''Midoriya!/Izu!'' everyone called in shock as Izuku found himself in Mina's arms while everyone else gathered around with relieved expressions.

''Easy guys!'' Izuku chuckled fondly as he was released by Mina. ''I haven't been gone that lon-mmph!'' his statement was interrupted when Mina pulled him in for a kiss with tears of relief in her eyes. After the shock wore off Izuku reciprocated the kiss as he held her close. Meanwhile their classmates looked on with smiles on their faces, with Ochako and girls tearing up a bit from the heartwarming scene. Under normal circumstances, Iida would scold them both for such inappropriate behavior but decided to let them have the moment given the situation. Heck even Mineta gave the couple their moment despite the pang of envy within him from the public display of affection.


Being closest to the sound, Sato turned to Kirishima who had a smile as tears flowed from his eyes. ''Dude…are you crying?'' Sato asked with quiet surprise, while those who heard also looked to the hardening user in surprise.

Realizing that he'd been caught, Kirishima wore an embarrassed expression as he quickly looked away from his peers. ''N-No.'' he weakly denied as he sniffed again. ''I just got…something in my eye.'' He reasoned before he hastily began wiping his tears while Sato chuckled a bit as he patted him on the back.

Upon separating Izuku looked dazed for a bit before snapping out of it when Mina snuggled up against him. ''Wow.'' He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her. ''Hello to you too.'' He teased with a small laugh.

Mina muffled a giggle against him before turning her head so he could hear her response. ''Hush, don't ruin the moment.'' She gently shot back before wrapping her arms around him and drew herself closer to him again.

''Yes ma'am.'' Izuku agreed with a chuckle as he patted her head before looking to his classmates with a worried expression. ''How's everyone else?'' he asked, noticing that three people were not present.

To this Iida spoke up. ''Jiro and Toru are currently still recovering from the knockout gas that came from a villain's quirk.'' He informed getting a shocked expression from Izuku since he never encountered said villain during the attack. ''While Momo is recovering from injuries inflicted by a Nomu-

His statement was cutoff when Izuku groaned. ''Another one!?'' he complained with an annoyed expression. ''How many more do they have?'' he asked to no one in particular as he pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. While everyone else silently agreed with his thoughts, feeling both scared and angered by the amount of Nomus created by the villains.

''I don't know dude.'' Kaminari chimed in with a shrug, grabbing everyone's attention. ''To be blunt, I don't think that any of us want to find out after-

''Kaminari!'' Mina scolded as she shot up from her position with an angered expression making him scared and wince upon realizing that Midoriya could react negatively to being reminded of what happened. Before he and everyone else looked to Izuku with worried expressions. The latter looking down on his lap with a guilty expression.

''It's fine Mina.'' Izuku said after a while before Mina could reach out to him. ''There's no denying that it happened.'' he admitted with a saddened expression, while everyone else relaxed a bit since he didn't react as badly as they thought he would but still felt sorrow knowing that one of them was in the hands of villains.

Amongst the group however, Kirishima stepped forward with an unreadable expression. ''Then, let's go save him.'' he suggested in a serious tone while everyone but Todoroki looked to him in surprise. ''Actually, Todoroki and I were the first to arrive to check on you and Mina. But on our way here, we saw All Might and a police officer talking to Momo. We didn't hear the start of the conversation, but we heard that Momo managed to plant a tracking device on a Nomu with the help of someone from 1B. She then handed them a signal tracker that would help them with the investigation.'' He informed with a serious expression while Todoroki nodded in confirmation.

After letting the information sink in, Iida stepped forward with a serious expression after coming to one dark conclusion. ''Are you implying that you'll ask Yaoyorozu to make another receiver?'' he asked seriously though already knowing the answer, judging by how Kirishima couldn't meet his eyes or how Todoroki looked tense.

''And what if it does?'' Todoroki responded with his usual expression and tone.

The response however wasn't well received by Iida as his expression became more frustrated. ''It is as All Might said! This is something we should leave to the pros! This isn't the place for us to act, you idiots!'' he reprimanded with an angered expression, taking everyone back by his angered reply. Those who weren't as affected though were Izuku and Todoroki since they knew the class president was indirectly reminding them of the scolding they got from the authorities during their hospital stay in Hosu City.

''We know that!'' Kirishima fired back with an equally frustrated expression as he looked to the class president. ''But I couldn't do anything!'' he cried out as he pointed to himself before he gestured to Izuku. ''Meanwhile Midoriya here, despite being injured, grouped up with Todoroki and whoever else was there and risked their lives to save him! While. I. did. nothing!'' he pointed out every word with anger as he looked to the ground with frustration and regret. His outburst caused Iida's angered expression to lessen slightly while everyone else (minus Todoroki who still looked stoic) watched the argument with nervous expressions. Meanwhile Izuku and Mina looked to the hardening user with sympathetic expressions, knowing full well that the anger was also directed at himself.

''If I don't do anything now…'' he trailed off before looking to Iida with a serious expression. ''then I have no right to call myself a man or a hero!'' he declared with a tone that rendered them all speechless. He then faced the rest of his classmates. ''Come on! Todoroki and I can't be the only ones who feel this way.'' He asked with an expression that held both frustration and plea, as if asking for anyone else to voice out similar thoughts.

To his dismay however, everyone remained silent with conflicted expressions as Kaminari spoke up. ''Dude calm down were in a hospital right now. I feel just as strongly about this as you do but-

''Iida is correct, Kero.'' Tsuyu supplied as she and everyone else wore expression of worry and fear of the situation.

Kirishima understood them, but still refused to give in. ''Iida, all of you, I know you're all correct.'' He agreed before snapping his serious gaze to Midoriya who looked unaffected from the sudden attention as he met it with a neutral expression. ''But I know for a fact that you of all people want to go save him!'' he then held out a hand. ''Please Midoriya!'' he asked for his support with an almost pleading look.

''That's your plan?'' Mina interjected sternly grabbing everyone's attention while Izuku looked down in thought. ''To have Momo make another receiver, follow it and rescue Bakugou yourselves?'' she asked with a stern expression though already knowing the answer.

Kirishima didn't looked fazed by the expression and nodded without hesitation. ''Yeah.'' He confirmed with a serous expression, shocking everyone while Iida looked even further frustrated.

Seeing his chance, Todoroki spoke up with his usual expression. ''Even though the villains said we were targets to be killed, they took Bakugou without killing him. But that doesn't mean that they won't kill him eventually. So, with this in mind, Kirishima and I are going.'' He reasoned with his usual tone while their classmates looked uncertain still.

Iida looked ready to burst until Shoji stepped up. ''Wait. Calm down.'' He calmly suggested, making the class president relax a little. ''I understand Kirishima's frustration at not being able to do anything and Todoroki's frustration at having Bakugou stolen in front of his very eyes. I'm frustrated too.'' He admitted before turning to everyone else. ''But this isn't a situation where we should act on our emotions.'' He reminded, effectively calming everyone else down and silencing further arguments.

''L-Let's leave this to All Might and the pros.'' Aoyama suggested nervously, getting everyone to turn to him. ''Mr. Aizawa's permission to fight at the training camp has been rescinded, too.'' He reminded, hoping to quell any further outbursts.

Kirishima looked like he wanted to argue but Tsuyu spoke up first. ''Everyone, we're all shocked from Bakugou's kidnapping. But let's think things through calmly.'' She suggested, halting Kirishima's outburst. ''No matter how just your feelings, if your saying you'll fight again, that you'll break the rules. Then you'll be no better than the villains that caused chaos last night.'' She stated calmly but bluntly getting looks of conflict from everyone.

They shared the same feelings as Kirishima, I mean what would be the point of becoming heroes if they abandoned their own to the villains? But sadly, the situation was simply too dangerous without any proper training and permission from the pros. Which did little to settle the internal conflicts within them.


Jumping slightly from the voice, the class turned to Izuku who looked at them with a neutral expression that put them all on edge. ''I think you guys should check on Jiro and everyone else while calming down'' He calmly suggested before looking to Mina with a calmer expression that silently asked her to stay. The latter immediately understanding the message and nodded to him.

And thankfully Ochako understood the couple's intentions as she spoke up. ''He's right, come on guys.'' She suggested getting her classmates to look at her in shock. ''Get well soon Deku.'' She wished with a smile while Izuku and Mina returned the expression, while also silently thanking her for the gesture.

''Thanks for the visit.'' Izuku thanked with a smile as everyone else voiced their ''get wells'' while leaving. However his smile didn't last long and was replaced with confusion as Kirishima approached his bedside again. ''Kirishima?'' he called out in confusion while behind him, Mina remained alert, in case of another outburst.

However, the red-haired teen seemed to ignore Mina's presence and focused on Izuku with a serious expression. ''We talked to Yaoyorozu yesterday.'' He informed, shocking Izuku and Mina. ''If we go, we go right away, tonight.'' He warned while Izuku idly noted that it was now 6:00pm. ''Since you just recovered, I don't know if you can move, but we still wanted to invite you because you're probably the most frustrated out of everyone.'' He pointed out while Izuku didn't meet his gaze from the statement as he looked down on his lap with a serious expression. ''In case you join, we'll be waiting in front of the hospital tonight.'' He stated while Izuku nodded his head, getting a satisfied look from Kirishima as he made his way out of the room as well.

But unbeknownst to them however, a certain class president heard their conversation by the door and walked away with a frustrated expression.

As the door closed, leaving the couple alone, Mina grabbed a chair and placed it beside Izuku's bed as they looked to each other with neutral expressions. ''So how are you feeling?'' she started off with a worried expression.

Seeing this Izuku calmly responded. ''Feeling much better actually, I don't feel so tired anymore and apart from some visible battle scars on my arms, I'm feeling pretty good.'' He stated sincerely getting a relieved smile from Mina. The latter frowning when Izuku looked to her with a guilty expression. ''Mina….I-

''Izu, stop.'' She interrupted gently with a calm expression getting Izuku to go silent and look to her in anticipation. ''You don't have to explain yourself; I know for a fact that you'll go and rescue Bakugou. Because I know you're not the type to leave friends behind.'' She stated with a knowing look and a warm smile.

Though shocked, Izuku looked to her with a grateful smile. ''Thank you Mina I-

''Which is why I'll go with you.'' Mina added with a serious expression.

And just like that, Izuku's demeanor changed as he looked stressed. ''What!?'' he exclaimed with shock and worry in his voice. ''But it's too dangerous Mina.'' He reminded with a worried expression. Truthfully, he didn't doubt her capabilities, it's just that he didn't want her to get hurt because of the risk their taking.

Mina understood that he was simply worried for her, but didn't back down as she crossed her arms and looked sterner. ''I know it's dangerous.'' she admitted getting Izuku to go silent and look at her with the same worried expression. ''Which is why I'm going with you to help. And I'm sure you know by now that I'm not the type to abandon my friends either.'' She reminded seriously, while on the bed Izuku looked down at his lap with a conflicted expression, realizing her point.

Seeing his expression, Mina's face softened as she gently grabbed his hand, getting his attention and met her saddened expression. ''Izu, when you got hurt after facing that villain alone I…just felt useless again. So please….please let me go with you.'' She pleaded with a shaky voice.

And with that all internal conflicts ceased as he remembered how Mina felt guilty and doubtful of herself after the final exams. And combined with the grief from him being injured after facing Muscular alone while she was forced to stay with the others, must have been downright devastating for her.

Izuku remained silent for a bit before sighing in resignation and looked to Mina with a small grin. ''Heh, when you put it like could I refuse.'' He responded with a smile as he squeezed her hand in return.

Relief washed over Mina after hearing his agreement and couldn't help but giggle as a result. ''I'm glad you could see reason.'' She teased with a small laugh getting Izuku to join her soon after.

From there the two stayed in a comfortable silence for a while until Izuku decided to break it. ''Hey Mina.'' He called out getting her to look at him curiously. ''Knock, Knock.'' He stated with an expectant look that had a hint of nervousness to it.

Mina raised an eyebrow at this but had a sly smile. ''Really dude?'' she teased, clearly amused with her boyfriend's sense of timing.

''Knock, Knock.'' Izuku repeated with the same expression but this time had a hint of nervousness present in his voice as well.

Though very confused by his demeanor, Mina decided to play along. ''Who's there?'' she asked, while trying to figure why Izuku was nervous.

''Lava.'' Izuku responded immediately with a look of anticipation.

Thinking that he was nervous with the quality of his pun, Mina wore an understanding expression. ''Lava who?'' she asked with anticipation as well.

After hearing this, Izuku confused her by closing his eyes and began taking a few breathes, as if to mentally and emotionally prepare himself. He then opened his eyes and gently squeezed their intertwined hands as he looked to her eyes with intensity that sent a chill up her spine. ''I…lava you.'' He delivered with a shaky grin.

The effect of the statement was instantaneous as Mina froze as she looked to Izuku with an expression of disbelief. Throughout their relationship, not once have they ever said the L-word before. Not that the couple minded since it never changed anything between them. Because through their interactions and how they look to one another, they wordlessly understood how they felt about each other.

But to actually here one of them say it was a whole different experience altogether.

Finally, as her mind rebooted and absorbed the full meaning of his words, a grateful smile formed on Mina's face as she couldn't help but let her tears fall as she gave off a shaky laugh. ''You dork.'' She choked out before she turned away to wipe her tears while Izuku looked worried, thinking that she wasn't ready to hear that word yet.

