Kakashi hovered between the rooms of Konoha general hospital, visiting the

bed-bound genin he brought over after the bell test.

The hospital was as he remembered; just with less gore. He would know. He

was in and out of the hospital constantly during the war, and patients littered

the blood-stained like parasites to rotting meat. Surgeries were carried out at

the check-in desk while a long line of soldiers clutching their guts and face

from falling to the floor waited at the side. Many of them ran out of time


He had never been critically injured. Obito's Sharingan prevented him from

ever being too slow to save himself from spilling his guts on the floor.

He saw pregnant women cry tears of blood, crying over the corpse of their

child who was stabbed in an attack. Civilian lovers, taking back the deformed

bodies of their loved ones to cremate who would swallow their tears at the

burnt off skin or the hacked off cheek and stride out with pride.

It was pointless. It might sound hypocritical for him of everyone else - Kakashi

no sharingan, a dedicated Konoha shinobi - to complain about the

pointlessness of the will of fire. Motivation-wise, one might disagree with him

on the basis of morals, but what for? For old fools like Hiruzen to make the

same mistakes over and over again until he is prompted into action? To make

the same mistakes that will kill more kids like the genin he assigns him?

Like Sasuke, Naruto and Akira?

No more. If he accepts a team, he will damn well make sure that they will be

as little a liability to themselves as possible so they will survive old men's


He slid open the door to Akira's door and went inside to find the girl awake.

"When did you wake up?" He closed the door and sat down next to the

unresponsive girl

She was staring at nothing, eyes wide and staring off into an unseeable

distance. He nudged her and her snapped around immediately, chest shaking

with forced breaths.

"Hatake-san? How long have you been here?" She muttered, not quite in the

realm of reality yet.

"Not too long. Did you have any difficulties with the genjutsu?"

"The genjutsu..." She seemed more alert, "How did you do that?"

"It was a basic illusionary jutsu. Did you have trouble dispelling it?"

"No, no, no. You don't get it. How could you know my mindscape?" She

stared at him, still shaking, "How could you show me my mindscape in an

illusion when you've never seen it?!"

Kakashi put up his hands and nodded. Akira leaned back on the bed and

grasped her hair.

"I'm sure whatever it is it's nothing Akira-chan. You might be just tired from

test. It's better if you just rest and I'll visit your other teammates."

"Sorry Hatake-san."

"No offense taken. Anyone who passes my bell test doesn't do it easily."


He almost giggled at the girls tone as he walked towards the nearest open

window and jumped out.

He did say he would take on a mission if they passed after all.

Akira stayed at the hospital, voluntarily for the first time in a long time. She

didn't particularly feel like getting out f bed. Even though Kakashi had told her

that he'd passed them, she still felt heavy. Almost as heavy as Sakura's bag

when she dropped at Kin's Wagashi store.

Speaking of the devil...

"Hope you're in the mood for some Dorayaki! Kin has this new thing she calls

'Ice cream' and she stuffed some Dorayaki in it. Just careful you don't spill

any! It's melted a bit." Sakura held a Dorayaki to her mouth with her hand

below to catch any spills. Akira caught the Dorayaki and put it on her lap,

gripping her sister's hand.

strawberry and cream

"You don't have to be here Sakura. I'll be okay."

"Oh shut up!" She shook her hand off and dug inside her backpack for an 8-

pack of mochi, "Try! It's this thing called 'chocolate chips' with crushed mint

leaves and cream." She held out a green mochi.

Akira, defeatedly took a bite and instantly grabbed the mochi out of her hand

and moaned.

"this...deserves a pedestal with Kami."

"Kin is Kami Akira. Don'y insult her again. Ever."

"duly noted. How ddi you exam go by the way?"

She laughed and pulled on her hair, "funny thing about that...you know how I

get this inner person sometimes popping above my head and all?"

"Inner! Your repressed sexual energy as a hormonal preteen!" Sakura squinted

at her sister, the squint slowly morphing into a killer glare.

"I have a fist strong enough to fracture your spinal cord and I'm not afraid to

use it."

