Chapter 1

The 100 a princess and a faceless man

Ever since Clarke was 12 has spent Halloween more or less with one person, she doesn't know who they are but they have always made it night to remember.

Since he was 15 Bellamy has been wearing masks on Halloween while he show Clarke Griffin a great time a girl he normally acts like he hates.

See how things progress for both of them and how they finally decide to change things between them for the better.


As Bellamy walked in front of the expensive looking houses he pulled the hood of his baggy hoody up over his head to protect from the light patter of rain that was starting to come from the night sky. The mask he had on that made him look like he didn't have a face covered his whole head but the material was a little cheap so he didn't want to get it too wet and risk ruining it. His mum had, had to save to buy it in addition to his sisters fairy costume so he wouldn't feel right if he came back with it ruined.

Halloween was easily one of his favourite nights of the year because tonight he could be whoever he wanted to be and no one could say different. When he was younger the cheap costumes his mum had manged to buy for him did give away things about his life but he had since figured out minimalism was his friend, if he went out in a dark hoody, ripped jeans and a mask that made him look faceless or something like that people took it for a choice of style.

These days he didn't really trick or treat like he used too he had knocked on a few houses and got a couple of sweets that he had stuffed in his pockets which he would probably give to Octavia when he got home but that wasn't to say he didn't have fun. Octavia had been going to friend's houses for the past few years so he had been free to just wonder the town exploring various parts of Arkadia and play a few trick on people giving out a few scares.

It was early in the night but he had already managed to make a few people jump when they saw his mask one women had actually screamed while the two kids she had with her just laughed so he was considering heading back now. After all he had promised his mum there wouldn't be a repeat of last year where he had been taken home by a police car so why not call it a night and head home he thought, he could probably scare a few more people along the way.

Bellamy was about to turn around and start heading home but just then he passed in front of a large house that actually had zombie mannequins set out on the main lawn. They looked convincing as well, they were good enough the Bellamy stopped to stare at them through the houses gates there were decorations on a few houses down this street of expensive houses but whoever lived here was definitely getting in to the Halloween spirit.

Looking closer at the house now Bellamy noticed that all the lights were on and there were all kinds of shadows moving behind the windows closed curtains if he'd had to guess he would say there was some kind of Halloween party going on inside. Immediately Bellamy tried moving the gate hoping to knock at the door and trick or treat them if just to get a glimpse inside but the gate didn't move, there was a buzzer next to the houses letter box but he doubted he would have much success with it. Stepping back Bellamy gave a frustrated grunt he wouldn't egg them or anything like that, not that he hadn't done that kind of thing in the past, he just wanted to have a look what kind of fun decorations they probably had inside.

It wasn't fair, Bellamy was seriously considering finding a stone or something to throw at those zombies and nock these rich stuck up party poopers down a peg when he noticed there were several tree branches sticking through the bars of the fence which was next to the gate. He was just fifthteen but he was decently tall so he'd guess those branches would be all he would need to climb up high enough to jump over the top of the fence and after that he could probably just walk in to the party the door was probably unlocked.

There was also the fact his costume meant no one would be able to tell what he looked like so he decided to go for it. Looking back and forth quickly to make sure the coast was clear Bellamy grabbed the lowest branch and then began to pull himself up, he was a good climber so it didn't take him long to get to the top of the fence and then jump down on the other side.

After that he moved quickly to the front door and then stopped taking in a deep breath as he looked around making sure he hadn't been spotted. He didn't see anything so he tested the door handle and as he had guessed the door opened easily not pausing he immediately snuck through the door and took a few steps away from it on instinct. Thankfully there was no one in the hall or the stairs that led up to the front door to see him sneaking in so Bellamy walked down the corridor a few paces and then stopped next to a half open door leaning back against the wall.

There weren't too many decorations here they must have the good stuff in other rooms, there were just pretend bats and spiders stuck to the walls and ceiling with cobwebs draped over the family pictures on the walls. Looking closer at some of these Bellamy saw with surprise he recognised the blond girl in several of these photos it was Clarke Griffin, this must be Clarke Griffins house.

Unlike most kids who lived in the side of town he did he went to Polaris high thanks to the help of a friend of his mums help which was where he knew Clarke from. Most of the kids in that place were well off but Clarke Griffin was something else her mum and dad were a big shot doctor and engineer also they were both governors in the school which all meant she was treated like a real princess by everyone except him and his friends. Any guilt he had felt about sneaking in here disappeared right away in fact this could be a great opportunity to knock the stuck up princess that was Clarke Griffin down a peg and then make a run for it.

