If you want me to add something, leave a comment or send me a PM, I'll try to add it, and if you don't want to see explicit mature scenes please tell me, because I don't want to traumatize you by being too dirty or too describing. Please, review, it means a lot :)

-Welcome back to another year, and for those new, welcome altogether. There are not many changes awaiting you this year. Professor Trelawney will join us back as divination teacher along with our beloved Firenze, Hagrid is back for those interested in Care for Magical Creatures and Professor Umbridge has agreed to return as your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, last year's events long forgotten.

Gasps and questions floated around the Great Hall. Why would she return after the events that took place last year? Including whatever had transpired between her and the centaurs, which according to the latest gossip was gruesome and spooky. It had been a very hard year for her as well as the students, no one wishing to repeat it.

-Albus, you told us you had hired a new teacher. – Minerva leaned closer to the headmaster her face contorting into an expression of anger.

-I said I had hired a teacher. Madam Umbridge went back to the Ministry but I managed to grab her before the Minister did.

-Albus, may I remind you that she sent me to St. Mungo's?

-I know, but if you all just give her a chance…

-She didn't give us a chance when she punished us. - a couple of Ravenclaws yelled at the high table.

-Or when she took Harry's broom and left the Gryffindor team without beaters or a seeker. - Ginny glared at Malfoy who was grinning at the memory of Gryffindor almost being erased altogether from Quidditch.

-Or when she forbade us to meet for our weekly wizard chess club as well as other clubs.

-Yes, I understand that all of you Hufflepuffs not being able to meet for your weekly wizard chess club reunions was something very hard, but may I remind you that I was forced to leave the school because of her? Despite that, I would like you to give her a chance. Things have changed.

-How can you be so sure Albus?

-If you don't trust me, Minerva, see for yourselves. – opening the door, he extended his arm. After a few minutes, a small hand grabbed his. It was visibly shaking, small pale fingers almost missing his for a second.

As the door cricked open the Great Hall fell into an uncomfortable silence. Dolores Jane Umbridge looked nothing like she had looked the previous year. She was wearing a dark blue dress with a cyan jacket, no bows in her hair that made her look even more toad-like, and black heels. Her face looked far more relaxed, her eyes sweeter and her hair longer, shinier and softer, and she has lost weight.

-She's not wearing pink.

-We can see that Mr. Finnigan. Albus, just because she got a makeover it doesn't mean she's changed.

-Minerva, don't rush it. Madam Umbridge has a story for us all. But only if she wants to make a real difference.

-I… I must tell you. – the girlish tone she had once was gone and what used to be a fake sweet voice now seemed like her natural tone.

-Take your time. -Dumbledore sat back on his chair clasping his hands together.

-First of all, I would like to say that I'm not working for the Ministry anymore. Cornelius and I had a tremendous fight the other day and I left. He and I, as many of you know or have suspected, many years ago started a relationship. Back then we were no one, and I didn't mind. We climbed the ladder because we were good at our jobs not because we were seeking power and recognition, but eleven years ago I unexpectedly got… pregnant. – a few students turned their faces away from the woman, incredulous looks masking their disgusted ones at the image of her naked and lying on a bed. She continued as if nothing had happened. - Cornelius was mad at first but when Jane was born, he changed.

-I fail to see what's important about her biography.

-Mr. Finnigan, one more word and I'll be the one to punish you. If you'll be so kind as to continue, Dolores. – McGonagall glared at the boy before looking back at the woman.

-You all know I passed an anti-werewolves bill, which affected your beloved Professor Lupin. Well, I did that out of revenge. When my little girl was born Cornelius became this crazy man. He had never wanted to become Minister, but suddenly it was his main project. I thought he wanted to ensure a life for Jane, but after a while, it was as if he had forgotten we existed. I was the only one who was working for her and raising her at the same time. So, one day, sick and tired of seeing Jane trying to make her father play with her, I took her for a walk. The muggle world was safe back then, so I saw no problem there, but out of the blue… this group of man surrounded us. They were a pack of werewolves that belonged to You-know-who's lines. It happened so fast I still have trouble recalling what took place. The only thing I clearly remember was an explosion. I lost sight of Jane for a second, one second, and then everything became calm again. I couldn't find her anywhere, so I spent hours searching for her through streets and neighbourhoods, but there was no sign.

