Disclaimer: I don't own Spyro The Dragon, characters, or any alternate/universe world or Game, Movie, TV show, Anime Series content that are mentioned in this Fan/Fiction story. They belong to their respective owners and I honor and respect their great works.

P.S. I wanted to Thanx "Co-Writer jazz316" my friend who help me of my story.

P.S.S. Spyro The Dragon and other characters will not being in this story, It's had to wait to the future

Chapter 0: Prologue

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005: Morning-Time

The Sun was starting to rise over the quiet town of Lynn. It was the first day of fall and the day before was the last day of summer. The Leafs on the trees began to change color. The Temperature started to cool and it was the starting moment of the new school year. And within the many surreal neighborhoods that filled the town's outskirts lied a home with a family of two where the head of the household was already awake trying to get prepared for the day and to make sure her son was ready for his first day going back to school whenever the child upstairs still fast asleep would wake.

It was six-thirty exactly in the morning when an electronic clock near the bed of a sleeping boy who was currently still rolled up in the covers and his planted face first on a pillow. He snored lightly dreaming up wonderful fantasies until a loud noise snapped him out of his dreamy state.

He woke with a jolt rolling to the side where the loud noise came from but then a sharp pain came from the side of his head.

"Ow!" He winced instantly losing what little sleep was left in him rubbing his temple. He opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock that beeped loudly. So annoyed by the sudden wake and the pain he received from the side of the desk the boy slammed his hand on the snooze button on the clock shutting off the loud beeps.

He collapsed on his pillow hoping for at least one more minute before another sound interrupted him which was knock that came from his closed door.

"Good morning in there, sunshine!" A Kind voice called from outside the door before the door opened revealing a tall slender middle-aged woman came inside. "Do you know what day it is?"

The Boy rose from his bed sitting up straight reveling his afro hair. He stretched his body showing off his darkened skin and looked to the side of the wall next to a picture of him and his mother was a calendar. Each day was marked showing that day had passed. He followed the marks till it came up to a blank spot on Monday the seventh of September. It two written statements on it. "Back 2 School" and "BIRTHDAY!"

"Oh!" The Boy exclaimed. "It's my birthday!" He cheered throwing the covers off and jumped out of bed running towards the window. He opened it up and gazed outside seeing the sun just come over the horizon. He could feel the chill of fall come through the cracked window.

"I hope this will be the best birthday ever!" He thought only to turn to see his mother standing right behind him with a small wrapped box in her hand kneeling to him.

"That's right, my little birthday boy!" She cooed kissing her child on his forehead before hugging him tightly. "Happy Birthday, Gabriel."

"Thanks, Mom." Gabriel hugged his mother back.

"I have this for you." His mother showed him the wrapped box in her hand.

"Awesome!" Gabriel tried to take it only for his mother to stand up and take the box out of reach playing wagging her finger.

"First things first, my dear. You best get ready for school then come down and have your breakfast then you will receive your present." She said smiling before leaving shutting the door behind her.

Gabriel didn't like how his mother pulled a fast one on him like that. But that was always like her to play with him on occasions like this. He then smiled for his mother was the best. She always took good care of him and saw to it that he remained healthy as well as happy. He could never recall any time he was sad other than the times he was sick or his father went away but in all the years he has never been happier.

The Boy quickly got to work on getting ready for the new school year. He first threw off his pajama's and put on some clean clothes consisting of blue jeans, a white T-shirt, black hooded jacket and a pair of white socks along with his shoes.

He went to the bathroom across from his room and brushed his teeth and washed his face and brushed his hair. His hair was afro and didn't have to be brushed so much. He just needed to brush down the few flocks of hair that stood up in some places. Once he was finished he went back into his room to find what he would need for school.

He found his red backpack sitting in his closet. He had to dust it off for it was sitting in the closet for the entire summer. The Same backpack he had been using for nearly three years of school. Now it was time to make it the fourth year.

