Toga walked alone wearing Izuku's hoodie, she didn't bother wearing a different face. She didn't care, she cursed herself for getting so attached to him. She knew what kind of person she was, and how dangerous it is for her to fall in love.

Most people ignored her as she walked by, while others gave her a strange glance, if only they knew the little girl infront of them could gut a man and flee the scene in only two seconds.

She kept walking, focusing her attention in front of her, she walked until she reached a run down apartment building that was just seconds away from crumbling, she walked up the damp and raggedy old stairwell when she reached a certain floor she looked around and found the door. She walked towards and knocked three times. She waited a second, the room was completely silent, if she didn't know any better she'd have left having thought no one was there.

The door opened, but revealed nothing but an empty walkway, she walked in and heard the door shut behind her, "TOGA!" yelled Twice, she immediately perked up as she smiled back "TWICE!" She yelled as they both embraced each other.

"Glad to have you two back." Said a raspy deep voice. She stiffened up, and turned around. "Hey Tomura." She eyed him as she came closer, "It's good to have you all back, or well, most of you. I sent Kurogiri on a little side mission with a dear old friend of mine so unfortunately he won't be joining us for our meeting." He said leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

"From this day forward, the league will be reaching a whole new level." He said with a smile. She was never one to be intimidated but there was something within that smile struck her with fear.


It had been at least three months since Izuku's last encounter with Toga, three months and yet he still hasn't heard from her, she hasn't tried to visit him either, even when he left balcony window unlocked. But after an encounter with Ayoyama he decided to start locking it again, just in case...

So much had happened since he last saw her, Sir Nighteye's funeral, the U.A festival, his fight with Gentle Criminal. One thing after another and they still haven't seen or spoken to each other.

He knew he shouldn't, but he really did miss her, so much to where he found it almost impossible to sleep most nights. So he just laid there staring up at his ceiling, hoping to hear the sound of her tapping his window, even when he closed his eyes for a split second a part of him was hoping she would already be there by the time he opened them.

He couldn't wrap his head around it, why was he feeling this way about her? She's not just some bad girl from another part of town, she's a murderer, an escape artist, and if he was being really honest, a stalker as well. Of all the girls for him to fall for he just HAD to pick the one that could gut him...yeah...good job Izuku.

Their relationship was dangerous no matter how he looked at. If he could convince her to give up her ways as a villain and become a hero, but sadly he knew that would never happen. She's just too far gone to try and save, even if she wanted to there's no way U. A would accept her after all the crimes she committed against the school.

And there was absolutely no way he'd become a villain for her, as much as he loved her there was a certain line that he would never cross. Not even for her. It didn't even fit his morals either, I mean what did she want him to do?

Put on a suit and tie and go out on a murder spree? No. Absolutely not, why did that even come to mind? Eh whatever, it's not like it matters anyway.

Was there even a chance they'd get back together at all? Could that ever be possible?

A part of him wondered about the possibility of his relationship with Toga could actually work in some other life. Maybe she would've loved him if he were still quirkless. Maybe then they could have a normal relationship. But even then, there's no guarantee.

He sighed to himself as he looked up. Maybe they were doomed from the start, maybe they weren't meant for a happy ending together.

He closed his eyes, admitting defeat as he let sleep take him over, when suddenly a pair of cherry flavored lips pressed against his. His face flushed as he kissed back, knowing exactly who he was kissing. Toga pulled back. With a half smile.

"Miss me Deku?" She said in a hungry voice, he loved it when she talked like that, "You're...You're here?" He asked mainly towards himself. She climbed on top of him, hovering right above a very sensitive area for him.

"Of course I am, you know nothing can keep me away from you Deku." She said with a giggle.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" he asked her, the look in her eye shifted, changing into something else. She leaned down with a wild look in her eyes as she responded. "What is there to forgive?" She asked, for a split second Midoriya's head cleared as he was pulled back into reality, he looked at her confused. "Well...Ever since that fight we haven't been talking...I just figured you were upset with me." Toga smiled kissing him again, slower this time, almost as if she were casting a spell upon him.

She pulled away once more, leaving him breathless. He felt himself wanting more of her, it was as if he were craving her more with every touch.

She sat up, straddling his lap. "I was pretty upset, I'm not gonna lie you really broke my heart Izuku..." She said, he felt an ache in his chest, yet apart of him couldn't help but feel thrown off at her words, considering the fact that she said that so calmly with a smile.

"I'm sorry," he said. She laughed but not the way she used to, there wasn't any joy in her voice. He heard a hint of bitterness along with maliciousness. He suddenly felt nervous from the way she looked at him. It was as if she were an animal looking at it's prey.

"Awww don't worry Izuku you'll make it up to me won't you?" She said leaning down while staring into his eyes. He felt his heart rate increase as she wrapped her arms around his neck, he was nervous as he responded more hesitant.


The look in her eyes shifted once more as she sat up with her hands still lingering on his neck and just like that her tone switched from sexy and adorable, to completely terrifying.

"You sound like your unsure, why do you not love me anymore Deku?" She said emphasizing his nickname almost as if it were a bitter insult.

"N-No! No of course not! Wait no yes, I mean yes I do love you Toga I swear!" But that didn't make her any happier.

She pulled out her blade and held it to his throat with one hand wrapped around his neck, choking him. "I've heard that before. You think I can't feel your heart beating erratically? You think I don't know what nervous and hesitation looks like DEKU?!" She shouted tightening her grip on his neck as he gasped for air.

She switched again, laughing and giggling out loud as her faced flushed with excitement.

"Hahahe...Look at you! Trying to call for help? Awww poor Izuku, even with that fancy quirk of yours you let me pin you down so easily!" She grinned.

Midoriya's eyes widened as his face dripped with sweat from nothing but pure terror. He wanted to move, to use One for All and run for help, but what about his classmates? He's seen her fight against pro heroes and almost every single time someone always ends up with a knife in their back or a stab wound.

What if he screamed and his entire class woke up? What made him so sure she wouldn't escape or use her quirk and transform into him, or worse, what if she went on a rampage and hurt everyone in the dorms because of him?

One would say he should have more faith in his classmates, that his class can take on at least one member of the league of villains.

Maybe they could, but he knew better. How many of his friends would he lose to a blood thirsty yandere before she could be taken down?

That was a risk he just wasn't ready to take.

"What Izuku? Why so quiet? Cat got your tongue?!" She smiled as her pupils dilated, still clenching his throat.

His lungs were on fire, it was like he was drowning. If he was gonna take her down, he had to do it far away from everyone.

Then it hit him, his plan. He knew exactly what to do now.