-Did you ask the Ministry for help?

-Of course, Minerva. I apparated near it and went straight for Alastor. He sent a large group of people out to look for her, but she was never found. They ended up catching them and they said that they had taken the girl and… and… and killed her.

-Dolores… - Poppy was trying to get a grip on her emotions while underneath the table she was grasping Severus' hand. He had a blank expression in his eyes, but his hand grasped hers as to reassure her that he was there.

-That was the most hurtful thing I've ever heard. I went through hell and back to take care of her only to find out that she was gone. But it was even worse when they refused to say where they had buried her. I thought I was going to die.

-And Cornelius?

-Oh, Madam Pomfrey. Him. At first, he was upset, not mad, just upset. But I needed him, I needed his help to get out of that horrible black hole I was in, but he was not there. He kept going, after a few days, as if nothing had happened, and I was drowning. But he dared to tell me to my face a week after she had disappeared that it had been my fault. If I hadn't been fighting, I would not have lost sight of her. I told him a thousand times that I hadn't fought, but he never listened. And he went on like that for ten years. Ten years of being blamed for your own daughter's death. I was raving, angry, upset… but mostly mad. I thought that if I became someone important in the Ministry, he would look back at me like he used to, so I climbed the ladder, taking people out of the picture if I found it necessary. In less than two years he was Minister and I was Senior Undersecretary. But he was an idiot.

-We could have told her that. -Sprout whispered in Filius' ear before grabbing some bread.

-I was so hurt I ended up forgetting why I was doing what I was doing, and I started yearning for power. I was still in love with him, so I never did a thing to hurt him. Actually, I did everything in my power to impress him, but he never looked at me the way I wanted him to. I was drowning my grief as well as my hurt in my work, and I couldn't hold it together. Many times, I thought of just leaving everything, but I never really did. Then Harry came to Hogwarts and everything Cornelius talked about was him. The stone, and then the incident with the Chamber of Secrets. I don't think I've ever worked as much as I did that year. And Sirius Black.

-You finally believed Harry, no? You had to wait until Sirius' death to believe him. Who was going to take the word of three teenagers who had managed to save the school three times on a row, no?

-We should have believed him straight away Mr. Weasley, but when Mr. Black escaped once again, and Cornelius came home he was in such a state of mind I had to take his wand from him afraid he might try to do something. If I had said something that had supported Harry, he would have gone mad! And when Hogwarts was chosen for the Triwizard Tournament and poor Mr. Diggory died…

-He was murdered. - the new Hufflepuff prefect stood up, and if a couple of boys hadn't grabbed him and sat him back down, he would have run towards her, ready to crush her skull against the floor. - Don't forget that, now that everyone finally knows and believes He is back. Cedric Diggory was killed.

-I know. And my refusal to believe that his death was something more than an accident it's unforgivable. I was so worried about Cornelius and his paranoid state that I found myself doing things I would never have thought of under normal circumstances, but he was mad. He was so mad I knew I had to shut Mr. Potter, so I sent him those dementors, but Dumbledore saved him and the only option that was left was to become your teacher. I had to keep Cornelius on his toes, so I punished you and tortured you so much I didn't know who I was anymore. I had become Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, and under that name I did everything. When I tried to take Hagrid away and hurt professor McGonagall in the process… - her head turned slightly towards the high table, McGonagall's lips as thin as two straight lines, her eyes flickering in anger. - I was in the same paranoid state I had been trying to save Cornelius from and when you young people tricked me, and the centaurs took me away… - for once a flicker of fright crossed her semblance, shivers running down her spine. The students started at her, worry floating among them. - For the first time in almost ten years all that order I had always tried to achieve laid right in front of me. I was in the middle of nowhere as a horrible teacher, an overpowered member of the Ministry, a grieving mother and a failure as a wife. I don't think I would have minded if I had died right there and then. I was back in that black hole.

