Part 1 (Third person POV)

"Take care of that, Felix," Jane said, nodding her head toward Bree, her voice dripping boredom. "I want to go home." "Don't watch," Edward whispered into Bella's ear.

She turned toward him, not wanting to see the end.

Only to suddenly hear a large crashing sound, like two boulders slamming together. She jumped and turned, expecting to see the remains of Bree flying in several directions, only to see an unharmed Bree looking absolutely shocked at a dark figure that stood next to her, Bella then turned her head when she heard a crash at the other end of the clearing, where she saw Felix landing (and shattering) a rather large rock outcropping.

She turned back, noticing that Jane, Alec, and Demetri were also looking over at Bree with shocked gazes, although Jane's look also contained anger. When she turned back to Bree and the newcomer, she chanced a look at him. She almost couldn't believe her eyes.

He had to be at least as bulky as Sam Uley and Emmet put together. He was wearing a dark, hooded cloak, and she thought at first it was another Volturi member, until she saw the lack of a V necklace on his chest.

What really surprised her was his eyes. They weren't red, yellow, or even black, but instead were a light purple. At that moment they were like hard amethyst crystals, and were fixed on Jane, and then he spoke.

"Well well well, if it isn't the foolish four of the Volturi, coming out to play. I decided that at this point I just had to intervene, after all, this young child intrigues me." he said in a dry, sardonic tone.

"This is none of your business Avone, leave us to finish our part here," Jane snapped, her red eyes flashing.

"On the contrary Jane, just because it seems to irritate you so much, I will not leave, and I believe when I do, I will be taking the young girl here with me, alive,"

At that point, his eyes flickered down to Bree, who was still staring at him, though now with a slight fear in her eyes instead of shock.

Jane's eyes blazed, then narrowed as she stared, focusing her gaze on Avone, who, instead of collapsing on the ground in agony, merely laughed, making Bella and the Cullens jump in surprise.

"Don't think your pathetic powers can work on me witch, I happen to be immune to such things."

"He's right Jane," Felix said, walking over to the other 3 Volturi. "I've met him before, and he is perhaps the one being on this planet that Aro, Caius, and even Marcus fear. If he wants the girl, there really is nothing we can do to stop him."

Jane gazed at him in surprise, then snapped out "Fine." In the next 2 seconds, she and the others were gone.

If you love it so far, please review! The next chapter comes only after I have reviews, and it involves Avone's history!