A/N: It has been awhile and I haven't been in the mood to write. So I remembered this story and tried to finish the chapter I started months ago.
"Hey, you alright?" A low grunt came from behind Rick as he finished typing up his report. He turned to the sound of the voice and stared at another detective, his new partner, Daryl Dixon. The man was of few words, had barely spoken more than a handful since they were introduced this morning meeting at the scene of their first homicide.
Rick let out a deep sigh as he stared at the man, wondering how he could see through his shaggy brown hair. His hair was worse than Carl's and that was saying a lot because Rick wanted his son to get a haircut more than he wanted anything. "I-I just want to find the lunatic that did this." He bystepped the question.
"Yeah." The other man agreed. "I knew shit was gonna be hard but this.." his voice trailed off as he shook his head, finally clearing the sight to his brown orbs. "I wasn't expecting this so soon. I've only been on for bout a month."
"Try a day." Rick countered, mindlessly tapping his pen against the desk lost in his thoughts.
Daryl didn't have a response for that. Being thrown into this type of case head first was not for the weak and it seemed like Grimes was holding his own. "They normally go out for drinks after shit like this." He signaled towards their co-workers. After watching the young nineteen year old girl thrown from her own car like a bag of garbage had everyone in the office on edge. "Hell, I might even join them."
Rick knew this would be great bonding time but he had a date with Michonne already in place. Maybe she wouldn't mind being with him and his team but he didn't want to assume and he also didn't want to cancel. "How long do y'all stay out?" Depending on that answer he could meet Michonne after.
"Just leave whenever you want to Grimes. They can't make you stay." Daryl teased. "Half of 'em ain't happy at home, so they'll be out as long as they can."
He nodded at that before pulling out his phone and shooting her a text, asking if she minded meeting up with him and the rest of the department. She didn't seem phased, even mentioned dragging her best friend along. So without much thought, he sent over the address to the bar, happy that he was going to see Michonne and get in a little bonding time.
"Ya girlfriend meetin' us?" Daryl asked half an hour later, sipping his beer as he leaned against the bar.
Rick tilted his head because he didn't know if Michonne was his girlfriend. Sure he liked her a lot but they never had the conversation pertaining to their relationship status. He wanted to assume but assumptions didn't do him any good in the past. He assumed Lori was happy and he assumed Shane was his best friend but shit happened. He couldn't trust Shane anymore. As soon as his 'friend's' lips connected with Lori's, the trust was broken and unable to be repaired.
The longing looks he saw on Shane's face were things he ignored. Rick didn't dare to assume that his best friend wanted his wife or his spot. He assumed that his best friend wanted a family of his own but all that did was make an ass out of Rick because Shane was right there, ready to swoop into his spot once it was vacant.
"Pretty Ricky." Rosita greeted with a cheeky grin, saving Rick from having to answer Daryl's question. Rick's eyes traveled from hers to Michonne's as a wide smile spread across his lips. "Nice to see you again."
"You too." He spoke, placing a hand on the dreadhead's hip, pulling her closer as she stepped forward. The smell of her vanilla shampoo hit his nose immediately as he wrapped his arm around her small waist, inhaling her presence. "I missed you." His lips touched her ear with each word, causing a small shiver to travel through her frame.
"You too." She repeated, shyly before facing her best friend. "Please ignore her. She's been giving you nicknames all day."
Rick didn't want to let her out of the embrace. The maxi dress she wore fit her perfectly and all he wanted to do was get her out of it and praise her body but now wasn't the time. He did enjoy the moments of being outside of her as much as he enjoyed her clenching tightly around him as her body quivered underneath his.
"Is that right?" He stepped back, clearing his mind of his naughty thoughts.
"I have three so far. Only two are appropriate though." Rosita flashed a full grin as she leaned onto the bar and ordered a round of tequila shots. "I can't drink too much. I have to be an adult and work tomorrow."
"We all do." Michonne countered, shaking her head playfully.
"Oh shit. The announcement is tomorrow isn't it?" Rosita's eyes widened before her cheeks reddened. "Don't worry, chica. That promotion is yours and if they don't give it to you, go straight to Deanna. With all of the information you have, they should make you partner."
A low groan left the other woman's mouth. "I'm not backmailing anyone to give me anything I haven't earned. Andrea is smart. I'm not going to take that away from her."
Rosita tilted her head before a slow smile appeared on her face. "You're better than me and I love that the most about you." Her attention quickly drifted to Daryl as he sat on the stool observing them. "Hi. Rosita."
"Daryl." He damn near grunted. "Nice ta meet ya both."
After the introductions, the night went by fairly quickly and Michonne's body was on fire. Rick could not stop touching her. It could have been an innocent brush of shoulders, a hand on her thigh, or on the small of her back. It didn't matter though. She was intoxicated on him and not the tequila sunrise she had been sipping on throughout the night.
