


Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia

2200 Hours

An aged caucasian man with a white mullet and a black suit knelt down in front of a small tombstone, he than pointed a small firearm towards himself, a firearm before shoving it upwards towards his throat. He tilted his head sideways where It could be seen that the left side of his face had heavy burn scarring.

Song Start- "Old Snake" from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

This man was The Legendary "Solid Snake", the hero of the Operation Intrude N313, the Outer Heaven uprising incident where he rescued captured Top Secret Foxhound Operative Frank Yagear, and prevented the deployment of weapon TX-55, codenamed: METAL GEAR, the ultimate weapon, a nuclear equipped walking battle tank. During this incident it turned out to be Snake's mentor and commander, Big Boss was the leader of Outer Heaven, Snake faced his former commander and after a tough fight, Big Boss had perished and Snake was victorious as his escaped the destruction of Outer Heaven.

(X"...infiltrate...the enemy fortress...Outer Heaven!...Destroy...the final weapon...Metal Gear!")

After The incident, Snake was branded as a war-hero for his ability to sneak into highly secure enemy territories aided with little gear and Snake became a legend in the Blackops world.

Then in December of 1999, Zanzibarland, a key location in Central Asia had planned to hold the entire western hemisphere hostage by taking control of the continents oil exports, crippiling dozens of militaries world wide since they had very little fuel for their military based vehicles and threatining a nuclear war. Solid Snake was then deployed to Zanzibarland by a HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) jump. The operation was then named; Operation Intrude F014. There, Snake had discovered that Big Boss had mysteriously survived being killed along with the destruction of OuterHeaven and he was now the President of Zanzibarland and the CEO of most of the companies located in the continent. Snake killed him again, and destroyed Metal Gear D.

Then once more in 2005, Snake was pulled out of retirement a second time by "retired" Foxhound Commander, Roy Cambell and traveled to Shadow Moses, Alaska. Solid Snake was tasked with eliminating the Next Generation Special Forces led by Rogue Members of Foxhound. Foxhound demanded that they recieve the body of the deceased Big Boss and a ransom in under 24 hours or they would launch a nuke on an unnamed target. There Snake had defeated the rogue members of Foxhound and stopped them from launching a nuke by Metal Gear Rex, another bipedal tank, however this one could launch a stealth Nuke almost anywhere in the world with little chance of retaliation.

Now this fallen legend, this "Old Snake", had one last mission.

He needs to die.

He needed to die for the sake of all of humanity, FOXDIE, the Virus that he was injected with by Foxhound geneticist Naomi Hunter created was rapidly mutating and would begin to spread to others in a course of three months at the latest. (X"Nine years ago, at Shadow Moses... I injected it into your body, Snake.") It was designed to kill specific targets, like most recently Revolver Ocelot, master of disguise Decoy Octopus, and lastly and most importantly his twin, Liquid Snake.

(X"Yes, twins, but we're not ordinary twins... we're twins linked by cursed genes. Les enfants terribles.")

"Les Enfants Terribles/ The Terrible Children", the top secret cloning project of the 1970's that by the Patriots that produced extremely similar copies of the greatest solider of the 20th century, Big Boss. The experiment produced 2 twin clones, one twin expresses Big Bosses dominant traits while the other expressed his recessive traits. The Project wasn't deemed to their expectations and it failed.

The scientists carrying about the project, intentionally created errors in the Twin's genetic sequencing, they were left unable to reproduce and by the time that the Twin Snakes would enter their mid thirties, they would start to age rapidly.

(X"The wrinkled skin, the hardened arteries... Your early aging symptoms look like classic Werner's syndrome. But none of the tests were able to pinpoint the cause.")

(X"It won't make any difference. I'm not an ordinary man to begin with. Not to mention FOXDIE.")

The effects of accelerated aging on Snake's body changed the environment of which the FOXDIE Virus replicated in. The FOXDIE Virus is programmed to identify specific targets to kill by their genetic sequencing, then induce an effect ranging from; an artifical heart attack, stroke, or body wide organ damage in it's victims. Snake's body was breaking down, causing his FOXDIE's receptors to break down, if fully unlocked it would start to kill targets at random, indiscriminately, at the very least this would cause and epidemic and at worse create an chain reaction of people possibly effecting one another with FOXDIE, cause a world wide Pandemic. Even if FOXDIE was not an issue, Snake would only have a few months left to live at best, Snake struggled to remeber Naomi's words as she told him in the South American research lab.

(X"You are clones created for one purpose - war. And so in order to prevent you from being abused by clients or stolen by the enemy... They shortened your lifespan and removed your ability to reproduce. It was a safety device to ensure that the seed of Big Boss didn't end up in the hands of others. The reason you're aging so rapidly isn't because of disease, or faulty research, or FOXDIE. It's how you were born. It's your natural lifespan.")

(X"It's how you were born. It's your natural lifespan.")

(X"It's your natural lifespan.")

He started to gag as he shoved the barrel further down his throat, the rate of which the white rose petals hitting Snakes face increased. Seconds seemd like painfully long minutes to Snake as his contemplated all of his choices that he made throughout his short life, this was the end, there is no happy end for poor Old Snake.

"War...has changed."

"Our time has ended."

"Our war is over."

"But there's one more thing I must do..."

"one last punishment I must endure."

"Erase my genes..."

"Wipe this meme from the face of the Earth."

"This... is my final mission."

Song End

A loud bang was then heard as Snake fell to his side and then to the ground, his senses had begun to rapidly fade as his vision was clouded with red.

Things no longer made sense to Snake anymore as his age hindered him from completing his suicide correctly due to his trembeling fingers, Snake didn't belive in a god but he would have to wait for a few more brief moments for him to be at peace.

Snake couldn't make sense of the darkened figure that approached him, the last thing Snake saw was a khaki colored trench coat before his vision became more and more tinted in red.

"Dammit!, I'm too late, Snake don't you die on me yet!"


Everything soon went dark.

Solid Snake was no more.

AN; First Chapter done, Im just trying to come up with a logical solution of how Solid Snake appears in the DC Universe and where he appears and most importantly when, please give me some ideas in the reviews!