A/N: Alright, few things to address for all of the people who follow my work. No, I haven't given up on Master Arc. I'm still planning on updating it. Those chapter's tend to take long because of both my schedule and that fact that it's a bit more detailed than most of my other works. I still plan to continue my other works as well, whenever I get the spark for them. (Whole reason I started those was because they're something I do when I'm in the mood to)

Now, with that said, hope you enjoy this story. This is more of a introduction chapter than anything (I guess that's the first chapter of any story though...) and some of the characters are a little OOC. But like I say for a number of my stories, just go with it. I'm not here to craft some Shakespearean quality work, I'm here to write about some spanked bottoms. You're going to have to humor me to get there.


Jack Overland never thought he'd grow up to be the head of some office. He had always figured he'd end up working in a grocery store or delivering packages or something. Never in his wildest dream did he imagine he'd be making six figures for, what was honestly, very little work. But it seemed like charisma and charm could carry a person pretty far in the world.

It had been a stroke of luck that he'd ran into Mr. Arendelle, head of Arendelle INC and one of the biggest billionaires on the planet. Of course he'd had no idea who he'd been at the time. He just thought he was some regular guy and treated him as such. He'd made of a hell of a first impression on him, because he's offered him a job in his company. It had been a low level position, though much higher paying then the job Jack had at the time, which he excelled at.

Jack had known very little about business when he started, but a charming smile and a silver tongue were really all you needed once you had the basics. Of course he'd picked up on the ins and outs of everything as he progressed, and before he knew it he was running his own office. He was a true example of rags to riches.

Being in his position carried a lot of perks. The first being how little he actually had to work. It was kind of ironic. The higher up you got, the less you had to actually do. He passed on a lot of his stuff to his employees, making sure to check over what they'd handed in to make sure it was all correct.

Another of the perks was the number of sexy secretaries around the office, along with the office discipline they answered to. Mr. Overland held very traditional values, and it reflected in his the way he ran his company. To him, the best cure for a lady who was misbehaving or making mistakes was a well smacked bottom. So all their secretaries were meant to sign a document acknowledging that they could and would submit to such if they agreed to take the job. With that kind of stipulation you wouldn't think they'd have so many people applying. But there were a lot of attractive women looking for well paying and relatively simple jobs, even if it came at the cost of a sore backside.

It also served as a way to keep the men who ran the office happy and loyal. Not many guys were ready to give up the perks that came with their positions, even if a rival company was willing to shell out more money. Jack certainly wouldn't have. He had taken full advantage of their 'correctional system' since he was assigned his first secretary.

There was no better way to kill boredom or unwind from a tough day than to have a nice well rounded bottoms across your lap to spank. And with well over a dozen secretaries working in his office, there was hardly a day that went by where he didn't get to discipline at least one of them.

Like now.

Rapunzel Corona was a sweet girl. Nice figure, long blonde hair, and a nice pert little bottom. Her pink blouse didn't show off much cleavage, but her bust was still very apparent, and her purple pencil skirt hugged her bottom tightly and showed off every curve. She was currently bent over his desk, rear up in the air and trembling as she awaited the next stinging swat of his leather paddle.



Jack watched amused as her bottom danced, her purple high heels clicking against the floor as she jumped from side to side. She had always been such a jumpy little thing. "Settle down now Punzie. I haven't even lifted your skirt up yet," he said chuckling. She was probably getting a bit pink in the cheeks by now, so he'd peel that short little skirt of hers up soon.

"Oh, please no sir! Not that!" she whined.

Jack nodded. "Oh yes, that. I think you've earned a nice bare bottom punishment today," he said getting ready to swing again. She let out a groan as she braced herself for the next swats, but before he could follow through with it a voice came over his intercom.

"Mr. Overland sir?"

Jack sighed and put the paddle down before walking around his desk. Rapunzel sighed, looking more than a bit relieved to have a break. "Honey, I'm in the middle of a disciplinary correction right now. You know I don't like being interrupted during that time. Unless you would like to join us maybe?" he asked.

"No sir! I'm sorry. It's just, you have a visitor, and I thought it was urgent to let you know."

Jack raised an eyebrow. He didn't have meetings scheduled for today. Not unless another of his secretaries slipped up. If that was the case someone would be going up with a striped bottom today. "May I ask who this visitor is?"

"It's Mr. Arendelle sir."

Jack looked a bit surprised. Not because he was worried or anything. He was on very friendly terms with his boss, and he stopped by just to check up on him and chat regularly. It was just that he usually called ahead first before doing so. A surprise visit like this was rare. "Send him in."