"I mean...your shiny beautiful personality not many people are civilised enough

to appreciate. yet. What about this rainbows-and-sunshine personality of


"Close call Haruno. And it turns out that I've been casting genjutsu since inner


Akira slapped Sakura's arm and smirked, "No way! Are you some hidden

prodigy the world didn't know about before?!"

Sakura rolled her eyes with a wavering frown, "It's actually more common than

you think. one in ten children working with chakra or educationally exposed to

it have experienced this at some point, something to do with genetics and


"Well who knew. Your smarts actually are useful." Sakura whacked Akira on

the head and glared while Akira whimpered and whined.

"See?! This is why you're the smarter one!"

"Exactly you idiot! Now look in the mirror." Sakura nodded towards the mirror

across the room, showing an abnormally large inflation where she had hit her.

"I'm doing it."

"Of course dumbass. we're twins, so it's pretty possible we share the same

recessive gene for this."

"You should work for the world encyclopedia. for real."

"Too bad for me, I passed my sensei's test and She's starting training

tomorrow. Did I mention how cool Jingu-Sensei is?! I mean...She's done

everything! She's had medical training and she can hold her own in a battle so

well! Oh and she also does counselling besides actual psychotherapy!"

"honestly? I wouldn't want to deal with psychos all day. I'm enough of one


She hit her on the back of the head

"Oh is this another insult-kami-sama-and-be-punished thing like Kin?"

"Look at you. Using your brain for something other than decorating the inside

of your skeleton."

"Gee I don't understand a word of that with all technical smarts sis."

"...That's it. I'm disowning you as my sister." Sakura made a dramatic show of

getting up and slowly walking out of the door.



A nurse passing by her room threw up her eyebrows and shushed her


"This is a hospital not a family carnival kid!"


She waited until the nurse walked far away to stick her tongue out at the

empty door frame.

And then the heaviness overpowered the beating of her heart and she fell back

onto the bed again.


As if she were carrying a backpack filled to the brim with stones.

She put her arm over her eyes, shielding her view from the painfully white

ceiling she'd seen many times before. She knew she wouldn't cry; she'd been

in the same position hundreds of or even over a thousand times before and

now her kidney was starting to hurt and a warmth was flooding her heart oh

god it beat fast-

The chakra scanner went haywire, blaring like the alarm of retreat in the middle

of a war.

Footsteps stormed into the room, removing her arm and revealing a mass of

people, dressed in sickly greens and hypothermic blues, shielding her view of

the white ceiling. They looked rushed, drenched with sweat and smelling of

sterile cleaners. Green flashed over one's palm and she rushed it across her

chest, stopping at her heart chakra pathways.

"The cardiac pathways are being flooded by the neural pathways." She

decreed as a matter of factly, "disrupt the flow and force retreat the excess

chakra into a seal container. sealing medics?"

"what's wrong with her?!" Naruto pushed back against the hospital chunnin

security holding him back from bursting into the operation theatre they had

moved Akira into.

"Kid stop struggling! Your friend will be fine." The chunnin shouted in between

Naruto's screams

"Naruto! Stop it you're just gonna make it worse!" Sakura yanked him back by

the wrist, "they didn't do anything. This happens a lot."

"How can you be so calm when your sister is being operated on Sakura-


"It's not the first time. Definitely not the last."

"but she was fine! Kakashi-sensei visited her and she was fine!"

"Well your sensei isn't a medic is he?!" She intensified her glare, the venom

crawling over his face like a second skin, sending goosebumps down his neck

and beating drums of blood in his ears.

Killing intent.

She blinked, the killer intent disappearing along side her glare, but the tone of

her voice remained grave.

"This is our family matter Naruto. I would appreciate it if you left this to us. Our

parents will be here soon and I'm not having you worry them even more with

your unnecessary screaming. Go back to your ward please." She let go of his

wrist sharply and turned towards the operation theatre.

Naruto couldn't get that word from repeating inside his head.


That's right. He wasn't family. He hadn't even known her long, or enough to be

deserving of waiting along side her family.

