In Equestria the mane six were gathered kicked out of Canterlot.
Rainbow dash crossed her forehooves and said, "I can believe we find proof twilight was right and no one believes us! How can Celestia not know the difference between her niece and a bug! How can shining armor not tell something up with the mare he loves!?" she said stating it in shock.
Rarity sighed and sadly said, "I mean I get Luna she just got back form the moon and never met her niece before but Celestia how can you be such an idiot!" she said flatly.
Twilight growled as she used her unicorn magic to hover a box holding the elements as she said, "She doesn't want us then she doesn't want the elements only we can use!" she said angrily growling.
Pinkie pie who's mane was flat blinked before holding her chin with her hoof, "Gee Twilight what are you getting at there?"
Applejack rolled her eyes and said, "you have gots to be kidding me pinkie pie? Even Ah know what Twilight be getting at! Our friends and family mocked us and pretty much disowned us so why bother protecting in greats!" She said pointing it out flatly.
Fluttershy backed up and said, "Oh my! That is suck a horrible statement Aj… but I kind of want to agree!" she said being shy about it.
Rainbow did a flip and said, "Wait we can do that?" She asked confused.
Twilight nodded and said, "with the elements powering us any spell can be casted I say we just gather up our things form ponyvile then join hooves and use the elements to cast a take as as far away as possible spell, let celestia clean up her own mess, and leave my former brother to deal with marrying a fake. I am sorry I couldn't save Cadance! But if her own husband to be can't see it, then I guess it's her fault for falling for someone who clearly only cares about the image of her not her heart and soul!" She said rudely.
they all nodded and head off as Pinkie pie jumped using her tail as a pogo stick, "yay a going away party for the elements of harmony… geee it just hit me the fact we mostly just teach ponies how to be friends doesn't paint a good picture of our species as a whole if we don't know how to be a friend instinctively!" she said pointing it out flatly as her mane and tail repuffed.
Later on in Ponyvile.
Applejack was walking in to Twilight's library with Trenderhoof as she said, "hay yah girls I found some pony who believes us and wants to come with that ok?" she asked confused.
Twilight then nodded as she point to Pinkie with Cheesy, "Pinkie brought her Coltfriend. And Diamond Tiara is coming with Rarity as Diamond was running away form home to get away form her mother anyway and we understand wanting to get away form spoiled rich don't we? Even her husband. So yes you can bring a guest Aj!"
the girls then put on there elements as Twilight said, "Ok all join hooves everyone coming! I'll cast the smell you all just focus and the elements will react and we will be pulled away."
Meanwhile a world away in Karakura town
Ichigo was walking hands in his pocket as he kicked a can unable to see the hollow Uryu was clearly running off to fight. " this blows!" he said sadly.
That is when he heard his inner hollow say, "yeah it does king!"
Ichigo jumped and seemed confused but he heard the hollow said, "King you need to pay attention parent survives hollow attack human kid gets hollow powers your dad battled hollows so logically I was always part of you even before you picked up a sword. You sacrificed the sword so clearly I was still safe! I was just lost your inner world is a strange place now I found the old man's body he has a Quincy cross. Found out your mother had some Quincy in her. Witch may explain why I am a bit more calm and sane now that he is gone if he was all your powers but mine in one! …gee how did your soul not explode?"
Ichigo blinked and face palmed as he sighed and said to himself, "If I still have you how the hell can I not see hollows!? And how come I can't just put your mask on and fire a cero?" he sounded annoyed.
Hollow Ichigo then cleared his throat, "to put it simple your soul is out of whack and has been for all the opposite powers being in you! As it is the Quincy powers made your sword flawed as in a natural vizard inner hollow and zanpakuto merge for good, we and the old man couldn't do that. So you had a big handicap and now I've become the largest chunk of your powers. I mean I eat the old man's remains so now I am generating Quincy and soul reaper spiritual pressure but you are still not balanced enough for our powers to work. If you could get your hands on a new blank Zanpakuto me and the old man's fused remains could merge in and stabilize you restoring your powers and what not."
