Chapter 22 – Her Name Is Arthuria
Meliodas knew there were so many ways to mourn for your loss, but this was too much.
Tristan chose to busy himself, working hard with Elizabeth, Isolde, and the Sins. Diane and King were worried if he could do it but Tristan was doing great as their Captain's substitute despite what happened to his twin sister. Merlin and Escanor looked on edge as if something bugged their minds. Elizabeth accepted the offer from Ludociel and created the Holy War Pact with Stigma.
When the Archangels asked how about the fragment of Commandment that they had, Isolde lifted her palms "we have five of them, the ones belong to Monspiet, Derieri, Galand, Grayroad, and Melascula. I and Tristan got Monspiet, Derieri, and Galand's Commandments. My sister Merlin has Melascula's Commandment. I don't know how, but mother-in-law got Grayroad's Commandment".
Tristan turned to Elizabeth "by the way, how could you get it, mom?".
Elizabeth turned her head "...stole it from your father when we have slept together".
"How did you possibly do—", it clicked on Tristan's head "oh, I get it. No need to say it out loud".
Isolde narrowed her eyes in disbelief "...mom, you seriously stole it from Dad when you made love with him?".
Elizabeth admitted, "well, it was not a hard thing to do when you become one with him".
Diane and King shouted in unison as the Archangels collapsed backward in shock "you DID what?!".
Isolde lifted her thumb "incredible. Teach me about how to do it".
Elizabeth chuckled awkwardly "just so we're clear... you can only do this technique with your husband, okay?".
After Tristan explained the battle strategy as well as the squad rosters and formation, he asked them all "any objection?".
Ludociel smirked, "no, as expected of the ex-Great Holy Knight of Cornwall".
Isolde and Tristan tensed at that. Isolde wrapped her arms around Tristan's bicep before looking down disdainfully to Ludociel who possessed Margaret's body "...what are you trying to imply?".
Sariel pursed his lips "well, what do you expect? You brought those two demons here and they will join us in the search-and-destroy force. Seriously?".
Derieri yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily as she lay her head on Monspiet's shoulder "I'd say it from the ass. Owe and not ungrateful. Talkative, Idiot".
Sariel and Tarmiel yelled in unison "WHAT!?".
Isolde asked them to calm down "now, now, let me translate it for you. It's not like we want to fight alongside you as comrades. We owe our life with Tristan and Isolde who saved us from Estarossa who tried to kill us just to get the fragments of Commandments. We are not ungrateful people, so we will lend you a hand to win this Holy War. Not to mention, we can't live our life peacefully as long as this war isn't over. As the ex-members of the Ten Commandments, our head is still in danger so just stop being too talkative and fretting over too much, idiot. Am I right?".
Monspiet caressed his mustache and snorted when Derieri jabbed her thumb with a smirk "glad to see we have someone who really smart to understand her lack of speech".
Derieri blushed and smacked Monspiet's head "shut up".
Isolde chuckled "oh, worry not, Sir Monspiet. I just use my ability to read people's minds and hearts. It's you who have been doing great, I think. You can understand her without reading her mind, after all".
Ludociel hummed "I do understand why Lady Elizabeth joins the search-and-destroy force, but to think Guinevere will stay here in the defense force, meanwhile, you two, Tristan and Isolde, will join the assault squad instead of Lady Elizabeth? Admit it, poor child. Your father betrayed you. I doubt you can fight well after your sister's death".
Isolde and Merlin shouted in unison "Tristan!".
Next second, many razor-shaped dragon tails and dragon heads came out of Tristan's back as he glared down to Ludociel "watch your mouth, especially in front of my mother. My father is not in his right mind due to the curses on him and our mother's, not to mention he's also in his Assault mode. Besides, if anything, it's you who should be suspected".
Ludociel blinked rapidly, playing innocent "based on what?".
Tristan growled "don't dare you to try to play dumb and innocent... you are the one who told Arthur, my twin sister's husband, about our curses and you told him that Supreme Deity would break the curses if he could kill the Demon Clan's leader on the Castle that time, without he knew, my father was there and look at how it led my sister to her death. If anything, I want to rip you apart".
