I don't know if anyone will even find this but I have to do something to keep my sanity. If you find this, then that means one of two things. Either you've been caught by this thing and now share my fate, or you've come here of your own will. If it is the latter, please, save me. I can't get out of here myself.

I've tried. It came to feed me one day, and I ran for the door. I managed to get outside; I was so close! Those wings it has? They work. It's only about 20 feet from the front door to the "tree-line", but I didn't even make it half-way before it spread those wings and ran me down. It got on top of me before I could get up and held me down. It tied my hands in these zip-ties. Where did it get zip-ties? I tried to get away; I squirmed under it, tried to get it off me, but I couldn't. I know I shouldn't, but I just gave up on escaping on my own then. It dragged me back into this room.

Do you have any idea how nasty the "food" it makes me is? I mean, it has an excuse, I guess-it doesn't have a mouth. I threw up the first time I had to eat whatever the fuck that is. I try not to think too hard about it. Now, since my hands are bound most of the time, it spoon-feeds me. It's bad enough it has to stare at me, it's gotta spoon-feed me, too? I guess I could try to starve myself, but I know it would just Macgyver something up with a bike-pump and a garden hose and force-feed me.

At first, I thought that it was punishing me for what I've done, but it's been following me and watching me all my life. I remember it getting in the bed with me the night that my dad died. I was almost four years old. Until this, that was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. You know how if you are in the cold long enough, you get used to it? You can't get used to the cold this thing puts out. It's not so easy to notice, unless it's hugging you. Then it's all you notice.

It bathes me. Wrap your mind around that, how unnerving that is. The first time it took me in there, I didn't know what it was doing. It took my clothes off. Those claws on its hands made it a bit worse. It forced me into the water, and bathed me like I was a toddler. At least the water was warm. Now, I just shut my eyes and wait for it to be over.

That's the only time I get out of this room. Every three days, it takes me in there to give me a bath. It keeps me bound to my bed every night-tied by my wrists and it stares at me all night with those huge voids it calls eyes. Sometimes, it rubs my face and plays with my hair. I could swear that it coos while it does that. Does it love me? Is that why it's keeping me here; it thinks it's taking care of me? I wish it would just kill me or let me go.