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Disclaimer: I don't own any Harry Potter characters.

A/N: The following AU short story was inspired by 'Size Matters' by Laurielove; a must read for those who love hilarious humour with their lemonade. I doubt my interpretation of a similar scenario is anywhere near as funny, considering it's coming from Severus' pov as opposed to the girls', but I have made an effort to keep it light. And very lemony, of course. This story features Severus/Hermione with some Ginny thrown in for fun, and they will be very naughty indeed. :P Hermione is a few months short of 20 (or actually is, if you consider time-turner use) and Ginny is a month shy of 18 (but as we all know, 17 is considered the age of majority in the Wizarding world, so everyone is a consenting adult. :D) Severus is 39 but can pass for at least 10 years younger because he's such a powerful wizard. The Severus in my head is still played by Alan Rickman, but a much younger version. (He was about 55 years old when he made the first movie.) This brilliant actor was bloody gorgeous as a young man (seriously, google his pics if you don't believe me) and was still worth a look or twenty in his later years. (He will be forever missed and adored.) Alternatively, Adrien Brody or Adam Driver also make good thirties looking Snapes if you'd like to picture either of them instead. :D

A Comparable Nose

Part 1 of the 'Comparable' series

Setting the Stage:

July 23, 1999.

Severus Snape couldn't wait for the class to end any more than the restless students trapped with him in the chilly dungeon room could.

It was the last Potions class of the school year for him. The last Potions class ever for the 7th and 8th years. They'd already taken their final exams a few days ago and now everyone was just going through the motions.

Many of the teachers at Hogwarts had simply let the teenagers sit and chat through their final few days of classes, but Severus was never one to let an opportunity to force even a modicum of further knowledge into their dunderheaded brains slip past. And as such, his final class of the year was now halfheartedly scratching out an essay on the pros and cons of common, everyday type potions that could usually be found in any Wizarding household.

To make it worth their time, he was awarding House points to the top five essays. And considering the state of the nearly tied Hourglasses in the entrance hall, a few points one way or another could make all the difference when the winner was announced at tonight's Leaving feast. He wasn't expecting much from them, but at least the illusion of making an effort was being maintained.

Of course, the two most likely to achieve a satisfactory result were already finished and now had their autumn coloured heads bent close together as they whispered in hushed tones to each other, talking about their outfits for the evening.

Severus wasn't impressed.

Not about the finished work; that was almost worth a sigh of relief that some students, at least, were capable of focusing for an hour straight. But about the whispering in his class. He generally couldn't stand the disrespect it showed, or the fact that he could almost always hear what they were saying.

His extremely sensitive and large nose wasn't the only overdeveloped tool of the senses that he possessed.

"Miss Granger. Miss Weasley," he snapped from his position behind his desk to the two girls in the front row only a few feet away and off to the left from him. Their eyes snapped upwards guiltily and he repressed the urge to smirk, maintaining his stern frown out of sheer practice. "If you have time to talk, you have time to write an additional nine inches of essay for me."

He flicked his pitch black wand at the rolled up parchment on their desks and the necessary length of paper was added to the end of each essay.

The brunette and the redhead narrowed their eyes at him in displeasure but were wise enough not to complain out loud after suffering through seven years of his strict teaching. He focused on the wild haired one and could easily make out the thought of, Bastard, in her firewhisky eyes.

Feisty witch. He cocked an eyebrow at her and she shuttered her thoughts behind her thick eyelashes. Severus glanced at the smooth haired ginger; her eyes were already back down.

"Yes, Professor Snape," they mumbled in near synchronicity, picking up their quills once again and bending their heads to their task. There was still half an hour left in class, so Severus didn't feel even remotely bad about making them write a wee bit more.

Draco tittered from the other side of the room and Severus shot him a look which shut the pale blond boy up instantly. Merlin, will that boy ever grow up? Leaving the Malfoy brat to his sulk, Severus swept his hard gaze over the rest of the class of young adults, reinforcing his mastery of them, daring someone else to step out of line. All eyes shot down to their parchments in a flash of self preservation.

Severus allowed his smirk to emerge as he turned his focus back to marking the stack of scrolls from the final sixth year class from earlier that morning. (They'd been assigned a similar essay on why buying common household potions from cheap sources was never a good idea.) All things considered, life was fairly bearable right now. Some would even say his life was better than all right. He wouldn't go quite that far, but there were definitely a few points in the positive column.