"so do I. Unfortunately, we still have a war to win over, so we can't kill you, yet", Guinevere walked in "ah, I'd like to request a little change in the plans. Let me join the search-and-destroy force because with my ability, I can detect the fragment of Commandments and someone needs to look after mother".
"honey, I believe I'm not old enough to get my daughter look after me. It's you who should be careful", Elizabeth approached Guinevere, caressing her cheeks "stay here. You're pregnant".
"Sir Nanashi will help me. How could I stay here when you and brother risk your life on the battlefield? After what happened to older sister, I can't do it, mother", Guinevere choked before she lifted an orb once she regained her composure. After asking Nanashi to close the door behind her, she told them "...it seems someone tried to contact us".
When Guinevere lifted the orb to the center of the table, it turned out that the orb was the communication orb that connected with Zeldris who contacted Guinevere from the Camelot Kingdom. It seemed like Zeldris was in the throne room of Camelot Kingdom. Well, what looked like the remnants of it.
Guinevere crossed her hands before her chest "what do you want?".
Surprisingly, Zeldris said mournfully "...first of all, Gwen, about Lily, I'm sorry. She's a good girl, I admit".
Guinevere blinked at that before sniffling, quickly wiping her tears "...yes".
"back to our business", Zeldris told Guinevere that Estarossa just came back here, empty-handed "I heard your older brother very cleverly stole the fragments of Commandment from Galand, Derieri, and Monspiet".
Derieri growled and stomped on the edge of the table, lifting her fist "he was the one who tried to kill us to get our Commandment! Monspiet barely died, if not because of Isolde and Tristan were there!".
Monspiet patted Derieri's head "there, there. I'm alive now, thanks to your hot kiss".
Derieri fumed when everyone here snickered to the couple "should you mention it?!".
Ignoring the bump on his head that he earned from Derieri, Monspiet caressed his mustache "eh, allow us to clarify our position, Zeldris. I and Derieri have been tired of fighting, so we no longer wanted to continue fighting as the Commandments but like Derieri said, your merciless brother was trying to kill us to get the fragment of Commandments. Funny, to think about how fate worked out, because the one who saved us, no one other than Meliodas' son and daughter-in-law. Tristan and Isolde promised us the place where we can live our life peacefully after we help them to win over the Holy War, not to mention we also owe our life, so yes, we will help Lady Elizabeth and her children".
"and you even called her Lady now...", Zeldris stared in disbelief because 'wow', how drastic people could change because of love? "I see... wait until I tell Meliodas about it. Estarossa's not gonna survive it, perhaps. He's reverted back to his old self, after all, the heartless Demon Prince that known as the next heir of Demon King, our father".
Guinevere scoffed "exactly, what do you know, uncle Zeldris?".
"what? Do you have any problems? I only told you the truth", Zeldris shrugged "besides I believe it's my line. What do you know?".
"I know... of the fact that you are a coward who does not have enough courage to fight against the world for the sake of your beloved one like our father did. Father did reach out his hand to you, he asked you to bring your lover with you and come with him, but you turned him down, you refused to take his hand and decided to be his enemy. You chose the throne of Demon King over your lover", Guinevere lifted her chin up regally "now, I challenge you. What do you know, the Executioner Demon Prince Zeldris?".
Zeldris growled, "shut up, you insolent woman?!".
Next second, Meliodas yanked Zeldris by the back of his collar, kicking him to outside.
"the one you called 'insolent woman' just now is my daughter. Watch your mouth. I only tell you to negotiate with them, not to fight with them", Meliodas cleaned the dust off of his hand before looking down with those emotionless eyes "Guinevere, Tristan, Merlin, hand over the other Commandments to me".
Tristan scoffed "so you can become the Demon King? NO".
Guinevere agreed "that's right. Why should we? We have no obligation to listen to you".
Meliodas persuaded them in the cruelest way "your mother only has less than three days. I have to break the curses before she dies again. I can resurrect Lily afterward. Don't you want your older sister back?".
When Guinevere and Tristan lowered their head, Elizabeth wanted to step in but someone using teleport and appeared right in front of them. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and back. Lily wore an off-shoulder white dress that fluttering on the air. She opened her blue eyes, looking up "you don't have to worry about it, father".