His fears vanished however when Mina turned and looked to him with a watery smile. ''I love you too.'' She responded in kind as a few more tears of joy leaked out and as she returned the gentle squeeze.

Izuku looked relieved as he gave her the warmest smile he could as he kissed their intertwined hands and reached out with his free hand to wipe away her tears. While Mina returned the expression as she used her free hand to hold the hand on her cheek. Then wordlessly they brought their lips together for a bit before separating to simply hold each other in a warm embrace.

''We should start preparing.'' Izuku said after a while as he and Mina ended their embrace but still held each other as they looked to one another with loving smiles. ''And I should probably get dressed.'' He stated with a blush as he realized that the thin hospital gown allowed Mina easy access to feeling his strong body with hers. And vice versa since Izuku could feel her body just as well due to the thin gown.

Mina wasn't fairing any better as she turned away with a very purple face. ''Y-Yeah.'' She shyly agreed before clearing her throat and grabbing the bag of spare clothes left by Inko. ''Here.'' She offered kindly as her normal colors returned.

''Thanks.'' Izuku responded in kind as he took the back and returned to his usual self while Mina smiled at him and before she started making her way out of the room. But as Izuku was about to get up from his bed, a look of realization dawned onto him as he quickly looked to Mina. ''Wait.'' He called getting her to look at him curiously. ''Tell Kirishima to come here, I want to talk to him.'' he requested with a serious expression that held a deep motive.

Mina looked surprise for a bit before she realized what he wanted and nodded with a serious expression of her own. ''Right, I'll go tell him.'' she agreed before continuing her way out of the room.

Once alone Izuku looked to his clothes and the note by his mother that read: [''Call me when your awake''] before sighing as he mentally apologized to his mother. He then nodded to himself as he wore an expression of determination before he stood up and made his way to a changing room.


After a few minutes Izuku stepped out of the room with his usual choice of clothing. Which consisted of a white t-shirt with a cartoon bone printed on the front, covering his shirt is a dark green jacket. Black cargo shorts and for footwear he wore his signature red shoes. Admittedly he wanted to have Mina's scarf with him, but since its with his hero costume, he'll just have make do with what he has.

''Well at least I'm not wrapped up in bandages.'' Izuku thought with an amused expression, evidently more than happy to have no evidence of being related to Eraserhead.

His musings were interrupted when he heard the sound of the door to his room opening. Looking to the door he saw Kirishima step into the room. ''Mina said you wanted to see me?'' he asked with an expectant look as he closed the door behind him.

''Yeah I do.'' Izuku confirmed with a nod as he calmly started walking towards Kirishima. ''Mina and I will be joining you to save Kacchan.'' He informed with a look of conviction as he stood in front of the hardening user.

Though surprised with Mina's involvement, Kirishima looked relieved for the extra company. ''That's great.'' He stated with approval before an expression of uncertainty formed on his features. ''But are you sure? I meant what I said earlier, if you're not feeling ready then you can just-

''It's fine.'' Izuku gently interrupted, silencing the other teen in the process. ''Mina and I talked about it already. And from what I could tell, my body is already fine for the mission.'' He calmly assured with a look of determination.

Kirishima still looked uncertain but nodded with a grateful expression. ''Thank you for the help.'' He stated with a smile, only to be shocked when he suddenly found himself in an embrace. ''Midoriya?'' he called out in a tone of shock and confusion but didn't push him off.

''I'm sorry.'' Izuku said in a regretful tone as he tightened the embrace a bit, increasing Kirishima's confusion more. ''I'm sorry for not being able to save him.'' he clarified with the same tone.

Now understanding the problem, Kirishima returned the embrace and wore an understanding expression. ''It's fine Midoriya, you did what you could at the time.'' He assured as he patted the teen's back.

''But it wasn't enough, if I didn't get injured the way I did, then I could have had the strength to save him back then.'' Izuku retorted back with regret in his voice. ''It wasn't fair to him,'' he stated before releasing the embrace and looked to Kirishima with a guilty expression. ''and it wasn't fair to you.'' He added with a frown.

Kirishima felt touch by his friends concern for him and quickly went to reassure him. ''I said it's fine Midoriya.'' He calmly repeated while Izuku opted to just stay silent and listen to his friend. ''Like I said you did your best out there despite your injuries and besides, the villains had us by surprise so it couldn't be helped.'' He assured with a smile that Izuku returned as he separated from the red headed teen. The latter glad that there weren't any bad feelings between them.

Kirishima looked glad from Izuku's expression and spoke up again. ''I can see why you'd be worried considering that me and Bakugou are close but-

''You know, you don't have to hide it, now right?'' Izuku interrupted getting a confused expression from Kirishima. ''There's no one else who can hear this so your free to say it.'' Izuku assured kindly with a knowing look.

Kirishima looked confused for a bit before his eyes widened in realization and looked a bit tense as he tried to mask it. ''What are you talking about?'' he inquired with a slightly defensive tone.

Seeing this Izuku raised his hands to calm him. ''Easy dude.'' He requested with a calming tone. ''I'm talking about how you and Bakugou are more than close friends.'' He clarified in the same tone but with an understanding expression.

The moment he said this, Kirishima looked relatively pale as he quickly turned away with a nervous expression. ''Y-You don't know that.'' He shot back seriously with a hint of nervousness in his voice, but didn't outright deny it like Izuku thought he would.

''Maybe not at first.'' Izuku sincerely admitted while Kirishima relaxed slightly. ''But there were moments where I would notice Kacchan being a little bit happier than usual, especially when he's with you.'' He watched with internal amusement as a tiny blush dusted Kirishima's cheeks but decided to not call it out. ''It was subtle, but it was definitely noticeable if you look close enough.'' He informed while Kirishima looked regretful of his carelessness.

Kirishima looked panicked as he tried to find an excuse until eventually, he sighed in resignation before looking to Izuku with a fearful expression. ''….Does it bother you?'' he asked with hesitation, evidently not comfortable with people knowing about his preference, considering how some people would frown upon this.

''No, it doesn't.'' Izuku assured instantly and calmly as he put a hand on his shoulder as he looked to him with a sincere expression. ''As far as I'm concerned, all I see are two people who really care about each other.'' He then shrugged. ''I see nothing wrong with that.'' He concluded calmly with a kind expression.

Kirishima looked shocked before a massive amount of relief flowed through him. ''Thank you….Midoriya.'' he thanked with pure sincerity and relief in his voice. ''You…have no idea how much that means to us.'' He admitted with a grateful expression.

''No problem dude.'' Izuku stated as he looked to him with an understanding expression.

He was then confused when Kirishima looked nervous again. ''Does….does anybody else know?'' he asked with a tense expression, evidently not ready yet to reveal their relationships to their class yet.

''I think Mina does.'' Izuku guessed getting a shocked look from Kirishima. ''Dude, she's your childhood friend, pretty sure she would have noticed things. Plus, she's pretty good at reading people so yeah, there's that too.'' He pointed out with a slight chuckle but smiled reassuringly as he put a hand on Kirishima's shoulder. The latter looking a bit alarmed at the idea of someone else knowing. ''Don't worry, just like me, we'll leave the decision of revealing your relationship up to the two of you. But know this, no matter what happens you'll have our support.'' He promised with a sincere expression as he retracted his hand.

Kirishima quickly turned away to wipe his tears before turning back to Izuku with a grateful expression. ''Thank you, to the both of you.'' He thanked with a big smile.

''Don't thank us yet.'' Izuku brushed off with a serious expression, getting a confused look from the red-haired teen. ''We still haven't rescued your boy yet.'' He reminded with a slightly teasing tone, getting a slightly embarrassed expression from Kirishima. ''So, with that in mind, let's go.'' He suggested with a determined expression while Kirishima recovered and nodded to him with the same expression before they started making their way out of the room.

As they left the room, Izuku spoke up again. ''By the way, just out of curiosity, how long have you two been together?'' he asked in a slightly hushed tone, in case they encounter any of their classmates along the way.

Though embarrassed Kirishima gladly replied in hushed tone as well. ''Since before the final exam.'' He replied with a small blush as he looked away and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment while Izuku looked shocked from how long they were dating and keeping it a secret for so long.

''Damn.'' Izuku exclaimed with a small chuckle of amusement while Kirishima looked to him. ''Now we definitely have more than enough incentive to save him.'' he stated with a daring grin while Kirishima just nodded to him with the same expression.

With this the two doubled the pace with newfound vigor and determination. On the way however, Izuku called his mother and told her that he'll be returning home tomorrow, of which she thankfully understood and allowed it while Izuku felt a pang of guilt for lying to his mother.

As Izuku and Kirishima made their way to the entrance of the hospital, the doctors had given him the clear to leave, though not without warning him about overexerting himself. Together with the warning, was instructions from Recovery Girl (who used her quirk on him while he was out) for him to go home immediately to rest.

Which he plans to do….after they save Bakugou.

The whole thing was a reckless plan considering how dangerous and illegal this operation was without the approval of the pros. But frankly that didn't matter to any of them at the moment, what does matter however is the safety of his classmates and nothing else at the moment.

As they were about to reach the entrance, they quickly saw the sight of Mina and Ochako sitting together on a nearby seat. As soon as they locked eyes with each other, the girls quickly got up on their feet and approached the two.

''Ochako? What are you doing here?'' Izuku asked while Mina brought in Kirishima for a hug. The latter returning it immediately, much to her relief.

''I'm going with you.'' Ochako replied with a serious expression getting shocked looks from the boys.

Though surprised by the declaration Izuku turned to Mina for an explanation. The latter releasing the embrace and looked to Kirishima with a relived expression before turning to Izuku with a calm expression. ''She came to me after Kirishima went to talk to you. I tried talking her out of it but she's pretty determined to join.'' She stated with a sheepish expression.

''I know Iida and everyone else want us to stay out it and the let the pros handle it but…'' Ochako spoke up getting their attention. ''Kirishima's right, we can't just stand here and do nothing after everything we've been through together.'' She stated with a look of determination while Izuku looked to Mina who merely gestured to Ochako, as if saying: ''see what I mean?''.

Izuku was silent for a bit as he weighed the risks of bringing her with them but ultimately nodded to himself and looked to her with a grin. ''Welcome aboard.'' He welcomed with open arms, only to immediately chuckle when Ochako looked relieved as she embraced him while thanking him. ''Woah take it easy.'' He chuckled out as he returned the embrace.

''I'm just glad you agreed is all.'' Ochako replied back with a small laugh before separating from the embrace and looked to Mina and Kirishima with a look of conviction. ''Don't worry I'll be sure to help in any way I can.'' She promised getting looks of approval from the two.

Kirishima grinned at her and turned to Mina. ''Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!'' He suggested optimistically as he began walking to the entrance with Ochako following him. Meanwhile Izuku and Mina stayed behind and watched Kirishima go with big smiles, glad to know that he's back to his old self.

''Thank you for talking to him.'' Mina thanked gratefully before she gave a quick peck on Izuku's cheek. The latter smiling at her before giving her a look the silently conveyed a message, of which she immediately understood. ''Don't worry I'll keep their thing a secret too.'' She promised while Izuku looked to her with a grateful expression.

''But when they reveal their relationship to everyone, I am so going to make him pay for keeping it from me.'' She added with a mischievous look that promised payback for all the juicy gossip she missed out on.

They both shared a laugh at that statement before making their way to catch up with their classmates.


As the group exited the hospital, they were met with the sight of Todoroki who was waiting for their arrival. ''So, your joining Midoriya.'' He called out with a small smile, evidently expecting this kind of attitude from his friend before turning his gaze to Mina and Ochako. ''And you two as well?'' he asked though already knowing the answer.

''Of course!'' Mina happily chirped before wrapping an arm around Izuku. ''There's no way I'm leaving him to face it alone. And besides, Bakugou's my friend too!'' she stated with a happy grin, getting an amused chuckle out of Izuku. While Ochako voiced out similar agreements as well.

While Todoroki nodded to them with an approving expression, Kirishima spoke up. ''Now we just need to wait for Yaoyorozu and see what her decision is.'' He announced as the group nodded in agreement and began to patiently wait for the vice president's arrival. Thankfully they didn't have to wait long as Kirishima spotted Momo emerge from the entrance of the hospital and began approaching the group with an unsure expression. ''Yaoyorozu…what's your answer?'' the red-haired teen asked with a slightly tense but expectant look.

Seeing that all eyes were on her, Momo looked down at the ground with the same expression ''I-


Startled by the voice, they turned to the source and was immediately surprised to see the Iida standing between them and the exit with an unreadable expression. His expression then morphed into frustration as he spoke up. ''We are still minors.'' He pointed out with gritted teeth. ''U.A. is in a bad enough position as it is. So…tell me, who do you think will take responsibility for your actions!?'' he demanded with an angered voice the rooted them in place.

After recovering from the shock, Izuku began approaching Iida with a tense expression. ''Buddy, it isn't like that.'' He claimed in a calm tone as he continued his approach. ''We don't think it's okay to break the rules either but-

His reasoning was interrupted when his eyes flashed as he dodged a punch delivered by an angered Iida. ''I'm frustrated too!'' he admitted with clear anger as Izuku looked to him with shocked glowing eyes while everyone else looked to the president in silent shock. ''I am the class representative! I'm worried for my classmates not just Bakugou!'' he pointed out with the same expression as everyone remained alert.