He opened up one drawer of his dress to reveal a good portion of school supplies. From notebooks, pens, and pencils to a planner. Gabriel gathered one notebook a couple of pens and few pencils. A Calculator he would need for math class. Some crayons and colored pencils for drawing art when he would have the time and a planner he would need to mark assignments and anything of importance for school.

Now that he was dressed and had everything he would need for the start of the first day of school he headed downstairs. Gabriel enjoyed school unlike many of his age that rather would be home instead of in a classroom.

Once he got down the last step of stairs he looked into the kitchen just out of the living room where his mother already had prepared him breakfast on the table. He dropped his backpack and rushed to the table making out the delicious contents that were set for him neatly on the table. Bacon scrambled eggs, and toast with butter with a glass of orange juice. He immediately dug into the food before his mother could join him with a plate of her own.

The Mother and son ate together for a short time. Between bites, Gabriel finally thanked his mother for the hearty breakfast. Soon they both finished and cleaned up. After the leftovers were put away and the dishes were clean Gabriel packed up a lunch of sandwiches and a bottle of water.

"All ready for school now?" Gabriel's mother asked.

"I am a mother," Gabriel replied but then remembered she had something for him. "You had a present to give me?"

His mother chuckled knowing he was eager for the gift she teased him with earlier. "I do." She went to the counter on the other side of the kitchen and picked up the same colored box she had earlier and brought it over to him.

"Happy Birthday, my son." She said rubbing the side of her Childs' cheek.

"Thanks, Mom," Gabriel replied nuzzling into his mom's warm and soft hand and held the colored box in his hand. "May I?"

"Of course." She nodded.

Gabriel wasted no time in opening the small box. With a couple of tears, he found a brown looking box that was hiding behind the colored wrapped paper. He opened up the top of the box to reveal a pendant necklace with an orb with a dragon inside it. Gabriel gazed as the dragon looked almost life-like in it he quickly attached the necklace onto his neck and faced his mother with the biggest grin on his face.

"This is awesome, Mother!" He beamed before rushing to hug her tight. "Thank you so very much!"

His mother wrapped her arms around her child so glad to see him so happy. He was the light of her life and she loved him so much. She would do anything to see him smile. While they were hugging she looked at the time upon the stove and saw it was getting late.

"Hun its five minutes till seven. I think you better scoot if you don't want to be late." She informed.
Gabriel turned to see the time on the stove and gasped. She was right school starts very soon now and he would have to hurry if he was going to make it to school on time. It wouldn't be wise to start the school year with detention slip for being late.

"Oh my! You are right I better!" Gabriel quickly grabbed his backpack putting the straps on his shoulders and grabbed his shoes that were on a shoe rack near the front door. Once he got them on he was about to run out the door but there was one thing he forgot. He ran back to his mother who kneeled to him and kissed her on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Mom. I'll see you later." Gabriel said.

"Have a good day, Sweety." His Mother kindly replied waving at him as he left out the front door.
Gabriel jogged as he had to be fast. School may not start for an hour but it wouldn't be wise to be there at the last minute. He knew the way of having been going to school without help since the other year. The Streets were relatively safe hardly a crime ever happening so there wasn't too much need to worry.

The Boy was eager to get to school to once again learn and hang out with his friends there. Some of his friends lived far on the other side of the city and he didn't get to see them and would only briefly get to talk with them via a phone call or online chatting.

"Wait till they see this!" Gabriel chuckled gleefully holding the orb pendant he got earlier. It looked rather expensive as the jewelry on it shine in the sunlight. His friends no doubt were going to be jealous of him.

However, the light suddenly dimmed. Gabriel out of the tops of his eyes made out some kind of shadow that blocked out the sun. A small area around him was dark. It couldn't have possibly been a cloud for when he ran out the door of his home earlier there was hardly a cloud in the sky.

Gabriel looked up but surprisingly there was nothing. He looked around to see all the darkness that surrounded him had vanished. He carefully observed near the sun and couldn't make out any cloud that was near it.

