Hello, welcome back! Just a heads-up, twisted Twice a little and made him very good with computers since he has multiple personalities, so one or two has to be smart, right? So Dabi and Toga found the guard because Twice found a way to find the list of positions of each guard through hacking I don't know what he did because I don't really know anything about things like that. I'm so happy that I was able to do this chapter. This is the one I've been waiting for since I wrote the story. Enjoy :D

Izuku and Spinner have been talking more often as time went on. Izuku would often leave on Sundays to go visit him, and Spinner seemed happy to see Izuku each time. However, something was off about Spinner, but Izuku couldn't lay his finger on it.

The bell for English had just rung, and the students were walking to Heroics 101. Iida and Uraraka have been worried about Izuku for the past few days, he seemed out of it ever since he started visiting Spinner.

"Deku?" Uraraka whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, I've just been a little…inquisitive about something," Izuku answered.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you trying to comprehend?" Iida asked.

"Spinner, the villain I've been visiting, seems to have a tough shell, right?"

"He definitely does, especially since he idolizes Stain so much," Iida replied.

"But feel that I'm not getting the whole story," Izuku explained, "Spinner doesn't only seem harsh towards fake heroes, but to people in general except me and the League. It makes me wonder why."

"Did he have anyone growing up?" Uraraka asked.

"Not that I know of," Izuku replied, "However, I've noticed a repeating pattern throughout our interviews."

Izuku took out a small notebook and opened it. Each of the paragraphs were almost like a mix of a profile and diary entry.

"I've been taking notes on his movements and words after our discussions. He seems to become sad and sensitive on the topic of people he ever cared about. I ask him about it, and he starts to raise his voice."

"Sounds almost like he's in the second stage of grief," Iida said, "He could be angry over something with a hero in his past…"

"Which is why he is angry at almost everyone except the handful that even bother to get to know him!" Izuku exclaimed, "It all makes so much sense now! The hatred towards heroes, the rage towards racist people…Oh yeah, it's all coming together."

"It does seem reasonable for such hatred. After Stain paralyzed my brother, I had a harsh wrath towards him. However, I didn't hold such a harsh grudge against all villains. Again, I'm not Spinner, so his motives may be different."

"There's a good chance that he is suffering from grief, but the question is, what is it?"

"Could it be something that has to do with him being a lizard?" Uraraka asked.

"Probably," Izuku answered as All-Might called his name, "Sorry guys, I have to go-"

"Deku?" Uraraka said before embracing Izuku.

"You're so brave. Facing a villain without a single trace of fear in you. You are truly one of the most inspirational people I've ever known."

"Th-Thank you!" Izuku yelped in surprise, "You're pr-pretty great t-too!"

Iida couldn't help but smile to himself.

"We'll see you soon, Midoryia," Iida added as Izuku ran off to follow All-Might.


Spinner woke up to a dark room.

"Funny," Spinner thought, "Kiykin should've woken me up by now."

Spinner noticed that he no longer had a muzzle, but a small leather strap that was stretchy. The room was also warmer, much to Spinner's relief.

Kiykin came into the room a second later, but he was smiling.

"What happened to my muzzle?" Spinner asked.

"I thought that you've been good for the past few days, so I figured you needed a break from that block of metal," Kiykin answered.

Spinner's mouth was slightly agape, and his violet eyes popped like two balloons.

"What, have you ever heard of a reward?" Kiykin asked as he laughed.

"Okay, did you get hit with a personality swap quirk or something? You usually would've smacked me by now."

"I saw the error of my ways and decided to change," Kiykin answered.

"What's that supposed to mean? You gonna stop being an idiot with steak for a brain?"

Kiykin then left the room for a second and returned with a tray of scrambled eggs. Spinner poked them lightly with his snout. They were actually warm.

"Peace treaty?" Kiykin asked.

"Who made you do this?" Spinner growled.

"What do you mean by that?" Kiykin asked, "This is coming from the depths of my heart."

"What heart?" Spinner asked as he growled again.

Kiykin suddenly had a look of regret in his eyes. His smile faltered slightly before straightening himself out again.

"Look, can we just say sorry and move on?"

Spinner looked at the scrambled eggs before looking back at Kiykin.