''When I saw your injuries, I also saw my brother in his sickbed!'' he continued as he looked to everyone else. ''What if your bodies end up irreparable, like my brother's, because of your recklessness?'' he asked only to get silence in return as they understood his point of view while he looked to the ground with a frustrated expression.

''Iida.'' The stoic but slightly tense voice of Todoroki was heard, gaining everyone's attention. ''We don't expect to face them head-on and win either.'' He admitted getting a shocked look from the president. ''We'll liberate him without fighting.'' He announced with a serious tone.

Kirishima nodded in agreement as he spoke up. ''In other words, covert action!'' he clarified seriously grabbing the president's attention. ''That's the way we students can fight while toeing the line on the rules!'' he declared with conviction in his voice.

''I trust Todoroki.'' Momo chimed in sincerely getting their attention. ''But so that I can stop them if anything happens, I plan to accompany them, as well.'' She declared with a determined expression, getting a grateful expression from Kirishima, Mina, Todoroki and Ochako while Izuku remained silent.

Iida looked ready to speak up but Izuku beat him to it. ''I know this whole thing is risky. But I can't just sit around and do nothing while a person is need of help.'' He stated seriously while everyone else just listened. ''So, whether you agree or not, I will go out there and save him.'' he declared with a determined expression while Mina and everyone else mirrored his expression as they looked to the president, silently declaring similar intentions.

Seeing that he was outnumbered and that there was no room for an argument. Iida closed his eyes and sighed in resignation as he looked to the ground. ''We can't come to an agreement, huh?'' he asked though already knowing the answer. Not waiting for a response, Iida looked at them with a determined expression of his own. ''Then, take me with you too!'' he requested with a tone that left no argument.

Though surprised, Izuku and the group smiled at the president. ''Welcome aboard.'' He greeted warmly, getting a nod from Iida. He then turned to the group with an excited grin. ''All Right! Plan B.R.O. is a go!'' he declared optimistically getting confused looks from everyone, the others turned to Mina for answers, only for the latter to look just as lost as they are.

Seeing this, Izuku's expression became sheepish, realizing that they had no idea what he was talking about. ''Erm…B.R.O. is an acronym.'' he stated with an awkward chuckle getting their full attention. ''It means: Bakugou Rescue Operation.'' He clarified before looking away with an embarrassed expression.

Now having a clearer understanding of the name, Mina and everyone else couldn't help but deadpan at him for the name, even though it was appropriate in a way. ''You're such a dork.'' She teased, giggling when Izuku looked even more embarrassed from the remark as she patted him in the back for support.

Kirishima however had different thoughts on the name. ''What's wrong with it?'' he asked in confusion getting their attention. ''It sounds like a manly name to me!'' he happily claimed with a toothy grin as he looked to Izuku in approval.

''Of course, you would think that.'' His classmates thought in sync as they looked to the hardening user with sweatdrops, evidently more than familiar with his manly antics in their time together as classmates.

Once they settled on that as their operation plan name (much to Kirishima's satisfaction), the group made their way out of the hospital grounds with determined expressions.

The group traveled in a silence for a while until Iida spoke up. ''Midoriya.'' He called out getting a hum out of the teen, indicating that he was listening. ''I apologize for getting violent with you.'' He apologized with regret in his voice as the group kept moving.

''It's fine dude.'' Izuku responded calmly as he waved a hand. ''Just be sure to cool down before you start delivering punch-lines.'' He joked with a small chuckle, earning a playful shove from Mina's elbow. The latter giggling a bit from Izuku's attempt of lightening the mood.

Iida smiled at him before wearing a more serious expression. ''I am accompanying you because I am not convinced that you will behave yourselves.'' He admitted seriously while the group listened in attention as they traveled. ''If I get even a whiff of combat, then I will make you return immediately. In other words, you'll be under my surveillance.'' He declared seriously, while Izuku and everyone else just nodded in understanding.

''The same goes for me.'' Momo added in agreement. ''Rescuing Bakugou is a job for the pros. Looking at this objectively, there is no need for you all to do anything.'' She reminded before pulling out a signal tracker. ''However, it is a compromise plan because I know very well how you all feel.'' She continued as she turned on the tracker before putting it in her pocket and looking at them with a stern expression. ''Do not forget that.'' She advised in a serious tone, getting immediate nods from all of them.

Satisfied with the response Momo looked at them with an approving expression before following them as they continued to their destination. However, even though they all agreed that this was a non-combat mission, the more logical part of them knew that a rescue without combat was simply impossible and unrealistic to the situation. But despite the voice of reason in their heads, they continued on, determined to free their classmate no matter the cost as they made their way to the train station to reach where the tracker was located. And by Momo's calculations, they should arrive in two hours

They just hoped that Bakugou could hold out before he's rescued.


From his restraining chair, Bakugou could only glare as he and the villains looked to the bar's wall mounted Television. Which featured another story about his capture by the League and the public's growing distrust for U.A. Not only that, it would seem that the pros would be holding a conference to address the public soon.

He could only imagine how his parents must be feeling right now.

His somber thoughts were interrupted when Shigaraki spoke up. ''I'm really grateful for all the publicity we've been getting.'' He stated with a grateful tone as he turned from the television and looked to his guest. ''Wouldn't you agree?'' he asked with a noticeable taunting tone that got a chuckle out of Magne and Compress while off to the side, Toga and Spinner didn't look amused as they kept their emotions to themselves. Whereas Dabi, Twice and Kurogiri remained impassive or didn't say anything.

Fighting off a curse, Bakugou looked at his restraints with a growl as he absorbed how much chaos is being caused because of his capture. U.A. was already in a tough spot with media after the USJ incident but his capture just exasperated the problem. Not only that, his classmates and the students of 1B were also caught in the crossfire of his capture. Which lead to injuries and understandably scared parents that would start doubting their child's stay in U.A.

''But enough about that.'' Shigaraki spoke up again, gaining his attention. ''I'll ask you one more time, aspiring hero, Katsuki Bakugou…'' he trailed off as his expression became serious. ''Will you join me?'' he asked with an expectant look while the other members watched on in anticipation.

Bakugou looked ready to retort but stopped himself when he remembered Shigaraki's threat of turning him into a Nomu if he didn't' agree to join them. So, he opted to just stay silent and look like he considered the option, hoping to buy some time for the rescue team, that he hopes is being sent to save him. Shigaraki looked satisfied with the conflict in Bakugou's expression, but before he could point it out, he and everyone else's attention were brought back to the TV where Aizawa, Vlad and the Principal began to apologize for the incident. From there, things didn't look so good for U.A. as the media asked questions that insinuated that the school is the bad guy. Not only that, Aizawa's logical response seemed to have negative reactions to the public as well.

''It's so strange…'' Shigaraki cut in, gaining everyone's attention again. ''Why are the heroes being criticized? The way they were dealing with things was just a little off the mark.'' He stated though it looked like he already knew the answer. ''Is it because it's their job to protect? Everyone makes a mistake or two, but are they supposed to be perfect?'' he asked only to met with silence as Bakugou felt his rage bubble up from the situation and the villain's words.

''Don't you think Bakugou?'' he asked only to be met with a neutral stare, since the teen could tell that Shigaraki was merely using the situation to manipulate his point of view on heroes. ''The strange system of transforming people's lives into money or glory, the society that sticks tight to those rules and the citizens who blame the losers rather than encourage them.'' he pointed out with a knowing tone as Magne, Compress and Dabi looked pleased at the prospect of the heroes being blamed. Whereas Twice, Spinner, Toga and Kurogiri remained impassive or neutral about the matter.

All the while Bakugou grew increasingly angry at the villain's words as he continued his rant. ''Our fight is to question: What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly just?'' he stated the questions with a serious tone. ''We'll have everyone thinking about it and we're planning on winning.'' He stated with confidence before tilting his head with an amused expression. ''With this in mind, don't you want to be on the winning team?'' he asked with an expectant tone while Bakugou maintained his neutral expression.

Not waiting for a response, Shigaraki turned to Dabi who looked bored. ''Dabi, release his restraints.'' He ordered getting shocked expressions from the villains while Bakugou kept his expression neutral but was internally surprised as well.

''Huh? This guy's gonna fight, you know.'' Dabi pointed out as he remembered the teen's explosive attitude.

Shigaraki didn't seem bothered by the notion as he waved his hand. ''It's fine. We need to treat him like an equal, since were scouting him.'' he reasoned out before looking to the restrained teen with a smug look. ''Besides, I'm sure your smart enough to know if you'll win or not if you fight right?'' he asked with a knowing look, one that Bakugou wanted to wipe off but begrudgingly agreed internally since there were too many strong villains here. Not only that, he was sure that Kurogiri would stop him if he got too far.

Dabi accepted the logic and turned to Twice. ''You do it.'' He ordered getting a look of outrage from the villain. ''Just do it.'' He repeated with a look that left no argument. And with that, Twice whined about it being unfair before reluctantly making his way to free Bakugou. The latter wearing a calm façade while this was happening.

While his restraints were being removed, Shigaraki spoke up. ''We didn't kidnap you by accident.'' He declared as he stood up and calmly made his way to the passive teen. ''Even though our situations differ, everyone here has been restricted and suffered because of people, rules and heroes.'' He listed them with an angered tone as he continued his approach to Bakugou, who was rubbing his freed wrists. ''Now, I'm sure you also—

Faster than anyone could react, Shigaraki's statement was interrupted when Bakugou sprang into action and delivered a strong knee kick to Twice's face, the latter grunting in pain as he was pushed away from the teen. Following the momentum, Bakugou quickly aimed an explosive palm towards the leader.


Due to how close he was, Bakugou had no choice but to lower the power of the blast, which resulted in Shigaraki grunting in pain as the hand that covered his face was knocked off and fell to the floor.

''Shigaraki!'' Kurogiri called out in shock and surprise as he and everyone else looked to their leader who covered his face with a pained expression.

As things settled, Bakugou stood tall as he glared at the decay villain. ''I listened to your endless talking. Basically, your telling me to join you and harass people with you right?'' he asked though already knowing the answer as he cracked his knuckles. ''Don't bother with me, no matter what anyone says…,'' he trailed off as he went into his combat stance. ''I only want to win like All Might!'' he declared as he set off mini explosions from his palms as if daring them to make a move.

Their interaction was then interrupted when they heard the voices from the U.A. press conference in the TV. It was obvious that the reporters were trying to rile Aizawa up due to his distaste for the media, but thankfully he didn't take the bait as he and Principal Nezu responded professionally and assured that they will get their student back.

''Ha!'' Bakugou exclaimed in amusement as he felt relieved and more motivated. ''You said it, Nezu and Aizawa!'' he agreed as he maintained his alert stance. ''No matter what you say or do, I will be free!'' he declared to the villains with a vicious expression. ''They went through all that trouble to mount a huge attack, and all they got was me. Which means they won't try to kill me since they want me to join their side.'' He deduced in his mind as he started formulate who would be the best to knock out first before making an escape attempt.


His thoughts were interrupted as he and the other villains saw Shigaraki twitching in place as he looked to the fallen hand on the ground with an unreadable expression, getting a panicked response from Kurogiri. ''Don't, Tomura Shigaraki! Calm down!'' he pleaded as he prepared to use his warp quirk in an attempt to stop his leader from doing anything rash.

Only to stop when Shigaraki raised a hand. ''Don't touch him, any of you.'' He calmly ordered getting shocked looks from everyone before he bent down to grab the fallen hand before placing it on his face again. ''This guy is an important piece.'' He reminded before looking to Bakugou who remained alert. ''I wish you would've listened to me a little, we could have at least come to an understanding.'' He admitted with a tone of disappointed.

''Come to an understanding?'' Bakugou repeated before scoffing at the notion. ''No way.'' He dismissed with a serious expression.

Though the other members (minus Toga and Spinner who looked worried) looked displeased with the teen's response, Shigaraki didn't looked fazed as he went silent for a bit before speaking up again. ''Then I have no choice.'' He conceded calmly while Bakugou didn't like the implications. ''The heroes said they're continuing their investigation of us…which means that we don't have the time to talk leisurely.'' He concluded before turning to Compress. ''Make him go to sleep again.'' he ordered getting a nod from the mentioned villain as he started making his way to the teen.

Seeing this, Bakugou didn't show weakness as he set off mini explosions from his palms. ''If you think I'd just let you take me then,'' he grinned daringly at them ''you better think again!'' he taunted as he didn't deviate from his stance, though on the inside he was frustrated with the situation. ''I want to use my max explosion on them, but that warp bastard is in the way.'' He thought grimly as he eyed the approaching Compress. ''I need to make an opening somehow if I want to-

*Knock* *Knock*

Bakugou's thoughts and everyone else paused from the sound of someone knocking on the door, effectively gaining everyone's attention.

''Pizza Delivery!''came a cheerful voice from behind the door.