Carefully he snuck through the door in front of him he was trying to make sure no one saw him arrive and start to wonder who he might be but getting in to the room he saw there was no danger of that. All the adults in the room were all either standing around absorbed in conversation or swaying to the beat of the music that was playing all of them completely self-absorbed he might as well be invisible.

He moved through the crowd freely looking at all the real high end looking costumes and the decorations on the wall that he would have to guess were put up by professionals. Rather disappointedly there was nothing really that scary though the stuff on the walls like cobwebs, skulls and creepy black and white photos gave the room a bit of a creep factor but that was ruined by the costumes. The majority of the party goers looked to have dressed like they were going to a seventeenth century masquerade ball not a Halloween party, there were a few exceptions like one man looked to have dressed up as if he was an undead ball goer and another actually had a similar faceless mask to him but overall he was disappointed.

Board with looking through this party already Bellamy started looking around for the princess thinking he could spill something on what he'd wager would be a really pretty dress and then go. He didn't resent people having money, well maybe he did a little but one of his best friends Nathan Miller came from money and that didn't stop them being friends it was just Clarke acted all high and mighty. She was a few years younger than him so they didn't have classes together or anything like that but when they had first met he had been nice to her, really nice in fact and then when he had next seen her she had acted like she didn't even know him.

He'd guess someone had told her about his mum and how he didn't come from much so he was now nothing to her which was why he tried so hard to knock her down a peg whenever he saw her. Finding Clarke proved difficult though, he looked in several rooms in the large house and found more adults milling around doing whatever some of who were wearing better costumes but the princess didn't seem to be anywhere. He was about to give up and just leave maybe taking one of those zombies outside with him when he opened a door on the far end of the house and saw her sitting inside the small room alone he grinned under his mask this could well be the best Halloween yet.

Opening the door he stepped in to the room and gave a mock bow 'your majesty,' she was dressed as a princes with a tiara that was probably real and a beautiful flowing blue gown that made her look really pretty. Standing up Bellamy looked Clarke straight in the face as she stared back at him looking shocked and only now did he see her puffy cheeks she had been crying 'are you OK,' he asked automatically without really thinking about it.

'No not really,' Clarke said giving a slight scowl clearly annoyed and upset.

This got Bellamy curious if something was ruining the princesses night he'd want to hear about it so he sat down in the arm chair opposite the sofa Clarke was sitting on 'OK what's wrong,' he asked smiling even though Clarke couldn't see it.

'Wells isn't here,' she sighed 'no one I like is, not really,' she added grumbling. 'These sort of things aren't normally that much fun but with Wells or the others we can often find something to do together while our parents entertain,' she said this last word with such distain Bellamy gave a small snigger. 'Exactly,' Clarke said picking up on the snigger 'it's so stupid and now I'm in here all alone doing nothing with no one to have fun with, aren't my parents supposed to stop that sort of thing from happening.'

Part of Bellamy wanted to run off and leave Clarke here alone and upset at her parents but that didn't feel right to him. The princess might be stuck up but Halloween was a time for people to have fun to be different people to who they normally were and after all she didn't seem to recognise who he was, 'well I'm here,' he finally said after a minutes more thought.

'What do you mean,' Clarke asked sounding confused.

'Well I'm here,' Bellamy repeated 'so if you want someone to have fun with how about you and I do something.'

'Like what,' Clarke asked looking at him with a hopeful expression now.

Bellamy was at a loss for ideas for a moment here not knowing what they could do but then and idea occurred to him and he grinned under his mask. 'I have an idea,' he said 'but first were going to need salt,' Clarke was surprised by this at first he could tell but then she smiled as she guessed what he was suggesting.

After they had dumped the contents of a salt shaker in a few drinking glasses as well as a punch bowl they pulled a few more innocent pranks together. Turning lights off in occupied rooms and running away or dripping glue and paint on seats and watching people sit down, that one had actually been Clarke's idea.

Through all of this Bellamy forgot himself a little, he had just started to have so much fun with Clarke so he stopped thinking about how he had crashed this party and how Clarke didn't know it was him she was making trouble with. However when Clarke began to lead him back upstairs talking about getting more glue, the man dressed like an undead masked ball goer he had spotted earlier standing there stopped them both in their tracks and reminded Bellamy how he had gotten here.