He wasn't dead like he had thought he would be at this point, two years ago.

He was no longer saddled with the abominable task of being Headmaster and having to deal with reams of paperwork and letters from annoying parents. (That was McGonagall's headache now. Hehe.)

His health was better than it had been in years and he was feeling practically twenty again with the amount of energy he seemed to have now that he was getting a proper amount of stress free sleep every night.

And best of all, there was some prime eye candy sitting only feet from him, smelling heavenly, and looking oh so fuckable with her near permanent case of 'I just got out of bed after a night of glorious shagging' hair and that puffy lower lip that she nibbled on unconsciously while writing.

The brilliant Ms. Hermione Granger was the first student to ever equal himself in terms of intelligence and as far as he was concerned, she was easily the best looking witch to walk through the halls of Hogwarts in his entire tenure at the school. He had every intention of mustering up his courage and looking her up after she'd settled into her new life and asking her out for a butterbeer.

Assuming she didn't mind going out with a wizard nineteen years her senior, that is. And a former teacher. But he knew she was currently unattached, and from catching more than a few of her thoughts over the last year, he knew she was uninspired by the boys her age or younger and their perpetual infantile ways, so he was hoping a more mature minded man would be more to her taste. And with any luck, she would take into consideration the fact that he would age very slowly, considering how powerful of a wizard he was.

He also knew, from her vibrant and orderly mind, that they would probably enjoy talking to each other about countless subjects once released from the 'student and teacher' relationship they were currently constrained to.

The only thing he didn't know, because he'd never caught her thinking of him that way, was whether or not she thought he was attractive enough to catch her interest.

"Hey, Ginny."


And then his sensitive ears picked up on another hushed conversation from the front row that nearly had him whipping his head up in displeasure.

"Do you think it's true, what they say about noses and certain other body parts?"

But after hearing Hermione's question, he kept his head down and pretended to concentrate on his marking, dying of curiosity to see where this was going.

"Uhhhh. No idea. Why?"

"I was listing the pros to a decongestant potion which made me think of noses, and then I glanced up and his nose was just there, on display between the sides of his hair, and then I remembered something I heard Lavender say about noses being comparable to penises."

The Weasley girl nearly choked on her shock at Hermione's words. "Wh…What?"

Severus somehow restrained the urge to do some of his own choking.

"I mean, look at it. It's rather magnificently large, don't you think? And if that comparison is true, that means that something else he possesses should also be magnificently large."

I like to think so, at least, Severus thought rather proudly, feeling a twitch in his trousers as if to second the opinion. And Merlin, did she just call my godawful nose magnificent? That has got to be a positive sign.

"Uh, yeah. I guess. His nose is clearly larger than most. Aquiline, I think they call it, when it curves out like that."

Severus could feel their gazes on him now, assessing. He shifted uncomfortably in his hard wooden chair, trying to ignore the fact that the other subject in question inside his trousers also thought this conversation to be incredibly fascinating, but failing miserably as things became considerably less roomy. To help them with their assessment, he 'absently' brushed his long hair back behind his ear and continued to keep his eyes trained on the parchment in front of him.

"But it's proportionate to his face, for sure," Hermione whispered emphatically. "I mean, look at those prominent cheekbones."

"Yeah," Ginny sighed out quietly.

"Those beautiful, cutting edge cheekbones," Hermione sighed out just as quietly.

Holy shite! Severus nearly fell off his chair, said cheekbones blooming in heat. He covered it by pretending to search for something in a drawer.

Taking deep breaths to semi control his bodily reactions to Hermione's declaration, Severus stood abruptly, thankful for his draping robes that hid so many sins, and proceeded to walk about the classroom in a show of checking on everyone's progress.

There was still twenty-five minutes left in class and he wasn't sure if he was going to make it with his sanity intact.

The girls studiously focused on their essays when Severus had abruptly stood up, but as he walked towards the back of the room, walking up and down the rows, raising a disapproving eyebrow at the odd essay that only half filled the required length of parchment, they started whispering again. And, oh Merlin, he could still hear them. It was like his sensitive hearing and his innate ability as a Legilimens had connected and conspired to torture him further.

"I heard that big feet were also an indicator of size elsewhere," the youngest Weasley progeny whispered with a rather wicked undertone, apparently getting into the spirit of things. "Does Snape have big feet?"