Who did he think he was, trying to look like he cared, when he didn't even

know who he was caring for? No matter how friendly, or likeable someone

was, you didn't care for everyone. No, you either gave so much of yourself

away as a person, or cared yourself into slavery as a hero.

And everyone knew he was no hero. Especially himself.

After all, no hero has a monster inside them self that can unleash hell on


and so he left and lay on his bed,

And forced himself to sleep.

"Neurtal chakra pathways were flooding the cardiac

pathways...yes...expanded coils...arrhythmia...unfiltered chakra seeped into

heart tissue."

"Is she going to be alright?"

had mom cried?

"her coils have expanded. Exponentially. She might cause an overload on her

heart again if she uses chakra intensively."

"Is there anything that will aid with the healing process?"

"No severe chakra draining exercises. we need to keep the chakra levels as

stable as possible to minimalise coil activity aside from bodily function


"Understood. Thank you."

She opened her eyes when she was certain the medic was gone.

"Akira-chan...you're awake." Mebuki speed walked to the bed.

"Disappointed?" She raised an eyebrow jokingly, but instantly regretted it

when her parents' faces twisted painfully like they were just shot in the


"Too soon. Sorry. Can I just hug you?" Without a question the man and wife

wrapped around her, trying and failing to conceal the little drops they were

wiping off her hair when they combed her hair.

The kisses didn't lie. They were expecting her to die any moment, and maybe

a part of what made her feel like this...was this exact reaction. This feeling of

being suffocated in her mother's lavender scent and her father's coffee

breath, when she thought she would be comforted. Wanting to feel any love

for them at the moment, or any pity, but instead having an intense hatred

boiling inside of you like a volcano ready to explode and rain magma over the

living for centuries of a burning hell. It was like she was drowning, in her own

hatred and guilt of it and she couldn't say anything because of everything she

would be labelled as if she lashed out at her self-sacrificing, lovingly

affectionate and wholly dedicated saint-like parents the world din't seem to

get enough of.

Don't get her wrong, she loved them.

But that didn't stop the resentment from growing, nor the lines keeping her

strings of sanity from tying together and threading manically around her


It didn't stop a part of her, albeit small, from resenting them because of how

much they enjoy being admired at her expense. Of how much of a victim they

made her out to be instead of supporting her and letting her choose her own

path.(They lost contact for a while after Aurora took her because they

disagreed with the pathway Aurora wanted her to take as a kunoichi.)

She broke away from the hug and covered herself with the duvet, smiling at

them both.

"It's getting pretty late out there. I think it's better if you all go home and visit

me tomorrow."

Mebuki and Kizashi exchanged a look and then nodded, leaning closer to give

her a kiss each, "If you wanted us here just call the house phone will you?"

She lingered.

Akira watched them disappear into the hallways of the hospital and then let

out a sigh she'd been holding for a while, hands trembling and fists pressuring

her eyes so tears wouldn't escape. She urged herself not to think about it, that

she already had lived a lot compared to some people, but nothing could stop a

steady stream of tears and the inaudible whimpers.

Sasuke had already woken up when Naruto went back to their shared room.

He was sat up in his bed with a scroll open on his lap that seemed to talk

about advanced Gokakyu control.

"Where were you dobe?"

"Running from my pyromaniac teammate. For real though, Akira just had


"How did it go?" he didnt seem shocked.

"I...didn't stay long enough for that. Family only." Sasuke nodded with


"Why are we talking?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"I decided to try out what you usually refer to as 'kindness'."

"Wow. I'm blessed. Sasuke-kun just blessed me with his firstborn."

"Don't make me regret it dobe. One sarcastic loser is enough for this village."

"Gee you bastard. what ever made you use your brain to socialise?"

Sasuke huffed and turned his eyes on the scroll again, "I didn't think you had

the required intelligence to comprehend sarcasm let alone use it."

"My sarcasm is limited to everyone who isn't you. Recently including you

'cause who doesn't love being paired with the person you've hated for the

whole of your formal education."

