Of all the days for Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minster for Magic, to sleep in, this had to be one of the worst. He had been up late the previous night feting some very important wizards as this year, it was England's turn to hold the International Conference of Witches and Wizards (ICWW). Up until now, everything had been going smoothly as planned but today, fate decided to throw a spike in the works.

Ordinarily, Kingsley was up in time to peruse "The Daily Prophet" over his morning tea but today he had been too rushed to read the paper. He just stuffed it in his attache case and hoped he would have time to peruse it during one of the many breaks that were meant to be used for networking at the International Convention of Witches and Witches, of which he was supposed to be hosting!

Unfortunately, he hadn't even read the headlines so when he was immediately accosted by the conventioneers about a letter that had been front page in the "Daily Prophet", he knew absolutely nothing about it. Worst still, Percy Weasley, his personal assistant, hadn't even owled him about it and was nowhere to be found!

The Minister was terribly embarrassed to admit that he knew nothing of the matter and would have to read the letter first before commenting on it. He wasn't exactly happy to see his fellow wizards exchanging a knowing look. This couldn't be good...and it wasn't.

Kingsley found the letter to be quite succinct...straight to the point...and it basically implied that the wizarding population in England were basically "ungrateful bastards"...ungrateful to the Savior and the Gryffindor Princess... It was bad enough that they did it, but much worse that it was now brought to worldwide attention...for one thing was sure...all his fellow conventioneers could hardly wait to go home and tell everyone how England messed up big time. He was so going to kill Percy Weasley...very slowly roast him over the coals...

There was just one question in Kingsley's mind...who in the heck was the NEW Dark Lord and why was this the first time he heard about him?