Hey folks, I'm finally back at this, now that my matura exams are done, I can continue this story, at last. To be honest, I didn't think at all that this is a good story, and that it would become as popular as it is now. Thank you all so much for the helpful reviews, and your support. But before we jump back into the story, responses to reviews:

-HopefullyHelpful: Well, this was helpful, indeed. (I'll see myself out...) Though we really just don't know, there isn't a lot of info about the Empire's size in the manga or the anime.

: Well, CPs generally don't have that good gear, plus we're talking about an elven bow, there must be some magic, or something involved with it.

-nexus4123: Thank you, I hope this story won't turn out to be a disappointment.

And without further ado, let's get back to our favorite fantasy vs sci-fi setting, eh?

Earth, City 17, Citadel, Consul's office

The Consul had received reports of the Allied Kingdoms beginning their assault on the Overwatch beach head on the other side of the Gate, the day before. He was certain that nothing would've gone wrong, since the enemy was assaulting a fortified hill, that was defended by the best soldiers Earth had ever seen. He notified the Administrator and the Advisors about the situation the moment the reports arrived. Now, he only had to wait for the final report from the Overwatch commander on the other side.

When it finally did, it read almost exactly as what he expected:

Final report of enemy attack on Overwatch positions on the other side of anomalous portal-structure


Initial deployed Overwatch personnel: 15000

Initial deployed 'Allied Kingdoms' personnel: 120000

1st 'Allied Kingdoms Offensive result: -15000 'Allied Kingdoms' casualties

-0 Overwatch casualties

2nd 'Allied Kingdoms' Offensive result: -65000 'Allied Kingdoms' casualties

-0 Overwatch casualties

Overall 'Allied Kingdoms' casualties: 80000

Overall Overwatch casualties: N/A

Note: Remaining enemy force of 40000 is currently encamped East to Overwatch positions, Overwatch is holding defensive positions as directed

Just as I expected, thought the Consul.

These Saderans proved to be quite tenacious. Both he, and the Advisors agreed that they needed more personnel on the other side. For that reason 'Search and Destroy' operations were carried out across the globe with ever-increasing frequency against rebel hideouts, so Overwatch units could be transported to the other side and against other rebellious regions, from the secure zones. The first such units were from islands, as Overwatch forces could easily force the rebels into corners there, utterly destroying them, which meant that further 15000 Overwatch soldiers and synths, mostly from the British Isles would be deployed on the Saderan front along with the first Airwatch units to be deployed against the Saderans, while 25000 more would continue the fight on Earth against the rebels, to make the process of sending soldiers through the Gate faster.

The Consul forwarded the report to the Administrator and the Advisors, then he gave a new sets of orders to the other side of the Gate.

Surround and destroy the remaining hostiles at the foot of the hill. Captured enemy combatants are to be sent to Citadel for conversion.

Begin parasitic bombardment against minor indigenous population centers, ASAP. Scout out major indigenous military installations and population centers; Code: Clamp, Suppress, Flood.

Falmart, Alnus hill, Approx. 30 minutes later

Following Advisorial approval of the Consul's orders, the Combine force on Alnus Hill began their counterattack. Striders and Crabs were leading the way, APCs filled with Overwatch troops following them, while Assassin squads and Hunter packs encircled the enemy camp. Hellion batteries had the enemy camp already in their sights, the only thing they needed was an order to fire.

The Allied Kingdoms' leaders saw this, and were quick to organise their men to receive the approaching enemy. Their warriors, while anxious, obeyed their Kings, Counts, and Shahs. Saderan-style Knights and Eastern Cataphracts lined up side-by side, ready for one last, glorious charge. But something strange happened, the enemies' beasts stopped at 2/3-rd of the way between them and the Gate. Their soldiers exited the dark-blue contraptions, and just stared at them.

::All units at status green, and in position. Artillery units, open fire. 30-sec extractor-barrage::

::Copy, shells on the way::

Hell broke loose within the enemy camp, and within their ranks. Their encampment was reduced to splinters, their formations were blown apart, many unfortunates were immediately ripped to pieces or tossed into the air, missing limbs, while shrapnel tore through armor, flesh, and bone in equal measure. By the time the madness ended just a half minute later, the enemy's numbers were halved, with a portion of their leaders going down with their camp.

Overwatch forces were now moving in to finish off the disorientated enemy, troopers, synths, and APCs alike firing while advancing. Those who tried to flee, found themselves against Hunters charging the enemy's rear. The battle, or rather slaughter, was finished quickly. After the last warrior of the Allied Kingdoms fell, Overwatch troops went through the enemy wounded, picking up those they deemed worth converting, patched them up, then loaded them into their APCs, which drove back towards the Gate.