And just like that, everyone forgot about the tense life and death situation as they became confused. Bakugou looked to Shigaraki, looking completely lost while the latter and several villains exchanged equally confused looks. Before all of them started glaring at Twice who raised his hands in defense. ''D-Don't look at me, I didn't order any-


Before anyone knew it, the entrance was blown away from the outside, pushing them all back and revealed a considerable amount of heroes led by All Might himself. The latter wearing his signature smile as he made an entrance with the pros.

Amidst the chaos, Shigaraki realized what was happening and quickly spoke up in haste. ''Kurogiri! Gate!'' he ordered getting an immediate nod from the latter as he immediately tried to use his quirk. Only to be immediately denied when All Might stepped aside and allowed the pro hero Kamui Woods to swoop in and retrain the villains using his Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison, effectively preventing them from warping away.

While in his position, Dabi looked to his wood restraints before he prepared to use his quirk to incinerate it, only to be immediately knocked out in a blink of an eye by Gran Torino's fast kick. The latter looking at the unconscious Dabi with a serious expression. ''Don't be so hasty now.'' He reprimanded as he bounced off the villain's face with a grunt.

As everything settled, Bakugou could only watch in awe as All Might stood tall in front of the League. ''You can't run anymore, League of Villains!'' he declared as the villains could only listen. ''Why? Because we are here!'' he proudly announced as the other pros stood in alert. It soon became apparent to Bakugou and the league, that the rescue operation before the press conference ended.

From his spot, Bakugou could see Toga struggling in panic while Spinner wore an expression of shock and awe from All Might's presence. He wanted nothing more than to help assure Toga that the pros can help her, but reluctantly stopped himself, since it would no doubt earn a hit mark from Shigaraki. So, with this is in mind, he stayed silent as he wore a calm expression when they made eye contact, silently telling her to calm down and that he'll find a way to help her. Thankfully she understood the message and subtly nodded to him as she calmed down. While he returned the gesture and looked elsewhere, as to not draw any unnecessary attention.

But unbeknownst to the two however, Spinner saw their silent interaction and immediately followed Toga's lead as he calmed down as well. He may not trust the other pros present, but he can confidently give his trust to the true hero, All Might.

''When one is on the offensive, is when one neglects defense most.'' Came a new voice, directing everyone's gaze to the entrance. And immediately saw the pro hero Edgeshot slip through the crack of the door and immediately opened it, revealing a group of heavily armored police. ''We're not the only ones here from the Pizza-La Camino store.'' He added getting their attention. ''Outside, you're surrounded by skillful heroes, like Endeavor and the Police.'' He pointed to the hole the heroes made and they could make out the sounds of police sirens.

''I'm sure you were scared…'' All Might gently chimed in, instantly grabbing Bakugou's attention. ''But you did good bearing with it. I'm sorry for that, but it's fine now young man!'' he assured as he approached an placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. While the latter could only nod to him as he kept his respect for the Number 1 Hero in check.

Their interaction was interrupted when Shigaraki spoke up. ''After I went through all that trouble to prepare this…'' he stated in frustration getting their attention. ''Why are you coming to me, you last boss?'' he asked with an angered tone, evidently not pleased with the inescapable situation they are in.

''It can't be helped.'' Shigaraki conceded with a sigh making everyone tense. ''Just like you, we aren't the only ones here either.'' He shot back before yelling out in fury. ''Kurogiri, bring as many as you can over!'' he ordered with authority and haste as he struggled in his restraints while Kurogiri began to activate his quirk without hesitation.

Though Bakugou looked tense, All Might didn't look fazed by the villain's outburst. ''Nomus, I presume?'' he asked with a knowing look getting a shocked expression from the decay villain.

''I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki.'' Kurogiri apologized getting Shigaraki's attention. The latter not liking how nervous the warp villain sounded. ''The Nomus that were supposed to be in a fixed location….are not there!'' he reported with a tone of nervousness and disbelief while Shigaraki looked just as shocked as he was.

''League of Villains, you underestimated everything too much.'' All Might interrupted, earning a murderous glare from Shigaraki. ''That's enough with the childish pranks. This is the end!'' he declared as he stood tall, which served to intimidate the members of the league.

Shigaraki however, didn't look intimated by the hero's presence and declaration as he only felt his anger rise. ''The end you say?'' he repeated, barely able to hold off his anger as he slowly stood up despite the restraints struggling to hold him down. ''Don't be ridiculous. Justice…Peace…I'll destroy this garbage heap that you put a lid on with such vague ideas!'' he declared with fury as he stared at All Might with all the hate he could muster. ''Kuro-

His order was interrupted when Edgeshot knocked out the warping villain with his skill and technique. Which effectively placed the villains in a tougher spot, since they essentially had no means of escape now or a way to get any reinforcements.

As the full weight of their situation fell onto Shigaraki's shoulders. The latter felt an unholy rage ignite within him as he glared at the object of his anger. ''I HATE YOU!'' he roared at All Might.

And at that moment, two black liquid portals appeared behind Shigaraki, shocking the latter and everyone else who saw it. But before anyone could register what was happening, Nomus began to slowly emerge from the portal, causing chaos in and outside of the building. Looking to Kurogiri, it was clear that he wasn't the one doing it since he was knocked out by Edgeshot.

Which meant that someone else is responsible.

''What the-!?'' Bakugou exclaimed in shock before he felt a bile rise up from his throat. And before he knew it, the same black substance erupted from his mouth and quickly began covering him. He attempted to claw it away but it proved fruitless as it started transporting him.

The last thing he saw before taken away was All Might's shocked expression as he tried to save him while the other League members were being transported the same way as well.

With a harsh cough, Bakugou found himself staggering as he took deep breathes and looked around his surroundings. And to sum it all up, it was nothing but ruin as all he saw was debris everywhere and ruined buildings.

''What the hell…happened?'' he asked with a cough as he slowly recovered with a grunt. Looking to the side he could see all the members of the league present, with the conscious one recovering from the unexpected and disgusting method of transportation.

''My apologies, Bakugou.'' Apologized a new and eerily calm voice that made the teen and the other League members go still from hearing it.

Turning to the voice, Bakugou was met by a sight of what looked to be an ordinary man wearing a black suit and what seemed to be an industrial mask. But thanks to his experience with Izuku, he could tell that the figure was more than meets the eye. And judging by how tense his body felt from the man's presence and voice alone, he could tell that his instincts are right.

''Master…'' Shigaraki greeted with a tone of relief as he bowed while Bakugou and the remaining League could only watch out of the fear and death the man emanated.

Meanwhile, said man was calmly approaching the decaying villain. ''You failed again, huh, Tomura?'' he asked while the latter looked down in shame. ''But do not be discouraged, just try again.'' he encouraged while Shigaraki looked up from his position. ''I have brought your associates back as well, as well as Bakugou since you judged that he was an important piece.'' He stated as he stood in front of Shigaraki and offered a hand. ''Do it over as many times as you need to.'' He encouraged wisely while Shigaraki nodded without hesitation as he stood up and looked to his master in respect.

Meanwhile off to the side, Bakugou watched the interaction with a tense expression. The man sounded sincere but you could sense a certain amount of authority behind his words as well. Subtly glancing to Toga, he could see that she was unnerved and fearful of the man as well. Truthfully, he wanted to try and blast the man away with his most powerful explosion, but his instincts screamed at him to remain in place, lest he might end up killed.

Which lead him to conclude that he was once again in a situation with no means of escape.

His observations were interrupted when the masked figure spoke up. ''So, you're here after all aren't you?'' he asked aloud before looking to a direction that caught his attention. While Bakugou and everyone else looked confused from the sudden proclamation. But their confusion didn't last long and was replaced with shock when they saw All Might break through the smoke of the surrounding destruction at full speeds towards the masked man. The latter not looking intimidated as he patiently waited for the clash.


Upon impact, a strong gust of wind was created that knocked away Bakugou and League, accompanying the strong wind was a loud impact sound from the duo's clash. And upon finding his bearings, Bakugou and everyone else could only look on in shock as the masked man held back All Might's attack with his bare hands.

''I'll end it here, All For One!'' All Might declared as he continued to push AFO with his might.

AFO didn't seem fazed as he continued holding off the Number 1 Hero. ''My, my, still quite strong I see.'' He noted causally as he continued holding his own against his archnemesis. ''But can you kill me…again All Might?'' he asked in a mocking tone, getting an angrier expression from All Might.

All Might looked ready to retort but for a brief moment, it looked like something caught his attention.

Seeing this, AFO used it to his advantage. ''Where do you think your looking?'' he asked getting All Might's attention. The latter realizing his mistake as the villain's arms began bulging out with black sparks and red outlines, during their hold. ''Didn't your predecessor teach you any better?'' he insulted before unleashing a powerful gust of wind from his palms, launching the off guard All Might far into more ruined buildings.

AFO felt immense satisfaction in seeing his enemy crash into buildings and looked to his arms with a pleased expression underneath his mask. ''This combination is pretty fun.'' He praised before looking to the direction where All Might flew. ''First your late and now your getting easily distracted?'' he pointed out as he shook his head in clear disappointment. ''Fame has truly made you blind All Might.'' He mocked.

He then turned to Bakugou and villains who looked floored by his display of power. ''Not to worry, he won't die from something like that.'' He stated, calming Bakugou internally. ''But he will be back soon, so with this in mind.'' he paused as he looked to Kurogiri's unconscious form and raised a hand towards him. ''Tomura, run away and take the child with you.'' He ordered before dark tendrils sprouted from his fingertips and plunged themselves into Kurogiri's body, making him twitch in place.

The display shocked and horrified everyone else while Shigaraki looked unfazed by the display and nodded to the order. While Magne spoke up her distress. ''Hey wait! He was defeated and is now unconscious!'' she informed getting AFO's attention but didn't stop. ''I'm not sure what's going on, but if you can use Warp, then you should get us away from here!'' she suggested while before nervously glancing at Kurogiri's twitching form.

''I just got mine, Magne.'' AFO replied calmly as he continued his work while everyone else was rendered speechless at the concept of someone taking your quirk. ''On top of only being able to transport short distances, unlike his coordinate transport, I can only bring people to me or away from me and I can only send them away to someone I am very familiar with.'' he reasoned, silencing their protests but didn't look the least bit relaxed.

Seeing this AFO looked to Kurogiri's form. ''So, I'll have Kurogiri do it.'' As he finished his work when Kurogiri twitched one more time before he produced a portal. ''Forcible Quirk Activation!'' he declared as everyone else (minus Shigaraki) stepped back in fear from the display, it was bad enough to assume that the man could take quirks. But now he can force people to use it as well!?

With the Warp gate activated, AFO looked to Shigaraki who was amazed by the display. ''Now go!'' he ordered getting questioning look from Shigaraki. ''I need to put him in his place.'' He answered Shigaraki's silent question, as the latter and everyone else saw All Might jumping from where he landed and was currently diving towards AFO.

''But sensei…'' Shigaraki spoke up with a worried tone getting AFO's attention but didn't keep his eyes of the approaching hero. ''It's too risky! With that body you'll-

AFO didn't look fazed by his student's concern and started rising from the ground. ''Think constantly, Tomura.'' He advised as Shigaraki reluctantly put his worry on hold for now. ''You still have much more room to grow!'' he reminded sagely before blocking a powerful punch from All Might.

''I won't let you have your way!'' He declared before breaking AFO's guard and quickly secured his arms around the villain. Catching the latter off guard from the sudden maneuver before All Might dragged him and himself towards ruined buildings off to the far side of the battlefield.


Upon impact, the ground shook as the ruined building crashed down on the two, creating a large dust cloud as well. Once settled, All Might quickly released AFO and jumped away to gain some distance from the ruins of handiwork. As the smoke began to settle, All Might remained on guard, knowing for a fact that it'll take more than that to end AFO's life.

His thoughts were proven true when the pile of rubble where AFO was buried in was suddenly blown away by a powerful gust of wind that didn't even make All Might flinch as he stared at the display with a serious expression. And not a moment later, AFO stepped out of the carnage with no scratch on him as he dusted off his outfit. ''Quite the maneuver you pulled there.'' He praised before looking to All Might with an unreadable expression. ''But if you believe that I will just….allow you to rescue your student. Then your sadly mistaken.'' He stated as black sparks emanated from his arms. ''Why? Because I am here.'' He stated while mocking All Might's signature line.

This seemed to anger All Might but didn't say anything as he only went into a fighting stance as he powered whatever he had within him. As if nothing else mattered at the moment but defeating AFO here and now.

The lack of response internally surprised AFO, fully expecting All Might to come back with some righteous line. He then shook of his internal shock as he prepared for battle as well, reasoning that All Might must be putting up a tough act to hide the fact that OFA is no longer with him.


''Master…'' Shigaraki muttered to himself in a worried tone as he and everyone else looked to the distance where they could see a large dust cloud form and with it came sounds powerful blows being exchanged between to powerhouses. Which would cause them to feel occasional rumbles from the battle.

''Let's go Shigaraki!'' Compress called out as he used his quirk on Dabi before securing him in his pocket. He was about to do the same thing to Kurogiri but stopped himself since he wasn't sure if the warp gate will deactivate if he did so he left his unconscious comrade on the ground for now. ''While that pipe mask is holding All Might back!'' he suggested while Shigaraki resisted the urge to kill him on the spot for calling his master ''Pipe Mask''.

