursing to himself as he shifted through everything. Taking a bit too long to find his abandoned bag he barely cared for.

The two unaware of a dangerous creature lurking between the black trees. Jason didn't see the glowing pair of yellow eyes stalking up behind him. A monster Beverly had dealt with before and will once again have to face. Jason given no chance to scream by the time he did see the beast. Tackled to the floor by a towering 7ft clown bearing rows of jagged teeth dripping drool. Burning eyes glaring down into Jason's terrified soul while holding him down as easy as a piece of Styrofoam.

"leave." the large creature unnaturally growled. Jason gave a frightful nod before being allowed to bolt for his life. Without taking the time to warn Beverly at the chance of risking his own skin. Unknowingly lucky enough to have survived the creature merely because it was in a rush.

Pennywise had not been stalking the night for long. A different hunger leading him to rise early from his 27 year slumber deep below. Letting the small male flee in a car for what he truly came for. A female to claim for himself, in his heated hunger, leading him up to a tent by her scent. Hardly paying attention to the fact that the scent was extremely familiar to him. His body wanted to breed a female now, no matter who they were.

Opening the tent threw gasoline onto his fire at the sight of inside. a female laid out for him ready to be taken with only a simple blanket covering her. Beverly boredly looking up at her phone as she relaxed back didn't notice it wasn't Jason reentering. Legs curled up together covered by the blanket blocking her view even more of the tent entrance. Getting the shock of her life at feeling a long tongue dig right in to eat her. Licking every part of her as if it were his last meal ever as he held her thighs wide open.

"shit, Jason!" Beverly gasping for some air between the deepening licks. Body shaking against the tent flooring as she gripped tightly onto the blankets around her. Coming up with the energy to sit up in watching what he was doing. Realizing immediately who it actually was buried between her legs. Seeing that silver suit first shining under what little campfire light was left. Her first reaction was to get up by pulling away. Met by Pennywise's own reaction of devouring her deeper while letting out a deep vibrating growl of warning.

The fight in her completely draining off that resonating growl. Not because she was afraid, but that she was under the best ride of her life. That growl sending some part of her over the edge right then and there. Screaming out a moan turning into a whimper as he lapped up her sweetness without hesitation. convincing her to lay back while he kept going on his exciting work. If she were to be eaten alive right now, like this, it was certainly the way to go.

"no pain, relax. no pain, relax." her mind repeated the entire time she moaned through him eating her out. Feeling him twist his head between her legs to reach even further places in her to lick. The longer he went the more Beverly questioned how long he would keep it up. Was this a more torturous way of eating her alive? It sure felt like it when she began wanting something more to fill her. His tongue not enough after a burning of her own grew at her core. An ache she's never felt until now that needed to be satisfied soon.

Pennywise had been waiting for this stimulated change in her. A signal that she was ready to take him without a fuss to how he was. A deep breath of her scent having him suddenly stop the licking to climb over her. Laying down over her that stopped her frustrated squirming for him to hurry up. Drooling through growls as he wedged himself between her legs. A long black tendril oozing a slick slime slipping out of his pants to thrust deep into her. Panting heatedly while he listened to her moaning into his ruffled collar. promoting him to thrust long and deep at each little sound she made.

Beverly lost completely in the moment he rutted into her heat. A refreshing coolness brought to the burning fire he had built up in her this entire time. Grasping at his back for hand fulls of fabric to hang onto during the ride. Feeling along the muscles, tightly constricted under the suit, shifting with each movement. Breathlessly screaming into his collar over each passing climax he delivered. Legs tightly clasping over his hips to prevent him from pulling back too far as if he would run away at any moment before they finished the next build up.

The last thing he wanted was for them to separate after their playtime was over. Thrusting deeper the closer he came to his edge to get as far as he could before he did. Beverly feeling as if she had died and gone to heaven already hardly notice what he was doing. His growling turning to aggressive roars claiming what was his. Scaring off any potential challengers who dare think that they can take him on. Roaring out at successfully breeding Beverly to the fullest in a burst of warm seed filling her belly. His slick member coiling up in a tight knot to finalize their pairing for the breeding season. They couldn't separate now even if one of them wanted to.