"What was that?" He asked himself. However, time was of the essence and he had to get to school. He shrugged his shoulders thinking it was perhaps nothing. Only in time would he learn that the shadow that loomed over him and disappeared was not a figment of his imagination.

Gabriel kept running down the streets. It was five minutes after seven and if he didn't hustle he was going to be late and being late on the first day was not a good way to start school.

"Hey, wait up, senior Keeble!" A Voice called from behind Gabriel. He turned to see it was his best friend, Jeremy. The boy was only a year younger than him. They had met back in kindergarten and became the best of friends since. He had light brown skin with matching brown eyes and wavy hair.

"You too, huh?" Jeremy huffed as he too was running late taking a moment to catch his breath adjusting his white t-shirt under a vest he wore along with check his shoes in case they came undone as he dressed in a hurry when he realized he was late.

"Yeah." Gabriel nodded. "Come we have to put the pedal to the medal if we are going to still make it." He put a hand on his friend's shoulder getting a smile and nod from him and together they bolted for school.

They darted down the streets as fast as their legs could carry them. They panted never imagining this would be how their first day would go. Soon enough the sight of their school was in their view. However, there was no one outside of it. Meaning that all the students were inside and getting ready for class. Time was ticking for them both.

Gabriel and Jeremy drew up what strength they still had in them and dashed for the main doors. They ran inside to see some of the last students in the hallways enter the classroom. They looked at one of the clocks on the walls which was only a minute from striking at fifteen-minute mark after seven. Knowing what class they had to go to after receiving their designated rooms in envelopes for the school year in the mail they ran for it and luckily it was one of the few classrooms they could see when just entering the school.

Next Scene: Classroom 107

They arrived in their classroom slowing down and wiping the sweat from their foreheads before entering not wanting to look like they barely made it through it was difficult not to show. They took their seats which to their liking it was next to each other. However the class was not full as one desk next to, Gabriel was empty. Seems they were starting without a full class this time.

The School Bell showing that class was now in session and Gabriel and Jeremy high fived each other glad to have made it. Their teacher entered the classroom with a little girl following her.

"Greetings Children!" She smiled at the many kids sitting at their seats. "My name is Mrs. Lewis and I'm your homeroom teacher for now on," The Teacher known as Mrs. Lewis addressed the class. "an I welcome to the new school year!" She welcomed them to another school year but before they would begin they had a new classmate.

"Speaking of new I would you to give a warm welcome to a new student." She presented the girl that followed behind her introducing her to the class.

"Allow me to present, Aria. Please treat her as you all would treat each other." She introduced.

Aria was a Black London girl who recently transferred from another school in the city. She wore a blue dress with flowers on the bottom of it. A Red jacket over her dress and long black curly hair. Gabriel was in awe of this girl. His mouth almost dropped even for a boy his age he couldn't believe how cute this girl was and she was his age as well!

Aria smiled and waved at all the students. She was a friendly one and was told to take any open seat there was. With being only just one seat she took her spot next to, Gabriel. He tried to not stare at her and focused on the teacher that was about to start the day's lessons. However, he turned slightly toward Aria. She looked at him and seen his cheeks were lighting up red and giggled making him turn away. Jeremy snickered holding his mouth trying not to make a scene. His best friend may be falling for the new girl but that was only a simple thought.

Next Scene: Outside Recess

It was Recess time after the first couple of hours of class. All the children of the school were outside enjoying themselves on the many assorted playsets. From sliding down tube slides, playing in the big monkey cages, chasing and running through the obstacles that led up to the slides and many other child pleasantries.

If any kid wasn't around the playground there were next to it playing games with sports balls or simply enjoying each other's company. However, two children were not around any of those places. Gabriel and Jeremy were sitting around the schoolyard talking to each other. They already had their fun on the slides and the swing sets and decided to go a place much quieter so that they could talk.

