Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this update took longer than expected. I just had my midterms so I couldn't find the time to sit down and write but now I have. I just want to thank all of you for the love and support on this fic! Especially to those who have reviewed it. I wish all of you would enjoy this concluding chapter too because I worked extremely hard on this one.
(I recently rewatched "Scandal" and I stumbled across the breakup scene between Edison and Olivia and I thought I'd incorporate their conversation into this story hehehe)
Harvey sits in his office after a long day. He stares outside the window of the 50th floor with a glass of scotch in his left hand.
There's something about the New York skyline, he finds it therapeutic. Is it because of the lights? Probably. New York becomes a starry festival at night. Is it because the view reminds him of how he's on the top of the world? An even better theory. He's been to the top of the mountain. But it's really the peace the sight brings that he finds comfort in. Sometimes he gets too distracted with work he forgets to notice the little things.
Just as he gets in too deep in his thoughts, his phone vibrates and he answers the call.
"Harvey. I'm not here to pick a fight, I just wanted to thank you for helping me."
"You have Donna to thank for that."
"I know, I already did." Her words shock him.
Scottie and Donna were never friends. Sure, they were acquainted and spoke on several occasions (only when they needed to) but the two women never genuinely liked each other. But despite the shock, he is glad they were able to settle their differences aside. He admired Donna's maturity for defending Scottie and convincing him to ask Samantha to back down.
"Good to know." He says calmly.
"So, got any plans on telling her soon?" She asks
"Tell her what?"
"Come on, Harvey. Everybody knows you two are meant to be together." Scottie syas like it's the most obvious thing on the planet.
"Scottie, I don't feel comfortable-" He tries to explain his discomfort in discussing their relationship with his ex.
"Hear me out." Scottie interrupts. "Your relationship with Donna has always been complicated. I never really got why you guys would jump in front of trains for each other. And I gotta admit, at one point, I was jealous." She adds
"But?" Harvey knows she has more to say.
"But I always knew you two had a connection deeper than I could ever understand. You love each other. I never could have competed with that." There is a sadness to the way she said that last line and he swallows.
He feels a rush of guilt building up in his stomach. It's not that Scottie wasn't a good lover, she was. It's just that no matter how good their relationship was or how great the sex was, at some point they'd always get back to competing against each other for personal gain.
"Scottie, I'm really sorry things didn't work out between us." Harvey said and he meant it. Scottie would always be dear to him, she was his only serious relationship. Sure, they were the on-again-off-again type but he did learn a lot from being with her throughout the years.
"You don't need to apologize, Harvey. I'll find my own match someday. I just hope you get the courage to be with yours. Don't miss your chance"
"You take care, Scottie."
Harvey hangs up and take a deep breath. He takes a big gulp of his scotch as Scottie's voice rings in his ears. Is she right? Of course she is. People will eventually get tired of waiting. He knows Donna is the one, she's always been the one.
Could now be the right time to ask her where they stand? It's not too late is it? They've gotten back to their occasional flirty banter. Donna didn't take too long to forgive him for what happened with Paula. But even if he wanted to have a serious conversation about her, he could never find the right time, the topic would just never come up even in their late night office-drinking sessions.
Fuck this he thinks to himself. He doesn't care about his fear of rejection anymore, he needs to talk to her about giving them a shot. No more excuses and no more lies, he's finally going to go all in.
"Hey." Harvey says as he sees Donna walking towards the elevator.
"Hey." She answers as she slowly turns around. There is a bit of tension there, it never really went away after the whole Paula fiasco.
"I just wanted you to know-"
"Scottie called to thank me, Harvey." She interrupts
"That's funny, she just called me." He answers, hoping his tone would convince her that he's surprised even though he already knew that.
"Well, I guess she's grateful to both of us." She says with a smile. God, that smile just lights up the room. So sweet, so pure, so genuine.
Harvey's hands are in his pockets. He brings his right one up to rub his nose. God, he's such a pussy. No other woman could make him this nervous.
"I guess so. Um, did she say something to you about…" He trails. This is it, no turning back. Now is finally the right time to talk about them.
"About what?" Donna stills. Harvey looks nervous, he's almost never nervous. He's always been the type to be extremely confident even when he has nothing in his hands. So for him to look this rattled, it could either be very important or very personal. She sort of gets a hint at where this conversation is going and she's not sure if she's ready to hear it, but at the same time, she can't not hear this.
"Oh! Perfect timing." No it isn't.