"I don't know. I've never really looked at his feet. I keep getting distracted by the top half," Hermione said with a hint of a giggle. "He's so dreamy, don't you think?"

Merlin help me. Severus had to stop and pretend to read Longbottom's essay over his shoulder, making the boy's hand tremble on his quill, causing funny inkblots. The shocked professor hardly noticed. How long has she been looking at me like that?

"I guess he does have pretty eyes, when he's not glaring death threats at us," Ginny whispered back.

I do NOT glare death threats, Severus sneered as he turned away from Longbottom and continued on. (Neville nearly whimpered as he assumed the sneer was for his work.) I glare death WARNINGS! And honestly, it's been at least a year since I've glared at Hermione. I don't even know if I could anymore.

"I know, right?! Like pools of the deepest obsidian with brilliant galaxies hidden within. And those eyelashes… Merlin."

That had Ginny giggling quietly. "Guys do seem to get the better eyelashes and they don't even know it. His hair's nicer than I remember, too, actually. Is it just me or is it cleaner and fluffier?"

"Oh, it's definitely better kept now," Hermione said happily. "I guess he has more time to take care of it properly now that he's not… ummmm."


"And I like how he's let it grow even longer. Makes him look like classic royalty."

Thank you. It WAS the look I was going for, even if Lucius had a good laugh when he came back from his extended vacation on the continent.

"I would have said more like a snobby pure-blood, but yours sounds better. I didn't know you fancied Snape so much, Mione. You've been keeping secrets."

Has she ever. I would have liked to have found this out much sooner. A whole school year's worth of clandestine meetings, wasted.

"I didn't know, either, not till recently anyways."

All right, no clandestine meetings. Pity. If you don't count my wanking fantasies, that is.

And then two new voices were added to the whisperings, overlapping with the girls' conversation and annoying the avidly listening professor.

"What are the girls whispering about?"

"I don't know. Can't hear properly. Cast a charm."

Severus turned in time to catch the flash of a wand being used somewhat discreetly under the desk. He chuckled inwardly. Oh, you are not going to like what you're hearing, boys, I can guarantee that.

Ginny continued, oblivious to the now eavesdropping young wizards behind her. "What changed your mind? What brought him up from 'Worst Teacher Ever' to hellooooo 'Professor Bow Chicka Bow Wow'?"

Severus snorted loudly enough to make three students nearby jump. He also missed Hermione's reaction because of it. Professor Bow Chicka Bow Wow? Where do Muggles come up with this rubbish? And the new Muggle Studies professor is clearly in need of a talking to in regards to suitable learning material. I'll have to remember to mention it to Minerva.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't think it was a sudden thing. I know my respect for him went up by leaps and bounds after the war. And I know that I've actually been looking forward to taking his classes, but there was no light bulb moment of discovery. What I do know is that the faceless man in my fantasies is no longer faceless, and every time I see him, I notice something new about him that appeals to me."

"Wow. Just wow."

You said it, Miss Weasley. Severus was pretty much flabbergasted and it was all he could do to keep up his fluid stroll around the classroom. He wanted to tell all of the students to get the fuck out so he could pounce on the brilliant witch who had somehow managed to see beyond their past and come to the realization that a properly mature wizard was right in front of her nose. He was more than willing to be snatched up in her tiny hands at the earliest opportunity.

But he practiced his much overused restraint and continued on as if nothing was amiss, aiming back towards the front of the classroom in the slowest possible stroll along the outside edge. He allowed his gaze to coast over the subjects of his fascination and was almost surprised to see them still apparently working diligently on their essays, quills moving across parchment and everything. Those witches really are the most clever creatures. Severus would almost have thought that he'd been imagining the entire hushed conversation except for the utter stillness of the boys sitting at the table behind them, mouths agape unattractively, and quills poised above parchment, probably leaving massive ink blots.

Apparently Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley were not enthused with the topic of discussion by the girls that had dumped them within a month of returning for an unprecedented eighth year. (A truly chaotic and miserable war torn seventh year would do that.) They asked for it; casting an eavesdropping charm in my class. Must suck, finding out the hard way that their 'greasy old git' of a teacher could inspire such talk from the girls. I almost feel sorry for them.


Severus found himself filled with a sense of immense satisfaction to see the two troublemakers put in their place yet again. (The first times being the days the girls in question had come to their senses and realized that they were dating boys not even remotely worthy of them.) Unfortunately, they were somehow all still friends. (Apparently surviving a war makes unbreakable bonds. His stronger than ever friendship with Lucius came to mind as a good example.)