Tristan and Guinevere blinked their eyes in disbelief and rubbed their eyes "...Lily?".
Meliodas stared, really stared "...how—".
"how do I still alive?", Lily lowered her head further, her bangs masking her face "my husband brought me back to life. That idiot activated his magic power and transplanted his heart to my body".
Merlin turned pale as a sheet and staggered. Escanor quickly grabbed her biceps and supported her from behind.
Not giving them time to recover from their shock, with closed eyes, Lily asked "Tristan, how many the fragment of Commandments that we have?".
Tristan dazedly answered, "eh, five of them".
"bring it on", Lily lifted her hand to the side. Her clothes turned into a blue gown with silver armor. On her hand, the new Holy Sword Excalibur appeared. Lily slashed the fragments of Commandments that Tristan revealed with the Excalibur on her hand, totally exterminated the fragments of Commandments that turned into dust only with using the Excalibur Sword on her hand "Eternal Sanctuary. Arthur's magic power, Chaos, provide me the ability to destruct and reconstruct whatever I've got in my hands. Using this new magic power of mine, I can purify every evil entity, like the curses or even the fragments of Commandments, only with a mere desire. I don't know if it's enough to break the curses on you and mother or not, though".
When they tried to break the curse on Elizabeth, they failed because even after Lily tried to break the curse, the curse still recovered.
Looking at this, Meliodas growled "are you insane? It's the only chance to break your mother's curse".
Lily scoffed "well, what do you expect us to do? We lost our husband because they tried to protect us with their life from what? From you and your kind. Do you think how did we feel when we, their wives who bearing their child, woke up and only found their corpses?".
Guinevere covered her face and cried on Tristan's chest after remembering how Lancelot tried to defend them from Demons in the process when they tried to run away. Cusack tried to possess Arthur with Resonant, but Lancelot got in the way and instead of Arthur, Lancelot got possessed by Cusack and he stabbed his heart with his sword.
Meliodas argued "you and Guinevere are pregnant. Do you want to lose the child in your womb as well like you lost your husband?".
"Just because we are pregnant, it doesn't mean we can't fight", Lily narrowed her eyes that shining in sorrow, sadness, and calm fury "there's no need for you to worry about us anymore, father. Just worry about mother. We will not die because we are the ones who will kill those who have killed our husband. You better stay out of the way because at least, I don't want to be the ungrateful, rebellious daughter who's gonna kill her own father. I don't want to be the heartless Demon like you are now. I don't want to kill you. Along with mother and my siblings, I am gonna stop you".
Meliodas frowned "Lily—".
"don't call me with that name. Arthur sacrificed himself to bring me back. I will live up his dream and continue to live with his name. There's no turning back for me. Ever since I pulled this sword, my fate has been sealed", lifting the renewed Holy Sword Excalibur in her hands, Lily—Arthuria narrowed her eyes which shining with resolve and determination "for the sake of Camelot Kingdom, I'm gonna take over Arthur's mantle, throne, and name. I'm no longer your daughter, Morgaine Le Fay. From now on, I'm Arthuria Pendragon, King of Camelot Kingdom".
"...I have no place to say anything about the path you choose, not anymore", Meliodas said as he closed his eyes before turning his back "take care of your mother and tell her... I don't ask you to forgive me but understand this. I'm gonna break your curse no matter what because the promise I've made to her is the only thing that I've had and... I love her".
Elizabeth cried out "Meliodas!?".
The last thing they saw before the communication was severed, Zeldris narrowed his eyes disdainfully to them, following his older brother to the center of the throne room. Lifting his hands, Meliodas recited some spells before the five fragments of the Commandment that floated above his palm, going into his body.
After Cusack and Chandler appeared, approaching Zeldris, Estarossa appeared and smirked "good luck. Let's meet again on the battle~".
Tristan narrowed his eyes and leaned his shoulder on the window sill "are you sure with this, sister?".
Arthuria tied her hair into braid bun "yes, I am. I am gonna be the King of Camelot Kingdom. It's not enough to be the Queen".
Guinevere tied her hair into a loose braid over her shoulder "then let's do this together".