"Fine," Spinner grunted.

Kiykin unlocked Spinner's chains before Spinner cautiously picked up the plate. He stared at Kiykin the whole time he ate.

"I better go I have to cover another shift. Enjoy the eggs!" Kiykin said as he left.

"I swear I'm hallucinating," Spinner muttered as he continued to eat.


Izuku walked with All-Might to Tartarus for another interview with Spinner. He's become less fearful of Spinner since the first visit. All-Might often discussed the things Spinner brought up during the discussions.

"So, he was harsh during the discussions of caring about people?" All-Might asked.

"Yes, he seems hostile whenever I bring it up."

"Young Midoryia, there's one thing I ever saw in every hostile person I've seen. They've never learned to love, or maybe lost everything they had to try and love."

"Are you saying that Spinner just doesn't know how to love?"

"There's a good chance, my boy."

Tartarus appeared in their vision after a few minutes. Izuku was led to the interrogation room and told to sit in a chair. Spinner was brought in once more with tasers. However, he didn't have the big metal muzzle. Instead, he had a leather strap that stretched when he spoke.

Spinner was the placed on the chair with an iron tied around his leg and handcuffs. The villain and hero were left alone once more.

"Hi, Spinner," Izuku said, "How are you today?"

"Confused," Spinner answered, "My assigned guard has been unusually nice to me and it creeps me out."

"That's weird," Izuku said, "I wonder why he suddenly changed like that."

"I've been trying to answer that question since he left for another shift," Spinner agreed.

"Has he been hurting you, Spinner?" Izuku asked.

"Just harsh comments here and there," Spinner replied, "I can usually think of comebacks for the old moron anyways, so it doesn't bother me."

"At least you know how to stand your ground," Izuku answered.

Standing your ground…the whole quote reminded him of Uraraka's fight during the Sports festival. She was smart and had her head screwed on tight during the whole thing.

"You okay, kid?" Spinner asked, "You seemed kind of spaced out."

"Sorry, I just thought of someone, that's all. She always stood her ground in any situation, and she just…um…"

"Inspires you?"

Izuku nodded before Spinner leaned forward.

"Listen kid, it's good to have friends who inspire you and bring the best out of you. That's what makes them not only good friends, but good people as well."

"Spinner, where do you get all of this advice from?"

"I don't get it from words, but experience. They say experience is the best teacher, and it got me this far."

"Is experience what gave you hatred towards so many people and heroes?"

Spinner's pupils became big as he lowered his head. Izuku scooted his chair closer to the glass in fear of what was happening.

"Yes," Spinner answered, "Experience gave me emotions of all kinds. Hate, fear, kinship, all of it."

"Love?" Izuku asked.

Spinner was quiet for what seemed like forever.

"Yes…" Spinner answered.

Izuku decided to let Spinner have some moments of silence for himself. He could hear Spinner muttering to himself but didn't know what he was saying.

"Did you ever love someone?" Izuku asked.

"I think so, once," Spinner answered.

Spinner's frown curved into a small smile at the thought of the one he loved.

"What was she like?" Izuku asked.

"Beautiful. Her eyes were like a portal into Heaven. Her hair was so soft and made her stand out. Her laugh was precious, and I would give anything to make her smile."

Izuku nodded at everything Spinner had said.

"If I would get beat up or injured, she would always patch me up. My gosh she was amazing."

"She sounds amazing," Izuku agreed, "Do you remember her name?"

"Yes, but I'd rather not say her name. If anyone finds out that she was close to me, it could cost her everything. Besides, she might've forgotten me by now."

"It's hard to forget anyone you love," Izuku said.

Spinner nodded in agreement before Izuku pulled out some cards.

"Iida told me that this activity might help reveal your mental state in different situations," Izuku explained, "I thought we could do it together and see how we compare."

Spinner nodded. He's been following all of Izuku's activities for a while now. At this point, he had completely forgotten his original plan to get Izuku to talk about UA and its secrets, but the plan still floated in the back of his mind.

"It's called the Ink Splotch test," Izuku explained, "The point of this is to see how your visions compare to mine. This way we can see your mentality and I can help you with anything. I'll show you an ink splotch, and I want you to tell me what you see, okay?"

"I don't know about this, kid," Spinner said.

