One more chapter and an epilogue to go through. Hopefully I will be updating that chapter in a few days. I won't say much, except, R&R.


What is this?" Ga Eul said, barging into Sun Hi's bedroom. She held up a piece of paper, waving it at her sister.

Sun Hi looked up from painting her toes and frowned. "It's a piece of paper Ga Eul. People write on it. Surely you know."

Ga Eul's lips drew to a thin line and she threw the paper in front of her, "Don't act dumb, Sun Hi. Doesn't suit you. This is a call from an Ad agency for a lingerie shoot. Next Wednesday. The day of your wedding."

"Tch," Sun Hi said, tossing her hair. "You're overreacting as usual. It's just a call. I can always turn it down."


"And what?"

"Have you?"

Sun Hi frowned deeper. "Have I what?"

"Have you turned it down?" Ga Eul asked, her arms folded across her chest.

"No. Not yet."

"Sun Hi," Ga Eul bristled. "This came three days ago. Why haven't you turned it down yet?"

"I'm thinking."

"Thinking?" Ga Eul's voice was shrill. "Sun Hi! The shoot is ON the day of your wedding. What is there to think? Just mail and cancel it."

"Stop nagging me, Ga Eul," Sun Hi said as she got off the bed.

"Does Yi Jeong know this?"

Sun Hi spun around, her eyes glinting dangerously. "Why are you bringing him into the conversation?"

"Have you told Yi Jeong about this or not?" Ga Eul said sternly. "He should know."

"Why does he need to know?"

"Really? You're getting married to him. He has the right to know. Tell him, Sun Hi. It's better if he comes to know it from you instead of someone else."

"Someone else? Like who? You?"

Ga Eul straightened her spine and said, "If you won't tell him, then I will."

"Is that so?" Sun Hi said, cocking her head to the side. "You will tell him, huh? I see. I see what you're playing at. You will go and tattle to Yi Jeong, right? What exactly are you hoping to achieve? You think by doing this you will win over Yi Jeong? No honey, if he was to fall for you, he would have done so during the dates that you guys went to. But he didn't, did he?"

Ga Eul paled. "How do you know about the dates? I never told you."

Sun Hi simply laughed.

"You read my diary, didn't you?" Ga Eul said, a horrifying thought crossing her mind. "Coming to think of it, you were never much of a fan of Yi Jeong, were you? If I remember correctly, you used to think that Jan Di was being stupid by dating Jun Pyo. That the F4 are nothing but overrated, overgrown boys with access to unlimited wealth. But then, you read my diary. And then… suddenly… you… you were everywhere. You did that deliberately, didn't you? You seduced Yi Jeong, didn't you? Why? Why did you do it?"

Sun Hi gave an incredulous chuckle. "What am I? A K Drama vamp? You think I deliberately drew Yi Jeong to me because I read your fucking diary? No. Yi Jeong came to me because I'm better than you, in every damn way. You with your pathetic dressing and personality, did you really think someone like So Yi Jeong would actually like you? Grow up, honey. Understand his attention for what it is. Recognize sympathy and pity, Ga Eul. Don't you understand? I am saving you from mistaking his pity for love. You are nothing but a charity case for him. Get over yourself and open your eyes before it's too late."

"Do you love him?" Ga Eul asked, her voice trembling slightly. "Have you ever loved him?"

Sun Hi rolled her eyes. "Oh my God, Ga Eul! Stop with your melodrama already! Grow up, sister. Life isn't a K drama. Please stop."

"You don't deserve him," Ga Eul said, tears welling in her eyes. Without waiting for Sun Hi to respond, Ga Eul spun around and walked out of the room.

Jan Di hugged Ga Eul, rubbing her back. "You're shaking."

"I can't do this, Jan Di," Ga Eul said, her voice trembling. "I can't do this."

"Ga Eul," Jan Di cupped her face and looked into her eyes. "This is your test. You have to be strong. You can't let her see she's winning."

"Jan Di ah," Ga Eul said, "She's marrying him simply because she wants to win. Not because she loves him but because she wants to defeat me."

Jan Di shook her head, "Ga Eul, no. I'm pretty sure you're mistaken. I know Sun Hi doesn't like it when you get something, but she can't do this. This is evil."

"And you think she isn't evil?" Ga Eul shot back. "I could still take it if she had actually loved him. But she doesn't. I don't know what this is but I can't handle it."

Jan Di opened her mouth to say something when a door opened and Ga Eul's mother peeked in. "Ga Eul! What are you doing here? Go get Sun Hi. Your father is waiting. It's almost time."

Ga Eul opened her mouth to respond but her voice had deserted her. Jan Di hastened to fill in the awkward silence. "She'll be right there. Just a minute more."

Chu Ji Sun pursed her lips and then nodded. "Get her quickly. It's almost time."

Once Ji Sun left, Jan Di turned to her friend and said, "Ga Eul, listen to me. Have faith. I am sure God won't do something so terrible to you. Have faith."

Ga Eul nodded. "Just a couple of hours and I will be done. After the wedding, maybe I will get over all this and move on."

Saying so, Ga Eul forced a smile on her lips and made her way to where Sun Hi was getting dressed for the wedding.

Yi Jeong adjusted his cufflink, feeling a strange emptiness within him. The premonition that had settled on him nine days ago continued to stay, carving an anxious hole within him. At that moment, waiting for the band to start, his anxiety soared steadily.