Bakugou then looked to the rest of the League who had all their sights on him, while at the corner of his vision he could see that Toga and surprisingly Spinner looked reluctant to fight him but remained silent as they focused on Bakugou.

Which indirectly told him that they had no choice but to leave him on his own.

''Tch. What a pain!'' Bakugou exclaimed with a grunt as he braced himself and faced the League with challenging expression. ''These guys are in crisis mode now, meaning that they'll take me by force if they have too.'' He thought grimly as he noted that there was no way of escaping without running into one of them and being caught by Compress' quirk.

Concluding the situation before him, Bakugou set off mini explosions from his palms as he eyed the villains. ''Six on one huh?'' he asked as the League slowly made their approach. ''Bring it on then!'' he challenged with fury, not even showing any hint of fear in the face of certain doom.

''Well now…isn't this a nice little shin-dig we have here.'' Came a voice behind Bakugou that made everyone freeze.

Turning to the familiar voice, they could make out a lone figure standing in a darker part of the area.

They were then further shocked when two emerald eyes flared up from the darkness (a very familiar sight that made Bakugou look on in disbelief) and not a second later, Izuku Midoriya casually stepped into the light with his hands in his pockets, revealing that the scleras of his eyes are dark once again(which served to intimidate the villains, apart from Shigaraki). ''Sorry, but I'm here to crash the party.'' He added with a cheeky grin as he continued walking towards the still shocked Bakugou.

After being the first to recover from his shock, Shigaraki formed a murderous expression as he realized who the person was. ''You…Bastard…'' he snarled with venom in his voice as he began to lightly scratch his neck. ''Why….do you appear everywhere!?'' he roared out in anger and frustration while the rest of the conscious villains snapped out of their shock and became tense. Toga and Spinner especially looked tense as they couldn't decide whether to cheer or be cautious of Izuku's abilities.

''Well…appearing everywhere is what heroes do.'' Izuku reasoned with a chuckle and a shrug as he stood beside Bakugou, earning a growl of hatred from Shigaraki. He then turned his glowing eyes to Bakugou. ''So, how's your day been going so far?'' he asked with a grin.

Snapping out of his own shock, Bakugou smirked at him before looking to the villains with a daring expression. ''Exciting.'' He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world as he looked to the distant smoke cloud where the sounds of All Might and AFO clashing can be heard. ''How's yours?'' he asked though already knowing the answer.

''Pretty much the same.'' Izuku responded with an amused chuckle before looking to the villains with a serious expression. ''I'll take the left; you take the right.'' He stated as he looked to Shigaraki, Spinner and Toga. The latter two mentioned looked conflicted, much to Izuku's surprise but didn't call it out to not draw Shigaraki's attention to them.

''Gladly.'' Bakugou agreed as he cracked his knuckles and grinned viciously as he looked to Twice, Magne and Compress. Evidently more than willing to dish out some payback, especially to Compress who was responsible for capturing him in the first place.

Izuku's grin turned daring as his eyes flared up. ''Alright then….,'' he trailed off as he charged 20% Full Cowl. ''Here we go.'' He announced before disappearing while Bakugou launched himself towards his designated targets.

[Undertale OST – ''Finale'' – Plays at 0:20]

Izuku appeared right in the middle of the trio and looked directly at Shigaraki with a grin. ''Heya.'' He greeted in his usual manner.

Shigaraki however didn't bother returning the sentiments as he glared at Izuku as he went into a running stance. ''Don't just stand there, kill him!'' he ordered before charging towards Izuku with great speeds while Toga and Spinner looked reluctant before charging at Izuku as well. In response Izuku sprouted a bone barrier around him, that kept expanding as more layers sprouted. This forced Toga and Spinner to jump back in surprise. While Shigaraki didn't care and went with the aggressive route as he used his speed and quirk to disintegrate any bone in his way, effectively breaching Izuku's defenses.

And when he saw that Izuku had his back turned to him, he wasted no time and tried to grab him for a quick kill. Only to be shocked when Izuku disappeared and not a moment later, he grunted in pain as he felt a hard blow on his back that sent him tumbling away. Upon stopping himself from rolling, Shigaraki looked to the ground with a frustrated expression before looking up to Izuku with a murderous glare, the latter in a stance that indicated that he kicked Shigaraki's back. ''He's gotten faster.'' He thought with a growl before charging at Izuku again.

With Izuku, he looked to Shigaraki's charging form in alert before he found himself stepping to the side to avoid a knife that was thrown at him. Looking to the source he saw that Toga was the one who threw it, but wore an expression of conflict that confused Izuku but didn't call her out on it. He then hastily made a bode club and quickly blocked an attack from one of Spinner's short blades, the latter grunting with the same expression as Toga. ''What's up with them?'' he thought before tapping his foot, quickly sprouting a bone from the ground to deliver a powerful jab to Shigaraki's abdomen as he got close to their clash. The latter feeling the wind knocked out of him before he was sent tumbling away again.

Charging 20% Full Cowl, Izuku's eyes flared up as he pushed Spinner's attack away, throwing him off balance, before he quickly delivered an uppercut that sent Spinner falling on his back with a groan, but not knocking him out. ''He's not focused on killing me.'' He pointed out in his mind before he began dodging swipes from Toga's knife. ''And neither is she.'' he added, noting that her technique wasn't as good as the attack at the camp as well as the conflict within her eyes, despite the serious expression she wore.

''But why?'' Izuku questioned as the gears in his head turned trying to figure out why Toga and Spinner looked reluctant to fight him whereas Shigaraki was hellbent on murdering him on the spot. The latter growing more and more agitated as he was forced to dodge bone projectiles, effectively halting his approach on Izuku.

His thoughts were halted when he sprouted bones from the ground and pushed them towards Spinner and Toga, who both quickly jumped away from the attacks. ''Well at least I have the range advantage, so that's good.'' He muttered to himself before his glowing eyes flashed again as he sent another barrage of bone projectiles towards the three villains.

As the villains continued dodging, Izuku wore a more calculative expression as he analyzed the two villains. ''Now that I think about it, their expressions remind of Shinso before he-

And with that thought, his eyes widened in realization as he turned his eyes back to their normal color. ''So that's it.'' He deduced before his expression became more determined as he focused on Toga and Spinner. The latter two mentioned standing tall and tensing up from the teen's stare while Shigaraki looked enraged before running to Izuku again.


''Eat shit!'' Bakugou roared out as he planted his foot on Magne's face, destroying her sunglasses in the process, before launching himself away from her. The latter grabbing her face with a pained sound as she fell on her back while Compress and Twice pursued the teen.

''Get back here!'' Compress ordered as he and Twice attempted to grab Bakugou. The latter reacting by launching himself over both villains and released a small explosion on their backs, knocking them on the ground.

As he landed Bakugou glared at the downed villains. ''Not on your life dirt bags!'' he retorted before rolling out of the way as Magne tried to grab him from behind. ''They've got me on numbers, but I have the mobility.'' He thought before he aimed his palms at Magne who rushed at him. ''Stun Grenade!'' he roared before releasing a bright flash that caused the villain to recoil before she started rubbing her eyes, in an effort to regain her vision.

Upon recovering from the earlier attack, Compress glared at Bakugou under his mask. ''You can't keep this up forever kid.'' He pointed as Twice stood up with a groan and looked to the teen with an annoyed expression. ''Pretty soon you'll run out of gas.'' He stated with a knowing tone before he and Twice charged at the teen again.

''Hmph, that'll be the day you scum.'' Bakugou retorted back as he went into his stance. ''I say that now but…'' he trailed off in his thoughts as he noticed Magne recovering from her temporary blindness. ''Fucker's right, if I keep this up, I'll end up wearing myself out before I know it.'' He concluded grimly as he watched Magne, Twice and Compress charge at him from all sides.

To counter this, Bakugou rolled out of the way before Compress can grab him and use his quirk. The latter quickly stopping himself from accidentally using his quirk on Magne. ''Watch it you idiot!'' Magne yelled in anger getting an annoyed expression underneath compress's mask.

As the trio went into a mini argument, Bakugou stood in alert and subtly glanced at Izuku who was currently avoiding Shigaraki's deadly hands. ''I don't know what you're planning Deku.'' He thought before turning his gaze to Twice who decided to attack him while the other two argued. ''But I hope it starts soon.'' He hoped, knowing that Izuku would never act reckless if he didn't have a plan to back it up.

Upon getting close, Twice attempted to trap Bakugou with his measuring tape, but the teen reacted quickly by launching himself off the ground and spun himself using mini explosions, before delivering a devastating kick to the side of Twice's head, the latter making a sound of pain before tumbling to the side in a daze.

''Ow that hurts!'' Twice complained with a groan as he held his head before looking to Bakugou with a pleased expression. ''It feels good~!'' he praised getting a weird look from Bakugou. The latter not knowing if he should continue fighting the villain or not.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to make a decision as the commotion got the attention of both Magne and Compress, which effectively ended their argument. ''Twice! Don't attack him on your own!'' Compress scolded as he and Magne went to help their fallen ally.

Seeing the display, Bakugou internally sighed before wearing a dangerous expression. ''Still interested huh?'' he asked grabbing their attention. ''Come and get me then.'' He challenged as he went into his stance while the villains wasted no time and charged at him again.


''What's wrong hero? Aren't you going to use your fancy blasters?'' Shigaraki taunted with a dark chuckle as continued trying to grab a hold of Izuku, evidently pleased thinking that their merciless assault prevented the Izuku from using his blasters.

To his chagrin however, Izuku chuckled as he ducked from another swipe from the hand villain. ''Nah, I just don't feel like using it.'' He responded before delivering a quick 13% kick to Shigaraki's abdomen, sending the villain rolling away again. ''That, and I don't want to gain his attention.'' He mentally added as he looked to the direction where his mentor and his sworn enemy are fighting.

His attention was then directed to Toga and Spinner who had their weapons ready while looking at him with serious expressions. He then spoke up when he noticed how Shigaraki looked dazed from his last attack. ''You know….'' he started as he looked to Toga with a kind expression. ''The offer still stands.'' He reminded with a grin getting a confused look from Toga and Spinner.

Toga was about to ask until she remembered a conversation, she had with Izuku back at the camp.


''What is wrong with you!?'' Toga asked with frustration, evidently finding discomfort in feeling the sudden surge of emotions.

Ignoring the irony of the question, Izuku merely shrugged. ''What? I mean…you're the one who offered to become friends.'' He reminded before smiling. ''I'm just telling you that I wouldn't mind.'' he stated sincerely, getting a shocked look from Toga.


Now understanding what he was referring to, Toga gripped her weapon tighter as an internal conflict broke out within her. A part of her wanted to just switch sides now and help them escape, but another part of her fought against the notion since that would mean imprisonment.

''Don't waste anymore time!'' The angered voice of Shigaraki was heard as he slowly got up while holding his bruised rib. ''Just kill him before he-'' his orders were interrupted when he found himself being slammed, face first into the ground while being briefly covered by a green glow. Knocking him out in the process

With wide eyes, Toga and Spinner looked to Izuku who had a glowing hand stretched out as he looked to the hand villain with a dangerous grin. ''How's that for a face-plant.'' He joked before looking to the two villains with a sheepish expression. ''Sorry about that, but he would've tried to kill you later if he heard what we were talking about.'' He reasoned with a shrug and a small chuckle.

Snapping out of her shock, Toga glared at Izuku as she pointed her knife at him. ''We can't be friends.'' She declined before running at Izuku while Spinner looked shocked from Izuku's offer but shrugged it off and followed Toga's lead.

Expecting the response, Izuku calmly stepped to the side and swiftly avoided Toga's lunge before he hastily made a bone club to block Spinner's attack, while holding the club with both hands, which made a loud clanging sound upon impact. ''You know Spinner, I think we could become good friends too.'' He added getting a shocked look from the reptilian villain, though the latter did not lessen his strength in trying to break through Izuku's guard.

After getting her bearings, Toga glared at Izuku as she lunged at him again. ''Why do you care?'' she asked with a growl as Izuku charged 15% and pushed Spinner away before quickly spinning himself to smack away Toga's knife, making her hiss as she held her injured hand. ''In case you forgot Izuku, I'm trying kill you!'' she reminded with a frustrated expression while Spinner recovered from his sudden launch and listened to the interaction.

Her frustrations grew when Izuku looked unaffected by her outburst. ''Oh yeah?'' he countered getting her attention. ''The way I see it, I see two people who are doing this because they think that they have no choice.'' He accused getting shocked looks from the two villains.

Not waiting for a response, Izuku looked directly into Toga's eyes as he pointed the bone club at her. ''I can see it in your eyes Toga.'' he called out getting her to freeze up. ''You may think you need to do this, but from what I can tell, you don't want to.'' He pointed out getting Toga to turn away from his gaze, as it reminded her too much of her fallen friend. ''The same could said about Spinner, he may say that he follows the ways of Stain, but even I can tell that his personal morals clashes with Stain's code.'' He reasoned calmly and seriously while said Villain looked down at his handheld blade with a conflicted expression, indirectly proving Izuku's point.

''Come on buddy.'' Izuku encouraged with a much kinder expression. ''I know that the two of you don't believe it but…I can tell that there is good in the both of you.'' He claimed sincerely. ''Just two people who want to do the right thing, but were led to a darker path while doing it. So please….just…lower your weapons and….well, things will be easier from here.'' He requested sincerely with an almost pleading look as he discarded his bone club and looked to them with an expectant look.