Severus was tempted to call them out for not working, but thought better of it as the girls' conversation resumed, not wanting to miss a word.

"Soooooo, what else have you found 'appealing' about His Royal Darkness over there?" Ginny asked.

Yes, please tell me.

Hermione paused in her studied writing and turned her head ever so slightly to glance at him as he approached the front of the classroom. Severus just managed to turn his gaze away in time to not be caught staring. "Well, there's his shoulders. They look strong and broad under his robes."

Ginny flicked her eyes over him as well, her lips curling up in appreciation. "Yes. Very yummy. What else?"

To give them more time to assess, he stopped at one of the many shelving units that lined his classroom walls and tidied the contents that didn't really need it. This took the girls out of his line of sight, except for the edge of his peripheral, but it was probably for the best anyway.

"His hands. So long and elegant. He could be a pianist with those fingers."

Why, thank you.

"Hmmm. I believe hands are also supposed to be comparable to penis sizes. Or was it thumbs?"

"I don't think it matters," Hermione giggled. "And look, his feet are definitely large as well. Those have to be size thirteen shoes, at least."

She sounded quite pleased with her discovery, and Severus found himself throbbing even further to life under his trousers, although he hadn't thought it was possible to get harder than he already was.

"Oh definitely a solid thirteen," Ginny confirmed. "I've seen more than my share of male footwear at home, so I would know. And for the record, there's not a single pair of thirteens at the Burrow. Charlie's twelves are as close as they get."

Severus couldn't help himself: he glanced over at the male Weasley to see his reaction to this rather telling statement as he moved on to the next bookcase that didn't need tidying. The boy was turning rather red to match his hair. It was bloody brilliant.

And then Hermione tipped it over into the best thing he'd ever heard.

"Well, I know Ron wears an eleven, and his 'equipment' is certainly of a matching size; just average. He also wasn't particularly inspiring in the stamina department."

The 'average' boy in question was practically purple now, and Potter had a hand clenched on his arm to keep Weasley in his chair, shaking his head frantically at him, afraid of an explosion that would cost them valuable House points. Well done, Mr. Potter.

"Merlin, I think that was TMI, Mione."

Not to me.

"I'm sure you'll get over it," Hermione said cheekily, quill still scratching away at her parchment as if her lips weren't moving.

Severus could practically hear Ginny's eyes rolling in her head. He definitely heard her huff indignantly. "Whatever. Back to more pleasant conversation; anything else on your list of Snape attributes?"

"His voice."

My voice?

"His voice?"

"Yes. I've decided it's the sexiest butter smooth and deep voice I've ever heard. Remember when I made that muggle recording of his lecture last month?"

You did WHAT?

"Yeah. It was very helpful for revision purposes."

"Obviously. Anyway, I was playing it back before the NEWTs, cramming in last minute studying, and fell asleep while it was playing. To make a long story short, I woke up coming. Apparently Snape can literally talk me into orgasm."

Good Merlin, woman, you're almost doing the same to me!

"Bloody hell!"

Miss Weasley wasn't the only one who said that quite a bit louder than a whisper. Her brother had also spit out the words as he popped off his chair despite Potter's attempts at restraining him.

As the rest of the class turned their focus on the latest entertainment, Hermione spun around in her seat and immediately flushed red with mortification as she realized that she'd been overheard by her the worst possible person; her ex.

"Ron! I… Um…," she spluttered in the face of the boy's hurt and incredulous expression as he all but crawled over his desk.

It didn't take Severus but a moment to decide to come to the rescue.

He spun around and glared one of his infamous death warnings at what appeared to be the offending person in his class, striding towards him with deliberate steps that sent his black robe billowing behind him. "Mr. Weasley! Is there something the matter that requires you to disturb the class so?"

Weasley's eyes tore from Hermione's red face and focused on Severus. He gulped and quickly sat back down, shaking his head as quickly as humanly possible. "No. No, Sir. Just something I… remembered." His eyes flashed at Hermione with a deep pain that the boy would just have to get over, for Severus had no intention of ever letting her go once he had her in his arms. (And there was no longer any question that she would be there as soon as possible; not with the way she'd been talking about him.)

Severus gave the ginger boy his sternest frown as he stopped beside Hermione's desk, surreptitiously sucking in another breath of her tempting scent of vanilla shampoo and clean woman.

