A/N: Be aware of grammatical errors.

This idea wouldn't leave my brain so I just have to write it.

This fic is nothing too serious, just wanna entertain my muse.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

The heated waves continued to wreak a havoc turning my cheeks to a hot pot. Slowly, the beads of sweat dripped down on my forehead, leading to most hairs continued to cling on my cheeks uncomfortably.

Two feet too were too numbed to feel any of the stones badly stubbing my toes. Both shoulders were straining, burdened by each hands, carrying a heavy pail of water. I praised when the cool breeze of summer went by. I couldn't help but enjoy in bliss for a small amount of time when chills spread all over my body, greatly wanting me to hit the hay soon as possible.

In rush, I viciously gripped the container again, keeping it very still, and carrying out my best to avoid any water coming out of it. Unfortunately, it was useless when another water spilled, doing worse on my skirt, but I considered striving harder, doubling my effort as I had no tolerance to go through another agonizing minute with thin clothes sticking on my knees.

I breathed, then took off again, neglecting the desperation of my back and my fingers. It was way too much for such a strenuous chore to burden a ten-year-old body. But being shoved back hundred years were plumbing hadn't yet discover, one ought to be quiet and deal with it.

I ceased walking, decided I needed to have a break. By few meters away, there was a huge tree, providing good shade away from the blazing heat of summer. I had to walk again and when I reached, my back swiftly leaned on the hard bark, then breathed out of exasperation and relief. It was too much to handle, what I could least do was to stop for a minimal time, and let my blood back flow in my veins. Perhaps, mostly because my body trembled in distress. The muscle between my neck had been graciously gratified when I released my two hands from the harsh grip of the container and set it aside where I could reach it. The effect was instantaneous. The blood on my fingers rushed, causing a tingling sensation.

I sighed. It was another day of doing the same task. Rather than seeing playing on the ground because that what appropriate I should experience, the elders agreed that it was the right time to support my clan by being useful.

Blasted the elders. One thing I learned: The age matters when gaining power.

Too young? Yes. But the clan needed to have a lot of man labor to function properly. Did I make a fuss about this? No. I was never under illusion they would ask my opinion over this matter. Neither my parents disagreed about the matter, so why should I? They used what they needed to survive and complaining over this subject was less than zero chances.

Ugh! The perks of being reborn are definitely not amusing.

That's what I get from being reborn into Uchiha clan. It sucks. That's the whole summary of my life. Surprising how my life turns from death to another. It wonders and mystifies me the impossibility of the situation. Who could have thought after being a child of two successful people in the past would be serving a lifetime as a servant?

If being reborn to anime wasn't bad enough, then it truly amazed me how deep I was in. Living in the warring era was another thing. The real problem wasn't the period I was born, but the clan I was in. It was truly compelling to know what would be my fate. I never asked to be alive or reborn. I would reject a thousand times no matter how enticing the idea was, and yet here I was living the life. And to make the make matter worse, I caught myself in such a complicated limbo. Despite everything, I hate it. With all the troubles I made, perhaps this one had taken the crown.

Adding to the wound, my disposition on this clan had its disadvantage. Being an Uchiha wasn't truly about power and sharingan. It would be cool to have a sharingan, I thought. But the fact was, it was solely reserved for the people who either born on a higher branch, or a man meant to be a soldier. And I was none of those.

Another wave of a cool breeze passed by, making me swiftly stare above the blue sky, wondering what future awaits for me.

"Rumi!" A tiny voice echoed, snapping me to my musing. As I turned around, Yumi, who was my second cousin, traipsing the road, both hands occupied by the container. And when she stopped right in front of me, the image of flushed cheeks and tangled hair stumbled me, guessed I was looking the same as her.

"We mustn't stop. Hurry! We need one more and we're good," Hands raised, and the transparency of her cheer glee made my stomach churned in guilt.

"Sorry," I muttered before grabbing the two buckets that I set aside earlier.

"Don't worry I'm tired. But we need to complete this before we can play again." Yumi flashed her smile tenderly. A very optimist I hope someday I'd be able to achieve.

One of the few things, her presence was too pleasant. It never faltered me to amaze her vibrancy, despite enduring the terrible afternoon.

All I could do was nod before following her.

The sun began to set, shifting deep orange hues to dominate the sky, while the moon slowly approaching.

I slowly lifted the last pail on my hand, putting it on the huge container which will be used by other people in the kitchen. Yumi was finished, and that made me the last person to complete the task.

And when I immediately emptied the container, I simply put the two empty buckets beside the huge container. And released a huge sigh in relief. god knows I could endure another walk with a pail of water between my hands.

"Narumi!" heard my name by a few distances. I had to turn around to catch the sight of Aunt Shiori, walking at a fast pace.

