Knights and Angels Chapter One

I know another new story meaning longer waits for updates, I can't help it! Ryusoulgers just screamed this to me, GOD DAMMIT! Besides this is my idea you have a problem with it write it yourself.

After this I will be updating stories that only have one chapter because some of those stories a quite popular as I understand.



THIS WAS WRITEN BETWEEN VEIWING OF EPISODES 29 and 31, so if any other DINO KNIGHTS join the show, may not be mentioned until later chapters.

THANK YOU EvaShinobiKaiserKnight for his Evangelion and Super Sentai crossover as it gave me an idea for this chapter, please read his 'Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Genesis' though he hasn't updated it since 2015.


:Story Start:

Twelve years prior-Outside Tokyo 2-night-The start of Japan's most dangerous thunderstorm since before SECOND IMPACT four years prior.

A young four year old boy wearing a white shirt black pants and with a book bag on his back as he struggled to hold onto a sign for the train station that would have taken him to old Osaka, only for the trains to be closed due to this storm that threatened to launch the tiny form of one Shinji Ikari, who had been abandoned by his own father four hours ago after saying someone would be here to pick him up. Only the person never came and Shinji had not seen anyone since his Father ditched him her alone.

At that moment a single thought ran through Shinji's head, 'Why me!?' as the sign he was holding was suddenly blown away while he was holding it. He rolled along the ground ripping up his clothes as lightning barely touched him and he crashes into a road barrier above a cliff to forests below. Shinji tries to stand using the barrier to get to his feet when a lightning bolt hits the side of the cliff causing the road above to collapse below him sending down the high cliff without anyone knowing where he was.

Present Day-Tokyo 3-outer city limits.

A sixteen year old Shinji walks past a cluster of pay phones, wearing red leather jacket that reached his knees, (Koh's Jacket) brown pants, white shirt, brown army boots and a strange red dinosaur shaped watch. On his back is a large travel backpack that has a solar panel on the top. Shinji stops and raises what appears to be a touch screen phone that he uses to take photos of the surrounding city.

"Tyra?" the voice of a red mechanical dinosaur speaks as it catches up with Shinji asks.

Shinji answers, "Well if I am going on a journey I wanted to say goodbye to my mother first," he then pulls out a map while saying, "I kind of wish that WIFI was still around from before Second Impact, it would make finding the cemetery easier."

"Tyra!: the dinosaur replies before asking, "Tyra?"

"I don't know Tyramigo, I don't think I will ever see him again," Shinji says sadly as they continue to walk when suddenly Shinji stops and looks around. Tyramigo joins him as Shinji asks, "Shouldn't there be people?" That was when alarms went off and a giant bird beaked monster with over sized arms stepped over a mountain with VTOL capable aircrafts launching missiles at the creature that is taller than many of the skyscrapers. "Tyramigo!"

Tyramigo stepped forward in front of Shinji as Shinji reached into his back pocket when a blue sports car sped to a halt in front of Shinji and a woman wearing a black dress with red jacket opened the passenger side door and shouts, "Shinji get in!"

Tyramigo stands between them while Shinji asks, "How do you know who I am?"

"I am Misato Kitsuragi, Your father sent me to pick you up," the woman says before looking to Tyramigo and saying, "I am not sure your toy will fit though."

Tyramigo growls before shouting, "TYRA!"

"Tyramigo is not a not Misato," Shinji replies before adding, "Do you know what that creature is?"

"Get in and you can read this on the way!" Misato says before pressing a button that caused the boot of the car to open, "Sorry I don't have more room never expected my job to require a truck." Tyramigo climbed into the back of the sports car head first while Shinji accepted the document as he took a seat next to Misato before Tyramigo's head head popped out from between the back seats. Misato started driving and asks, "So where have you been for the last twelve years? We only found you through the MAGI's connection to the city's surveillance systems."

Shinji silently read the document he was handed before saying, "Met with my teacher and have been training away from technology."

Masato frowns before asking, "What was he teaching you without technology?"

"To be a knight," Shinji says as he closes the document after skimming through it's contents and saying, "This says nothing about that creature."

"Tyra?" Tyramigo questioned while turning it's head slightly.

"All it says is Antarctica was destroy when a designated 'First Angel' caused a huge ass flood. Where are we going? I have a journey I intend to go on with," Shinji questions as they reach the hills overlooking this area of Tokyo 3.

Misato frowns at this before saying, "We are at war. An unknown lifeform that has been designated as an 'Angel' attacked a research station, sixteen years ago. This was 'Second Impact' where most of the worlds' population was destroyed," Misato pulls out a pair of binoculars as she looks at the UN military attacking the creature with missiles and artillery fire.

Misato leaned over Shinji with her chest pressing into Shinji's face where he sniffs before saying, "Strawberry and vanilla?"

Misato frowns before her eyes widen and she shouts, "N2 mine!" before pulling Shinji down under her. Shinji paces a hand on Misato's rear, while Misato cover his eyes while Tyramigo closed it's eyes and lowered it's head down to avoid the white light the shined the area. Misato's car flipped repeatedly while the city area around the Angel was turned into a crater before filling with sea water. Misato groans a she gets up off Shinji and she frowns when she feels Shinji's hand on her rear and says, "What exactly are you doing?"

"Well when a pretty girl pulls me into her chest, I get ideas," Shinji admitted.

"What did you learn in with this teacher?" Misato questioned in disbelief as she helped Shinji out the flipped car.

"To be honest with myself," Shinji admitted with a smile before saying, "You are a pretty woman, by the way."

Misato blushed lightly before looking to her car and shouting, "I had three payments left on my dream car. Now It's going to take forever to pay it off!"