"I'll say what I see too. We need to have trust in each other in order for this to work."

"Fine. I'll do it."

Izuku took out the first card, and both boys had a chance to stare at it.

"I see two rabbits hugging," Izuku said, "What about you?"

"I see a duck with a very big head," Spinner answered.

"That's funny, I could see a duck too if I squint."

Izuku took out the next card, which was bigger than the last one.

"I see a turtle," Izuku said.

"I see a Ford Mustang SVT Cobra with a carbon fiber spoiler," Spinner replied confidently as Izuku gawked at him.

"How did you know all the details?!" Izuku asked.

"I played Grand Theft Auto almost all of my life, and the majority of the game focuses on cars and guns, so I've picked up some good identification skills."

Spinner then chuckled uncomfortably, which concerned Izuku. Spinner has laughed before, but not as forced as he just did.

"Let's move on to the next one," Izuku said as he flipped to the next card, "What do you see?"

"I see fire," Spinner answered.

"I saw a palm tree for this one," Izuku said as he flipped to the final card.

"I see a wave and a palm tree," Izuku said, "What about you?"

Spinner was quiet as he stared at the last ink splotch. His eyes seemed to have gone wide and glossy like a child's. His lip slightly trembled before he lowered his head slightly.


Spinner couldn't hold it in any longer. He lowered his head on the glass and broke down. Tears streamed down his face and muzzle, which he knew was going to smell bad later. Spinner curled up slightly as he continued crying.

"Spinner, what's wrong?" Izuku asked again as he stood up quickly.

"Midoryia, please have a seat," The intercom said as Izuku sat down immediately.


"D-Don't worry about me, ki-kid," Spinner stuttered, "I'm f-fine."

"No, you're not," Izuku replied, "You're crying, and you don't seem like the type to cry. What did you see in the ink blotch?"

Spinner raised his tear-stained face a little. His eyes were red and glossy, and his lip had bite marks on them from Spinner trying not to break down even further.

"It's a long story," Spinner said as he took deep breaths to calm himself, "A very long story."

"I like long stories," Izuku replied, "Don't hold anything back. We're friends now. You can trust me."

"Why?" Spinner growled, "Why should I trust a hero? Why should I trust someone who can turn on me if the public pushes them to do so? Why should I even…why…"

"I'm not like other heroes," Izuku replied, "I am not like them, and I will never be like them. People have shattered your trust. That's why you hate so many people. They played you like pawns, and I promise that as long I'm here, no one will ever play you again. I'm here for you, Spinner, and always will be."

Spinner lowered his head before taking a deep breath.

"You know how some kids with mutant quirks get them when they were born?"

Izuku nodded.

"Well, I was one of the unlucky ones," Spinner explained, "I had a group of friends who loved me. The town I was born in was small, so my friends and I used to go play in the vast fields. We were inseparable."

Izuku smiled as Spinner smirked at the thought of his old friends, but his smile wavered.

"I went to sleep a normal person on the night of my birthday. I was young and eager to wake up and enjoy the next day, but that night, well, was the complete opposite of joy. I did the daily routine, ate breakfast, brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed, and then went outside. My friends and I had a wonderful time, and then it happened. My friend Sorkai noticed my scales come in. He asked me if I was okay, and I said I was fine. That's when he told me about my hands. I looked at them, and they were lizard claws. I felt my feet change as my toes grew claws and scales. My back felt cold, and my face felt like someone was trying to stretch it. My teeth became sharper, and that's when I became full lizard."

"Did any of your friends try to help you?" Izuku asked.

"No, the kids in that town were raised to believe that mutants are monsters with no rights," Spinner replied, "All they could do was cower in fear."

Izuku's heart clenched as Spinner continued.

"They ran away screaming and I told them not to be scared, but they didn't listen. I ran home and into my mother's arms in complete fear and cried. She took one look at me and hardly flinched. She looked happy if I had to describe it. I asked her why I made kids run away from me, and she told me it was just because they saw me as just another mutant . I asked her what she saw, and she said she saw her son. She said she'll always see her son no matter what I become. I then asked if I was ugly, and she said I was just handsome in my own special way."

Spinner's tears returned as three rolled down his cheeks.

