Hello, my dear viewers. Now, this is somewhat of a AU for Hotel Transylvania. I love the first movie, but the sequels, well...the second one was mixed around for my taste, and the third one, oh, I liked it, but ooh, it was tolerable.

It didn't make sense that Mavis didn't travel with Johnny before getting married, I mean, you saw how she reacted in USA. She should have been used to travelling for that's her main wish besides being free. And oh, I shiver at how Vlad the Impaler looked. Vampires are immortal, hence almost ageless for pete's sake!

He should have been looking like he's in his 50s, due to how his son is looking to be in his 30s. I love Dennis, but the whole pressure of having fangs and all, that ain't working for me. To me, it should be from birth like Mavis did, or not, depending on the genes whichever's strong.

Zings should happen around teenage/adult years, not child years, because maturation starts after probably 13. Maybe 12 for girls as well. And Winnie, I love her, but I think being a werewolf, she should have been 9 when Dennis had his fifth birthday party.

And the Van Helsings, what was that hell about? I mean, that's not healthy. Hating Dracula and his kind for centuries, there's bound to be some descendants who just wanted to be normal, right?

Anyway, I am planning to have Dracula a different love because Ericka wasn't the right one for him. I mean, sure, there was a zing in her eyes, but that was after she rejected him first because of pressure from her grandfather and all. I think a zing shouldn't be pressured or anything. I mean, being lonely for so long, think about it. Of course, you all have your opinions and theories, and I respect that.

I just want to give out mine, that's all, and this story is a Halloween gift, you'd say. Yes, it's early, but it's better than late, right? So, enjoy, my dear viewers! -Traveler.

-Late evening upon the year of 2012, in the land of Transylvania-

Under the bright night sky, over the mountains, through a valley, and deep inside a forest, a figure is seen running, limping heavily by a wound in his right leg. This man goes by many names; monster, vampire, father, blood-sucker, devil, prince of darkness, but best known of all, he goes by Count Dracula, or Drac for short.

He has healthy, but pale skin, slicked-back raven black hair, copper blue eyes. Being a vampire, he has his famous fangs, pointy ears, and many powers from being supernatural for 530 years. He mainly has a hooked nose, and a long chin. He belongs to the dark, hence his clothes being almost all black, with a minor color difference in the inside lining of his cape.

He is tall, slim, and strong yet right now, he's helpless for he's being hunted by a descendant of the Van Helsing family. He's grateful that he led Victor far from his beloved hotel, his friends and family, through his daughter is somewhere else in Africa with her boyfriend/zing, Jonathan aka Johnny, unknowing of Dracula's situation.

He knew Johnny was right that the world has become more comfortable about monsters, but he still can't believe how much things has changed ever since he dared to step into the human world, especially the technology and the weapons.

Oh, he heard things about bombs, guns, and such from his friends who had been in hiding everywhere else, but the weapons that Victor held, they are far more than just bad, they're dangerous to him, and that's a bad thing.

He had been sliced by a wooden crucifix that has been doused by holy water and garlic which has been shot out of a man-made grenade launcher just as he was to jump off a boulder to shape-shift into his bat form to catch the wind.

Caught off his guard, he was soon weakened, but he knew he had to keep going for Victor had invaded his home, scared his guests, and nearly took off a couple of his friends which crossed the line. He wasn't going to take his blood for he's better than that, and besides, he promised Martha, his deceased wife that he wouldn't go back to his past of being the son of Vlad the Impaler.

But he can still bring Victor to his death, which is why he's running to the edge of the forest where a treacherous cliff stood by a fast rapids river. Dracula took a deep breath, wincing hard as he struggled to keep his leg off his weight slightly.

He turned around to face Victor who's a brutish, slim brown haired man with cold gray eyes, and Victor snarled lowly, "End of the line, monster. Now it's time for you to die.".

Dracula glowered, "No, it's yours.". He roared as much as he could while running the fastest he could with the wound, and he came into Victor, destroying the weapon in his hands. He suddenly yelled out in pain when a mini wooden stake came into his arm, barely hearing his friends in the distance.

Victor chuckled evilly, "Well, well, looks like your dear friends are coming for you, but they won't be alive if I do something about it.". Dracula snarled protectively, "No one threatens my family!". He shifts into his bat form despite the wound in his wing, and flies about Victor who's screaming in frustration as he fights to grab him, planning to crush him in his hand.

But in all the chaos, Victor failed to see that he was edging over the cliff, and he yelled as he fell over. Dracula attempted to escape Victor's determined hands, but it was no use when he suddenly screamed out in pain, his other wing breaking under Victor's hand.

His animal instinct flared inside him, and he bit the hand which caused Victor to recoil back violently, falling down, down to the river. Dracula soon followed him, but some feet away in distance, fighting to shift back to his natural form, planning to use levitation to help him head back to the cliff.

But he was too weak, and he saw his friends screaming out to him on the cliff, and he realized that he was to die, leaving his friends, his family...everything he had fought for. He breathed softly, "I am sorry, Mavis...I love you all...I am coming home, Martha...", closing his eyes in peace, barely hearing nothing else apart from his best friend, Frank's roaring scream.

But he didn't fall into the river like Victor did, for a bright white glowing door appeared far under Dracula, and Dracula went through, unconscious yet alive. And the door vanished as fast as it had appeared, leaving Dracula's friends to stare in shock, fear, confusion, and denial.