Sorry this took forever to post, life happened -_- But I had so much fun writing this! Can't wait to explore new ideas. Thank you so much to all those who left lovely comments 3 3

Dennis did everything he could to be as normal with Casey as possible, knowing well enough that avoiding her after their kiss would hurt her feelings more than he ever would intend to.

He didn't have anything against her, god knew he dreamed of her more times than he could count. The thought of her waiting, lounging around in their shared apartment spurred emotions he never knew he had as he made his way towards their shared space after a long day at the zoo. The sight of her working on research papers for class made him immensely proud of how far she had come, while also making a mental note to ask if she had eaten anything in the last four hours.

It took him so long to admit that having her around was effortlessly easy, something he never thought was possible before. Then again, he had never met anyone who was considerate of all the alters, who took the time and effort to get to know them individually as she had done. Casey was gentle and attentive when Hedwig demanded it but a firm disciplinarian when he tried to show off or tried to be mean to the others. Jade finally had someone who she could relate to, although Dennis knew Casey wasn't an expert in all the pop culture or makeup things Jade seemed to have infinite knowledge about. Casey studied with Orwell and talked about guns with Luke. She laughed wholeheartedly with Barry and exchanged little bits of trivia with Patricia.

Casey was what they all needed, and Dennis could never deny that.

For weeks Dennis fought these feelings, the urge to touch or to simply be near her. He hated the way she scurried out of whatever room he was in as if her mere presence was unwanted, hated thinking that perhaps he was her least favorite of them all. Not that it mattered, Dennis wasn't there to be liked, he was there to protect.

Then Casey stopped leaving the room he walked in, choosing to stay and make conversation about his day, about his work or anything that would spur a discussion that lasted more than a minute. Casey began to focus her eyes on his when she spoke, something she hadn't done before. Even as she lay down on one of the couches on the other side of the room, she always managed to tilt her head towards him, intently listening to every word he said. Her eyes were what he saw in his dreams the most, those beautiful brown eyes that nearly broke his resolve more than once.

Kissing her was sudden and unplanned but was even better than anything he thought it would be. She responded to every touch and rewarded him with the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard, wanting nothing more than to hear her whimpers transition to breathy moans as she said his name.

And then Dennis pushed her away.

He hated the confused look on her pretty face, wishing nothing more than to tell her that she did nothing wrong, that he wanted her with every fiber in his being but knew he was the last person she should even consider falling in love with. His mind raced as he tried to silence the angry, hateful voice in his head that screamed hurtful words he'd heard too many times when Kevin was a child. Words that reminded him how he didn't deserve anyone like Casey, how he could never make her as happy as she truly deserved.

Dennis stood before his mirror as he got ready for work, donning a dark blue long-sleeved shirt Casey had bought him one day when she went shopping with Jade. God, he was pathetic, he thought to himself as he scowled at his own reflection, hands smoothing over the fabric as he imagined her doing the same with her delicate fingers.

All he had to do was lay low and stay focused on his duties.

It's what he did best.

Afterall, he was the strongest of them all.

Dennis had come to the realization that he, in fact, was not as strong as he thought he was.

Physically, he was capable of lifting and running more than any of his young coworkers who constantly tried to corner him in between shifts and asking for advice on how to get fit like him. Dennis enjoyed working out, it relieved all of the tension and stress he felt most of the day and it was the perfect outlet to alleviate said stress.

Casey, however, proved to be a weakness he never imagined he had.

Dennis noticed minor things, changes that caught him off guard simply because Casey had never done them before. Things like the light touch of her hand against his back or shoulder when she wanted to catch his attention, leaving him momentarily frozen in place despite it being such an innocent gesture. He often wondered what would happen if he reached up to catch her hand in his, instantly berating himself for even considering such a bold move.

He always appreciated the fact that Casey respected is space, failing to remember if he had told her or perhaps, she was that intuitive. Still, he wondered if she chose to forget that detail when they bumped into each other one night, brushing closely against him as she moved away, a sweet yet playful smile aimed towards a surprised Dennis. The move caught him off guard and he swore he heard her laugh in her room even though the door was closed.

Dennis knew exactly what she was doing. I can handle it, he tried to convince himself.

He failed the next day.

It wasn't entirely his fault; Casey wasn't playing by any rules. She stepped out of her room while wearing shorts and a satin camisole, making Dennis wonder if she already had that in her closet or if she had bought it recently. He'd ask Jade, but she was still in trouble for her little stunt she pulled last week, and he wasn't ready to have her meddling with his already chaotic thoughts. Dennis watched as Casey pulled her long hair into a bun, admiring the way her shoulder blades moved under her skin as she fixed her hair, the sight of her neck being on full display was finally too much for him to handle as he forced himself to look away.