Relaxing down over her to cool himself from the rutting heat he satisfied. While Beverly after undergoing multiple climaxes fell right asleep from exhaustion. Head still clouded his body demanded the next step to be taken involving his newly claimed female. Important to complete this task before his knot relaxed and they were able to separate. Take her somewhere safe that was not so out in the open where challengers could harm them. Scooping her up into his arms he carried her back deep under the earth to his tower of toys. Into the closed circus wagon decked out to be more like a cozy bedroom over its old open stage look.

A massive bed taking up half the wagon that was still too small for him. Half his lower legs going past the edge unless he curled up a bit. The bedding covered in thick quilted blankets of shiny peacock like colors. Blues, greens, turquoise, on a black base to make up a pattern of circular bright stars on the night sky. A massive collection of pillows fitting the same theme surrounding the beds edges connected to the wagon walls.

Each wall covered in multiple shelves of circus themed trinkets or random items. A light attached to the ceiling looking like a crystal ball surrounded by hanging colored crystals of various sizes. Ranging from thick to thin clear pieces the light passed through to shine patches of color across the room. The crystal ball light currently calming blue to match the darkened time outside. Changing as the time passed into day to a bright light yellow glow.

He shifted aside the layers of blankets to curl up in bed with Beverly. Pulling the blanket back to especially keep her comfortably warm. Nesting down for the remaining night into the morning when his rutting need was no longer clouding his thoughts. Displeased to what he realized had happened in the night.

"of all the females for my body to pick it had to be her." suffering the consequence of his in rut black out. The mating season would happen for him once every few centuries sending him into rut. A burning desire to mate that he could fight off for a while until his body refused to follow his command any more. Blacking out to hunt for the first fertile female he happened upon to breed all season long for the next few months. Taking them to his den after the first mating that knotted them together. The first mating incredibly important to keep everything else going smoothly. Transferring a bit of this burning need onto the female that would keep them wanting more. Natures way of a gold certified guaranteed breeding that would produce young by the end of it all. Females looking past the obvious non human details to not fear him. Neither willing to stay away for long and or any chances of refusal when asked to bed.

He hated when this happened and tried many times to get around it. Attempts to sleep through it were ruined by the burning ache forcing him to wake early. Killing the females after the first mating sent him into another black out for a new female in the following days. In his current situation he debated on what would be better to deal with. Kill Beverly to take another female or speed through the mating season by keeping her. His mating season had the added issue of only starting after a female was claimed. Restarting when one was lost that dragged the whole event on at times. It was an invisible shackle of nature he was forcibly locked to.

A grin slowly growing across his face as he thought how vulnerable she was. "I guess being stuck with her wouldn't be too bad." The other end of this shackle stuck to her and will be for another few months.

This female under his complete domination the entire time. In the past involving others he was a bit more merciful by allowing them to "escape" his grasp. mostly because he hated them and wanted to be alone for 90% of the time. Dragging them back to satisfy his growing need through the season. That would change for Beverly's case to be far more restrictive. She would have no chance to see the light of day at any time. Caught outside his wagon would need her to be punished for running from her male. Being bred at any point in time he had an urge even when shed be exhausted after an earlier round. Excited to be far rougher with her then the other females he held back with.

Claws shredding through his gloves to drag along her exposed back. Enjoying the red marks he left behind to dig deeper each time. His claws drawing a speckle of blood causing her to flinch awake from her deep sleep. Letting out a small whimper that unintentionally aroused the male at her back. Any pain swept away by him twitching inside of her. Her moan setting him off to top her in a swift motion that stole her breath away. Laying stomach down into the bed as his clawed hands pressed her shoulders further into the soft bedding.

The clown looming over her disappointed by her calm reaction. She didn't struggle, panic or give off any fear for her life. It agitated him she was so submissive that he tried forcing a reaction through hostility. Biting into the back of her neck drawing rings of blood to mix into his drool. Claws digging into her shoulder blades for further blood letting. Drawing his jaws back to enjoy the flavorful taste of her seeping blood. Tongue twisting entirely around her neck to gather all of it into his mouth. When that was clear he moved down to lap up the moving blood droplets from her shoulders.

