A/N Hey everybody. A word of warning before we continue: this chapter is fluff. There is very little action. It is important, though, that I write this chapter because it is integral to the story.

Surprise at the end!

"Normal Speech/Translated Pokespeech/what human hear in terms of pokespeech"



"Untranslated Pokespeach"

Disclaimer, I don't own pokemon. I do, however, own any OC's I may write in.

Chapter 10:

Valentine's Day. The day people decide to ask crushes out and sometimes can't work up the courage. Luke is currently trying to calm his nerves for what he plans on doing in a few minutes.

Luke was sweating bullets. He had tried to comb his hair and look somewhat presentable, but he still was nervous because he had decided to ask Ellie to be his valentine. No sweat. Your just asking your best friend if she wants to be more than friends. No big deal.

Lucario put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "You got this. I've talked with some of her pokemon, and I think your chances are better than you think."

They were currently in a clearing on Ula'ula Island that was about a fourth of the way up. They were planning on staying in a nearby cave to stay dry in the upcoming storm. Luke turned to his pokemon. "Thanks. Let's do this."

He walked over to where Ellie was resting with Serperior. "Hey, Serperior, could you give us some time alone?" The grass snake nodded, then went over to where the rest of their pokemon were. "Ellie," Luke said, trying his best not to stutter. "Will you be my valentine, and possibly more?"

Ellie thought, Yes… No… I want so badly to say yes, but "It could never work." At this point, she was crying, and not bearing to see her crush after rejecting him, she ran, not caring where she went, as long as it was away.

"Ellie!" Luke called after her, but he was too late: she was gone. He slumped against a nearby tree and stared at the ground. A couple of his pokemon gathered around him and tried to comfort him. As he wallowed in self-pity, the storm they had seen stuck and it started pouring. Then, they all heard a scream coming from the direction Ellie had gone. Luke shot up and started giving directions.

"Dartrix, Serperior, go into the cave and use any move you have that generates leaves to create a giant cushion, I have a feeling we're going to need it. Lucario, return everybody and get all of our stuff into the cave. Try to find a branch of the cave we can use to change. I'm going after Ellie." All the pokemon immediately obeyed, sensing the urgency of the orders. Luke ran in the direction Ellie had gone, using his abilities to move faster than normal.

He saw a break in the trees and skidded to a stop at the top of a cliff. He looked down and saw Ellie, hanging on to a root that came out of the rocks. "I got you!" he called as he looked around for a branch to reach down with, but then the unthinkable happened: the root tore, and Ellie fell. "No!" Luke yelled as he dove off the cliff after her.

Ellie frantically grabbed for something, but couldn't. She prepared to turn into her alternate form and fly up, possibly scaring Luke away for good. As she closed her eyes to release the energy within, she suddenly wasn't falling anymore. She opened her eyes to see that she was being carried by a Latios that was a slightly darker shade than normal. "Luke?" she asked, directing her question at her rescuer.

"I got you, Ellie. Don't worry"

Ellie was flabbergasted. Her crush was in the same position as her! Her heartbeat sped up immensely as she remembered something Mrs. Hunter had told her before the New Year's party: There are fewer barriers than you think. The words echoed in her head as Luke dove toward the cave.

"I hope that that cushion is ready!" he called into the cave as he barrel-rolled 180 degrees, turned back into a human, and skidded to a halt, landing in a pile of leaves about six inches thick.

They lay there for a minute, Luke recovering from sliding on his back, Ellie recovering from the shock that she had a chance at Luke. Eventually, they both go up and returned their pokemon. Lucario pointed off to the side, indicating where they could change. Then he went over to their stuff and sat down, meditating.

Luke turned to Ellie and said sadly, "If you want to change, you can go over there. Also, you're right, it could never work, with me being half pokemon."

Ellie stared at him, disbelieving. Then Luke was tackled to the ground by a large, white and blond dragon. The dragon buried her face in Luke's chest and cried tears of joy.