"Are you coming to my party?" Gabriel asked.

"You betcha, amigo!" Jeremy answered making Gabriel smile he could always count his best friend to come to his celebrations. However most of the time it only was him that came. He wished maybe more people would come to his party. Most others had big celebrations but Gabriel wasn't exactly the most popular in school so many didn't bother.
Gabriel had his best friend and that all really mattered to him but sometimes he would wish for me.

"Excuse me?" A Voice pardoned getting the two friends attention. They looked to see a girl wearing a blue parka over a white shirt with a logo of the infamous video game character Sonic the Hedgehog on it and with blue jeans and high top shoes along with long honey-colored hair and blue eyes that were partially hidden from the glasses she wore.

"Oh! Hey Alyssa!" Gabriel smiled at the girl. Alyssa was one of the smartest kids in class. Ever since Gabriel and Jeremy came to know her since they started school she has always aced everything. The Girl knew nothing but A's on every piece of homework, test, and exam. You could count on her to raise her hand if a question was asked by the teacher.

Other than having the smarts to pass a class with ease she also was a huge gamer. Her favorite hobby besides studying was playing video games and she never was afraid to show it. Case in point why she was wearing a popular video game figure on her shirt this day.

"What are you guys up to?" The Girl asked.

"Oh just talking about, Gabriel's birthday party this weekend," Jeremy answered.

"Oh, cool! Can I come?" Alyssa asked as by being considered a geek and nerd by most she didn't have any friends. She considered Gabriel and Jeremy friends and they did the same with her but they were not always hanging together.

"Sure you can!" Gabriel answered seeing how she may be the only one besides Jeremy coming which made him frown a bit.

"Guess your sudden downed face indicates no one else is coming?" Alyssa inquired making Gabriel shake his head.
"Yeah…"He sighed. "…everyone else simply said no or made a lame excuse."

"Ah don't worry about it." Alyssa playfully knocked on his shoulder. "We'll still have some fun come this weekend!"

Alyssa made the two boys smile. She always knew how to cheer up a mood. Glad to know that she was there friend. It was good to see that despite her hardship being the smartest girl and no doubt the loneliest at times she still could smile and that could be because she has two good friends like them.

The School bell then rang indicating it was lunchtime. However, the playground was on the side of the school where the cafeteria was closest. All the children on the playground and schoolyard dashed for the cafeteria for the lunch today was something that all would enjoy for the first day Pizza.

Scene Change: Cafeteria

Everyone and all that they knew loved pizza and would do anything to get a slice if not more. Gabriel and his friends tried to reach the cafeteria but since they hung out in a spot far from it all the other children got to the designated lining spot at the cafeteria before they did. How typical that Gabriel and his friends were the last few in line and Gabriel was in the very last spot.

He would have complained about it but he and his did hang out far from where they had to go and with it being pizza for lunch on the first day everyone wanted to get a slice. The Line seemed to move so slowly as the aroma of freshly cooked pizza filled the hallway in the school. Many of the children's mouths watered so eager to get the first bite of the pizza slices that awaited them.

Within a few painful minutes of waiting Gabriel and his friends entered the cafeteria where they watched all the children chow down on slices of pizza upon their plates. Gabriel's lips grew even more watery looking all the delicious slices of pizza that were topped with Pepperoni and melted the cheese.

His friends got their trays and he got him as they came up to the kitchen desks where the cooks would give out the lunches. But fate would not be so kind with Gabriel this day as his friends got their slices and their tiny cartons of milk but when it was his turn the cook sadly told him that was their last slice of pizza and gave him a ham sandwich to compensate.

Gabriel went to his table where his friends sat frowning and angry. Everyone including his friends got pizza. All but him. It wasn't fair! Last in line and he doesn't get what everyone else had gotten. It angered him so much that he felt like he was ready to explode until a plate with a slice of pizza was put by the plate with a ham sandwich on it.