As they rumbled back to their base, with the last remains of an army in cuffs in their holds, the white streaks of headcrab-canister missiles could be seen rising to the skies. Their targets were the villages surrounding the large city, known as Italica.

Earth, City 17, A day later

15000 Overwatch soldiers were waiting in the City Square, in front of the Gate with their APCs. Waiting for the order to move out. Accompanying them were Striders, Hellion Guns, disassembled Hunter and Vulture choppers, Gunships and Dropships laying dormant in their towed transports, and an ominous, watertank-like structure, where large numbers of Overwatch troops were concentrated. Next to one of the APCs was the Consul, and Galba, Galba wearing his new Overwatch-Local Guide uniform, surrounded by a more modest body of troops, though still large in number. Galba looked above the heads of the Overwatch troops, towards the sealed-off Gate.

"Something on your mind?" asked the Consul

"It's just... I can't believe I'm going back to my world, but to fight by your side."

"These are strange times, for all of us. Remember what you're fighting for. This way, there's still hope for your people and your world."

"I understand, Consul. You know, back when I was on the other side, I never thought 15000 soldiers would be that much of a threat. But now...?"

"Welcome to modern warfare, Galba."

That was when the Overwatch announcement system went live, again.

All stabilisation teams designated for crossjump, embark designated carrier units. Crossjump is to be made in 5 minutes.

Overwatch troops quickly embarked the APCs that have lined up in front of the dome, containing the Gate.

"That's your call, I believe. Good luck, Galba." said the Consul, extending his hand to Galba, he took it in a firm handshake.

"Good luck to you too, sir. It was... nice meeting you.

"I have the sneaking suspicion, that we'll see each-other yet. Now, it's best you get going, trust me, you don't want to be the one keeping an Advisor up. Best of luck to you again."

"Thank you, Consul."

And with that Galba embarked into the leading APC, taking his spot behind the driver. Soon, the vehicle lurged forward, bringing him back to his world.

Somewhere in the Falmartian wilderness

Giselle, Apostle of Hardy was walking through the forest, the nighttime stars were visible in the foliage's gaps. She had no particular destination in mind, except for wherever the thin dirt path sneaking through the forest would lead her. Normally, travelling at night was a death sentence, especially alone. But that wasn't a case with demigods like her. No beast or human would dare attack her, because such a thing was suicide in and of itself, not to mention what fate would await them in the Afterlife after that. Suddenly, she had an all-too familiar feeling; Hardy Goddess of Death and the Afterlife, her mistress, wanted to converse with her. So, she sat down next to the closest tree, resting her back against its thick trunk. Then, she let her mind wander wherever it had to.

So, she soon found herself in a misty realm, beyond her physical body, her mistress being the only thing that could be seen clearly.

"Giselle, I have a crucial task for you. As you may be aware, I have opened the Gate of Alnus Hill. I wanted to teach the Empire a lesson. A lesson about humility, by bringing a superior force to bear against them from another world. While these Otherworlders have completed that task, I fear something went terribly wrong."

"What do you mean, my lady?"

"The world beyond the Gate, it's... bigger and more terrifying than I could have ever imagined. Their power is vast, and they are more brutal and ruthless than the worst tyrant this world has ever seen. All of us, even us, Gods... could be in grave danger."

"How-... How is that possible, my lady?"

"I don't know, Giselle. I don't know if they are even capable of what I implied, but we can't take any risks with these Otherworlders. You must awaken the Flame Dragon, and make it obey you. After that, you must do this with every other dragon, wyvern and griffon you can. We'll have to be ready in case we have to defend ourselves."

"My lady... who are these people?"

"I don't know, and maybe it would be for the best if we never gained knowledge of that."

"Then... forgive me for my insolence, mistress, but how do you know that they are a threat?"

"Let's just say... an old friend of mine came to visit, and he gave me a few pieces of advice. Go now, you have much to do."

"Yes, my lady."

And with that, Giselle found herself back in the forest, her back still leaning against the tree. Suddenly, a raspy and strained moan, and heavy breathing came to her attention. It came from the opposite side of the trail followed by more numerous moans. The silhouette of a shambling human emerged from the undergrowth, steadily limping its way towards her, followed by more, similar silhouettes. Finally they got close enough for Giselle to make out the details of the figures. The blood-soaked clothes, the claws that were where the hands should have been, the torn-apart remnants of shoes that were now too small for the creatures' enlarged foot, the gaping maw in the middle of their chests, exposing their organs, and the creatures- no, the abominations that sat on the poor wretches' head, controlling them like puppets.

At that moment Giselle understood, just what kind of horror was unleashed upon this world.

AN: And that's it for now. Sorry that it took me this long to finally continue this story. I hope I didn't disappoint you, dear Reader with this chapter. See you guys in the next chapter. Until then, take care of yourselves, more than ever in these times of ours. More frequent updates to this story will be coming ;)