Clean woman with a hint of underlying desire that was fading as her embarrassment took over her emotions.

Merlin again. Must find a way to get her to a bed as soon as possible!

"Do try and control your inclination towards any further outbursts for the next ten minutes, Mr. Weasley. I'm sure even you can manage that?"

Severus received a look of hate that slid right off him, having seen it so often over the years. "Yes, Sir."

"Good." He spun on his heel and aimed towards his desk again. As he walked away he let the words, "Five points from Gryffindor," float on the air behind him.

"Fucking git," Weasley mumbled.

Severus paused and looked back over his shoulder. "Five more, Mr. Weasley. I trust you're finished 'expressing yourself' now?"

Sullen silence was his only answer.

IF you didn't count the stream of unimaginative expletives shouting at him from within the boy's blue eyes.

Severus turned away again, severing the momentary and unwanted connection. Sometimes his 'gift' was more a curse.

He sat down at his desk and bored his wayward erection into settling down by whipping through the marking of a handful more essays. Most were just glanced over before quickly deciding they would not make the top five, so weren't worth his time, and as such, they were magically vanished with a mouthed word.

At the same time, he was devising a plan that he was fairly sure would bring the delightful Miss Granger into his bedroom by the end of the lunch hour. (He happened to know that she had no further classes to attend and was quite free to indulge in some mutual pleasure.) (Severus also happened to have the afternoon off, by some lucky twist of fate.)

At two minutes to the hour, Severus stood from his desk and casually walked to the storage room at the back of the class. He left the door open so as not to arouse suspicion, and made for the back wall of the very large closet filled with shelves full of potions ingredients and vials of finished potions. Pulling out his wand, he turned the shelving unit on the back wall into a swinging doorway, vanishing the bricks of the real wall as necessary.

There was now a door directly into his bedroom.

His suite of rooms were usually accessed through a similar hidden door in his office just down the hall, but Severus was quite happy to make a new door for this occasion. (He'd return the wall to normal later.)

After lighting a dozen large candles with a flick of his wand to ensure his bedroom was brighter than the closet, he left the 'secret' door open a crack, allowing a miniscule line of light to strike a side wall of the closet from his bedroom. Then he grabbed a tray full of blue potion filled vials destined for the hospital wing and returned to stand by his desk just in time for the bell to ring, signifying the end of the period.

Students practically leapt out of their chairs in relief and rushed to his desk to hand in their essays. Severus gave some of them quick nods of acknowledgement, if they bothered to meet to his eyes. The rest were ignored. He kept his peripheral focus on Hermione and Ginny, who were thankfully lingering slightly as they shouldered their bookbags, probably to avoid talking to the boys who were still shooting them confused and distressed looks as they walked out of the room all but backwards. He hadn't heard a peep from the girls since they realized that Potter and Weasley were listening to them, and he didn't blame them; that had to have been disconcerting.

As they took the necessary steps up to his desk, he addressed the young woman who had haunted him for longer than he'd care to admit. "Miss Granger, I was wondering if you would do me a favour?"

She looked up at him, startled, as she placed her rolled up essay on his desk on top of the pile. Her doe brown eyes met his and he immediately connected to her mind. Anything, anywhere, anytime, Professor, Sir.

I am so taking you up on that, witch.

"Of course, Professor Snape. What can I help you with?" she said after recovering her decorum, glancing at Ginny, who was waiting patiently and was just as curious as Hermione about said favour.

He gestured at the tray of vials. "Can you take these up to Madame Pomfrey for me? She requested an extra batch of anti-hangover potion in preparation for tomorrow morning's inevitable influx of complaining overindulgers. That will give me time to mark these essays and award the House points before lunch time."

"Sure, Professor. Not a problem." She smiled at him, eyes shining warmly and neat teeth peeping out from her naturally dark pink lips. In her mind, she was imagining herself running her finger down his chest over the buttons of his frock coat as she whispered the same thought as before in his ear.

Mini Sev approved wholeheartedly.

"You could also bring back any empty vials she has and then put the tray back in the storage room." And hopefully see the open invitation I left you.

"Of course."

"Thank you, Miss Granger," he said, feeling his lips curl up in a rarely used genuine smile.