"You alright?" His lips touched her ear with each word he spoke.
"Mhm," She hummed, distractly. "I can't seem to focus." She leaned away to look into his eyes. "It feels like everything about you is consuming me." A slow smirk appeared on her lips. "And I like it."
"Yeah?" He took another swig of his beer, watching as she stared hungrily at him. "I've been wantin' ta get you out of this dress all night."
Michonne smiled before she cleared her throat. "Before we proceed…" her voice trailed off as she gathered her thoughts. "We need to discuss what we're doing. If this is just fwb, I don't know if that'll be enough for me. I have never been the casual type-"
Rick placed his hand on her thigh, cutting her off. "What is fwb?"
A small chuckle left her plump lips before she licked them and answered his question. "Friends with benefits."
"You really think I'm gonna settle for just bein' ya friend?" Rick tilted his head, bringing his body closer to hers. "I like you and I haven't liked anyone in a long time. I want to get to know you; what makes you blush, your likes, dislikes, what makes you pout, anything you're willing to share with me."
That was the correct answer because without any warning, she moved forward and captured his lips in a heated kiss before she pulled back, panting. "Purple is my favorite color. Lauryn Hill and Beyonce are my favorite artists. This is Us is my favorite show." Her eyebrow arched as she giggled. "Huh. I guess my crush on Jack Pearson should have been a clue that I was down from the swirl."
Rick couldn't help the snort that left his throat. "Blue and green are the colors I like the most. Prince is my favorite musician." Her eyes bugged out a little at the admission. "What?"
"I wouldn't have guessed but knowing how freaky you can get, I'm not surprised."
The blood rushed to his cheeks as he took a long swig from the beer.
"I hate being lied to. Tell me the truth no matter what. Omission is also a form of lying in my eyes."
"Fair." He nodded. "Honesty counts for me too. Always speak up. Don't be passive aggressive." Dealing with that bullshit in his marriage opened his eyes a lot.
She nodded her head, agreeing because that was something she had dealt with as well. Mike was the king of it and she managed to let it roll off her back because she didn't care enough towards the end of their relationship once it got out of control. Now she sees all of the signs she ignored.
"I just got out of a relationship and you just got divorced but I don't want to share you. I want you all to myself and if it's too soon for you to be committed again, I get that. Just let me know now." Don't cheat. It was unspoken but Rick could read in between the lines. The vulnerability that shown on her face, had Rick reaching out to touch her before he could stop himself.
"I want you too." He spoke not being able to keep the words inside. "Be selfish because I am. I don't plan on sharin' you." He leaned into her space, feeling small puffs of her breath against his lips.
"Good to know." She replied breathlessly, eyes darting from his down to his lips. "I really need to get home. It's getting late and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow."
Neither one wanted to depart but he knew she was right. She had to go. He wanted Michonne to be prepared for tomorrow. She deserved the promotion and he really hoped that she got what was indeed hers and no one else's. "Come on. I'll take you home."
Rosita had left half an hour ago but Michonne opted to stay with Rick. Spending time with the man was a breath of fresh air she didn't even know she needed. He was a new experience and she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't thoroughly enjoying it because she was.
Her eyes watched as he made his way through the bar, speaking with his coworkers before he finally made his way over, placing his hand on the small of her back, leading her out of the building and to his car.
"I could have called an Uber."
"And what type of boyfriend would I be? I'm not lettin' you ride in an uber when I'm able to get you to where ya goin'."
That accent did get her where she wanted to be. That was a fact. "Boyfriend huh?"
"Problem?" He arched his brow, trapping her against the door. Her hands ran up his forearms as he blocked her in on both sides.
Michonne didn't break their gaze as her tongue peaked out and swiped against her lips, drawing Rick's attention. "No."
A low moan left his mouth as her nails grazed the growing budge in his pants. He had been half hard since she walked into the bar two hours ago and she was not helping his situation. "You're playin' a dangerous game." He growled.
"Hm," she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before pushing the palm of her hand onto his growing erection. "I'm not playin'." She closed the distance between them, attaching her lips to his neck, sucking a light bruise onto his tanned skin. "Rick." She whispered, lips touching his ear with each word. "I'm so wet." Michonne grabbed his hand off of the truck and placed it under her dress. Rick's body was positioned to hide her from any unwanted attention as she pulled the dress right below her ass.
"Fuck," He groaned as his fingers came in contact with the moist cloth of her panties. His composure was slipping. He wanted to have sex right now in this semi dark parking lot but public indecency would not be a good look for either of them. After releasing a shaky sigh, he pulled her dress down and put distance between them. "Get in." He commanded.
A light shiver traveled down Michonne's spine because she knew what was in store once they got to her place. Even if she didn't get the promotion tomorrow, she would still be high off of the orgasms she was sure to receive tonight.