"Thomas! I thought we were meeting downstairs?" Donna mentally curses but is actually surprised that Thomas came all the way up to see her. She just told Louis that she'd eventually tell Harvey she was seeing him but she didn't know how to bring it up, it's not exactly an easy conversation to engage in. especially with someone like Harvey.
"Well I got here a little early, I thought I'd come meet you." Thomas says.
Donna doesn't know what to do. Does she introduce him to Harvey as her boyfriend? Is he already her boyfriend? They just started seeing each other although she knows she really likes him.
"Oh, Harvey, this is-"
"Thomas Kessler, we've met. Nice to see you again" And the two men exchange handshakes. Donna looks down at both their hands and doesn't know how to react.
"You too. Louis always spoke very highly of you." Thomas says with a smile.
"You too." Harvey says. To Donna's surprise, Harvey is taking the situation very well. But there is an awkward pause just as he says that. What does Donna do to break the silence? Should she say something? Anything?
"Well, shall we?" Thomas finally says after three seconds and she thanks the heavens for allowing him to do what she couldn't.
"Of course. Good night, Harvey." Donna turns to him.
"Good night." He gives her a small awkward smile. They both step into the elevator and Donna tries to not look at him. Holy fuck, how the hell will tomorrow go? She'll have to find out when the time comes.
Harvey doesn't know what hit him, he's barely keeping up with what just happened. Did Donna just introduce her new boyfriend to him? She has a boyfriend? And not just any man, Thomas Kessler, a client.
Thanks a lot, Scottie. He thinks to himself. He needs another drink, maybe another bottle.
Harvey got up the next morning with a pounding headache, must be because of all the scotch he had last night. He almost hadn't gotten drunk in years, he always controlled his liquor intake. Maybe last night he was hoping all the scotch would make him forget about the fact that he just witnessed Donna moving on before his very eyes.
He takes an advil, no, make that two. He has a long day ahead, client meetings and some merger papers to work through. He can't be distracted or sick or hungover or heartbroken, he can't afford to today.
An hour later he arrives at the firm and is surprised to see Thomas outside his office.
"Harvey. I had a little extra time I thought I'd take Donna out to lunch but she wasn't in her office so I thought you would know where she was." Thomas extends his right hand for a handshake and Harvey reciprocates.
"Well she isn't here. She's probably out with Louis and Sheila, they've been planning this lunch for a week now." He explains
"Oh very well. I'll just give her a call and see if she'll be up for dinner tonight."
"Good. I've got some meetings to attend to if you don't mind." He walks past the man and into his office.
"Harvey," Thomas says as he enters the office. "Would you like to get a drink sometime? I would very much like to get acquainted with Donna's colleagues." Thomas says sincerely.
He really is a good man, that's the aura he's been giving off and it makes Harvey sick. He doesn't want to blow the man off but he spent 12 years pretending and faking, he doesn't want to do that anymore so he decides to be blunt.
"Thomas, I don't mean to be rude but… you and I… we can't be friends." Harvey says with a sigh.
"I'm sorry?" Thomas is genuinely confused.
"It's nothing personal or against you."
"And how exactly is that not personal?"
"Trust me, you wouldn't want to know." He pauses. He doesn't know how to tell him that he physically can't deal with the pain of being friends with the man who's dating the love of his life. How exactly do you word that? He can't seem to think clearly right now so he decides to not explain at all. "Just… take care of her, will you?" he adds.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?"
"You mean you haven't heard the rumors?" His relationship with Donna has always been the talk of the town, especially in the firm among the interns and paralegals. Of course none of them know the real deal but they've always fought like a couple, against each other and for each other.
Thomas' silence is proof that he genuinely has no idea about their history and that he's in the process of figuring it out. "Well, like I said, you wouldn't wanna know. Now if you'll excuse me…" Harvey gestures to the door and Thomas sees himself out.
In the early hours of the night, Donna finds herself marching down Harvey's office.
"Donna, now is not a good time." Harvey says as he's currently buried in tons of paperwork for the West Merger.
Donna shuts the door so no one could overhear the intense conversation they were about to have and turns around to face him. "Do you have a problem with Thomas?"
"Did you bug my office again?" he asks sarcastically. He knows his office is bugged and that she still listens to all his private conversations, which is exactly why he chose to have that talk with Thomas in his office so she could listen.
"Cut the crap, Harvey. I'm being serious."
"No, Donna. I don't." He looks up and drops the pen he was holding not too long ago.
"But you don't particularly like him." She states, it was no longer a question because based on what she heard, she already knew he despises Thomas.
