It all started when his beloved horse, Boadicea died. She was a marvel among horses and Arthur knew it would be impossible to find any horse capable of replacing her. But Arthur was an outlaw, and as such, he needed a horse to survive. Going without was simply not an option.

Finding the Mahogany Bay Tennessee Walker in the barn of the Adler ranch had seemed like kismet at first but when Arthur took a moment to put two and two together he realized who it must have belonged to and he immediately offered the horse to Sadie.

The new widow just glared at him as if he were pointing a gun at her and scoffed, completely denying ownership of it. "Shoot the damn thing for all I care." she hissed.

That was all Arthur needed to be convinced the old Bay must have once belonged to her husband. That the idea of seeing it ridden again by anyone else was tantamount to blasphemy in her eyes.

Feeling guilty, Arthur was now in the position of not begin able to ride the animal but he also didn't feel it was right to sell it. (just in case Mis Adler changed her mind and wanted it back.) Fortunately, his problem was resolved a short while later when Hosea offered him a beautiful black shire to go hunting. So Arthur boarded up the Walker and rode the Shire and that was the end of it.

That is until he had to chase Jimmy Brooks down in Valintine and was forced to borrow a steady silver tailed American Standardbred Buckskin to keep the skittish man from reporting them all to the authorities. But when Arthur rode back in, he couldn't find the gentleman he'd taken the horse from. So he rode around Valintine for a bit, half-heartedly asking after the man and when he came up with nothing, he naturally decided he may as well keep that horse too. After all, once you pay for the boarding of one horse, what's one more? right?

Even so, things didn't really start to get out of hand till Havier invited Arthur to a home robbery for some undesirables just north of Valentine. During the shootout Arthur noticed a beautiful Overo American Pant and few shots later, he also noticed an impressive looking Red Chestnut Stockfold Punch. After the shooting had died down Arthur pulled out the two and examined them side by side. Even then he found it especially difficult to choose between the two. So, Arthur waited for Havier to head back to camp and, after taking far to long to decide, Arthur decided to just take them both. 'What could possibly be the harm in that?' he thought.

Well, turns out a lot as Arthur found out as he happened upon a man struggling with his horse's shoe. When Arthur approached he called out to the man, trying to be friendly, and as the man stood his horse startled and kicked out, striking the man in the head and killing him instantly.

Knowing it was his fault the horse was now alone, Arthur decided to adopt the frightened Belgian Draft as well. And considering he was already on his way to the stables with the other two horses, it was just as easy for him to keep it. So he did.

After that, Arthur took custody of a brilliant little Gray Kentucky Saddler he'd proudly liberated from some O'Driscolles. Tho, to Arthur's credit he had every intention of selling the spunky little mare but she'd been with the O'Driscolls. Who knew what they had done to her, so Arthur figured he'd only keep her for a bit. Show her some affection and a gentle hand before he parted with her. Arthur couldn't see anything wrong with that arrangement, provided he only kept her temporarily.

Not long after he came across a beautiful Wild Bay Mustang and Arthur was in aww of the splendid animal. After roping the Stallion and getting it to trust him, Arthur knew he was hooked. It quickly proved to be the ideal horse for him, steady, brave and noble. Perfection on hooves. Besides, it reminded him of Boadicea. If he squinted his eyes tight and just listened. Arthur adored the horse so much that when he happened upon another Mustang, this time a Gurell Dun, he decided to catch that one too.

Later that same day he came across a little Morgan gelding being beaten by its owner. Arthur immediately stepped in and rescued the Flaxen Chestnut, knocking it's owner fat and beating a hasty escape with his newest horse. And after the treatment he'd just witnessed, he had to keep it. Arthur just couldn't bring himself to sell an animal that had endured such cruelty. Besides, they shared the same name, which made them practically family.

A few days later Arthur was tracking down the legendary wolf when he came upon a regal-looking Blanket Appaloosa. It's spotted pattern wholly unique of any horse he'd ever seen and Arthur instantly fell in love. Abandoning the legendary wolf, Arthur threw the lasso around the equine's neck and as it struggled, Arthur dug his heels in and reeled it in like a fish. It reared and bucked till Arthur calmed it with soft words and gentle pats, being sure to slip in the occasional piece of mint. As the horse became accustomed to Arthurs's weight along it's back, Arthur steered the beast south. "That's a good girl." he cooed in her ear.

He was brushing the Appaloosa at a stabled when, out of the corner of his eye, Arthur noticed the wild Sorrel Hungarian Halfbreed. It's long tail flicking as it grazed, standing tall and proud in the open field. Arthur felt an itch to catch it and hopping on the back of his new Appaloosa, he bolted towards the greener pastures where he saw the Halfbreed roam.