"Ready, bro?" Woo Bin asked. "The big day."

"Ready? I don't know," Yi Jeong answered. "I keep thinking something is going to go wrong."

"Wrong? What could go wrong? You're getting married in," Jun Pyo paused to look at his watch, "about seventeen minutes. What are you worried about?"

Yi Jeong shrugged. "Wish I could tell you."

Ji Hoo clapped his shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

"I hope you're right," Yi Jeong said just as the band struck up the music announcing the arrival of the groom. On the cue, the F4 walked in. Led by Jun Pyo, with Ji Hoo and Woo Bin flanking him with Yi Jeong bringing up the rear. Upon reaching the altar, the four of them took their positions and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

But Sun Hi did not come. A buzz was beginning to spread through the crowd and people were exchanging worried looks. Yi Jeong whipped out his phone from his pocket, he dialed Sun Hi, but her number was unreachable. He turned to Woo Bin and raised an eyebrow. His friend nodded and began to head out, when a breathless and bug-eyed Ga Eul ran into the venue. Belatedly, she seemed to realize that she was surrounded by people. She pasted a fake and tremulous smile on her face and made her way to her parents. As Yi Jeong watched, Ga Eul whispered something in their ears. Identical looks of shock flickered on the Chus faces and as one, the family walked out. Sensing something had gone seriously wrong, Yi Jeong followed, not caring what everyone thought. Lost in their own conversation, they did not notice him coming in.

"How could she do this?" Ji Sun said, grasping her hair. "How could she?"

"What are we going to do now?" Ga Eul asked. "How will we tell Yi Jeong?"

Standing at the door, he asked, "How will you tell Yi Jeong what?"

The three of them spun around, each looking shocked. At their continued silence, Yi Jeong walked in and stopped in front of Ga Eul. "What is it, Ga Eul? What happened?"

Unable to speak, she handed a folded piece of paper to him. With a frown, he opened the paper and realized it was a letter written in Sun Hi's handwriting and addressed to him. He cast a quizzical look at the Chus and turned his attention back to the letter.

Darling Yi Jeong,

I know this letter will probably make you angry, but I also know you will understand. You see, sweetheart, today is one of the biggest days of my life because I have been chosen as a model for an ad and I must be there for the shoot. This is the break I have been waiting for, for ages. I'm sorry that I have to go away, but I will be back soon to make it up to you.


Sun Hi


Yi Jeong raised his hand and dropped it, unsure of what to do. Swallowing the cold lump in his throat, he rang the bell. He heard the soft pitter-patter of feet and the door opened, to reveal Ga Eul.

"Yi Jeong?" Her eyes were wide.

"Hi," he portrayed a confidence he didn't feel.

"Sun Hi has not been in touch," Ga Eul said hurriedly.

Yi Jeong shrugged. "I'm not here to talk about her. Can I come in?"

She looked over her shoulder and back at him, "Come in."

He stepped in, second guessing himself. He couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. Ever since that fateful day two months ago, him and Ga Eul had avoided each other studiously. And he hated every moment of it. Somehow, not talking to Ga Eul had hurt him more than Sun Hi's betrayal, and that confused him. He had spent days dialing and canceling a call before Ga Eul's phone could ring. In fact, in the past two months, he had done so two-hundred and seventy-six times. With a thudding heart, he settled down on one end of the couch, while Ga Eul settled on the other end.

"I… I don't know what to say to you," Ga Eul said after a while. "After what Sun Hi has done…"

"Is it such a surprise?" Yi Jeong said when her words had tapered away. "Sun Hi was always that person, wasn't she? Nothing in her life mattered to her more than herself."

Ga Eul stayed quiet; her eyes lowered.

"You know I'm telling the truth," Yi Jeong said. "She didn't love me. She doesn't love anyone but herself."

"But you love her, don't you?"

"No." Yi Jeong said decisively. That was one thing he had become absolutely convinced of in these months. "I'm not sure if I ever did. Whatever feelings I had for her, died that day with that letter. Funnily enough, I'm not even angry at her. I have no feelings for her. None."

"But… you… you guys were getting married."

"I know," Yi Jeong said, hanging his head. "But try as I might, I can't seem to remember why."

"What do you mean?"

"I never asked her to marry me, you know?" Yi Jeong said slowly. "She warmed her way into my parents' hearts, and they asked me to get married to her. I… I said yes, because… I don't even know any more."

Ga Eul smiled slowly. "Sun Hi has that effect on people. It's strange but she has the ability to blindside people."

"I really thought no one would be able to do that to me," Yi Jeong said wryly. "But I guess, I was being delusional."

"No," Ga Eul shook her head. "You saw more of her truth than anyone else. Even my parents didn't see her for who she is. You did."

"And yet I was willing to marry her."

"Because you didn't think she was capable of doing something like this. You thought it was merely a character flaw, not a deal breaker."

Yi Jeong nodded. "You're right. I didn't pay much attention to that part of her personality. I should have."

"Has she got in touch with you?"

"No. And even if she does, I'm not going to entertain any calls from her," he said slowly. "The chapter of Sun Hi is over for me."

"So what now?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "All I knew was that I had to talk to you."

Ga Eul simply looked down and threaded her fingers together.

"Can we please go back to being friends? I don't like not talking to you."

For the first time since he had come in, Ga Eul smiled.

Did not see that coming, did you? MUAHAHAHA. :D

But things won't be sorted so easily, wait and watch.