Luke groaned. "Ellie, could you get off me? You're crushing me." Then he realized what was on him. "Ellie?" he said incredulity. The dragon-type on him glowed, then revealed itself to be his human companion Ellie, who was still sobbing into his shirt. The crying girl looked up and gazed into Luke's hazel eyes with her blue ones.

"I thought we didn't have a chance because I was half pokemon. Now that I know that you are in the same position…" she stopped talking and just pressed her lips to Luke's.

Both of them felt fireworks going off in their head as Luke returned the kiss with equal passion. They pulled apart after a minute, breathing hard. "Is this a yes?" Luke asked, dazed.

Ellie's mind was moving sluggishly, so it took her a second to register what he was talking about. "I feel like we could just skip being valentines and go straight to dating!"

Luke grinned up at his new girlfriend. "Great! Now, could we please change out of these wet clothes? I don't want to get hypothermia. Plus, I kind of need to breathe."

Ellie blushed slightly, then got up grabbed her pajamas, then went off to the side branch to change.

After both had changed into sleep clothes, they lay down with Ellie curled up next to Luke. As they were about to fall asleep, Ellie asked, "Just wondering, why did you kiss me at the New Year's party?"

Luke blushed slightly. "I don't know. I just remember thinking that some couples kiss as the ball drops. You were standing next to me, and I guess my subconscious thought it would be a good idea. It probably was, since when I kissed you, I got the answer to a question that had been bugging me all day."

"Which was…"

"Why I always felt strange around you."

"And the answer was…"

Luke leaned in close, still blushing and whispered in her ear. "I love you."

"I feel the same."

Both parties blushed as their feelings were finally spoken aloud. They shared a quick kiss, then closed their eyes and let sleep overtake them.

A/N Review time!

Latiash: Oh boy, here we go again.

This is actually part of the part coming up, so stay tuned.

Possibly. I won't rule that option out

Haven't decided.

Z-moves are an option but don't have plans for that. Thanks for understanding.

The reaction is not going to be included.

Movies are considered to have actually happened and do have an effect on the world.

Now the special: as small fact sheet about the pokemon that are on our main characters' teams.

Luke: A boy turned into a Latios at a young age. He is normally calm and collected but has a more laid side. We have his background, so I'll go to how he got some of his attacks that Latios's can't use. Aura spere is self-explanatory. Also, about that attack, in my world, aura sphere is fighting type plus the typing of its user. Any pokemon can learn how to use it, with enough training or a Lucario as a parent. He learned Teleport by speed training with Mew and getting so fast that he could get to places instantly. He and Ellie have recently become a thing.

Lucario: Lucario is Luke's starter and probably the strongest non-legendary on the team. Maturity wise, he's twelve. He acts as the leader and often helps plan training sessions. He prefers to stay out of his Pokeball but will go in as the need arises. If you need support, he's your guy. Sneak peek: his bond with Luke may give him some special abilities.

Duoblade: This sentient set of swords are extremely loyal since he would be a slave of Team Rocket if it weren't for Luke. A go-to partner for Luke if the latter needs to fight himself, as Luke is the only person Duoblade deems worthy of wielding him.

Samurott: This sea otter has a strong sense of honor and will fight with his all until he is out of the fight. Having been with Luke since Unova, he is one of the powerhouses of the team. He is currently courting Ellie's Serperior.

Talonflame: Having been found as a Fletching, this fire type was caught in a strong wind that sent him to Unova. He is really close with Luke and is often used for transportation.

Deoxys: Otherwise known as David, this space virus was discovered as a crystal that Luke's mom gave him as a good luck charm. He came out of stasis when two evolutions happened nearby and has been traveling with Luke ever since. Still considered a child by his race's standards, he can be serious when the time comes.

Exadrill: Caught as a Drillbur with a no-nonsense attitude, he can tunnel extremely quickly and has surprised many an opponent by popping out of unexpected places. If you can get past the rough exterior, he is just a big softy.

Keldeo: Maturity wise a child, he's was entrusted to Luke by the Swords of Justice. Playful tendencies make him tough to deal with at times, but he knows how to focus on battles and training after many, many, hours of work.