"Right away sir."

Jack looked down towards Rapunzel. "You can stand up," he said. The blonde did so, her face a mix of both confusion and slight hope. "We'll be starting this over again later this evening. For now, go fetch some coffee for Mr. Arendelle and I. And be quick about it."

She nodded. "Yes sir," she said before turning around and quickly making her way out.

As she made her way out of his rather large office, another figure made his way in. Mr. Arendelle. This time however, he was followed by two others. They were young women, both very attractive looking. One was a platinum blonde with her hair tied into a tight braided bun, while the other was a strawberry blonde with her hair braided into two pigtails. His assistants maybe?

"Jack, how have you been my boy!" Mr. Arendelle said holding his hand out.

Jack took it and shook. "Doing fine sir. And you?"

"Oh, I'm alright. Sorry to pop in on your like this. Bit of a hectic morning you see. Hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"Nothing that can't be taken care of later. It's no problem at all sir," Jack assured. "Always happy to see you."

The older man stood aside and held his hand out to the two women. "And allow me to introduce my daughters. This is Elsa and Anna," he said gesturing towards the platinum and strawberry blonde respectively. Jack hummed. His daughters? He had remembered him mentioning them before, but this was the first time he'd laid eyes on them. They were really something. The one with the pigtails smiled towards him and offered a small wave, while the other just kept a stoic expression. "Girls, this is Jackson Overland. One of my best and brightest managers."

"Hello, nice to meet you," Anna said cheerily.

"It's a pleasure," Elsa said nodding.

Jack smiled and nodded back. "The pleasures all mine," he said before turning back to Mr. Arendelle. "I'm guessing they get their looks from their mother?"

The man burst out in laughter. "Ha! Yes, and thank god for it," he said before gesturing towards his desk. "May I have a seat?"

"Of course sir." The fact that he even bothered asking was something. For being a bit-shot billionaire he was fairly humble.

The man turned towards his daughter. "Girls, could you wait outside for a bit. I need to discuss something with Jack here." The younger of the two smiled and nodded, while the elder let out a small sigh, clearly displeased with being excluded from whatever was going to be discussed. The two turned around and made their way out. As they did, Rapunzel made her way back in carrying two cups of coffee.

"Here you are sir," she said nervously as she set the tray down on the desk.

"Good work Punzie," Jack said before giving the girl a swat on the rear, earning a squeal. She quickly made her way out, not wanting to push her luck.

Mr. Arendelle chuckled as he watched the girl leave. "Still keeping them in line, eh Jack?"

"I learned from the best," Jack said shrugging.

He hummed. "You sure do know how to pick them too. That's quite a lovely one. I wouldn't be able to focus on anything with girls like her running around. But I supposed that's why your one of my best!" he said before leaning forward. "About why I'm here Jack. I need a favor from you."

Ah, so it wasn't business related then? "What could I do for you?"

"It's about my daughters," he started. Now Jack was curious. He didn't have any kids of his own, thank god, so he wasn't sure what the man could need his help for concerning kids. "You see, I want them to start working here. As secretaries."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Really?" It wasn't really often you heard of a rich kid actually wanting to get their hands dirty, let alone two.

Mr. Arendelle nodded. "Yes, I know. Odd right? But they insisted on getting some real work experience and... well, this is a bit of a test for Elsa you see." Jack sat back, looking intrigued. "Anna is just looking for 'real life' experience. So this is nothing more than indulging her. But Elsa... she's insistent I let her take a part in running the company. She's a smart girl, there's not doubt about that. But you know how I feel about women in the workplace."

Jack nodded. Mr. Arendelle's view of the business world was... well, sexist. There really wasn't any other way to put it. The highest position a women was bound to get if he had any say was an assistant manager, and even then they were little more than glorified secretaries for the actual manager.

"If it were up to me, I'd rather they just occupy their time doing something else. Maybe find a nice young man to settle down with. But those two could never sit still. Elsa has blown through all of her business classes and demand that she be given a chance to prove she can handle herself. So I made a deal with her. If she could take a year here, then I'd get her a higher position in her own office."

Jack nodded in understanding. "So you just need me to give her a position here? Sounds easy."

Mr. Arendelle grunted. "I don't just want you to give her a position. I want you to put her through the ringer. Show just how difficult it is to thrive in the business world."

Jack wanted to make sure he had this right. Because if he was telling her to act as a mentor... well, he supposed he could. He might have had it easy now, but there were plenty of times when the climb up got really tough. Getting a glimpse of it just might scare the girl away. But he had the feeling he meant something else. "Just to clarify sir, are you saying you want me to treat her..."