"Just because you like him doesn't mean I should. You never liked Scottie." He tries to justify his side.
"Scottie was a different story, you guys were toxic for each other and you know it." She says.
"Why are you bringing this up, Donna? If your relationship with him is as solid as you think it is, then why the hell should my opinion matter to you?" He asks. He knows where this conversation is going, he can feel it. It's not going to be pretty or easy.
"Because I know you better than anyone else and I know when you're lying. My relationship with Thomas bothers you, you just won't admit it." She tries to do her Donna magic on him again.
"No, it doesn't."
"Who are you trying to convince, Harvey? Me or yourself?" Donna's tone is giving off the hint that she's furious, she has a right to be. And she's correct, who is he trying to convince?
"Why do you keep ruining this for me?" she interrupts him. Tears start forming in her eyes. She can't believe that after what he did to her, he still has the balls to jeopardize another relationship.
"I'm not ruining anything! I'm staying away from it, aren't I?" Which is also true. He's avoiding being involved with the two of them. Which is exactly why he told Thomas why they can't be friends.
"Like that's gonna help?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"I want you to tell me the goddamn truth!" Donna screams.
"I love you!" Harvey screams back and Donna is silenced." You want me to say it, there I said it."
Donna takes a moment to process what he just said before taking in a breath, she didn't realized she stopped breathing.
"And I know I don't have the right to say that anymore, not after what I did to you. But… I see the way you look at him. I know because you used to look at me that way." Harvey's voice breaks as he says the last line. He is hurt. He is in anguish. And she's the only one who can make him feel that way.
"I know I screwed things up, Donna. I know you're moving on and I can see why. Thomas is great, he's stable, he's more."
More. That's their word. Not hers and Thomas'.
"He's someone I can never be; that's why I can't stand him." Harvey admits. "But as much as it kills me to see you with him, I'm going to be happy for you because that's how much I love you." He adds.
He said it. Again.
There is a full minute of silence after those three words came out of his mouth. Donna is in disbelief. She never knew she could hurt him this much, she never thought she would be the cause of a heartbroken Harvey Specter. But her she is, in his office, witnessing Harvey Specter confessing his love to her but she can't do anything about it because she's with someone.
"Harvey-" she struggles to find words. He is also the only one who can leave her speechless. It's insane how much they want each other. It's insane how much they belong together. It's insane how much happier they both could be if they just got together. But then again, they're both insane.
"You don't have to say anything, Donna. It'll be easier that way."
"Why now?" Donna asks with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Why tell me how you love me now when I'm with someone?"
"I just thought you should know, before I let you go." He whispers.
He spent the whole day thinking about it. They're just gonna keep running in circles if they continue this. Donna tried to help his relationship with Paula by resigning. So for her to be happy, he's gotta give something up too. So he decided he's giving her up.
"You're letting me go?" Donna asks and her heart breaks. She's hoping he answers No. Don't let me go, Harvey. Fight for me.
"Be happy, Donna." He repeats those words to her and she's frozen. He leaves Donna in his office and heads to the bathroom. He feels like throwing up. He can't breathe, he can't see, there's a ringing in his ears.
Donna on the other hand is still unable to move. More tears fall out of her eyes as those words play on repeat in her head and sink into her brain. Be happy, Donna.
Donna sits on her couch in her apartment again. Still not being able to function. The last time she was like this, she resigned from the firm to make Paula and Harvey's relationship work. Harvey's words still linger in her head and it has been haunting her for the past two hours.
That's how much I love you.
I see the way you look at him.
Thomas is great, he's more.
I know because you used to look at me that way.
He's someone I can never be.
Be happy, Donna.
Loud knocks awake her from her chance and she rushes over to the door hoping to see Harvey there but is disappointed when she sees her boyfriend instead.
"Thomas, I didn't know you were coming over." She really didn't. Her mind was too busy thinking of someone else.
"Is this a bad time? I got us some takeout." He shows her a bag of Chinese food. He doesn't even know her that well. If he were Harvey, he'd bring her favorite shitty Thai food.
"That's very sweet of you. Here, let me have it, I'll heat it up and set the table." Donna grabs the bag and tries to use the preparation of their food as a way to help calm her down.
Almost fifteen minutes have passed since they've both sat at her dining table. She's still unable to eat and Thomas notices.
"Donna, is something wrong? you've barely touched your food." Thomas asks and he's genuinely concerned.