And when she reached, the glimpse of small blood on her towel hanging on her left shoulder and an empty bowl on her hand stole my attention. The freshness of the blood was a disturbing sight to witness, almost forgetting the reason for her presence. "Are you done?" She asked, snapping me from my reverie.

"Hai," I replied politely, bowing my head.

"Good. Your mother is asking for your presence. Now hurry up and don't make her wait too long." Her calm demeanor matched her statement.

My heart fluttered in excitement as I realized the meaning of it. Suddenly, all the wretched aches and pains began to disappear, magically.


"Of course she had been waiting for you. Go now!"

"Yes, thank you so much, Shiori-obaa." I screamed too loud as it was harder to conceal the excitement brimming my whole body. Definitely, knowing that it was one of the most spectacular days for me.

I never waited for her to reply, and ran in a rush, with my heart glowing with warmth inside.

The home was silent when I entered, but I had my feet rapidly on my mother's door.

I had to stop for seconds, needing to control myself as the enthusiasm filled my whole body, and every minute it was difficult to tame.

I gently knocked the door, while it was stupid, the anxiety was budding because I refused to control my thoughts every second, and in response, my hands ridiculously had trembled.

"Come in," my mother's hoarse voice tone echoed.

I don't need another affirmation. With no ado, I slipped inside, silently dragging my feet and closing the door softly, at the same time refraining any noise to disturb the silence.

Tracing my vision at her visage, the paramount of exhaustion was written all over her face. Her eyes were drooping to sleep, hairs were sticking, though her hands were strongly clutch on the bundle of clothes in her hands.

I don't know but when I hear the baby's yawn, I've lighten a few pounds, ready to be subjected to the pull of gravity.

"What's his name?" I whispered when I reached beside her, afraid I might wake up the little guy.

Her drained onyx eyes met mine, then briefest time lips curled up before gazing the baby again. "Riko," She spoke lovingly.

I never thought I'd be able to experience having a sibling.

Above was the sun on its the highest point it could hit, stretching the heat to warm its beneath. But with the heat blazing, the wind continuously supplies a chill air, making the weather tolerable.

"You always stare above, Narumi-chan. I don't think there's something beautiful over there?" Yumi pointed literally with her little finger hanging.

With the grasses on our back, we were lying on the middle of the huge field, which was still within the area of our compound. Graciously, we overdid ourselves yesterday, decided by the people that we could do some relaxation.

"It doesn't have to be beautiful, Yumi. Sometimes peace is what we need." I looked at her, though sadly the words might be deep enough to understand because I could clearly see the confusion between her eyes.

"If you say so." She spoke, perhaps merely agreeing without understanding. " Hey! I heard you got a new brother," She added.

"Yep! He's so tiny. I wish I could hold him but Kaa-san wouldn't allow me."

"Sugoi! I wish I could have a sibling." Yumi pouted, hands crossed her chest.

I remained silent. Merely, dumbfounded how I should respond to that statement. I rarely see her wallowing, but there were times I caught her in somber and those times, perhaps she was unaware of doing it.

I've had known Yumi for almost years. Sometimes I couldn't remember how, because time quickly flew fast, believing it was more difficult to remember such menial things.

Yumi was an only child of Aunt Shiori- who was my mother's sister; I had no idea who was her father, but he was dead before we were born. I heard rumors there and here, but I never found the reason for his demise.

Naruto isn't a fairytale. It could never be. With death lingering the atmosphere, it was harder to find any humor.

I simply adapted because I have to.

In all possibilities could happen to me after death, this was one took its crown. The very first time I realized I had this life when I was five years old. A man who run the clan had once entered the house. A very familiar image, and when my father bowed, uttered his name, a sharp sting recognition washed my whole body.

'Tajima Uchiha' Father whispered his name.

Heart thundered unstoppable when all realities were shifting and I was merging to it, totally becoming part of the world, of I thought was from a product of Man's wild imagination.

I knew I had been reborn. Once upon a time, I never believed reincarnation or life after death. It was impossible. Why would I even believe that? But when an enormous light brought to me just to vanish the darkness that filled me, it was then I had to open my eyes, and it corrected my ignorance.

I kept my mouth shut. No one knew about it. I could not talk about this topic to anyone, for I might be a laughingstock. But it still terrified me every single night about myself. How I can remember my past existence so precisely every detail. Was I even had the right to be called normal?

My eyes went back again to Yumi's melancholic visage. She curled up beside me.

Hands covered hers, at least try to convey what words couldn't. It was never my forte, and honestly, I was so sucked at comforting, but I guessed there has to be some truth, saying it's the thought counts.