"Here you go. You can have it pizza doesn't fit well with me and ill trade you for that sandwich if you like?" A voice with a foreign accent and what Gabriel could have thought was an angel speaking to him turned to his side to see what seemed to be another new student.

If that new girl in his class was something to behold this new girl in front of her completely toppled it. This girl was tall if he stood she would be inches taller than him. She wore a dress that seemed to represent social status. Stood in at a posture which shows she was well mannered and had a smile that shown she was a sweet as the smell of wildflowers.

"Oh..uh...Are you sure?" Gabriel stuttered as his two friends next to him watched with amusement.

The New girl nodded. "Of course, only if you really would like to?"

Gabriel felt kind of bad for wanting to desperately trade out the sandwich for something he wanted. This girl seemed to so nice. But he craved for pizza and if this girl was offering a trade how could he refuse?

"I'd be delighted to trade with you…uh..." Gabriel realized he didn't know this girls name which made her realize she made a mistake.

"Oh! Pardon me. I'm Kitty, Kitty Mota." The New Girl bowed polity at Gabriel.

"I'm Gabriel nice to meet you. But you could call me Gabe or Keeble if you want." Gabriel replied earning another smile from her.

"Nice to meet you as well, Gabe," Kitty replied. Gabriel had to think of a way to repay these girls kindness.

"If I may ask to repay for your kind gesture of trading. Would you like to come to my birthday party this weekend? I can give you my address after lunch?" He asked hoping he wasn't being rude.

"I would be most honored to come to your party. Thank you, Gabe." Kitty beamed grabbing the plate with the hand sandwich on it. "We'll talk after lunch. See you soon."

Kitty left for another table since the one Gabriel was sitting at was already full. The Boy watched her movements as she left blushing at how beautiful and elegant her movements were before snapping out of it turning towards his newly traded lunch. Gabriel without hesitating to forget who he just spoke with starting to dig into the fresh pizza slice he had traded for.

Meanwhile, as he ate his friends were having a humorous exchange of words saying how Gabriel now has a crush on Kitty. Luckily their friend could not hear them due to his moaning at how good the pizza tasted.

Gabriel met with Kitty Mota as he said he would after lunch. He wrote down his address for her and let her know what time would be best to arrive. Kitty Mota thanked him for the invite as well as the address telling him it was very sweet of him but Gabriel said it was not even the least he could do for her to repay her kindness.

Now Gabriel was more cheerful for his upcoming party. Other than his two close friends someone entirely new is coming to his home and to partake in the festivity. He was in a much better mood for the rest of the school day. Everything else that came from Math, History and Language classes to two more recess's Gabriel paid attention and tried his best in the classes and was far more active at recess enjoying the playground with his friends though he could not find Black London anywhere.
He hoped she would play but she was coming to his party and that's all that mattered to him.

In time the bell rang at three-o-clock ending the school day. All the students eagerly put away their books and anything else they didn't need to take home with them and all headed for the nearest exit. Most took the bus's home while others had their parents pick them up. Gabriel and his friends among the rare few walked home. They all lived close enough to the school and were well aware of the rules of walking through streets as well as crossing roads.

Gabriel walked with his friends as they all talked about their day. For the first school day, it was fun. Class's were enjoyable mostly for, Alyssa being the smart one always eager to raise her hand and answer the questions or beat the teachers at their own game. Jeremy thought he was alright with the class like Gabriel he preferred recess. Always so fun to climb the monkey bars, go down the slides, swing on the swing sets and the best part of it was to hang with his friends.

Gabriel's favorite of the day had to be when he met, Kitty Mota. Out of the blue, she appeared at lunch and offered a trade. And with said trade he got someone to come to his party. Possibly he could gain a new friend. He couldn't wait for the week to be over and Saturday to come when his party could get into the swing and for the fun to begin.

The group of friends came upon a crosswalk in the suburban neighborhood where they all live. Alyssa's home was left down the sidewalk as Jeremy's was on the right across the road. They all said their goodbye's to Gabriel and headed home. Gabriel headed straight in front of him looking forward to getting home as he waved to his friends.