To make matters worse, Casey now opted for oversized t-shirts that Barry gave her one day when he cleaned out his closet, choosing them as her new "lazy clothes" as she called them and almost giving Dennis a heart attack as he watch the material ride up her smooth thigh as she lay on the couch. Dennis felt his sanity slip as she stretched out onto the cushions, fighting the urge to flip her over and take her on that very couch he'd seen her sit on so many times. He had no choice but to work out late that night, scowling at himself as his erection refused to go away.

It was pure torture and Dennis didn't know how much of this he could take.

She was a weakness he couldn't control.

"Do you mind?" Casey's voice interrupted Dennis' thoughts as he went over next week's scheduling, a list of names on one hand as he rubbed his temple absentmindedly with the other. He looked at her, confusion settling over his face. "What?"

Casey chuckled softly from her place on the floor, sitting cross-legged with her drawing pad on her lap, pencils sprawled out beside her. "I asked if you mind if I play some music," she asked again, feeling momentarily guilty for interrupting his tedious planning. They normally had conversations here and there, but Casey knew he had to concentrate tonight and wanted to make sure her music wouldn't interrupt his train of thought.

Dennis cleared his throat, the sudden sound of her soft laugh and her interest on whether he would mind made him unable to stop the odd feeling in his chest. "I don't mind, you know you don't have to ask."

A blush spread over her face as she faced the other way to turn on her speaker, thankful for the few seconds it gave her to compose herself. Dennis was concentrated so much on his work, she was able to steal glances without getting caught, the sight of his furrowed eyebrow and his tense jaw making her want to slip into her room and lay down in bed to touch herself as she had to do for the last week.

Her phone vibrated loudly against the floor, snapping both of them out of their thoughts. Casey leaned over to see who it was, and immediately grimaced at the name that flashed on the small screen. She always seemed to regret giving people her phone number, especially if it was an annoying guy from one of her classes who took her act of kindness as something else.

"A friend?" Dennis questioned, cautiously. It was none of his business, but by the look on her face he knew it wasn't someone she wanted to talk to. He needed to know everything was alright, at least that's what he told himself.

"Oh, yeah." Casey replied before shaking her head, rubbing her eyes. "No, some guy from class keeps texting me. I offered to send him some class notes last week and now he won't stop sending me texts."

"He shouldn't be bothering you. You don't owe him anything." Dennis couldn't help it. He was a protector after all, this is what he was meant to do. Or maybe it was the idea that another person had set his sights on Casey…

"Can you kick his ass for me?" Amusement with a hint of sarcasm filled her voice as she leaned back against the couch, bringing the pencil she was using to her mouth.

Dennis managed to stop the groan from escaping his lips as he looked over at her, absentmindedly placing his work on the end table beside him. "You know I'd handle it if I had to."

Casey didn't know exactly what made her heart swell. She didn't know if it was the way he looked at her, a look that showed concern for her safety but serious determination to march out of the room to find whoever was making her feel uncomfortable. She didn't know if it was the knowledge that Dennis would protect her from anything and anyone who dared to mess with her, the image of Dennis showing up to class to give the Creep his death glare made her instantaneously more attracted to him than before.

The air suddenly felt too thick, tension radiating off both of them. She had to leave before she made another stupid decision, exhilaration settling in the back of her mind as she took in the way his eyes stayed glued to her as she began to move.

Casey was in such a haste to leave, she was unable to stop a coloring pencil from falling out of her hands as she stood up. Gasping loudly, she tried to catch it out of midair but dolefully failing, watching as it fell and rolled away from her. She ducked down quickly to chase after it until it reached to where Dennis was sitting in his chair, fully aware that Dennis was watching her every move. Casey was ultimately at Dennis' feet, his boots mere inches from her hand that now held the pencil that she had finally picked up.

She froze in place, the sound of her own heart beating loudly in her chest and the distant sound of music that played faintly in the background the only sounds that made her aware that she was in fact awake and not in one of her many daydreams. The sound of Dennis shifting in his seat broke her out of her reverie and she couldn't stop herself from looking up. His eyes were transfixed on her, blue gaze practically burning into her skin.

Dennis was captivated.

His original plan was to stand up and move away from her to avoid what he really wanted to do but, the second she looked up at him, he knew that wasn't going to be possible. Casey's hair fell around her face perfectly, dark hair that he'd been aching to grab and tangle his fingers with. He spent countless hours admiring the way her hair always shined in the sunlight, noting how she had red undertones in her otherwise dark locks.