"Oh, it's nothing, Thomas. I just have my mind on a lot of things right now." She explains hoping it's enough to convince him.
"It doesn't seem like nothing. If it's bothering you this much, you should talk to me about it." He tries to initiate a conversation.
"You wouldn't understand."
"Does this have something to do with Harvey?" Her eyes widen and she gasps softly. She shouldn't have reacted that way, he'll sense something going on. Fuck.
"Why do you ask?"
"Word gets around. I know you both have a complicated relationship." He says. She wonders if he actually did some digging and asked people around about the two of them or if he just figured it out after what Harvey said earlier this morning.
"You don't say." She chuckles sarcastically.
"Why don't we make it simple?"
"What do you mean?"
"My company is planning to expand to Miami. My general counsel and I have been looking into it and it's good business, great market, and a big opportunity." He says
"Thomas, that's great-"
"Let me finish." He interrupts. "While we expand into Miami, I plan to move there. I've visited the city a couple of times and it grew on me. I know what we have is relatively new but Donna, I can picture a life with you. Move to Miami with me." He adds.
Did he just ask her to move to another city with him? This man she's only known for a little over a week? He must be out of his mind.
"Move to Miami? But Thomas, my life is here. In New York." She tries to explain. And by life, she means Harvey Specter.
"I'm not talking about right now but soon, maybe a couple of months. Miami is beautiful, I'm certain you'll love it too. Sure, it's not New York but it's simple, it's easy, it's… normal." He insists.
"Normal…" her answers trails
"Why do you say that with such bad taste?" he asks, confused as to why she would say it that way.
"It's not that, Thomas. It's… I don't want simple, or easy, or normal." She looks at him teary-eyed. It's true, she's never had anything normal in her life. It has always been fast-paced so for her to slow down and settle down with someone she barely knows terrifies her.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"Thomas, you are a good man. But this idea, it's too overwhelming. We just started seeing each other and-" she gets interrupted
"Donna, if this is too much for you, you could always sleep on it and think it through-" he tries his best to be optimistic.
"I don't want that, Thomas. My life is here, it's always been here. And I have a job that I fought so hard to get and that I love. I can't give that up." She uses her job as an excuse to stay. Hoping that he doesn't figure out the real reason why she can't leave.
"Is this about your job or is this about Harvey?" Too late, he's figured it out.
"No, It's just… I don't want simple, or easy, or normal." She repeats. "I want painful, mind-blowing, excruciating, extraordinary love. Don't you want that for yourself too?"
It doesn't make sense, What she said doesn't make sense and she knows that. But things don't have to makes sense for it to be true. Because that's what she has with Harvey. Painful, excruciating, mind-blowing, extraordinary love.
It's one of a kind. It's exciting, it's challenging, it's life-changing. It's the type of love that takes your breath away and leaves you wanting more. She can never have that with Thomas.
Harvey is right, Thomas is perfect. He's the ideal husband. Hardworking, kind, caring, gentle, an overall great person. Any woman would be lucky to have a Thomas Kessler in her life. But she isn't that woman.
It's funny how it takes a perfect man like Thomas to make her conclude that no one can actually live up to her love for Harvey Specter. No matter how complicated he is.
"So, this is about Harvey." Thomas puzzles the pieces together and she sucks on his upper teeth in disappointment.
"I'm sorry, Thomas."
"Donna, love isn't supposed to be painful or excruciating. Love isn't supposed to hurt." He says as he gets up and grabs his coat from the counter. "Do yourself a favor and go after what you want." He leaves the room.
Harvey was able to calm himself down after that painful conversation with Donna that caused him to have a heart attack. He goes back to his office and sits on his couch. He doesn't know what to do. He did the right thing, right? He let her go. He let her be happy. He's supposed to be happy for her but he's not. He's empty, he's broken, he's lifeless.
He needs to get this out of his chest so he grabs his phone and calls Mike.
"Why isn't it my favorite douchebag" Mike answers after three rings.
"Hey fraud. I was just calling to see if you're up for a chat. Unless of course you got your hands full on some old ladies threatening to sue the condo association."
"Nahh, my old ladies are busy suing the vet for doing a terrible job on grooming their puppies. But yes, I'm always up for a chat especially if it's with an old friend. Emphasis on the word 'old'." He counters
"Back at it again with the old man jokes. Do you ever get sick of it?"
"Get sick of making fun of Harvey Specter? Never." Mike laughs.