Seeing his expression, the internal conflict between both villain's increased with one arguing against his own sense of duty while the other argued with her logical instincts and past experiences.

''I…'' Toga spoke up but hesitated as familiar words of her past played in her mind.

''Why do you keep smiling like that?''

''What are you looking at you freak!?''

''Did you hear? She's close friends with that quirkless loser.''

''Act more normal Toga.''

''Stop looking at me.''

''Isn't that the creepy girl?''

''Who'd want to be friends with you?''

Toga could feel tears form as she felt the weight of negative emotions. ''I…can't be your friend.'' She choked out getting a shocked look from Izuku. ''Because I'm not worth saving!'' she cried out in anguish and fury before charging at Izuku with her fists ready. While the latter immediately began dodging her furious swipes, while also wearing a sympathetic expression, realizing that her state was a result of past abuse and discrimination.

Meanwhile Spinner was on the same boat as he looked to his weapon with a solemn expression as similar things went through his mind.


''Why do you even try with that quirk of yours?''

''Trust me, your quirk isn't flashy enough to make a difference.''

''Ha! What a useless quirk!''

''A useless quirk with a useless person, what a perfect combination!''

''As far as I'm concerned, there's no real point to you being here. And from what I can tell, you know that too.''

With a resigned sigh Spinner stood up and looked to Izuku with a serious expression. ''The same goes for me as well.'' He admitted while said teen could only listen as he continued dodging a remorseful Toga. ''As a follower of Stain, I should only care about his mission and nothing else!'' he declared with conviction as he charged and joined Toga in her attack against Izuku.

From there it turned into an endurance match as Izuku would continue to dodge and maneuver away from the resigned villains' attacks. All the while, pleading them to stop attacking him and listen to reason instead.

After dodging another swing from Spinner, Izuku decided that he needed to use action rather than words at the moment as his eyes flashed. He then outstretched both of his hands forward as he covered Toga and Sinner in a green glow, effectively stopping them from executing a simultaneous attack on Izuku.

Ignoring their shocked expressions, Izuku spoke up. ''You're both wrong!'' he reprimanded getting shocked looks from the two.

He looked to Toga who looked away in shame. ''You are worth saving Toga.'' he told her gently, getting her to look at him. ''You're not an Outcast and your certainly not a freak.'' He dismissed with a sincere expression. ''You're a person who just needs someone to help you get back on track.'' He stated kindly while Toga felt the warmth of friendship stir within her upon hearing those familiar words.

Izuku then turned to Spinner who didn't flinch from the attention. ''The same goes for you too Spinner.'' He pointed out, getting a shocked look from the villain. ''You say that you follow Stain's wishes, but ever since you helped me with Magne back at the camp, I knew right then and there that you are a man of honor that simply wants to change things in his own way.'' He deduced while Spinner looked away from him with a neutral expression, indirectly proving his point again.

As he pointed these things out, Toga and Spinner felt the weight within themselves feel lighter from Izuku's words. Rather than being judged or frowned upon in a way similar to their younger days, he didn't do either of those things and simply empathized with them instead. And simply looked past all their wrong doings an what they are.

Which admittedly was a rare thing for Spinner while Toga couldn't help but think that Izuku must be related to Saito somehow, since Izuku acted just as kind and understanding as he did when they were together.

''I know your both good people.'' Izuku repeated without a trace of doubt in his voice, snapping them out of their thoughts. ''It's just that you were misguided by mistreatment and involving yourselves with the wrong crowd.'' he defended with an understanding expression, rendering them speechless.

Taking their silence as permission, Izuku continued. ''And if you really want to make a difference and achieve your goals, you need to start tearing down your inner walls and ask yourselves the big question: Who are you and What do you want?'' he advised sternly with a serious expression.

Feeling the full impact of those words, Toga and Spinner looked contemplative as they asked the question within themselves.

Spinner looked to be considering things, before coming up with an answer. ''I want to change how the heroic system works, by showing everyone what it means to be a true hero.'' He declared with a determined expression.

While for Toga, her response came immediately. ''I want to be a hero my friend couldn't be, to be a protector to those with or without quirks.'' She responded with a look of conviction.

After saying their piece, they both looked to Izuku who wore a respectful expression. ''You see? Your both good people, you just need to either forgive yourselves or let people, like me for instance, save you.'' He stated with a kid grin, internally thankful that his hunch was right and they just needed to brought back or reminded of the right path.

Hearing this Toga and Spinner looked to each other and had a silent conversation. After a few seconds they looked back to Izuku with smiles on their faces. ''All right Midoriya.'' Spinner agreed getting the teen's attention. ''Neither of us are sure about this but….we'll try.'' He stated sincerely before letting go of his knife, allowing it to fall to the ground. While Toga nodded with a sincere expression as well, already mentally making plans to correct her wrongdoings for her sake and in honor of Saito's memory.

''That's all I ask.'' Izuku replied with a grateful expression while they mirrored his expression, silently thanking him for seeing them as more than just villains. They then became confused when Izuku suddenly looked sheepish after realization hit him. ''Um, sorry in advance, but….now I need to make it look convincing.'' He admitted with an awkward chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, confusing them further while they mentally noted that they weren't released from Izuku's psychokinetic hold yet.

Feeling her curiosity grow, Toga voiced out Spinner's similar question. ''Make what look convinci-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!'' her question was interrupted as she and Spinner suddenly found themselves being guided to the far side of the battlefield in great speeds.

And more importantly, away from the League's line of sight.

After making sure they were out of sight, Izuku released his hold and hoped that they ended up in a safe area as he released his hold with a huff. ''I hope I didn't hurt them.'' he wished before the sound of Bakugou's explosions got his attention as he looked to his friend, who was currently doing everything in his power to not be surrounded by the villains. ''And now for the next step.'' He said before disappearing.


After blasting himself over Twice, Bakugou aimed his palms at the villain until he suddenly found himself being pulled mid-air as he became covered by a pink glow. ''Shit! They got me!'' he mentally cursed as he looked to Magne who was using a metal rod she found as a way to pull the teen towards her.

''Well done Magne!'' Compress praised as he dusted himself off and as he and Twice stood beside the magnet villain. ''Pull him in and I'll use my quirk!'' he ordered as he prepared himself to compress the approaching teen, the latter struggling to break the hold as he approached the two.

Fortunately for Bakugou, they wouldn't get the chance as Magne was suddenly struck in the face by a bone projectile, which effectively cancelled her quirk and allowed Bakugou to blast away from the villains. While said villains helped Magne who was holding her face with pained sounds. After finding his footing, Bakugou huffed as he looked to the trio. ''That was too close.'' He commented before looking over his shoulder to see Izuku standing there with his hand outstretched. ''The hell took you so long?'' he complained with a growl before looking back at the villains.

''Sorry, just needed to take care of something.'' Izuku apologized cryptically, gaining Bakugou's interest. Seeing this, Izuku leaned in to whisper. ''Namely, helping two people that needed saving.'' He informed before leaning back and focusing on the villains.

Hearing this Bakugou looked confused before his eyes widened from the implications, but before he could verify, Magne spoke up. ''Shit that brat is here! But that would mean….'' She trailed off as she looked behind Izuku and immediately felt her eyes widening as she saw the unconscious form of their leader. ''Shigaraki is down!'' she announced with a tense expression as she felt her morale crumble.

''I don't see Toga and Spinner either, they must have been beaten too.'' Twice informed sadly before wearing an annoyed expression. ''Tch, those weaklings!'' he reprimanded with a tense expression, also feeling his confidence in their victory dwindling.

Compress however didn't allow his emotions to get the better of him. ''Calm down you two.'' He ordered sternly, getting their attention. ''Keep in mind that we still outrank them in skill and experience.'' He reminded seriously, slightly calming the two. ''I just need to use my quirk on either of them and victory will be ours.'' He assured, raising the spirits of his fellow villains considerably.

Seeing this, Bakugou stepped a bit closer to Izuku. ''By the way, don't you have a plan of escape or something?'' he asked with an expectant tone as he looked to the approaching villains in alert.

Izuku was silent for a bit as he looked at his surroundings, as if to verify if everything was in place. Once satisfied he grinned at the explosive teen. ''Yep, should be about now actually.'' He stated admitted casually getting a shocked look from Bakugou.



[Song Stops]

Their fight was stopped by the sound of something crashing, turning to the sound Bakugou and the remaining able members of the League's eyes widened from sight of a large metal ramp behind a ruined wall. But that was nothing compared to the sight above them.

Soaring through the sky was a group of familiar faces.

Iida, Kirishima and Todoroki soared through the air. With Kirishima being the front with his hardened arms crossed over his front as Iida and Todoroki held a firm grip on his waist. The latter holding onto him with one arm as he used his right hand to produce as small jet of blue fire as they soared through the air in a similar way with how Iida is using his Recipro Burst to keep them going.

As this was happening, all completely missed the wide grin that Izuku wore as he watched his plan unfold.


Things went well for the most part as Izuku and everyone else made their way through the city with disguises they acquired from a local store, as to not draw any suspicions. The only exception of this rule would be Izuku, considering that his appearance and overall wardrobe choice already lessens the chances of being noticed. Which Mina and Ochako verbally pointed out to be unfair since the two of them were forced to wear dresses like Momo (only different colors of course) and heels.

But after some compliments from Izuku and some reasoning from Momo, she and Ochako stopped complaining.

Back to the mission, things went accordingly as they followed Momo's tracker signal and traced to what appeared to be some sort of warehouse. Thinking that there could be powerful villains inside, the group walked off to the side of the building and with teamwork and Kirishima's night vision goggles that he brought along, they were able to learn what was inside.

Only to go completely pale upon hearing what it was.

From what Kirishima could see, it would appear that the villains were utilizing this location to be some sort of Nomu manufacturing plant (which made all of them sick from the implications). And from what Momo hypothesized, this building is where the Nomu with the tracker originated from.

And after learning from Kirishima that there were no guards in sight, Izuku immediately proposed using his quirk to quickly get in and get out before any of them could notice. But since they had no knowledge of his teleportation ability nor his sensory field, they were quickly against the notion considering that there could be a strong villain hidden inside. Said villain could outmatch his ''speed'' warned Momo and Mina's pleading expression didn't help either.

But thankfully all arguments ceased when they heard the sound of something heavy being picked up. Looking to the source of the sound they were immediately left speechless when they discovered that it was Mt. Lady, who raised her leg up to deliver a powerful axe kick. On her foot that was raised, had a pickup truck that was no doubt used to protect her foot from damage upon impact.

Upon realizing her intentions, the group wasted no time and made a considerable amount distance from the warehouse and giant heroine. And just in the nick of time too as the heroine smashed her foot down on the Nomu manufacturing plant, which caused tremors and a large smoke cloud that contained a fair amount of debris that scattered around the area

As the dust settled, they saw that the warehouse had a massive hole in it and before they could realize what happened. The number 3 hero Best Jeanist entered the building, following him was Pixie Bob and Gang Orca. Meanwhile Mt. Lady remained outside in her giant form as she began grabbing the unresponsive Nomus and began loading them into a large containment cube. Making an expression of disgust while doing so.

And after a few moments of watching awe, Best Jeanist and the other pros emerged from the warehouse while dragging more unresponsive Nomus with them. In the meantime, Mt. Lady expressed her complaints and stated that they should have went with All Might's operation as well considering how they got the easy job. And as Best Jeanist advised against that kind of attitude, Izuku and everyone else immediately understood that the operation the heroine must have been referring to Bakugou's rescue.

With this information in mind, everyone visibly relaxed upon learning that the pros essentially had the entire situation under control. Iida and Momo then wasted no time and suggested that they start heading back now, of which they immediately agreed to and did just that. With All Might leading the rescue, the group felt at ease knowing that their friend would be back in friendly hands soon.

They heard some commotion from the pros but presumed it was just them finding more Nomus so they didn't pay it to mind as they continued their way back to the hospital.

Until it happened.


[BNHA OST – ''All For One's theme'' – Plays]

Before anyone could react, they found themselves bracing against a strong gust of wind that suddenly went through the area. As this was happening, they were just barely able to see chunks of concrete flying around. Followed by the site of Mt. Lady, Pixie Bob, Best Jeanist and Gang Orca being blown away as well.

Once everything settled, the group peaked from the ruined concrete wall that shielded them from the blast, only for them to immediately hide again with ghost white complexions from what they saw.

What was once the warehouse was now reduced to nothing but rubble, along with the surrounding buildings that were unfortunate enough to be close to the origin of the explosion. Said explosion left an open area comprised of rubble and ruined buildings. And scattered on the ground were the pros who looked injured from the blast.

But all this wasn't what made them hide.

Suspended in air, seemingly relishing in the destruction below was a man who radiated an aura of dread that froze them all in place. He wore a plain black suit that showed authority and power. And if that wasn't enough, covering his face is a navy blue, skull-like gas mask with angular pipes at the top, a wide collar-like life-support system around his neck with multiple other pipes connecting the front and back.

While his classmates were frozen with fear, Izuku was the palest out of all of them considering that he knew/heard of one possible person who could have that much power besides All Might.