His eyes darted to her mouth as she licked her lips nervously, the sight of her pink tongue made his pants feel unbearably tighter as he resisted the urge to rearrange himself in front of her, ignoring the thoughts of how good it would feel to have her mouth around his cock. He constantly struggled to keep his urges in check that he didn't think this moment would be any different. It wasn't until his gaze moved up to her eyes that he understood he wouldn't be able to behave as he should.

Casey wasn't giving him the usual gentle and innocent look she normally gave him when she talked to him or the other alters. Instead, she was looking up at him through her eyelashes, a look so hungry and erotic that Dennis didn't believe was possible for such a sweet person to express. It lit something inside Dennis; Casey she was undeniably attracted to him, of all people.

For a second, Dennis thought he had lost control of the light, his movements were so quick that he hardly had time to register the fact that he was reaching out to thread his fingers into her hair, carefully pulling her up into his lap without breaking eye contact with her.

Casey immediately straddled him, feeling his free hand curl around the back of her thigh and up towards her ass. His mouth is on hers instantly, their kiss desperate and rough but it doesn't matter because Dennis can smell her and feel her warm, soft skin with his hands and somehow this feels better than the last time they kissed in the kitchen. That kiss was nothing compared to this, days of pent up frustration and need fueling the passion that encompassed this one.

She moaned softly against his mouth, her hands practically clawing at his hard chest, the same chest she'd been dying to hold onto like this for so long. Casey tries her best to hide her glee as she runs her hands over his broad shoulders, silently wondering how the hell he manages to squeeze these things into his shirts. None of her dreams compare to actually being able to touch Dennis the way she's touching him now. All her musings are forgotten as Dennis begins to kiss the side of her mouth, her jawline, and down the side her neck. She let her head fall back, reveling in the pleasure produced by his mouth as he found the sensitive spot on her neck she never knew she had.

Dennis noticed her reaction and continued to kiss the same spot, only this time he grazed her skin with the gentlest bite Casey every felt. She's unable stop the jolt of her hips and the needy mewl that slipped from her lips, vaguely feeling embarrassed by the way her body instantly reacted.

Dennis pulled away at the sound, though his eyes, his breathing, and his hand in her hair were the only signs that let Casey know he wasn't done yet, relief washing over her.

Suddenly he's standing up, effortlessly hoisting her up along with him as she wraps her legs around his waist. Dennis' glasses are gone somehow and, honestly, neither of them remembers who took them off in the first place. With one strong arm around her waist and another below her thigh to support her, Dennis begins to walk them towards his room. Everything he does is natural, Casey admires, as he makes the walk from the living room to his bedroom. She's clinging onto him desperately, afraid he's going to change his mind and let her go at the very last second.

Dennis stops in the doorway to his room and looks at her questioningly. "Are you sure, Casey?" Tone serious but sincere, he waits for her answer patiently. Despite wanting to fuck her at that very moment, he would never want her to think she had to.

Casey doesn't even answer his question and chooses to simply kiss him, a soft and gentle kiss that she hopes can reassure him of whatever doubts or fears he currently feels. Her tongue slips past his lips, a wordless coax to get him to move towards his bed, impatience settling in when he doesn't move fast enough.

Thankfully, he gets her message and begins the short walk from the door to the neatly made bed amongst neatly organized furniture. Casey half-heartedly feels bad about how messy it's going to look afterwards, considering how Dennis is so meticulous about keeping his bed as perfectly made as possible.

Dennis lowers her ever so gently onto the middle of the mattress, his body flush against hers, feeling nimble fingers unbutton his shirt hastily. Dennis chuckled into her mouth; a low rumble that makes Casey even more aroused than before. He thoroughly enjoys how enthusiastic Casey is with him, savoring the fact that it's him who's making her feel this way. He feels her tug at the hem of his shirt until he felt cool air against his skin, excitement rushing through his veins as her hands fumbled with his belt buckle.

Dennis pulled away just enough to get his belt off, his gaze taking in the heavenly sight of her laying on his bed, her lips red and plump as she her breath came in short pants.

Casey couldn't help but lay back and watch as he moved off the bed to remove his button up shirt slowly, folding it in a way that would avoid wrinkles and laying it over a chair next to the bed. His undershirt comes next, the same slow movements and folding happened before he placed it on top of his previously folded garment.