"I don't particularly like you either, but I suppose if we're going to survive each

other we need to come to an understanding."

"What happened to your, 'I work alone you foolish mortals!' attitude?"

"Do you think I would ever work with you given the choice?"

"And you're saying?"

"We don't have a choice. We work as a team until we all make Chunnin and

then we never have to talk to each other again." He held out his hand, "Deal or

no deal?"

"Sounds good to me. But I'm accepting on one condition!" Naruto

grinned, "We'll have a match after making Chunnin."

Sasuke looked at his hand and smirked, "Don't count on winning dobe."

She had just been discharge form the hospital and folding her clothes when

we heard a tap on the balcony door.

A toad and a butterfly both waiting behind the spot-less balcony window. the

toad had unusually vibrant colour for his skin and had blue paint marking the

outline of his mouth and eye sockets. His butterfly companion was unusually

proportioned for a butterfly, appearing more as a moth than anything. She

knew from Aurora's rants that Aiya was a skipper butterfly, and specialised in

guerilla tactics and message delivery, but the butterfly summons relied more

on swift poison application than direct attacks.

After a few years of being with Aiya, she still couldn't not laugh at Aurora's bad

naming skills. She remembers how excited Aurora was when Negawa had

sent her apprentice to her "to get acquainted with the summoner world", and

how the first thing she shouted when the summoning smoke cleared, was

"You could be a fur model goddammit!".

Hence the name 'Aiya'. Essentially 'beautiful silk'.

"Gamakichi. Aiya. What's up?" She opened the balcony and a wave of cold air

seeped her body heat

"You look rad. What happened kid?" Gamakichi crawled inside and Aiya

landed on Akira's bed, crawling under the blanket.

" got my ass handed to me by this guy." She pointed at a drawing of Kakashi

she had thrown into her basement box, "'Twas fun."

"Bet it was. do you have any nectar per chance? it's getting really cold at


"Sure. You're delivering my medicine, yeah?" Aiya's antenna pointed to the

balcony and Akira went over to get the package. She almost jumped when the

new Icha Icha book caught her eyes (it wasn't even on the shelves yet!) but

managed to hold herself back just as Gamakichi remarked on it.

"Jiraya sent the new book kid. He was hoping you would write him about the

unedited content."

"I wish he would stop sending me his perverted novels. How come Aurora-

Sensei didn't knock some sense into him?"

"She did, that's the thing. Three punches and the boy was out cold, but he

insisted that you should read it."

"I'm not even at the age of consent yet that blasted..." She huffed

"I could always take it back and tell him you don't want it." Akira shook her

head trying not to appear as if she enjoyed the novel at all, "It's fine. He did

ask me to proof-red it for him after all."

"Gah kid!Just say if you like them!"

"Of course I don't! What do you think I am, a pervert?!"

"If you could both shut up and get me some nectar?" Akira took the

chance and dashed out of the room into the kitchen.

Her mother kept the small kitchen extremely clean. it was her safe place and

she would be caught dead if she allowed a single stain to find its way in her

territory. She frequently kept flowers and left the window open so stray bees

would have a food source, and most summers she would buy berry bushes

from the local gardener and plant them beneath the kitchen window so she

could always refill the fruit bowl by the window.

She opened the filled kitchen and took out a large packet of nectar she had

isolated earlier for Aiya knowing she would ask for some. She noticed that her

delivery was still in her hands, so she opened the letter stapled to the pack.


Congratulations for becoming a Genin, I heard you got Kakashi as your Jounin

teacher. I hope you kicked his ass for the survival test! You didn't write to me

to tell me about your team, so write to me soon. You're missed in Kusa. Jiraiya

is missing you too, but you know he won't admit it. Knucklehead. Anyway, you

are a Kunoichi now. You are going to come across many events that will

define your visions as a Kunoichi, and in developing these ideal you are bound

to get hurt. I don't doubt in my teachings or your ability to take care of

yourself, but do take extra care of yourself dear, your career will mean nothing

if you are too weak to carry out your missions and that also includes your

mental health. I sent you some medicine, it will take away your pain and help

you restore your chakra, and your usual pills are in the bigger container along

side a bag of solider pills (don't worry about the costs, it's nothing compared

to my shopping). If things are good for some more time in Kusagakure, I will

come and give you a visit (and possibly drag Jiraiya along with me, but no

promises) .

