Authoress' note: Hello Peoples! Sorry for the radio silence, life's been pretty busy, but for once its been pretty good! Anywho, halloween's coming up and I thought it'd be great time for a spooky Bendy story. Not a cheesy one, but one that sends shivers down your spine and keeps you up at night. Some people on twitter suggested a corrupt Henry idea and well...

... I couldn't resist.

I own nothing.

Joey Drew was dead.

He was found lying on his kitchen floor. His landlord had come in halloween morning, about to scold him for missing payday, when she found him face down on the kitchen floor.

Everyone was baffled by the discovery. He clearly had been murdered. A deep gash filled with ink went right through his brain. There was also inky footprints on the ground. The old man's face was twisted with an expression of terror.

Everyone in the apartment complex was interviewed, but no one saw anyone go in or out of Joey's residence. The case went on for months but no reasonable answer was found. After a year the case dropped.

But whoever had killed Joey wasn't gone.

People often reported hearing someone in Joey's apartment. Often it was things getting knocked over, or the kitchen sink running, but sometimes people said it sounded like the soft crying of a man.

Everyone assumed Joey just haunted the place.

Two years passed. Eventually Joey's niece Becky heard about her uncle haunting the residence. While she never really know him she felt pity for a soul not finding rest. There was something about a trapped soul being left to rot that just... unnerved her. Her parents just dismissed it as paranoia, but little Becky knew better. So she told the apartment complex that she wished to rent the old place. She went through the procedure, and eventually the keys were hers.

Meanwhile, trapped within the abandoned apartment, a tormented soul patiently waited.

Authoress' note: This will be a pretty short story, most likely one of I'll give you a few chapters and it's your job to interpret how it'll end. I've been pretty busy on other projects (yes What Was Promised is still being worked on stop bugging me about it!) so I won't spend to much time with this.

But everyone loves a fallen hero, no?

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