She marveled at how perfect his body looks in the dimmed room, a fleeting sense of insecurity courses through her mind before it's gone as she sees his eyes are glued onto her, wanting her. It sends a shiver over her body.

"Hurry up," she says playfully, knowing logically that he wouldn't listen to her at all.

Dennis, midway through pulling his belt entirely off, pauses upon hearing her. Casey swears she can see his jaw tense, and there's no time to react as he slowly moves on top of her again, his body close but not making any contact with her body as he held himself with strong arms above her.

"You'll wait patiently until I'm done," he grunted into Casey's ear, the dominant tone of his voice made Casey tremble deliciously, a quiet whimper escaping her lips helplessly. She watched as he removed his pants, smoothing the fabric with his hands before folding them over the chair, slow movements that were killing and exciting her at the same time. She knew this is revenge for all her teasing she had put him through, mentally kicking herself for thinking that he'd just let her get away with it.

Dennis slid back onto the mattress, kneeling between her parted legs as she looked up at him adoringly. His hands hovered over the skin of her thighs before hooking his fingers into the waistband of the shorts she was wearing before sliding them off her legs. Casey felt a blush creep over her face and chest as he looked between her thighs with the hungriest look she'd ever seen on his face.

"Dennis." His name is barely a whisper as she tries to get him to snap out of his daze, feeling his hands move up her thighs as his fingers lightly traced a few of her scars. He's transfixed once again, and Casey watches in awe as he bends down to place a kiss on her hip. His hands move farther up, hiking up her shirt to reveal the soft, pale flesh of her stomach and chest.

Any insecurities that filled her mind were gone as he brought his mouth back to her neck, taking advantage of the newly discovered area that elicited such a strong reaction before. Her gasps and moans against his ear were pushing him over the edge, he'd never felt such intense desire for anything in his life.

He needed to be inside her.

Dennis cupped her face affectionately, bringing her attention back to him as his thumb traced her bottom lip, relishing the way her eye fluttered shut at his touch. "Tell me what you want."

Casey, unable to articulate anything at that point, brought him down for another kiss, moving her hands to his lower back to bring his body down onto her, relishing the sensation of his warm body as it touched hers. She felts his erection against her inner thigh, mindlessly spreading her legs until he was nestled perfectly in-between them.

Dennis was gentle, letting her relax around him before starting a slow pace inside her, making sure to avoid thrusting his hips against hers when she wasn't ready to pick up the pace. His moved his hand to hold the back of her head and making her look directly at him, giving him the chance to marvel at the way her face contorted into pure pleasure as he pushed into her.

Casey could only close her eyes, biting her lip in an effort to keep the noises slipping from her mouth. She didn't know why she stopped herself, knowing deep in her mind that it wouldn't what he thought if she just let go. She felt his thumb trace her mouth again, lips parting automatically as she let a breathy moan fill the room as she reopened her eyes to admire just how dark his eyes seemed to appear now.

Her hands roam over his shoulders to his back again, feeling the strong muscles flexing as he drives into her faster, harder than he intended but encouraged at the lack of resistance she offered at the change of cadence. Dennis is fully aware of how close she is, feeling her walls begin to clench around him rhythmically and seeing her brow furrow beautifully as his name fell from her lips in a reverent prayer.

Dennis didn't deserve her, and yet here she was. He kissed her roughly, propelling his hips hard enough until she came, pulling away just in time to see come, knowing the image would be forever embedded in his memories. With a final grunt, Dennis came into her, body shuddering above her as he tried with every ounce of strength he had left to avoid falling on top of her.

Any embarrassment that could've ensued disappeared quickly as Casey pushed him gently onto his back, an endearing giggle lessening the insecurities that began to form in his mind as she laid her head on his chest, looking up at him in a way she never had been able to before. How did she manage to calm his nerves so easily?

"I have a distinct feeling Jade kind of set us up," Casey said idly, fighting the urge to close her eyes as the sound of his heartbeat invited her to sleep.

Dennis tried not to scowl. "I wouldn't put it past her." He placed a protective hand on her hip.

Casey made a face, unsure if it was in amusement or annoyance at the upcoming spectacle she knew Jade would have them endure. "She's going to rub it in our faces for weeks."

He couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from turning up. "I'll give her three days, no more."

Dennis didn't need to tell her that he can already hear Jade screaming with pure glee, reminding him to talk to the young alter about boundaries when it came to moments like these. The last thing he needed was her to see any of this.

Dennis didn't need to tell Casey any of that now.

Not when she looked up at him adoringly, making Dennis consider, for the first time, that he truly did deserve her.