Take care,


Gee she went all out, thought Akira. She would have to go all out on her

birthday. now, the butterfly mistress loved her birthday as it was both a day

she could celebrate her age in reverse and spend non-stop without her

financial advisors complaining about her thinning inheritance. Akira made the

mistake of telling her that she would like it if they didn't celebrate her birthday

when Aurora called her in for birthday plans and oh boy...did she get an earful.

In short Aurora is a birthday maniac. Mostly because of the unlimited spending

and the cake. The cake especially with extra cream. It could get heaving

carrying cash around so she had been, for the last few years dreaming about

virtual money that could be stored in a slip for long periods of time.

Maybe one day, electricity was proving to be useful for more than fridges and

powering homes and ninjas had been taking up a surveillance method with

hidden cameras powered by electricity connected to powerful computers.

Perhaps one day.

She walked up to her room with the nectar and sat down next to Aiya on her

bedsheets, punching a hole in the plastic container with a metallic straw. Aiya

took long sips from the nectar, letting it dissolve in her mouth and for the

flavour to kick in. She shot Akira a look of gratitude and she smiled. Violets

and roses were her favourite mixture and it wasn't too hard juicing them for

nectar with chakra.

"Gamakichi...do you know when Jiraya will be here?"

"What? Wanting to review his work in person?" Gamakichi let out an

obnoxious snort

Akira rolled her eyes, "For this boy I'm friends with. He taught the fourth

Hokage didn't he?"

"Yeah. And?"

Akira paused to choose her words, "He idolises the fourth. I thought some

motivation might do him some good, he's my teammate after all."

"The blond one who was being huggy with you?"

"yeah the huggy colour clash." She feigned a shudder, "A true horror


"Got you kid. I'll tell your teacher and she can write to you first chance."

Gamakichi got up from his resting position and moved towards the balcony,

"For now, we have to go. It was nice seeing you again kid. Don't get killed."

"How moving. Don't forget Aiya." She looked at the butterfly glaring at them

from behind the straw.

"Move it moth." Aiya rolled her numerous eyes at the toad and clung onto her

nectar harder.

"Kami...how do you put up with her kid?!"

Akira swallowed a snicker and replied with feigned unknowing, "What do you

mean? Aiya is an angel."

Aiya widened her numerous eyes obnoxiously at Gamakichi.


Kakashi almost flipped, come the morning of their first team training session.

Akira was still hospitalized (did he feel any guilt? nooooooo) and he didn't have

nearly enough time to train all of them to an acceptable level of proficiency

until the Chunnin exams (when he would hopefully be rid of them once and for


Then Kami decided to play a little bit. A string pulled here and one there, he

was staring at Naruto and Sasuke mentoring each other before he had even

arrived for training.

He repeated.

Naruto. Sasuke. Working. Together.

He stressed.

Working together doesn't belong in a sentence where Naruto and Sasuke are

used together.

for that stunt he decided to appear earlier. He was met with Naruto screaming

at him and Sasuke glaring at him from a few metres away but the point stood.

They went back to working together after Naruto was done screaming at him.

It was peculiar to say the least, but he didn't complain. The two obviously still

hated each other, that must was apparent from how they were basically trying

to kill each other with 1000 Shuriken-throwing clones and consecutive grand

fireball executions. Whatever they were doing though, he wished it would go

on forever. His ears were having a beach holiday from the arguing.

Fast forward one week, they have mastered the tree walking exercise and

Naruto's aim has improved significantly (he suspected the 1000 Shuriken-

throwing clones to have something to do with this development). Sasuke had

improved his chakra control and was trying to move onto water walking.

Oh and did he mention that Akira was late for training?