"Like a secretary," Mr. Arendelle said bluntly. "No special treatment. Don't let her worm her way out of trouble just because she's the bosses daughter."

Jack hummed. "Okay... does she know how things usually go around here?"

"She's aware of the policies, though I doubt she knows how often they're put into use."

"And what about Anna?" he asked.

Mr. Arendelle sighed. "Her too. She's a sweet girl, and all she wants is to spread her wings a bit, but she'd also a bit on the naive side and gets herself into more than a little trouble. I never was good when it came to disciplining those girls. Specially Anna."

Jack scoffed. "You, not good at discipline? Most of the girl's who used to work under you would disagree sir."

"Well, it's different when it's your baby girls. You tend to soften up whenever it comes time to deal out what's due. Not to mention I'm getting on in years, so the time for me to take them to task is long gone," he said before gesturing towards him. "You on the other hand are more than capable of applying a loving and firm hand to them."

He rubbed the back of his head. "I don't know sir. I'm pretty strict with the girls around here. Are you really okay with leaving them here?"

"I am. If Elsa can really hold out working under you, I'll know she wants this badly enough. As for Anna, the girl has needed her bottoms smacked for some time now. And I know you're the man to get the job done. So what do you say my boy?" he asked.

He thought for a moment. Having the two lovely sisters working under him was certainly a delightful thought. And if their father really didn't care about him cracking down on them, then who was he to refuse. "Alright sir, when can they start?" he asked.

Elsa frowned as she waited outside of the office along with her sister. Honestly, why should she have to sit out of a discussion involving her employment. It was ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as the way her father got on with that smug excuse for a man Jack in there. She had known that he had always been her father's golden boy. He would talk on and on about him with his business buddies. He seemed to think of him like the son he never had, which was again, ridiculous.

The man had always wanted a son. He never said it out loud of course, but it was obvious. He'd wanted a little boy to pass down all his manly knowledge too, and ended up with two girls instead. And in all his old fashion ways he couldn't possibly expect to pass those same skills down to them. The closest he ever got was when Anna took an interest in baseball in middle school, but even then it clear he was humoring her. Not that Anna had noticed at all. She was a very sweet, but very naive little thing.

Elsa hadn't really let it bother her though. Her dad could be absurd, even downright chauvinistic sometimes, but he'd always supported their endeavors and was overall a good father. But when she had said she wanted to start preparing to takeover the company, and he burst out in laughter... well, that had lit a fire in her.

It took some arguing and a lot of valid points made from her, but she had arranged this little deal with him. Make it a year here as Jack's secretary, and she would be given her own office to run. From there it'd just be a matter of climbing up the ladder until he had no choice but to acknowledge her and pass down what was rightfully hers. Not that she should have had to jumped through all these hoops to do it. But if that's what it took, so be it.

"You think she got spanked?"

Elsa hummed and turned her attention towards her sister. The girl was fidgeting in her seat, and had been ever since they'd seen that blonde come scurrying out of the office earlier. They'd seen her rubbing her tightly skirted butt as she walked around the corner. "Probably," Elsa said bluntly.

She knew all about her father's policy for their female employees. It was downright silly making grown women submit to something like that, and something she planned on putting an end to when she got the reigns.

Anna hummed. "So they really do it. I know I heard daddy mention it sometimes, but... I mean wow. Do you think they mess up enough for it to happen that much?" she asked. She knew she could be a bit of a klutz herself, and while she wasn't sure if her butt was going to be on the line she didn't want to tempt fate.

"I'm sure you don't have to do much to end up over someone's lap around here." She was sure Jack and her father enjoyed dealing out discipline to their staff. Her father always had a pep in his step whenever he'd gotten the chance to punish someone. So did pretty much all of the staff. She didn't think Jack would be any different.

"You don't think daddy will let them spank us, do you?" Anna asked.

Elsa scoffed. "Anna, is that what you're worried about? Please. Daddy has never laid a hand on us. Do you honestly think he'll let someone else to it? Besides, he's not going to risk his job just to get a chance at the boss' daughters."

Anna looked somewhat relived at her sister's reasoning. "Huh, guess that's good to know," she said smiling.

The door opened and both her father and Jack stepped out. "Well girls, everything has been sorted out. You start tomorrow, bright and early," her father said smiling towards them.

"I'll be happy to have you. I'm sure you'll be a great help around the office," Jack said.

Anna smiled back at him. "Thank you Jack!"

Elsa simply nodded. "Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Overland. We both look forward to working here."