"My father had gotten off of work early to celebrate my birthday with me, and he ran to me with open arms. He called me tough and said I looked really cool. Of course, I still hated the way I was because I had no friends, but at least I knew I had family."

"You were very close to them, weren't you?" Izuku asked.

"I lived only for them. They were the only people who accepted me and loved me. They taught me much more then anything else I've tried. They gave me a purpose to live, and I was forever in their debt."

Izuku smiled as Spinner described his mother. She had long pink hair with dark eyes. Her smile was apparently to die for. She stroked his purple hair and always gave the best hugs.

Spinner's father was tall and buff. He had purple hair with a small beard and was known for his underground wrestler name "Komodo". He taught Spinner how to play video games and taught him life lessons through the games. His father also taught him how to use his quirk and use swords if needed, and this was the true reason Spinner used swords asides from mimicking Stain.

"They sound amazing, Spinner," Izuku said.

"They were my everything," Spinner agreed.

"I guess I can see why you don't make friends easily," Izuku said, "I'd be sad if my friends shunned me for being different."

Izuku knew all too well about being rejected by his closest friends. Being quirkless definitely took a toll on him and caused him to be sad and alone. That is until he met All-Might and got into UA.

"I could've handled being without friends as long as I had my parents," Spinner said before lowering his head.

"Did they…"

Spinner nodded painfully.

"It was January 26th. I was asleep in my room, and my mother came in and told me to stay inside my room and to not come out. As a six-year-old boy, I had no idea what was going on. That's when I heard the banging. It turns out my friends told their parents about me, and in the town I grew up in, having a free mutant-quirked child was never a good thing. It turns out my parents refused to put the shock collars on me as a rebellious way of showing that I had every right that the other children did. The mob broke down the door. I curled up on the floor in fear and clutched my blanket. I heard screams and crashing for what seemed like hours. Then the mob knocked on my door. I stayed quiet until I heard the footsteps that indicated their departure. Then I smelled the smoke. I ran downstairs where my feet stepped in so many piles of blood. That's when I found the bodies."

Izuku gasped at such a thought. A place that was once a family house becoming a slaughterhouse in a matter of minutes.

"I went up to my mother, who was still breathing, and I asked if the mob was coming back. She told me no. I was happy and asked if we could be a big happy family again, and I asked if we could play in the trees again. She answered that she'll play with me another time, a time that will last forever if I just wait. I didn't understand until she kissed my forehead. It was cold and bone-chilling. Her grip on my hand became loose, and she told me to run away from the town before I die too. I asked her to come with me, and she said that she couldn't."

Spinner was completely crying now. Tears had blurred his vision and Izuku could feel himself shaking.

"She told me to love myself and to fight for what's right. She said that she and my father loved me with everything they could give, and she died. My father was already dead when I got to him, but I knew that he loved me. I sat there in my burning house with nothing to grasp onto but dead corpses and a blanket. I cried for her to say something. I begged to be told what I should do with my life. I didn't know, and the world was already as wicked as it was. Suddenly, the house began to creak, and I barely got out before it collapsed. I heard some of the mob members yelling, and I ran. I gripped myself onto a train and rode all the way to Musutafu. I hid and lived in an alleyway for eight years after that. I cried for my mom and dad every night since they died, but after all these years, I can only cherish the memories…"

Spinner took a deep breath before getting the last few sentences out.

"The polka dots on my suit, that was the blanket I clutched the night they died. I found out that the group responsible for their death was the MCS, the Mutant Cleansing Society. They either kill mutants who refuse to follow their orders, or they put them in restraints, shock collars, and treated them more like monsters than people. Heroes were among that group as well. They killed innocents because they thought they were freaks. Tell me kid, are these the kind of heroes kids should look up to? Huh?"

Izuku was speechless. He expected something traumatizing in Spinner's life, but all of this was truly unexpected and overwhelming. It all tied in with Stain and why he hated anything that had to do with people.

"I'm…I'm so sorry, Spinner," Izuku said, "No person, child, or any living thing should go through anything like that."

"There's nothing you could do I guess. You can't always change someone's opinion about you, and that's where Stain comes in. If you can't get them to change, kill 'em."