However, as he walked across the road a dark shadow loomed over him again making him stop in the middle of the road. Everything went dark so suddenly for when he turned everything was light again. He looked up to the sky to it was pretty cloudy and the sun was near one of the clouds. He shrugged it off thinking that perhaps the sun just went behind the cloud and carried on without realizing that now the mysterious shadow had haunted twice that day unknowing to him it had a dreadful purpose.

3 Days Later... Saturday, Sept 10, 2005

The Week went by faster than Gabriel expected. It was Saturday evening as the school week pasted on quickly. Gabriel hardly saw Black London other than seeing her at lunchtime or recess and now at his home, Gabriel just blew out the candles on his birthday cake and everyone attending cheered for him. His two friends Jeremy and Alyssa along with his mother were at the table cheering for another gained age for Gabriel.

"Happy Birthday!" Alyssa cheered.

"Thanks, Alyssa." Gabriel thanked as she gave him a quick hug.

"Happy Birthday, amigo!" Jeremy said giving his best friend a high five.

"Thank you, Jeremy," Gabriel replied and his mother came next to him and gave a warm hug.

"Happy Birthday, my son." His Mother cooed hugging him close slightly embarrassing him in front of his friends making them go "Awe and how sweet."

"Quit it mom, your embarrassing me." Gabriel protested playfully though he was a bit embarrassed he loved his mother.

"Oh, you…" His mother chuckled rubbing her Childs hair before she began to slice the cake up and handed a piece to each of the children in the dining room. After the children were given a slice they immediately bit into their cake slices moaning at how good it was as the cake was made vanilla and chocolate frosting.

Gabriel ate into his cake and looked around and was happy to see his friends were enjoying themselves. Soon it would be time for gifts and perhaps a good movie to lighten things up more. However, he frowned realizing the party was missing a guest.

"What's wrong?" Gabriel's mother asked putting a hand on her son's shoulder.

"Oh…there's someone I told you about from school who said she would come but she's not here." Gabriel sighed sadly. It had to be too good to be true that someone other than his close friends would show.

"Aww…docacadon't be sad. Perhaps…" Gabriel's mother was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

"Oh?!" She gasped in surprise. She looked at the clock seeing it was thirty minutes past seven the sun outside was barely in sight. "Who could be ringing at this time?" She wondered leaving the table and went to the front door to answer.

Gabriel wondered that as well as standing up from his seat and followed his mom while his friends continuing to enjoy their cake slices.

Gabriel found his mother up at the door and peeped through the tiny window in it to see who was on the other side. Surprisingly it was a girl barely older than, Gabriel. She opened up the door adjusting herself to make herself look more presentable.

"Oh hello there." She welcomed with a smile which was returned by the girl who held a small wrapped present in her left hand.

"Hello, Ma'am." The Girl greeted as Gabriel at the end of the hallway saw who his mother was speaking to. It was Kitty Mota! She made it! A bit late but she made it which almost made him sequel like a little girl.

"Would this be the residence of Gabriel?" Black London asked.

"Indeed it is. He's my son." Gabriel's mother confirmed. "Are you his girlfriend?"

Gabriel put a hand over his mouth blushed madly. How could his mother ask such a question? He did tell her about Kitty Mota but they only just met and he wanted her to be his friend but for his mother to ask that. He feared the worst but then he heard giggling looking back out the end of the hallway.

"No…" Kitty Mota laughed. "We are just friends." Gabriel overheard what she said. She said they were friends! His heart melted when he heard her say that. He had to greet her now. He came out from the corner and tried to act normal though he was sweating a little.

"Mom…who is…Oh! You made it!" Gabriel beamed almost running up to the door and acted like he didn't hear anything.

"Hey there, Gabriel. My apologies for being late but there some matters I was attending and it took much of my time." Kitty Mota explained feeling bad for showing up late to the party.