Her eyes flicked to his mouth in surprise and then shot back to his, her approval of his action making his chest feel tight with emotion. Merlin, he's gorgeous when he smiles. Probably best he doesn't do so very often or every female in the school would be swooning.

Really? Severus thought perhaps Hermione was exaggerating, but as she turned to pick up the tray of vials from the desk, he looked over at Ginny; she was looking at him speculatively as well and unconsciously rubbing her bottom lip with the side of a finger. He caught her eye and her thoughts leapt into this mind. Oh Merlin, now Hermione's got me thinking of Snape as a sexy beast. And I want some Professor Bow Chicka Bow Wow for myself. Sweet Circe, she was right about his eyes; they are like endless galaxies. And he's so tall and dark. I bet he knows how to make a girl scream. Harry certainly didn't, that's for sure.

Severus blinked once, slowly, as he processed that. Hermione was the only female he wanted to wake up to every morning for the rest of his life, but he was certainly flattered and maybe even a little more aroused at the idea that another beautiful young woman desired him. It certainly wouldn't be a hardship to indulge her a bit if the opportunity ever arose and Hermione wasn't opposed to having a ménage a trois.

He smiled slightly wider at the ginger haired girl and let his expression reflect a fraction of the desire he was feeling, just to see what she'd do.

She nearly gasped.

Definitely ripe for the plucking as well. The boys in this school are apparent morons if they can't figure out how to satisfy and keep a witch as hungry as that one.

Severus turned his focus back to his true desire, seeing her looking between him and Ginny with a faint frown creasing her brows. Now that just won't do, she has nothing to be jealous about. As he caught her eyes again, he let her see his genuine feelings for her, bravely wearing his heart in his eyes. And then, making his voice as deep and buttery as possible (since she seemed to love it so much), he said softly, "Thank you again, Hermione, for your help. It has been a pleasure having you in my classroom and I will miss your dedication to your studies that is so rare in this world."

Clutching the tray of vials to her chest, Hermione shuddered in a breath, her eyes firmly fixed on his again. Merlin, he said my name. That beautiful voice said my name. And he complimented me for the first time ever. This might be the best thing to happen to me all year. "I'll miss you too, Professor Snape. I mean… I'll miss learning from you," she quickly corrected. But Severus knew she actually meant the first one and it made his blood sing with pleasure and triumph.

He so badly wanted to just sweep her up into his arms and carry her through the newly made door to his bedroom.

But he refrained.

For now.

"Perhaps, after you're settled in your new job at the Ministry, private lessons could be arranged. If you're interested in furthering your potions knowledge beyond what is allowed to be taught in school, that is." He tried very hard to keep the hope out of his tone and state it matter of factly, but he was fairly certain he failed at least a little if the answering hope that bloomed in her gaze was anything to go by.

"I… I would like that, I think," she said so softly it was nearly a whisper.

"Good." He nodded his chin towards the open door of the classroom. "You'd best go. I probably won't be here when you return, but I'll leave the door unlocked for you."

"All right," she said rather reluctantly, not wanting to leave him any more than he wanted her to. "I'll see you later then, at the feast?"

"Yes." Much sooner than that, my sweet little witch, if you take my bait.

She gave him one last look of open longing before turning to Ginny, who was watching them with fascinated eyes at the relationship blooming right before her like some sort of mythical fairy tale. Hermione smiled at the girl who'd become her closest friend after all of the awkward breakups with the boys. "You want to come with me, Gin?"

The redhead beamed. "Sure. Who doesn't fancy yet another trip up a million stairs?"

They left the room, giggling, Ginny whispering her astonishment of his use of Hermione's first name. She had a right to, since he NEVER used students' first names to their faces, and rarely even thought of them as anything but by their surnames. (Draco being the only exception, since he was almost family.) Severus watched them leave from beside his desk where his feet seemed to be glued to the floor. He didn't budge, barely even breathed, until the last echo of their footsteps and soft laughter was long gone. And then he moved in a flurry to the desk and sat to speed read through the essays so he'd have his entire afternoon free to devote to the witch when she came back. (He automatically read Hermione's first, correctly assuming that it would set the standard for the rest, like usual.)

He had such plans for the brilliant little Gryffindor witch. Plans he'd been imagining for years. (If asked, he'd say three, but there was no real need to be specific, was there?) And if she brought Ginny back with her, well, that threesome may occur sooner than he'd expected, but what the hell.

Severus was horny enough to satisfy a dozen witches and still be 'up' for more.