-But thankfully we brought Madam Umbridge back to the school and even though a certain ghost bid her a very nasty farewell – his eyes traveled to the ceiling where Peeves was floating head down-, we have her here with us again.

-But there's something I don't understand.

-What Mr. Finnigan? – Minerva stared at him, sighing, exasperated.

-I don't think that spending a few days with some centaurs made her change. Why should we believe she's not the nasty woman she was last year?

-Something happened this summer, but that's a story Professor Umbridge must decide whether she wants to tell you or not. It's something very private and painful.

-I think that if we knew we would be able to decide whether we are going to give her another chance or not. - The four tables cheered the unknown Slytherin girl who had stood up as Dolores stared at Dumbledore.

-Please, do not force her to tell you… -Albus had stood up once again and surprisingly quickly had walked to the front of the table to take Dolores back to her seat. The four houses booed and yelled, determined to make her talk.

-I think they deserve to know. – her voice was shaking, her eyes locked on his silver beard. - Everything will be much clearer once they have the whole picture. - after nodding at him he backed away. -When I returned home, Cornelius was waiting for me. Apparently, those werewolves I told you about earlier had escaped from Azkaban and had joined The Dark Lord's lines again. I was feeling drained, frustrated and angry, so my first reaction was to yell at him. He took it all and after about fifteen minutes I stopped. He stood up and left. I needed him and he did the exact same thing he did when Jane… Well, you all know that in July professor McGonagall gets the names from those students that in September are going to join the school. One of those names was Jane's. Dumbledore didn't tell us and went to find her on his own. She lived in an orphanage because they had found her in the middle of the street…

-You don't have to continue if you don't want to.

-No Minerva. I need to. Dumbledore found her and after a few weeks he came to the Ministry. When he told us that he had found Jane alive… I felt as if this dark fog I had lived under for years had left and for once I could see clearly what surrounded me. But that happiness only lasted for a few days. You-know-who sent a couple of Death Eaters to punish Cornelius. Thinking that Jane was the most important thing in his life they… they… - a lump in her throat prevented her from saying that fatal word, tears forming in her eyes.

-You should sit down Dolores. -with a wave of Albus' wand, a chair had appeared behind her, but she refused to turn and face the teachers.

-No. No. Do you know what happened? What they did? They murdered her! When they told us, I felt as if life wanted me to die. Feeling that pain all over again and this time to finally be able to tell Cornelius it was his fault… We argued. He refused to acknowledge everything, and I couldn't take it anymore. After ten years of blaming myself for something that hadn't happened and of trying to win Cornelius back, I decided to end it all. I quit, accepted this offer and finally stopped trying to live my life in pink. It was Jane's favourite colour. I know you all hate me, and I don't blame you and I understand if you decide not to give me a chance, after what I did, I don't think I would give myself a chance either, but I needed you to understand. I'm not that woman anymore. I'm Dolores, a teacher, not an excellent one, and a mother. – silence surrounded them for a couple of minutes as Dolores tried to hold herself together. The next second, she was staring directly into Potter's direction. He held her gaze, his emerald eyes displaying the desperate hurt he was trying not to show at the death of his Godfather, the memories of her actions facing her once more. -I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Mr. Potter. He didn't deserve it. None of them did.

Feeling extremely exhausted and in an unbearable pain she left the Great Hall. Minerva and Poppy followed her right away, and in the silence that had filled the room they heard how Dolores broke down, the closest to the door witnessing how Minerva was holding her in her arms, Poppy with her hand in her back.

-Shhh, it's okay. Everything will be alright.

-We should take her to the infirmary, Minerva.

-That's a good idea.

-He was… was never there. - the pain in her voice was so oppressive that Poppy thought for a second about casting a sleeping spell to spare her from all that.

-I know. I know. Everything will be okay, I promise.

-Cast a feather spell on her.

-Okay, but, Poppy, close the door, nobody needs to see this.

With a wave of her wand the door cricked closed and the Great Hall was filled with whispers.

-What are you going to do about this, Albus? – Severus had stood up and was now sitting beside him, the touch of Poppy's hand still tingling in his flesh.

-I have a plan, Severus. But I need you and Poppy to help me.