Ichigo blinked before he shook his head and held it, "So I need to get a ghostly blade I can't see to get my power to see it back! Geee isn't that just fucking great!" he said angrily as he put his hands in his pocket.
The hollow then spoke up again, "Well now there may be another way another burst of unrelated to hollow quincy or soul reaper spiritual pressure could act like a peace maker allowing us to restart your badge giving us a new blank Zanpakuto to reform into with out the conflicting power flaw. I mean that flaw is the whole reason we have the chance to get back to kicking ass king so take it!"
In a moment he spotted rainbow light in the distance and while others were running away Ichigo ran towards it and said, "that unrelated enough spiritual power?" he asked as he held his old badge and the hollow said, "yep! King yep run right to the colorful blast everyone can see… geee life is weird as shit… WE ARE BACK BABY! FUCK YEAH! AFTER WE GET OUR POWERS BACK ASK ORIHIME OUT KING! WE MOST RIDE THIS HIGH ALL THE WAY MAN!"
Meanwhile at the blast sight,
The ponies where now humanoid keeping there fur pony heads hoof feat but with human body shape and hands, they also kept wings and horns they where dressed in white kimonos then they notice our elements all had wings and horns.
Rainbow fell over not stable on her two legs as she said, "… ok I get another dimension change thing but WHY ARE WE ALL ALICORNS!?"
Twilight rubbed her head and shock it as she said, "… we most have merged with our elements fin transit!"
That is when they all spotted Ichigo walking up to them and then there was a blast and what looked like the gates of hell appeared and opened and as the inmates rushed out to attack Ichigo jumped in front of the what he though was aliens and he held out his badge.
the hell bond soul made a sword of fire and it slashed the badge and in a moment Ichigo smirked as it glow with rainbow color and Ichigo jumped back.
his living body explode in rainbow light to reveal him in his old soul reaper outfit now an Anthro like the ponies light orange fur and dark orange mane and tail holding his original oversized zanpakuto katana.
He looked confused as he said, "Side effect… ow well… oh aliens get out of here!" the ponies all tried to run but kept tripping making Ichigo slash his sword to block strikes keeping up good and focused.
Hollow Ichigo then spoke up, "Ok King I am whole I am all of our powers we have a true Zanpakuto now say may name the release command is raise higher!" he said flatly.
Ichigo nodded and held his blade out and called out, "Raise higher Zangetsu!" he said happily as his blade became the two swords of his true Shikai Ichigo's neck grow blue veins as a blade hit it as hollow Ichigo now know as Zangetsu said, "Blunt Vene quincy powers useable we need more time to get our juice following again before we can bankai and hollowfied so just keep fighting king!"
Elsewhere everyone in town was in a panic all could see spirits now while that alone would bring Chaos tie in the people turning into anthro ponies and the gates of hell being broken so the inmates could swarm the living world it was a nightmare.
Uryu who was now an anthro Pegasus with peach colored fur and his mane and tail color were his same hair color as he drew his bow and fired off a swarm of arrows into the swarm of hell bound souls as he let out a flat, "…This is not what I had in mind for the end of the world!" he said as he flapped his wings coming up higher in the air a bit.
Chad was just punching through the horde.
Orihime was domed as she cried, "We need Ichigo back!" they then spotted the wave of a massive Getsuga Tenshou and she said, "Oh looks like we do have Ichigo back yay!" she said happily.
Uryu was crying as he wiped a tear and said, "I promised myself I won't' cry promise broken!"
a large wave of Ice came and that is when they notice Rukia and Renji and all smiled.
Orihime then used Tsubaki to launch and attack as she said, "I am asking Ichigo out if we live through this!" she declared happily it was going to be a hell of a day.
As the vizards appeared joining the battle as captains and other soul reapers appeared as far as the living world knew it was Armageddon and it might as well be!
To be continued.