Part Two of some mostly plotless Harmony fluff, with little Teddy Lupin! Hope you enjoy it.
~Part Two~
(One-and-a-half years later…)
"Daddy!" A black-haired Teddy wrapped his arms around Harry's legs and looked up into his face. Picking the four-year-old up, Harry ruffled his hair and said, "Mum's going to come home any minute now, Teddy."
"I love Mummy," the boy said, his hair turning brown, much like his 'Mum'. Harry smiled and sat down on the couch with Teddy in his lap. "Yes, I love your Mummy, too, Teddy."
"I love Mummy and Daddy," Teddy giggled. "Very much!"
Harry laughed and bounced Teddy on his knees, earning a squeal from the little boy. Suddenly, a doorbell chimed through the house, and Teddy slid off Harry's lap. "Mama!" he cried joyfully, bounding towards the front door which had opened.
Hermione laughed, scooping Teddy in her arms and kissing his forehead and his chubby little cheeks. "I missed you, Mama," he said, grinning. She tapped his little nose and said, "I missed you too, Teddy. Were you a good boy for your Daddy?"
"I was," he said excitedly, "and I painted a card for you, Mummy. Let me bring it." Laughing again, Hermione put the boy down and watched him as he ran inside as fast as his little legs could allow him.
Hermione turned towards Harry, who had been watching the interaction between his girlfriend and his godson all this while with a smile. "Hi," she said, smiling brilliantly. "Hey," he replied, standing up and walking towards her. She looped her arms around his neck and said, "How was your day?"
Nuzzling her nose with his, he said, "It was great. Although, Teddy wished you could be with us and I agree with him. How was yours?"
"The same. Paperwork, meeting with Kingsley and the like. I wish I could have stayed with you, too, but – "
"Hush, you. I know how important it was for you to go to work today, love. Don't worry about it."
Hermione smiled and said, "Mm. I love you."
"I love you," Harry echoed, leaning in to kiss her. His arms wrapped around her waist and brought her closer to his body. Just as his tongue had touched hers, a shriek broke them apart. Arms still around each other, they turned around to see Teddy holding a piece of paper and making a face at them. "Ew!" he said with an adorable grimace. Hermione walked towards him and kneeling down, starting planting kisses all over his cheeks.
"Ew!" Harry said, looking at them and imitating Teddy's expression from before. With a look of mock disgust, he hid his face behind his hands and said, "Stop, you two. That is gross!"
Teddy giggled at him and then turned his attention to Hermione, thrusting a square card into her hands. Smiling, Hermione looked at the orange flower painted on top of the card. "That's a tiger lily, Mummy – your favourite," he said, pointing at the flower. "That is so sweet of you, Teddy. Thank you," she said earnestly, hugging the boy and kissing his nose. "Hey!" Harry protested, "I helped him do it, you know."
"Is that so?" she asked, grinning at him.
"Yes, Mummy." Teddy replied.
"You deserve a kiss, too, then," she said, standing up and kissing Harry's nose.
"Thank you, boys," she said, "Now do you mind if I go and shower? I'm all sweaty, you see."
"Of course, Mummy." Harry picked Teddy up and said, "Do you want to watch a movie while we eat?"
"I'd love it," she said eagerly, pecking Harry's lips and climbing up the stairs into the bedroom. Harry walked into the kitchen and set Teddy down on the counter, before pulling out plates for dinner.
"Daddy?" Teddy called softly.
"Yes, Teddy?"
"Are you going to ask Mummy tonight?"
"I think so, Ted."
"I can't wait to hear her answer," the boy squealed happily.
"Neither can I, Teddy," replied Harry, putting the plates laden with food on a tray and levitating it towards the living room. He helped Teddy get off the kitchen counter, and let him choose a film. The boy searched their entire collection of DVDs and finally settled on Home Alone. Harry helped him put it in the player and waited for Hermione to arrive.
"Hello, boys."
Teddy swiveled around, and so did Harry, to find Hermione descending the stairs, tying her wavy brown hair into a ponytail. Harry could not take his eyes off her, she looked endearingly beautiful in a yellow jumper and white pyjamas with cats on them. "Hi," Teddy and Harry said together, making her smile.
"I am hungry!" cried Teddy, plopping down on the sofa with his plate on his lap. Harry and Hermione sat on either side of him, and two hours later, the family found themselves in the exact same positions, only a bit more tired yet much happier.
After the movie was over, all three of them went upstairs to Harry and Hermione's bedroom as Teddy had expressed his wish to sleep in their bed and the adults had accepted. Hermione sat on the edge of their bed, watching Harry wrestle with Teddy, making the boy laugh gleefully. She spotted Teddy's card on the bedside table, and realised that she had not opened it yet. Seeing her reach for it, Harry and Teddy stopped in their tracks. Hermione opened the card and saw three yellow smiling faces drawn on the left side while there was something written on the right. Her breath hitched when she read it.
The words were written in a very familiar scrawl, and she knew whose it was the moment she saw it. It said: Will you marry me?
She looked up and saw Harry standing before her with a small blue velvet box in his hand, and Teddy watching them intently from behind Harry. She looked into Harry's twinkling green eyes which she loved so much, and he took her hand before going down on one knee.
Tears pooled in her eyes as he smiled lovingly at her. Clearing his throat, he began to say, his voice hoarse with emotion, "You are my world, Hermione. The only thing I ever want is for us and Teddy to become a real family. I love you from the core of my heart and I want you beside me for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?"
Hermione cried and laughed simultaneously and nodded eagerly. "Yes," she breathed, putting her left hand out towards him. Grinning like a fool, Harry slipped a gorgeous sapphire ring on her finger. Hermione stood up and pulled Harry to his feet, kissing him with all the love she had for him. She threw her arms around him, sniffing. Her eyes met Teddy's, and detaching herself from Harry, she beckoned the little boy towards her and enveloped him in a tight embrace. "I love you, Teddy," she whispered. "I love you, too, Mama," the boy replied, clutching her tightly. "I love you," she said to Harry over Teddy's shoulder. "I love you too," he replied, wrapping his arms around both of them.
Soon afterwards, as they lay under the warm blankets with Teddy in between them and their arms around the boy, Harry's eyes met Hermione's. In that moment, he realised that life had never been better.
Thanks for reading!