All For One

Of all the rotten luck, why did he have to be here?

Suddenly they heard the voice of Best Jeanist at the other side of the wall, he sounded pained but they could tell that he was struggling to stand up and take a stand against AFO himself. Izuku he couldn't win, but like his companions, he held onto hope that the number three could at least do some semblance of damage on the ancient evil.

All hopes were destroyed however when they heard AFO declare that his quirk was unneeded and with one powerful move, they heard Best Jeanist screaming in pain before going silent and just like that, the grip of fear became heavy in their hearts. Mina, Momo and Ochako looked ready to vomit or cry out in fear, but did everything in their power from doing so. Izuku, Iida, Todoroki and Kirishima weren't fairing any better as they looked just as afraid and frozen from it all.

Not only that, they knew for a fact that certain death would be the result if they tried to face him.

[Song Stops]

The grip of fear for Izuku was broken however when he heard the unmistakable sound of Bakugou's voice as he coughed and cursed from whatever he experienced. Accompanying him were other voices of the league who also shared the same amount of discomfort as he did. From there he couldn't make out what AFO was saying to them as he focused on formulating a plan to grab Bakugou and escape before any of the villains could react. But even if he did teleport the fastest he could at the moment, he had a feeling that AFO may have a quirk that could counter him, which made him frustrated from the thought alone.

However, all frustrations died down and was replaced with relief when he heard the booming voice of All Might as he declared the villains defeat before engaging him. The fight sounded intense but it was clear to Izuku that his mentor could not go all out since one of his students was at the risk of being caught in the crossfire. And he knew Bakugou was aware of this since the latter was aware how powerful All Might is considering that he and Izuku had experienced it first-hand (literally).

With this all in mind, a plan was formed. A risky plan for sure, but the payoff was greater.

Izuku was about to speak up when he suddenly found himself held back by Mina who wore a pale expression of fear, looking to everyone else he saw that Todoroki was held back by Momo while Kirishima was held back by both Iida and Ochako.

''Wait I have a plan…'' Izuku began with a hushed tone.

Only to stop when Iida looked to him with a serious expression. ''We can't Midoriya.'' He stated with a harsh whisper. ''The risk is too great.'' He stated with a deadly serious expression while he felt Mina's grip tighten, evidently agreeing with the class president as well.

Despite this though, Izuku didn't back down. ''Can you at least hear me out?'' he pleaded with a serious expression. This seemed to have worked as Iida calmed down a bit while Mina's grip slackened for a bit. ''Right now, All Might can't go all out and I believe Bakugou knows that too.'' He informed with a serious expression as they could hear Bakugou's going off multiple times.

''So, what do you propose?" Todoroki asked as he and everyone else calmed down and listened in as they slowly huddled together.

Izuku was silent for a bit as he mulled over his thoughts before nodding to himself and looked to everyone with a serious expression. ''We're not going to have an all-out fight.'' He stated, getting Iida and Momo to calm down significantly. ''But were not leaving Bakugou either.'' He added getting them tense again.

''So, here's the plan.'' he started as he looked to Kirishima, Iida and Todoroki. ''First you guys will propel yourselves in the air with Kirishima in the front so he can smash through this wall with his quirk,'' he stated as he tapped said wall a few times. ''Iida will use his Recipro Burst while Todoroki will concentrate his fire quirk to his right palm and act as another thruster to support Iida's engines.'' He informed before looking to the girls. ''And to increase your chances of getting good height, Momo will use her quirk to create the biggest ramp that Mina will lace with none corrosive fluid to ensure smooth travel while Ochako will use her quirk to make you guys weightless to increase your takeoff speed.'' He finalized with a huff while everyone else gaped at his creativity.

Izuku didn't dwell on this though and continued. ''While in the air, the villains would most likely be too shocked to make an immediate move. So Kirishima, I'll need you to call out to Kacchan since you'll be the most likely person to get an immediate response from him.'' he advised getting a serious nod from Kirishima. He then turned to Momo. ''Once we secure Kacchan, Ochako will release her quirk when the time is right and will go with Momo and Mina to meet us at the landing zone. And from there, we escape together.'' He finalized with a determined expression as everyone processed his plan.

It was risky yes, but it was they could do to avoid an unnecessary fight.

However, Mina noticed one detail though and spoke up with a worried expression. ''Wait, what will you do Izu?'' she asked as she had a sinking feeling within her.

Izuku mentally grimaced at the question and looked to her with an apologetic expression which did little to ease her. ''I'm going to give Kacchan support.'' Getting shocked looks from all of them.

''But!-'' Iida was about to retort but Izuku beat him to it.

''I know what I said.'' Izuku said sincerely as he looked to the class representatives' eyes. ''But rest assured, I don't plan on beating all of them, all I intend to do is to keep them off of me and Kacchan, to give you guys the opening you need to execute the plan.'' He reassured calmly while all of them still looked unsure still.

He then felt someone holding his hands, looking to it he saw that Mina held them and looked to Izuku with a fearful expression. ''But what about….him.'' she mentioned with a shudder as she obviously referred to OFA.

To this Izuku smiled as he squeezed her hands reassuringly. ''Not to worry, we'll have All Might hold him off.'' He stated with trust in his voice getting confused looks from all of them.

''But how would he know your plan?'' Momo asked, being 100% sure that Izuku didn't possess any telepathic abilities.

Expecting the question, Izuku freed one of his hands and waved it as he created a bone club. ''With this.'' He stated simply before pointing to the wall with the bone club. ''I'll spawn this in the background so that only All Might could see it, from there he'll know what we're trying to do.'' He finalized with a determined expression while everyone else couldn't help but be shocked with how well thought out his plan was.

Realizing that Izuku waiting for his approval Iida looked down with a conflicted expression as he processed Izuku's plan. The gamble was great but the it did minimize the risk in its own way. But with so many possibilities for failure and not to mention the deadly consequences of said failure, it made the decision all the more difficult.

Iida then looked to Momo, only for the latter to look just as conflicted as he was. Clearly, she also considered every variable of success and failure in the plan, which only made her decision in the matter complicated. With this is mind, Iida closed his eyes with a serious expression as he imagined the risky plan play out in his head.

It was doable, risky but doable.

So, with a breath he looked to Izuku with a serious expression. ''All right, let's do it.'' He agreed with a hint of apprehension in his voice while everyone else silently agreed with Iida as well.

Izuku nodded to him before looking to Mina with a warm smile. ''I'll be careful.'' He swore with nothing but sincerity in his voice and expression as he gently squeezed her hands. Meanwhile Mina looked scared but eventually agreed with a nod as she squeezed his hands in return.

Izuku nodded at her before turning around, but before he could take a step forward, he suddenly felt his hand being grabbed. He then turned to Mina with a confused expression, only to be shocked when she cupped his cheeks and delivered a kiss. And upon separating, Mina leaned her forehead against his and stared into his eyes that had nothing but love of for her. ''Come back to me.'' She requested with pleading look.

''I will.'' Izuku promised before he returned the gesture with equal love and reluctantly separated from each other a few seconds. He then wasted no time and started carefully making his way to a nearby corner where he can teleport to a safe spot to signal his mentor.

Once he was gone from their view, Mina turned to Iida who, along with everyone else, looked to their interaction with approving looks. ''Alright guys, let's get into positions.'' She ordered optimistically getting immediate nods of agreement from everyone else as Iida, Kirishima and Todoroki got into position as Momo went to a secluded area to discreetly make the metal ramp. While Ochako's quirk and Mina's help remained on standby to help Momo move the ramp to its place when it's done.

The risk was still high with so many possibilities for failure. And since the villains had them outnumbered, outkilled and outpowered, the consequences of failing are severe. Not only that, it just increases the risk of failure as well.

But then again…who said being a hero had no risks.


''I'll end it here, All For One!'' All Might declared as he continued to push AFO with his might.

AFO didn't seem fazed as he continued holding off the Number 1 Hero. ''My, my, still quite strong I see.'' He noted causally as he continued holding his own against his archnemesis. ''But can you kill me…again All Might?'' he asked in a mocking tone, getting an angrier expression from All Might.

All Might looked ready to retort but for a brief moment, it looked like something caught his attention. In the background behind his enemy, on top of a large pile of rubble looked like a-

Seeing this, AFO used it to his advantage. ''Where do you think your looking?'' he asked getting All might's attention. The latter realizing his mistake as the villain's arms began bulging out with black sparks and red outlines, during their hold. ''Didn't your predecessor teach you any better?'' he insulted before unleashing a powerful gust of wind from his palms, launching the off guard All Might far into more ruined buildings.


From the impact site, All Might immediately stood up as he tried to identify what distracted from his fight with AFO. From what he could tell it sat on top of some rubble and if he didn't know any better it kind of looked like a-

''Bone?'' he identified with a confused expression before he froze and slowly formed an expression of pure horror. ''Young Midoriya!'' he identified with a tone of disbelief before wearing a more angered expression. ''What is he thinking!? Does he not realize the risks?'' he thought, completely surprised with his successors apparent lack of concern for being killed by AFO for being a wielder OFA.

He was about to jump back into the fight and rescue the students until he paused and started to think more rationally, like the way Nana and Gran Torino thought him. ''He wouldn't come without a plan.'' He thought knowing that his successor tended to use his head more than he did back in his youth. ''And he wouldn't just act recklessly without good reason.'' He counted again, since despite his power, Izuku tended to rely on sneak attacks and trickery to win.

With this he calmed down as he tried to identify what his successor was trying to tell him and what his intentions are. ''He wouldn't fight AFO with me, he knows he's far from ready despite the progress he made.'' He reasoned as he wore a thoughtful expression. ''So why would he-

He halted his thought process as his eyes widened in realization. ''Of course.'' He stated to himself as he realized his successor's intentions. Why else would he have come all this way for? To simply rescue his friend himself, while he focused on fighting and holding off AFO.

It was a risky plan but…who said that being heroes didn't have any risks?

Despite the situation, All Might couldn't help but chuckle at the last thought. ''Nana would have loved you.'' He admitted with a proud expression before becoming serious as he prepared to jump. ''All right Young Midoriya, I'll leave it to you!'' he thought before jumping to great heights as he prepared to fight the Symbol of Evil while putting his full trust in his successor in finding a way to retrieve Bakugou amongst the chaos.


Up above the battlefield, Kirishima looked down with a serious expression and held a hand out. ''COME ON!'' he called out with haste in his voice.

[BNHA OST – ''You Say Run'' – Plays at 0:21]

Izuku's flared up as he hastily covered Bakugou in a green glow. ''NOW KACCHAN!'' he called out before throwing Bakugou up in the air with his psychokinesis. The latter shocked by the sudden launch but quickly recovered as he used his explosions to propel himself towards Kirishima, who was more than ready to catch him. While this was happening, Izuku made a medium sized Gaster Blaster and wasted no time as he mounted it before taking flight, all the while the remaining League of Villains could only look on in shock. And from the distance he could see AFO attempt to stop them, but thankfully All Might stopped him by delivering a powerful blow that launched him to a nearby ruined building.

Snapping out of their shock, the remaining League can only look on in shock and frustration as they watched the students make their escape. ''Don't let them escape!'' Compress ordered but realized that they can't do anything since Dabi and Kurogiri are down, meaning that they had no means of long-range attacks.

''You two get close!'' Magne called out, getting the attention of Compress and Twice as she used her quirk to create a blue glow. And upon seeing this, both villains wasted no time and huddled together with the magnetism user. And upon getting closer the two was immediately covered in the glow as Magne prepared to launch them. ''Here I go!'' she called out before launching Compress towards the students.


''You guys stupid or something?'' Bakugou asked all of them with an amused expression as he held onto Kirishima's hand. The latter and everyone else chuckling in amusement and relief from the remark, evidently more than glad to have their friend back.


Looking to the voice, they saw Midoriya approach beside them as he sat on top of a medium sized Gaster Blaster. ''You guys alright?'' he asked as he went into formation and lined up with them.

''We're fine ya nerd.'' Bakugou responded before anyone else could. ''Your one crazy son of a bitch you know that?'' he asked though he already knew the answer as he looked to Izuku with an amused expression.

Izuku chuckled at the remark as he shrugged. ''Can't argue with that.'' He stated while Bakugou snorted in amusement. ''Now we just have to-'' his statement was cut off when his eyes flared up as he looked behind them when he felt something enter his sensory field in great speeds. ''You've got to be kidding me.'' He exclaimed with an annoyed expression getting everyone else to glance behind them as well and were shocked to see Compress flying towards them.

Noticing that the villain was getting close to their position, Iida spoke up. ''Midoriya-

''Already on it!'' Izuku responded immediately as he formed a Gaster Blaster around his arm and took aim at the villain with a dangerous grin as he began charging the weapon, getting wide eyes from Compress. ''Get Dunked on-

''Titan Cliff!''

But before he could fire, the gigantic form of Mt. Lady suddenly appeared between the villains and the students. Which unfortunately led her to take a hard hit to the face as her head blocked the villain's path. Causing a loud impact sound and a bloody nose to form on the heroine's face.

''Mt. Lady!'' Izuku called out in shock and worry as he and everyone else watched the giant heroine fall to the ground together with Compress who appeared to be knocked out from the impact.