"It's okay," Gabriel assured. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"It is my pleasure." Kitty Mota smiled and was about to walk in when she realized something. "Oh! I have this for you." She presented the gift she had in her hand to Gabriel.

"Is that for me?" He asked.

"Of course, silly! Who else would it be for?" She joked opening the present and inside it was a bracelet that was gold. Pure gold! It shined slightly from the lights in the hallway and Gabriel was beside himself. She had not only got him a gift but something that was made out of something that would be a fortune.

Gabriel's mouth dropped and his mother and Kitty Mota laughed together as the gift made him speechless.

"I guess the stunned silence means you like it, yes?" Kitty Mota implied poking Gabriel on his head.

Gabriel snapped out of it and closed his mouth and nodded. "Yes, this was remarkably kind you. I never asked for you to bring a gift."

"Well, what's the point of coming to a party to celebrate one's birth if a guest does not bring a gift for the host?" Kitty Mota explained taking Gabriel's wrist and put the golden bracelet on him.

"Happy Birthday, Gabriel." Kitty Mota said before leaning over and kissed the birthday boy on his cheek.

His cheeks lit up again looking like a pair of tomatoes catching him by complete surprise. Not wanting to be in an awkward silent moment again.

"Wh..What…was…that?" He asked so embarrassed and so surprised having received his first kiss from someone other than his mom.

Kitty Mota giggled. "A thank you for the invitation and the birthday boy should get kisses on his birthday." She answered looking at how embarrassed he looked. It was so cute.

Gabriel's mother was very delighted to see that her child had found a new friend. One who has great manners, a bit playful and is very kind. A rarity. She cleared her throat to break the cute the scene up.

"Now Gabriel what do we say?" She reminded her son about his manners.

"Oh…Thank you. Thank you so much, Kitty Mota. Would you like to come in and have some cake and perhaps a movie or something?" He asked.

"I would be honored." She replied walking into the home and was led to the dining room where his other friends were and she got a proper introduction to them.

The Night went on with the new guest for Gabriel's party. Kitty Mota took delight to Gabriel's friends. They too were just as kind as he was. A bit awkward and strange but they were pleasant folk. They all enjoyed themselves eating more cake. Partaking in some fun games of Uno, Board games and a racing video game which was one of his gifts that came from his mother. His friends had gotten him gifts as well but nothing compared to the gold bracelet he got from Kitty Mota.

Everyone enjoyed themselves as the party was possibly the best, Gabriel had ever had. He got every wish and then some that night with his friends a new one attending. They did so much that time past so fast that soon they all heard the horns from the cars outside which was their parents come to pick them up as the moon was now high in the sky and it was already eleven in the evening.

All the children had the grandest of times and looked forward to having another one next year. They all gave Gabriel their thanks for the invitations and the fun times before leaving.

Gabriel and his mother waved them all off as they got into their parents' cars and drove off to their homes for a much-needed rest.

Gabriel too was tired from the night's enjoyment. He took a shower and brushed his teeth and got into his pajamas with it being so late his mother and he decided they would pick the party's aftermath in the morning. After wishing her goodnight he went to his room and laid on his bed. He looked to the side to see a picture on his desk which had an image of his father on it.

He looked at the photo of his father with a frown. He missed his father very much having past so long ago. He loved him and he wished he was there to enjoy the party and to be back again for him. He knew it was an impossible wish but he kept his hopes. He then turned off his lamp light and rolled to the side and snuggled into his pillow and adjusted the blanket over him and soon went to sleep to rest from the night's joy.

つづく... {To Be Continued...}

{New Update}

Voice Actor:

Unkown as Gabriel K.

Unknown as Gabe's Mother

Unknown as Jeremy L.

Unknown as Alyssa W.

Unknown as Kitty Mota

Unknown as Mrs. Lewis


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If you guys think about this story just tell me all about this story, Okay. See u guys later... ;)