"Violence breeds violence, right?" Izuku asked, "You're right about not always being able to change opinions, but if you kill someone, you could be taking away a father, son, mother, daughter. You'll be that person's mob."

"Don't you dare use my past against me," Spinner growled.

"But am I wrong?" Izuku asked.

Spinner shook his head in agreement. Izuku was right, he was just another one of the MCS if he kept this up. Izuku put his hand on the glass as Spinner placed his head on the glass.

"You aren't alone anymore," Izuku said, "You have the League, and you have me. We'll never hurt you, so don't worry. We'll help you in any way we can."

Spinner smiled as he nodded.

"Thank you, kid," Spinner said, "You've been the only hero who willingly sat through my story, and I'm glad that I get to talk with you. Not many people would just talk to a villain because they want to help them. I think Stain had a good reason for wanting to keep you alive. You're one of the heroes he believes will do something great, and I'll support you too."

"Thank you, Spinner," Izuku said, "Wait…were you the one who stopped Magne at the summer camp?"

"Yes," Spinner said as the intercom announced the now surprised Izuku's time with him has ended.

"Thank you for telling me your story, Spinner," Izuku said, "I greatly appreciated your trust towards me."

"It's all good, Midoryia," Spinner replied, "Oh, and one more thing."

"What is it?" Izuku asked.

"Call me Shuichi" Spinner said with a smile as Izuku left.


League of Villain's base, Midnight…

Toga walked into the bar's common area shivering from the cold and with a sad look on her face. Twice noticed this and went to get her a cup of hot chocolate. Dabi guided Toga to the couch as Shigaraki, who was sitting at the bar, turned to look at her. Magne was already asleep in her room, and Kurogiri and Mr. Compress were helping Shigaraki with his planning.

"Where have you been?" Shigaraki asked.

"I've been taking a look at the apartments that were being built. I was hoping some heroes were helping out so I can cut them," Toga replied.

"Any luck?" Shigaraki asked.

"No," Toga answered, "But I did find some blood of a detective that works for the police, so there's a plus."

Shigaraki nodded before retreating to his planning with Kurogiri and Mr. Compress.

"How was it?" Dabi asked as Toga leaned into his warm chest.

"It turns out Spinner is talking to Izuku," Toga said, "Izuku has been coming and talking to him for the past two weeks. Today Spinner told Izuku his backstory and it took everything in me not to give Spinner a hug."

"What happened to Spinner?" Twice asked as he handed Toga her cup of hot chocolate.

"His life just sucked for a long time," Dabi answered, "I bet you can guess why."

"Oh…" Twice gasped as Dabi pulled a shivering Toga closer to him.

"Did I find the right guard, Toga?" Twice asked, "Those computers are tougher than they look."

"You did, and I think Kiykin was abusing Spinner. When I first went to serve him breakfast, the temperature was at 45 degrees. He was also very hostile."

"Isn't that how Spinner always is?" Twice asked, "I mean, he's all about Stain and will most likely yell at you if you don't agree with him."

"Trust me, Twice," Dabi replied, "There's a lot to Spinner that you don't know. You just have to look past all of that. We all had to look past each other's flaws in order to work together. Little Miss Psychopath right here definitely takes quite a bit of time to get used to."

"Says the one who ran away from his one family," Toga thought as Shigaraki appeared back in the common area of the bar.

"We did it!" Shigaraki said as he sat on a stool in the bar.

"What's the plan, boss?" Twice asked as Kurogiri poured a few glasses for the League.

"We're going to take UA head on," Shigaraki explained, "Think about it, we always attack the students while they're outside. Why don't we find a way to attack their dorms or the classrooms?"

"That actually might work!" Twice exclaimed, "Toga could sneak us inside and we can destroy them from the inside out! We could even capture a few powerful students and turn them into Nomus! You're brilliant, Shigaraki!"

Shigaraki smiled as he took a filled glass and raised it high.

"A toast to us all!" He said, "Here's to the death of All-Might, the death of the green-haired kid, and to the death of peace!"

The villains cheered in chorus as the moon settled over the city in the cover of darkness.

This chapter is long, huh? What did you think of my take on Spinner's backstory? I thought that it was sad, I almost teared up writing this. How will Shigaraki's plan work out? Find out in the next chapter!