Harvey lets out a long and tired sigh. Things were never the same after Mike and Rachel left for Seattle. Their wedding and them going away to start a new life together made Harvey realize how there are things more to life than just work. Mike has everything now and he has nothing. Although, he could have everything, he just chose not to.
"I miss you, buddy." Harvey says
"I miss you too, Harvey." He answers. "Mind telling me what's going on?"
"Why are you assuming something is wrong?"
"I can hear it in your voice." He definitely heard something more to that sigh Harvey just gave a few seconds ago. That didn't sound like a normal i-had-a-long-day-at-work sigh. There was something about it that felt very personal.
"Is that a new superpower you learned in Seattle?" Harvey tries to avoid the conversation by starting another banter with his protégé.
"No it isn't. Seriously Harvey, what is it?" Mike notices Harvey trying to avoid the conversation and gets right back into it.
Harvey knows Mike isn't the type to let things go easily. So he gives up on trying to act like he's okay and open ups. "I told her."
"Wow. And?" Mike is surprised. Harvey Specter finally had the balls to tell Donna how he feels. This calls for a celebration! Or so he thought.
"She's seeing someone now. Thomas Kessler, Louis' client"
"I'm sorry, Harvey." Well, he expected a happy conclusion to the news but he'd be lying if he said he didn't see this coming.
"It's fine. It was bound to happen. I guess she really did mean it when she said she was moving on." Harvey admits.
"Well, considering how closely you two were dancing at our wedding, I actually thought things were fine between you two."
He thought so too. After the dancing, every guest started going home one by one. Donna and Rachel were too busy crying and bidding their goodbyes while Harvey and Mike were outside getting some fresh air.
Harvey told Mike to kick ass in Seattle and be the best lawyer anyone has ever seen.
And Mike told Harvey to be with the one he loves now before it's too late.
But now, it is too late. Donna's already found Thomas.
"I don't think things are getting back to normal, Mike. I don't know how we can move on from here." He says. There are only two people in the world Harvey allows himself to be vulnerable to. Mike and Donna.
"You two are probably the biggest idiots I know." Mike says.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." He states. "What you two have, there's no word to describe it. The feelings you have for each other are filled with so much passion and power, it consumes you both. Everyone knows that."
And he's not wrong. Romance doesn't have enough power in it, or enough depth. Harvey and Donna are so much more than just romance.
"She's with someone now, Mike. And he's perfect."
There is a long silence after that. Mike doesn't want to say anything too frank and blunt because he knows Harvey is vulnerable now. But he can't stand to know that is friend is this miserable especially when he knows that something can still be done about it.
"You know, for someone who does whatever it takes to win, you have a funny way of fighting for the woman you love." Another fact. Harvey swallows and clenches his jaw. He needed to hear this right now especially after what happened today.
"She's happy, Mike." His protégé hears the pain in those words.
"She could be, or she could be happier with you." He counters and Harvey gets to thinking.
"You're losing her, Harvey. Could be for good. Don't let this be your first and biggest loss." Mike hangs up and Harvey is convinced. He never should've let her go. He should've fought for her like he would for a case in court. Heck, he should've fought for her like his life depended on it. Because that's what Donna is: his everything.
He needs to tell her that he's wasted too much time already. He needs to tell her that she's the only one that gets him. He needs to tell her that when he's with her, his poker chips are always up.
Harvey gets up and starts marching towards the elevator. He calls Ray and asks him to pick him up downstairs. He's going to win Donna over.
Donna sits in her dining chair for another 5 minutes before getting up to wash the dishes. She feel bad, she definitely does. She didn't mean to hurt Thomas or Harvey for that was never her intention.
She just wanted to be happy for once. Is that really too much to ask? She just wants the world to stop spinning for a moment. But it can't, the world keeps spinning and life goes on. But she's stuck. She's never getting over Harvey, she just proved that hypothesis.
She's sick of waiting for life to makes things happen for her. So at that moment, she decides to make things happen for herself.
She grabs her coat and grabs her boots and heads out of her apartment. She makes her way down the hallway and presses the button to call the elevator.
She needs to see Harvey and tell him she feels the same way. She needs to tell him how he's the only one who can make her feel like she's powerful yet powerless at the same time. She needs to tell him that they belong together, because they both already know that, it's just time to take the risk.
As soon as the elevator doors open, she sees Harvey there. He's panting, she's panting. He's shocked to see her there and she feels the same way.
All of the words they wanted to say to each other are now lost in the back of their heads. Their hearts are in sync this time, and words are no longer need. She sees the look on his face and suddenly time stops.
Because Harvey is finally ready.