Tristan sighed heavily "I don't think this is what they wanted from you two".
Arthuria narrowed her eyes skeptically "what do you know?".
Tristan stated the matter of fact "what do I know, if I were him, I only would want your happiness".
"Happiness is the one thing we can never have as the Queen. I don't want to be the Queen but when we have no choice, sometimes what we should do only take the decisive action", intertwining her fingers in between her sister's knuckles, Guinevere leaned her forehead on her sister's "you can be the King. I will be your Queen, so neither you nor I will have to do this alone. Let's do this for the sake of the man we loved and our children".
Arthuria blinked her tears away "yeah, together".
Tir na nÓg
In the real world, when Arthuria knew what Tristan did, she lunged into him and Isolde warned him "Tristan, watch out?!".
Tristan flatly stared to his twin sister who pointed the tip of her Excalibur Sword to his throat "...is it really the very first inclination when you wake up? Pointing your sword to your twin brother".
Arthuria embedded her sword on the ground beside her twin's head "then just pull back your spell from father. You shouldn't have to show it to father from the first place!".
Tristan said coldly "because it's your weakness and failure?".
After Arthuria slapped him, Arthur carried Arthuria bridal style, telling them two to cool off their head before he went carrying Arthuria to the riverbank "Lily, if anything, it's my fault".
"no, he's right", wrapping her hands around his shoulder, she cried silently on his shoulder "after all... I'm at fault for everything...".
"don't you think you were going too hard to your sister?", Griselda locked Tristan's head "Titania, help me!".
Titania cracked her knuckles "gladly~".
Tristan lifted his hands in surrender "wait up! Are you seriously trying to kill me now?".
When the alarm rang, the sign that there were the intruders outside on the Capital of Liones, Lilith told them "Titania, Griselda, I bet you two would want to go. If only Morgan isn't out of commission with her parents, I bet she would want to go as well".
Titania curiously raised her eyebrow "who is our next opponent, anyway?".
They saw it was the five remaining of the Ten Commandments (Estarossa, Zeldris, Galand, Derieri, and Monspiet).
Griselda smirked cunningly "oh, of course. Glad to know you're coming, father~".
Titania smirked devilishly "and that Estarossa~ I'd like to beat him black and blue again for what he's done to our lovely Melody. I bet my beloved cousin would want to join me, just if he's not in the mission with Melody and uncle Ban~".
Ban saluted and narrowed his eyes "think you find him already, Kiddo?".
"not yet, Dad, sorry", Lancelot raised his hand "and it will be easier if you just let me concentrate so we can find him quicker".
Hawk wondered "but how the hell the three of you aren't affected by this place?".
Wild snorted "naturally, this is my birthplace and has been my inhabitant, so I'm totally fine!".
Melody lifted her forefinger "for me, it's because of the fact that I'm my father's children. As Demons, we're naturally born with Miasma surroundings our body".
Lancelot scratched the back of his neck "well, you can say I've got the divine blessing from Lady Of The Lake, so I will not be affected by the miasma. Not to mention, my lover is a half-Demon. I'm used with the miasma leaking from her body already".
Ban narrowed his eyes in suspicion "...do you mean when you have sex with her?".
Lancelot fumed "Dad! You're too straightforward!".
Melody blushed furiously "father-in-law, I don't know that you're a pervert from the first place!".
Ban didn't know what to say "...wonder how the Captain will react to this?".
Liones Castle
On the front gate, Estarossa landed with Zeldris, Galand, Derieri, and Monspiet behind him. Looking straight to the upcoming shadow, Estarossa demanded "who are you?".
"allow me to introduce myself one more time, since we have someone who doesn't know who I am", the blonde-haired stepped out of the shadow with a lopsided smirk and confidently introduced herself "I am the Assassin Griselda, Raven Sin Of Despair".
"move aside, all of you", Zeldris stepped forward, pulling out his sword "she's all mine".
Griselda pulled out her twin daggers that clashed against Zeldris's sword.
I admit I barely discontinue or just erase this, not that I forget it, I just wonder if this story is really bad from the lack of responses but for the sake of those who read this and like this, follows and favorites this, I'll try my best to finish this.