He swore destruction on the girl. He was determined to test their chakra

natures by the end of training today and cover some elemental manipulation

theory so they could move on to more advanced elemental chakra

manipulation than just 'winging it' so to say.

fast forward one hour later at 8 am, a disheveled Akira appeared on the other

side of the bridge leading to the training ground, and ran in desperation just so

maybe if her sensei saw her attempts at being on time despite an alarm clock

prank pulled by Gamakichi that toad- ahem, she wouldn't receive any


that, or maybe Kin's new mochi flavour would do the trick. Either way, for any

of those to work she would have to find Kakashi first.

Objective: Find Kakashi

Reward:10% chance of escaping punishment if he's feeling generous or is in a

good mood

Actions:Look around

You looked around

Kakashi found. Mission complete.

Akira ran towards Kakashi with an apology planned out in her mind, when she

saw Naruto and Sasuke reading together under a tree's shade.

She repeated.


She stressed.

Working. Together. Also Naruto reading at all.

"What drug did you slip them Sensei?" She whispered loud enough only for

the Jounin to hear.

"I share the exact same notion."

"Does that mean-"

"You are still running your twenty laps. every minute above 15 minutes is

another lap."


"Five extra laps!"

Akira dropped the mochi and rushed.

*(Just forcing the chakra back would both overflow the chakra pathways and it

would burst out of the coils and damage them and also damage the fabric of

the pathway. Solution would be to make a small indent at the base of the

chakra pathways to place a seal that the excess chakra will escape

to(concentration ratios) Concentration ratios are basically what keep the

chakra(ratio) flowing inside the pathways. Even if there's more chakra

somewhere, if its ratio is uneven it keep flowing. For this to happen, the chakra

pathways should be at least a little empty and that's where the bodily

functions come through. That's why people in the Narutoverse are generally

faster thinkers and have sturdier bodies. Their bodies take off the cap of their

chakra from their pathways and vessel(vessel connected to pathway, where

chakra starts to go in another direction ad changes halves between the body.

located below the heart where the most concentration is. chakra pathway runs

through the vessel and delivers chakra to the other side. There are much

smaller internal coils that transfer chakra from the vessel whenever the

immediate pathways are emptying and the body takes a small amount to keep

the flow and this is the chakra flow). Her neural pathways are flooding her

cardiac pathways. When she was feeling tired, it was her empty cap slowly

being filled and her chakra flow slowing down. It was filled for a moment and

then it filled over the limit and started to stretch her cardiac pathways which

stretched her coils and chakra came in direct contact with her heart without

being filtered and when it was much more intense than the heart can handle.

An enemy can send a surge of chakra filtered closely to the enemy's type and

flood the chakra pathway to the cap, essentially stopping the flow and killing

an enemy by filling their empty cap with chakra. It can't be their own foreign

chakra because chakra retreats(becomes more concentrated and goes deeper

into the pathway and further away from the coil so you actually have to

practise calling on chakra when someone is infiltrating your network since it's

harder to call on chakra that's further away than normal.). Intense chakra has

more energy per cm cubed and is stronger. It's easier to manipulate since it's

easier to feel and locate it. Intensity increases through training so chakra will

get accustomed to holding more energy but that also means a faster

metabolism and a bigger need for food. But you can only improve until a

certain point. Children from shinobi backgrounds have a more intense chakra

than the ones from civillian background since intensity is also inherited from

parents. Chakra is inside the sperm and the egg in the womb, but it remains in

the storage tissue inside the womb, until the pathways develop and it can flow

into the pathways to make the chakra network. INtensity is a mixture of both

parents' chakra then. It is harder to hide, so most recon and assassination

shinobi tend to dilute their chakra, but increase their reserves to make up for

the lack of intensity.

Wagashi: Japanese sweets

And this is everything i spent my energy on figuring out when I should've been

studying. Sue me. But it was worth it (loreal ad: Because you're worth it).

Anyway, hope you missed all of my spelling, punctuation and grammar errors

for I am much to overworked and much too stressed to edit them on my own. I

also almost posted spoilers on the parts we haven't re edited yet so that was


until another excessively delayed chapter my lovelies,