Even after the threatening bite he caused, she didn't panic. After so long dealing with disasters she had lost the ability to. Submitting in waiting for him to finish her off and enjoying the ride in the time he hadn't ended her. Feeling bold enough to tempt him by pressing back against his hold on her shoulders. Rising a growl out of him as he asserted his dominance in shoving her back down. It would have been wise not to push his aggression, but she was willing to keep going. Gripping the fabric under her as his member twisted excitedly in her at each point she moved.

She arched her back into his biting mouth throwing him off further. "trying to break my grip by all this squirming?" biting into the spots he hadn't reached on her smooth skin. Huffing out a deep breath of hot air when her hips rose against his. Pressing her back down, using his own hips, having him shiver as he pushed inside her as a result. His long member twisting around freely since his knot became undone. Distracting him under the pleasure of rubbing himself along her walls. Noticing a second later she had squirmed out of his grasp to press herself further back into his hips that drove him wild. Reflexively wrapping his arms around her hips to start pounding in. pinning her back down beneath him for easier full thrusts into the bed.

Swallowing mouthfuls of drool down during his loss of control. His goal of sparking fear now turning over to have her make as much noise as possible. Thrusting harder when she tried quieting her noises into the bedding. Raising himself up for a better downward angle that caused Beverly to grab onto his arms for support. Mumbling something out that was different from the rest of her noises.

"what?!" he snarled down to let her speak, although not happy about it.

speaking more clearly. "suit off." giving a tug on his sleeve. All the extra fabric feeling more in the way of everything. Trapping an uncomfortable amount of heat as some parts rubbed the skin too roughly. Feeling that he wasn't able to get his full length past his pants either.

He let out another snarl in a rejecting manner to her request. She wasn't allowed to make demands of him in his home. He called all the shots here and he would remove the clothing when he wanted. Judgment on refusing her turned over at the thought of how truly he was restricted in the suit he was. Able to do so much more that she may soon regret asking him to go clothing free. He growled out a huff when he brought himself back down to her level. Speaking close to one of her ears to demand something if she wanted her request filled.

"beg me to." he purred. Enjoying the thought of her submitting even more to him. Chuckling at the groan she let out over his order. Taking time to muster up the words was chipping his patients away. "come on, beg." slowing his deep thrusts to a shallow teasing grinding to torture the words out of her. Holding her hips back from getting any closer to gain satisfaction. A whimper let out by her as she tried speaking the first time. His waiting turning into a standoff between them while he too wanted satisfaction. Wanting so badly to slam back into her until the bed snapped underneath him.

Snapping at her impatiently "speak!"

"take it off!" was not the wording he was looking for from her. He wanted begging, not another demand. Begrudgingly pulling himself further away from her to further the teasing.

"beg! Beg what you want!" pressing the matter.

"p-please." whimpering out under the painfully light teasing. Gasping when he slammed himself back in after those words.

"what was that? Have to speak up."

"please, strip it! Please!"

"good girl." purring in praise. His full silver suit disintegrating off to shreds that dissipated as they fell through the air. Unleashing his full potential to breed her in more ways than any human can. Chest stretching open to the sounds of painful crackling. The sounds of possible bones breaking drawing Beverly's attention back. Caught off guard to his chest spreading open for more tendrils to creep outward. Wrapping tightly around her to pull her into his open rib cage. The rib bones twisting into centipede like legs trapping her against him. Laying them both back to get a clear view of him thrusting into her. Legs kept spread by his now ungloved hands grasping her thighs.

"happy you asked?" teasing her through a bite to the shoulder. Feeling mixed as she nodded while watching the new view. This whole long round started by him wanting her to be terrified, but here she was instead begging him for more. Thinking how strange she was to then move his focus on more important things. Throwing them both over the edge in a roaring climax. Collapse back into the bed for a much needed long sleep.