The world was exploding around him.
All because of a green laser.
The green laser that was shot on the space station his daughter was on.
His daughter. His beautiful Leia.
He wouldn't see her again.
He would never stroke her hair at night to comfort her.
The memories of her flashed through his mind.
He remembered telling her, her favorite bedtime story, the one about a 14 year old queen and a 9 year old boy who saved a planet.
He remembered being so proud of her when she joined the Rebel Alliance.
He remembered comforting her when Breha died, letting her cry into his shoulder.
He remembered her becoming senator of Alderaan, and teaching her how to avoid Vader and Palpatine at all costs.
And he remembered his one regret.
He never got told her she was adopted. He never told her she was not actually my daughter, my own flesh and blood.
What would Padmè say?
And he remembered his promises.
And the most important promise. The promise to protect, and to love Leia.
He had broke that promise when he sent her on that so-called mercy mission.
But he only had seconds to live. He wasn't going to die frustrated on the things he can't fix.
So he closed his eyes and accepted it. He accepted that he had broke a promise to his long dead friend. He accepted that he was going die.
He accepted that he failed to keep Leia safe from Vader.
Pain. That's all she could feel.
Maybe it was seeing her home planet destroyed.
Maybe it was knowing her dad died.
Maybe it was a combination.
But maybe it was just a feeling.
Maybe she had a just a bit of the mystical energy her dad told her about when she was a girl. The one that the 9 year old had, and he saved a planet with it.
But she can't dwell on that right know.
She had to focus on the millions of things going on around her.
And she had to accept it. Accept her father had died. Accept Alderaan was gone. Accept she was captured by the second most hated man in the galaxy.
He had failed. Failed badly. Now that he thought about it, he failed a lot of people. Way too many.
First was Qui-Gon. There was Siri. Then there was Ahsoka. There was Bant. There was Satine. There was Padmè. And there was Anakin. Now there was more. The princess and Bail.
That was too many people.
But he had to accept that they were gone.
But there was hope.
Even if Anak-Vader did kill Leia.
He had Luke.
He just had to accept that. Accept that he failed as a friend. As a padawan. As a guardian. As a protecter. As a Jedi. As a brother.
All he had to do was accept.
Hello There! I hoped you liked my fanfic!
By the way, Vader's POV was originally supposed to be in here too. Guess what? His was put in A Certain Princess. I just changed some words, cut out Accept… and Tad-a! Now I have an ongoing fanfiction.
Lol I think I'm obsessed with the destruction of Alderaan. This is my second one about it.
I would like to get some feedback so please please review!