''Leave her to the pros!'' Iida ordered getting Izuku's attention. ''I can see Momo and the others below. Just prioritize the rescue and use your quirk to help us land.'' He ordered, knowing that Ochako must be reaching her limit by now as they could feel her quirk's effects slowly wearing off.

Realizing his point, Izuku's eyes flared up as he outstretched his hands towards them. ''Right!'' he responded in affirmative as he covered them in a green glow with his Psychokinesis, before guiding them onto a larger Gaster he made for them to ride on. While below, Ochako saw the opportunity and deactivated her quirk before she found herself being supported by Momo before she could fall from exhaustion.


Magne and Twice staggered a bit as the unconscious form of Mt. Lady made contact with the ground, creating tremors and a large dust cloud in the process while Compress crashed into the ground, unresponsive.

As the dust settled Magne gritted her teeth in frustration as she looked to Twice. ''We can still make it! Let's do it again-

Her orders were interrupted when she and Twice were knocked out in a blink of an eye by Gran Torino's speedy kicks. The latter huffing as he touched the ground and looked to where Izuku and his classmates flew off while the villains fell limply to the ground. ''Jeez, are all wielders of OFA so reckless?'' He thought before smirking. ''Nana would be proud.'' He mused with an amused expression before looking to the distance where All Might is fighting with a serious expression.


[Song Stops]

Turning to the voice, he saw that Kurogiri was sitting up as placed a palm on his head. ''Why do people keep knocking me out?'' he groaned before looking around with a confused expression, before his eyes widened when he saw the unconscious forms of Shigaraki and the other League Members. ''Tomura Shiga-

His statement was interrupted when he instinctively created a small warp gate behind him and forced Gran Torino to stop his sneak attack and back away to gain more distance. The latter grunting in annoyance as his plan of knocking him out again failed. ''Damn!'' he hissed with frustration, knowing that close quarters combat with the warp villain was beyond risky.

Seeing his chance, Kurogiri gathered Shigaraki and League of Villains with plans on asking what happened and where are the rest of the League Members are later. He then quickly transported them away to the coordinates that AFO set while he was out of commission.

Once they were gone, Gran Torino could only scowl, realizing that dangerous villains were still on the loose. Putting that aside, he was about to join All Might when he spotted something that made his eyes widen. ''Jeanist!'' he called out as he quickly made his way to the downed number three hero.

Upon arrival he grimaced when he saw the massive hole in his stomach, which he presumed was caused when Jeanist tried to fight AFO at some point. He then crouched down and placed his fingers on Jeanist's neck. Relaxing slightly when he felt a faint pulse, he then placed the critically injured pro over his shoulder and lifted him with ease despite his old age. ''Sorry Toshinori, but I'll leave the fight to you for now.'' He apologized before he used his quirk and flew off to find a medical crew to give the pro the much-needed medical aid.


Upon reaching the ground, Izuku and everyone else immediately dismounted the blasters as they disappeared. While also breathing a sigh of relief as they slowly recovered from the experience they just went through.

''You guys made it!'' Mina called out in relief as she ran up to give Izuku a hug as she leaned her head against his chest while Momo and Ochako followed and regrouped with the others as well.

Izuku smiled down at Mina and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her close. ''Of course we did.'' He stated as she looked up with tear stained eyes. ''I promised didn't I?'' he reminded warmly as he cupped her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. Mina welcomed the gesture with a smile as she leaned into his touch before enveloping him in her arms again, while Izuku reciprocated the gesture and mirrored her expression.

While Momo and Ochako checked on Iida and Todoroki. Kirishima approached Bakugou with an unreadable expression, the latter looking to the direction where a fierce battle between two symbols are currently ongoing, before noticing Kirishima approach him. ''What do you want?'' he asked in his usual manner but slightly softer than normal.

Kirishima didn't verbally reply as he merely threw his arms around the teen who stiffened from the contact as he looked to Kirishima from his position with a shocked expression. ''What are you-

''Welcome Back.'' Kirishima welcomed with a tone of pure relief as he delivered a quick peck on the cheek before tightening the embrace and letting his tears flow.

Now understanding what was going on, Bakugou sighed as he relaxed and returned the embrace with equal vigor while having an honest smile on his face. He then gave a warning look to his classmates who had expressions varying from shock and amusement (mostly from Izuku and Mina) as they looked to the interaction. ''Not. One. Word.'' He warned in a tone that promised death if anyone else found out about their relationship. While Kirishima separated from the embrace and looked to them with a pleading look.

Izuku and Mina nodded without hesitation as they zipped their mouths shut in sync and threw away the key while Iida and everyone else nodded in agreement. Needless to say, they all agreed to leave it to the couple to decide whether they want others to know or not. Much to Bakugou and Kirishima's relief.

Iida smiled at the newfound couple before a look of realization formed on his face as he remembered the situation they are in. ''Come on.'' He called out getting their attention. ''Let's head out to a safer area.'' He suggested getting nods of agreement from his classmates as they also realized where they are at the moment.

With a relieved grin, Izuku was about to go with them until he stopped when he felt a familiar presence nearby and smiled to himself. ''Hang on guys.'' He called out getting confused looks from the group as he turned around and looked to a nearby corner. ''You can come out now.'' He encouraged kindly, increasing his friends' confusion.

Their confusion immediately turned to shock as Toga slowly revealed herself from the corner, looking a bit dirtied up, possibly from Izuku's plan of making their defeat look convincing. Seeing this, Izuku sent her an apologetic glance and was to speak up until Ochako's panicked voice was heard. ''You!?'' she exclaimed in shock as she, Iida, Todoroki, Momo, Kirishima and Mina stood ready to fight.

Their reaction caused Toga's resolve to waver a bit as she stopped her advance and looked away from their expressions. But Izuku didn't let this stop him and spoke up. ''Hey there Toga.'' he called out kindly, getting Toga to focus on his understanding expression instead, which served to boost her confidence again.

Seeing this, Izuku started to calmly walk up to her, getting panicked expressions from Iida and everyone else. But before they could call out to him, Bakugou raised a hand and looked to them with a serious expression. ''Let them speak.'' He suggested calmly getting shocked looks from them but reluctantly agreeing after a few moments, trusting both his and Izuku's instincts. Though that didn't stop Mina from watching on in worry.

''Where's Spinner?'' Izuku suddenly asked as he stopped in front of Toga and looked around the area. Noting that he couldn't see or sense the young follower of Stain.

Toga looked unsure on whether to reveal the information or not since everyone else was here, but one look at Izuku and Bakugou's calm expressions assured her. ''He left.'' Se stated getting their full attention for clarity. ''After hearing your words, he decided to travel alone for a while and find himself.'' She supplied while quoting his exact words.

While everyone else looked lost (apart from Bakugou who had a vague idea of what Izuku might have said) Izuku nodded in understanding before asking another question. ''Then…why are you here?'' he asked getting her attention. ''Not that I mind, but….you could have just escaped you know?'' he asked with an understanding expression, evidently expecting her to escape and right her wrongs on her own.

''I could have.'' Toga agreed but looked unsure. ''But…..I wanted to talk to you first about your….'' She trailed off as she didn't look sure whether to bring it up or not now. Considering that she tried to kill him a while ago and was part of his classmate's capture.

Izuku however seemed to understand what she was getting at. ''My offer?'' he supplied getting silence in return but eventually a small nod from the ex-league member. Seeing this Izuku merely smiled and offered a hand. ''It's still open.'' He welcomed with a friendly smile.

Toga looked surprised from the gesture, as if not believing that what was happening was real. She then looked between the hand and Izuku's welcoming expression for a bit before she mirrored his expression and shook his hand. ''Take me with you.'' She offered with a sincere look.

The statement made Izuku elated as he nodded without hesitation. ''You only needed to ask.'' He responded with a grin, getting the same expression in return.

The duo then turned around and tensed when they saw how alert everyone else looked. In response Izuku and surprisingly Bakugou quickly stepped in front of Toga who quickly hid behind them. ''Guys, calm down.'' He suggested with his hands raised getting their attention. ''I know she was a villain. But believe me, she and Spinner have good intentions. They just went through bad stuff that brought them to the wrong crowd.'' he assured while Bakugou nodded in agreement, internally growling at the mistreatment Toga and her late friend suffered. Meanwhile Toga felt grateful with how the duo are standing up for her.

After hearing his statement, Iida and everyone looked conflicted (Ochako more so since she and Tsuyu had an unpleasant encounter with Toga at the camp). They could tell that Izuku meant what he said, but there were still the logical parts of their mind that held doubt towards Toga and Spinner.

Their villains, or at least they believe the two are.

They are the people who they fight against, to save people from and to be brought to prison. They represent everything that the young heroes stand against and yet…here was one being vouched by two fellow heroes in training. Not only that, from what they could tell, Toga looked genuinely guilty for what she did or what damages she caused in the past.

Which only further complicated the internal struggle within the young heroes.

Finally, after a few moments of tense silence passed, Mina stepped forward from the group and approached Izuku with a neutral expression, which didn't ease the tension within Toga. She then stood in front of Izuku and looked into his eyes, to find any trace of doubt within them. When she couldn't find any, she spoke up. ''Do you trust her?'' she asked in a calm tone, indicating that she believes him but just wanted to be sure that this was the right call to make.

''I do.'' Izuku responded sincerely and without any trace of doubt in his features.

Mina seemed satisfied by the response and didn't show it as she turned to Bakugou and silently asked the same question. ''Yeah, I do.'' He responded immediately with the same tone and expression as Izuku.

Hearing this she then turned her gaze to Toga who tensed a bit from her stare. ''Toga, right?'' she asked neutrally getting a reluctant nod in return. Mina went silent as she stared at Toga, looking for any signs of ulterior motives. When she found none, she smiled as she offered a hand. ''Mina Ashido, nice to meet you.'' She welcomed with her signature grin.

Toga looked floored from the display but quickly shook it off as she stepped forward to accept the hand while Izuku and Bakugou stepped aside to observe the interaction. ''Nice to meet you too.'' Toga responded in kind with relief evident in her features which further convinced Mina that she means well. While Izuku smiled at the sight whereas Bakugou smirked at the interaction, both glad that there were people who would give Toga a chance.

Seeing their interaction, Iida looked to Momo and everyone else for a bit before looking to Izuku with a serious expression. ''All right Midoriya.'' He called out getting everyone's attention. ''We're still not sure about this but…'' he trailed off as Toga felt nervous from the anticipation. ''If you say to trust her then…we'll trust her too.'' He agreed as he and everyone else nodded in agreement, but you could still see traces of doubt in their features (namely Ochako) evidently unsure about the sudden development.

Meanwhile Toga felt tears form in her eyes as she felt the warmth of acceptance course through her. ''Thank you…I…'' she trailed off as she looked down and held her heart locket with a smile before gripping it as she looked to them with a determined expression. ''I promise, you won't regret this.'' She swore sincerely as she let more of her grateful tears fall, which helped further ease anymore worries since she looked sincere.

She then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see Izuku with an understanding expression. ''We know you won't.'' he agreed as Toga smiled at him before wiping away her tears. The latter suddenly brought into a one-armed hug by Mina as she started soothing the troubled girl. ''Come on guys, let's get out of here.'' Izuku suggested as he and Mina escorted the tearful ex-villain.

And with this the group left the area together and merged with the nearby crowd as they began watching a fight between legends.


From where he crashed into, AFO stood up and dusted himself off as he straightened his suit and looked to the sky where Izuku flew with a thoughtful expression. ''Fascinating.'' He thought to himself as he never encountered anyone with Izuku's quirk before. ''I'll be sure to add it to my collection.'' He reminded himself as he already began formulating possible quirk combinations with Izuku's quirk.

''But first…'' He trailed off as he saw the very familiar sight of his nuisance making his way towards him in high speeds. ''We settle this.'' He stated with a serious tone as he prepared his quirks while All Might braced himself for the landing.


As the dust settled All Might stood tall and looked to AFO with an angered expression. ''With everyone safe, there's no reason for me to hold back anymore!'' he announced as his muscles bulged while he prepared himself for the final confrontation. ''Today we finish this!'' he roared out with a determined expression.

Despite the display, AFO found himself chuckling in amusement. ''For once we can agree on something, All Might.'' He agreed before his right arm began bulging out from the quirk combinations he was applying to it.

All Might new what the villain was planning to do and rushed forward in high speeds. ''One shall stand…'' he called out with a serious expression as he reared his fist back.

''And one shall fall.'' AFO finished with a calm tone as he raised his powered-up arm and prepared to unleash its fury.

As this was happening, the audience held their breath as they braced themselves for the clash between two titans. However unbeknownst to everyone, the battle that would take place tonight will bring about a massive change to the world.

Authors Notes:

1. I know it's a line from Transformers, but I just felt like it would fit the scene. XD

2. Also disclaimer, all songs and characters used here are from BNHA and Undertale respectively. Not mine lol. So yeah, all credit for the songs and characters goes to the creators of their respective franchises.

3. Also sorry for misleading anyone in the last chapter, it's a KiriBaku pairing not a BakuToga one. And for those who are surprised, it's actually been hinted for a while now if you squint hard enough in the past chapters. So yeah, sorry for the misunderstandings.

4. Also not gonna lie, that escape took a lot of brainpower on my part to think of. XD

Thank you again for reading!