"Someday, you might have, so don't lose hope." I said. "Even if you don't, I can always be your sister." I added, eyes once again above on the huge cloud, too sluggish to turn my head at her, preferring the slow movement of the cloud.

"I wish that too." Yumi cheerfully proclaimed to the air.

The fall was fast approaching. As sunset is beautiful, so does autumn. It bothers me why would ending has better scenery despite the knowledge it would be gone. I see no beauty of dying because I; myself experienced it firsthand.

Death is a process of life where it was inevitable. But at the age where I suppose my dreams should start, it ended tragically. Money didn't save me from death. The money was abundant didn't help me when I needed it the most. It was even awful to remember, and heart ached how much I missed so much. Too blinded to see the beauty of life, of my life to be exact.

A tiny yawn halt my musing. Below me, Riko slept so heavily, unaware of tomorrow's sorrows and tragedy, and I long to be someday if possible to regain such innocence, but that would be stupidity to expect because from the beginning of my existence it was taken away from me.

"I wonder what thoughts you've been thinking again to make your brows suffer." My heart almost stopped beating as I recognized the voice. Overly excited, I cast my eyes, and only to see the man standing at the threshold, a grin appeared on his face.

"Father!" I screamed. Feet automatically ran to him, by then I reached I hugged his legs fiercely as I could. It had been over more than a year I saw my father, saying on a reconnaissance mission, but never told the depth of it. But thank god, he was safe.

"Oh look at you," teasing as he used to do. "You're taller now than the last time," he patted my head.

"Tou-san, Riko might wake up," reminding him as I reminded myself as well.

"Ahhh, my little boy." He walked where Riko's crib located.

"Narumi where's your mother?" He asked.

"Aunt Shiori's house," I replied truthfully, not knowing what's the reason needing her presence.

At night when mother arrives back, the smile at her face had been a spectacle, matching my father's roguish grin plastered. I shared a small feast between the three of us, thanking all the kamis the blessings and the small moments we shared.

That night was peaceful.

I was standing there in the middle of the forest, which might farther from the stronghold I guessed since I walked almost more than a few minutes away from the area. It had a few hours since I was done getting water from the river nearby. Apparently, I was bound to be at home, but then something came up to me. It started from a very simple wonder and ended up pique my interest as it was very hard to ignore. I explored, a way to get out at least for a while and to satiate the mere curiosity about the world away from the walls of stronghold. It was dangerous. I knew the very first time I walk on this world, but the curiosity and intrigued dominated me, truthfully ignoring whatever danger might occur. The one-step, turn in two until I lost the count of many steps I took.

The wind swaying back and forth, and the leaves falling like a shower.

A superficial sight to behold.

Then here, I found a good spot, waiting for the wind to blow the trees while watching leaves left its branches.

How odd I would oversee something trivial matter, although I have to admit I regret why I had never done such amazing things as simple as this.

Another harsh blow, making my tresses sways with its will.

Then another leaves pluck off from the trees, piling on the ground.

There was something about the wind making leaves bit by bit falling was pleasant to behold.

A loud crunch reverberated, halting me from my volition. Hands quickly between my chest out of the blue. Alarm washed my body, and the uncontrollable shivers ran from skin to my spine, matching the furious pound of my chest every second passed.

'Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!' A mantra I couldn't cease. I swear I could be such a dummy head sometimes. Wandering alone shouldn't have been a good idea.

I spun, try to see things. Yet nothing strange happened. I stood, heels digging on the ground while observing the place.

geez, perhaps that would be my over-imaginative mind tricking me.

Hands gripped my shoulder I screamed, and my heartbeat becoming faint.

Shock overwhelmed me I had almost cried on the spot.

I spin around, and the image of Yumi flooded me. The very first time in my life I had never felt relief washed over me.


"Don't do that! You scared me," I yelled.

Yumi turned her head down. I don't know but guilt crescent over me when I started to realize my mistake.

'Stupid' the mantra.

"Sorry, Narumi-chan. I was really scared you were lost. You've been gone for quite a long time and Kaa-san starts asking about you." She explained too softly and genuinely. It hadn't eased me, rather, the shame exploded inside of me, forcing myself to look away as I furiously humiliated by the unnecessary reaction.

"I-I" stuttered then bit my lips "Thank you, Yumi." I quickly breathed. "I'm so sorry about screaming."

She simply nodded, like it was like nothing, a very unnatural behavior I get after the poor behavior I conducted which she didn't deserve. A cold touch from her fingertips had me stare at her, then grabbed my hands, coaxing to leave the place as she stared at the orange hues above, vivid sign dusk was beginning to end soon. "You really made me worried. Don't do that again, Narumi-chan."

I nodded in agreement then followed her way back home.

The narration is quite a bit off, coz English ain't my first language.

Corrections are always welcome.