'I think it's time you go to bed Clarke,' the man said walking down the stairs sounding annoyed 'I know your upset Wells wasn't here tonight but you should know better than to try and make trouble like this.'

'I'm sorry dad,' Clarke said sounding embarrassed looking at her feet.

'As for you,' Clarke's farther said pointing at Bellamy 'I suggest you go find your parents and tell them you're tired and want to go home otherwise were both going to need to go find them and have an uncomfortable conversation with them.'

'I'll do that,' Bellamy said automatically scared about what would happen if Clarke's farther realised he was crashing this party and who he actually was.

'Good,' he nodded walking past both him and Clarke 'and don't worry about your mum Clarke I'll sort that out for you,' he called as he went.

Once he was gone Clarke looked up at him 'I'm sorry,' she said frowning 'but I have to go to bed now you don't want my mum telling you off.'

'It's alright,' Bellamy said patting Clarke on her shoulder reassuringly 'it's past time I go anyway.'

Clarke gave a really nice smile now 'I've had a lot of fun with you, we should really do it again you could come over again sometime,' she paused here her nose scrunching up as a thought occurred to her 'who are you anyway, I never actually asked.'

Bellamy smiled under his mask she had been calling him faceless all night without really thinking about it, he'd kind of liked the name so he hadn't said anything but there was a question of what he should do now. He briefly considered lying to her making some story up about how he got here and who he was but he decided against it 'I can't say I'm afraid.'

'Why not,' Clarke asked sounding confused.

'Because princess,' he began he had been calling her princess most of the night but in a nice way not in the way he normally did 'I wasn't invited to this party. I climbed over your garden fence to get in here,' he gave a slight snigger as he said this 'I just wanted to have a look around your house perhaps see what people were getting up to but then I saw you and you looked upset so I just wanted to try and cheer you up.'

Clarke's mouth actually fell open at this she was so shocked by his confession but before she could say anything or call for anyone Bellamy continued to talk 'I had a lot of fun with you tonight actually so if you need me again I promise next year I'll be waiting outside for you, if you want.' With that Bellamy immediately turned on the spot and started walking down the stairs away from Clarke heading towards the door he wanted to leave things here, to be a mysterious stranger. This way Clarke would hopefully think of him fondly as a fun Halloween mystery and if she didn't there wouldn't be much she could do to find out who he really was.

Next day

Bellamy stood leaning against his locker watching people mill around the corridor or the school chatting about things as they always did every morning. He was a bit too preoccupied to talk to anyone though when he had got home last night his mum had been waiting for him, she had been very worried with how late it had gotten so he had gotten a very upset shouting at.

It's not like he could really blame her it had been close to midnight by the time he had gotten back the grounding was still annoying though. Thankfully she had accepted the story he had told her about hiding in parks in order to jump out at people and losing track of time he could only imagine what she would have done if he'd told her what he had really been doing. Looking back the grounding was worth it though, he had, had a lot of fun crashing that party and pulling all those pranks with Clarke.

Now the princess that was a worry he had been wearing a mask when he had been with her and she hadn't seemed to recognise his voice but there was a chance she would recognise him today. As he thought about this his eyes crossed to Clarke who was a short distance down the corridor surrounded by several of her so called friends, looking at her now she didn't seem any different she looked like the same stuck up princess she always did.

As he watched her Clarke and her friends began to move from wear they had been standing and as they passed him Bellamy did as he would normally do 'princess,' he called giving a mock bow 'I hope you had a nice Halloween in the palace.' She just gave him the finger as way of a response and walked right past him with her group he noted that she didn't seem to recognise his voice which was a bit of a relief but he also noticed how different she had reacted to the princes name which was interesting.

The same name presented in two different ways resulted in two very different reactions from Clarke one way it was an insult the other was way to get Clarke smile an actually rather beautiful smile. He still thought Clarke was stuck up and needed to be taken down a peg last night hadn't changed that, well not really but now he knew there was a different side to her one that he actually liked. Maybe he would be there next year outside Clarke's house, see if he would find that fun girl there waiting for him or if he would find the same stuck up princess he was used to most days.

Well there we go; I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my fic. If you liked it please review its always nice to know what people think.

As you've probably guessed this is going to be a collection of the Halloweens Bellamy and Clarke start spending together and you'll see how things progress. This chapter was from Bellamy's perspective but other's will be from Clarke's so you will see what both of them think as things progress.