Luxio: This electric lion is a bit of a troublemaker. He always has an idea for a prank. While his teammates do not always happy with this, Luke has come up with a fighting style that keeps opponents on their toes.

Golurk: This gentle giant hardly ever talks in complicated sentences, favoring short, to-the-point phrases. He tends to use powerful long-ranged attacks, then tanks damage as he comes in with physical moves to finish them off. His major weakness is his speed.

Deino: This little guy may look cute, but he is ferocious in battle. He used to have a "holier-than-thou" attitude but has put in his place since. He is a master of the hit-and-run.

Type Null (know as Null): This stubborn pokemon is quite the handful. Think Ash's Charizard stubborn. As such, he is not used in battle often. He has gotten better, but Luke still has a long way to go to unlocking his true potential.

Dartix: Luke's Alolan starter acts like a stereotypical teenager. Luke is currently working on making sure he won't stop battling to preen his feathers

Dratini: This shy dragon is working on overcoming her fears. She prefers curling around Luke's arm when out of her Pokeball

Treeko: Rescued from an abusive trainer, Treeko has learned that his old trainer was the bottom of the barrel and his new one is the cream of the crop. He is loyal and steadfast, glad that he got a new trainer.

Ellie: As a young girl, she helped a heavily injured Latias. The Latias decided that she was already about to die, she would turn Ellie into a hybrid. She also imparted her knowledge about how to use her abilities as a Latias. The first person to know about this is Luke's mom. She and Luke have just begun dating.

Serperior: This grass snake is Ellie's starter and the love interest of Luke's Samurott. Her style of combat is to hit hard and hit fast. She can take a hit or two, though.

Palpitoad: Ellie's first catch has a high defense that allows him to outlast his opponents. He then pelts them with ranged attacks until they break.

Darmanitan: This firey monkey is abnormally calm and can enter Zen Mode and throw enemies just as fast as he can throw punches normally.

Unfezant: Ellie's flying type in very self-absorbed and does not like getting dirty. She prefers to stay far away before diving in and landing a blow, only to fly away again.

Zorua: This trickster is very young and had just started battling when she met Ellie. She now is a strong battler and knows how to use her illusions to her advantage.

Boldore: This stoic rock type prefers to tank damage before landing the deciding blow.

Popplio: This energetic seal practically begged Ellie to choose her when they cam to Alola. She is fun-loving and loves to play with her friends.

Oricorio: This dancing bird knows how to carry a tune and more often than not, her opponents become confused by her dance moves.

Rockruff: This playful pup is very close with Zorua and they are often seen wrestling.

Mudbray: The pony is often used as Ellie's mount. She enjoys running circles around her opponents and spraying dirt everywhere.

Whew! That took some effort, both to write and read. If you are still here, congrats! You get a prise, a mini-chapter!

Chapter 10.5:

Luke slowly opened his eyes and saw that Ellie currently snuggled up to him, and they were in a cave. As he looked down at his girlfriend's sleeping form, he realized that the events he thought had been a dream were real.

He decided to wake up Ellie, but he would have some fun. He began to lightly run his fingers up her side. She squirmed in her sleep, so Luke continued. Soon, Ellie was awake and trying (and failing) to suppress a laugh as Luke tickled her. After they both were awake, they packed up and left.

As they walked away, Luke asked, "Ellie, do you know Heal Pulse?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I think I hurt myself falling for you."

Luke was rewarded with a light punch to the shoulder and a blushing girlfriend. "Don't worry, I'll take you on an official date after we reach civilization." His reward was his girlfriend blushing even more and her hugging him from the side.

Lucario and David were walking a bit behind them. David turned to his friend. "Hope they don't turn all mushy on us."

"Don't worry. If anything, there will be more playful banter like this."

A/N Now the story is done. A couple of reminders: The poll on my account is still open. All fan art is still being expected. I'm handling aura differently than canon, but I can't really explain it. The best I can say is: look through my favorites as it will be a combination of all of the ones that handle aura.

See you guys next time!