Unfortunately as they say all good things come to an end. This is the final part. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I liked giving you this take on an untold story of the multiverse. Don't worry I have more Snowbarry stories in the works including the sequal to Picking up the Pieces.

Six months later

Caitlin held her baby girl in her arms. She smiled at her daughter. Only the week before the first democratic election was held in nearly seventy years. Rebuilding was taking place and the concentration camps had been shut down. The prisoners had been slowly integrated back into the general population. While there would always be hate in the world, things were slowly improving. Reduction was starting in the schools. The values of the Reich were no longer being taught. Instead the values of the old United States were reinstated. A country that had once been founded centuries ago on the concepts of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was slowly being reborn. Caitlin was no longer a soldier, but a mother and soon to be teacher. She smiled at her husband who had just returned to their small apartment having been finally able to file the papers to make their marriage legal.

"So how is our beautiful little girl?" asked Barry

"She has her daddy's appetite."

"Well we knew that might happen. Dr. Caitlin told us from her tests that she was going to be a speedster like me."

"I know. I am glad we will be able to dampen her powers until she is old enough to control them."

"Caity, Jessica is going to grow up in a different world then we did. She will be free to love who she wants and not have to fear being persecuted for it."

"There are still a lot of people that believe in the Reich."

"I know. But hopefully some day this country will be what those that originally founded it dreamed it will be."

"We can only hope."

Barry kissed his wife. He knew that nothing was going to be easy in the coming years. But that was ok with him. He had the woman he loved by his side. They would go on to have two more children a son they named Joe after a man who in the time both had known them never treated them with anything but respect. There third child and second daughter was named Sara for their friend that was killed by her own father.

Alex had moved to Gotham and started to see the cousin of Bruce Wayne, Kate Kane. Bruce had been a friend of the freedom fighters while never actually being a member of them or the Reich. Caitlin was happy her friend had found someone to love. Iris West unfortunately was killed not long after Laurel Lance. Leo and Ray after they married moved to the country and now lived a quiet life. Winn, helped to rebuild the military of the new government.

Barry and Caitlin did see their Earth-1 counterparts from time to time. Earth-1 Caitlin had spent nearly a year on Earth-38. During that time Earth-1 Barry had missed his friend, but also realized that things were not working with Iris. A month before Caitlin returned home Iris filed for divorce. Two years later Barry proposed to Caitlin. They married in a small ceremony six months later with their friends in attendance. Iris had been invited but declined. Though she did send her well wishes. She never held a grudge against Caitlin for her feelings. In fact had respected the doctor for not trying to break up Barry and her's marriage.