Shinji flips the car without issue before revealing a red, gold and silver sword and a green 'key' that Misato was about to ask where he got them only for her to hear, -Reverse Soul!- a cartoony voice speak before Shinji pointed the strange sword at the car undoing all the damage and even turning the car back on. Shinji then looks in the car to find Tyramigo. Shinji then calls out, "TYRAMIGO!?"

Misato shakes off her shock before saying, "We have to get to NERV, it is the safest place at the moment and has the only weapon that can defeat the Angel. We can look for your friend after the Angel is taken care of." Misato pushes Shinji back into the car and drives away while saying, "How did you fix my car so quickly?"

"With the Reverse Ryusoul," Shinji answers while showing a small figurine with the head pointing towards his fingers while the jaw point away. Shinji them says, "I wonder where Tyramigo went?"

Back at the crash sight

Tyramigo burst out of the ground and looked back and forth before looking up into the air as the Angel walks over the metal dinosaur. Tyramigo looked at the Angel before appearing to frown and says, "Tyra?" Tyramigo looks around and appears to shrug as it starts to follow the Angel.

Main control room of NERV

A middle age man wearing glasses and a suit with his hands linked together as the light causes the glasses to light up white. An elderly man wearing a suit stands next to the first man and says, "Captain Katsuragi has located your son, Commander Ikari."

Gendo Ikari, father of Shinji Ikari and the leader of the UN sanction NERV and the one in control of Tokyo 3 and the safety of humanity. Gendo speaks, "Where is the third child now? Vice Commander?"

The Vice Commander sighs before saying, "Misato is en route, the UN forces almost killed your son in the process of dropping the N2 mine."

"What is the progress of the UN Forces?" Gendo questioned.

"They failed," the Vice Commander admitted.

"Good. Have the Evangelion ready to launch," Gendo ordered as he stands while those hidden in shadows look at the Commander in shock.

"Rei is still injured," the Vice Commander states.

"We only need the third child to activate it," Gendo admitted before saying, "Wake Rei, once the Evangelion is activated Rei can destroy the Angel," Gendo takes his seat as everyone in the shadowy room follow his orders while he presses a button and whispers, "Rei?"

A second later a girls voice speaks, "Yes Commander?"

"I need you to pilot the Eva," Gendo instructed without emotion.

"Yes Commander," Rei answered before Gendo turned the communication terminal off before opening a file on the third child which was a picture of a three year old Shinji in a woman's arms, while the Woman's face was removed from the image.

Gendo frowns as he looks over the details of training Shinji was meant to receive until he was called back to Gendo to achieve Gendo's goals. Gendo frowns before saying, "You will be our tool third child."

With Misato and Shinji

Misato drove her refreshed blue sports car into the tunnels outside Tokyo-3 before parking at the end of the tunnel and turning the engine off. The floor started to move and the car dropping down into the ground several levels before revealing an underground bio dome. Misato speaks, "This is the GEO FRONT, it is one of NERV's plans to save Humanity."

Shinji frowns before asking, "How many people live here?"

Misato frowns before saying, "It was cancelled when our main defence was shot up in development."

Shinji frowns before he says, "That is a shame. Master would have loved this place, I am also sure the Tyramigo and his friends would love this place to."

Misato frowns from the driver's seat when she asks, "So there are more like Tyramigo?"

"Yeah, they normally live in caves and temples hidden across the world," Shinji answers as he turns to Misato and asks, "So besides the limited information in the pamphlet, what can you tell me?"

Misato sighs while closing her eyes and says with regret, "I am sorry Shinji, I wouldn't have brought you here if someone else could fight the Angels."

Shinji frowns before asking, "Who else is there to fight?" Shinji's question caused Misato to look at him strangely before she parks her car and leads Shinji into the facility where they get lost rather quickly. After half an hour Shinji asks, "Are we lost?"

Misato denies Shinji's comment before saying, "No, these motorised pathways stop us from taking any unnecessary turns."

"Except with them we have been through this section twice in the last ten minutes as we have been going in a large circle since we started on this path," Shinji comments as he taps the moving floor he was standing on while Misato dropped her map in shock before pulling out her phone and calling her colleague.

Ten minutes later Misato led Shinji to the correct location where they find a blonde woman in a lab coat over a one piece swimsuit that revealed her long legs and a pair of diving goggles to protect her eyes. The woman looks at Misato with annoyance and says, "Really Misato, you have been working here for two years already and you can't even remember how to get to your station," she points behind and to the left while saying, "Seriously it's turn different then your normal station."

"Sorry Ritsuko," Misato apologies while scratching the back of her head while Shinji stares at what Ritsuko was wearing, "What wrong Shinji see something you like?"

"Yep, is this place full of attractive women?" Shinji questions as he looks Misato up and down while the two blush.

Misato cleared her throat before asking, "Ritsuko is it ready?"

"Final Prep was completed when you called," Ritsuko led the two through the door behind her and into a dark room.

Shinji frowns after following a path into a dark room before closing his eyes and listening, 'Shinji?' Shinji opens his eyes and look at a darken titans just before the lights were turned on revealing a large purple humanoid robot with a large pointed horn on its head, its shoulders concealed by metal walls and everything below its neck. Shinji looked it straight in the eyes before Shinji hears, 'My young knight,' causing his eyes to widen.

Misato takes in his silent shock before saying, "Shinji this is Evangelion Unit Zero One. We need you to pilot it."

"Get in the EVA, third child," Gendo says from behind a glass window that Shinji could not see through if had been looking. Shinji remained silent as he continues to stare at the Eva without displaying emotion. Gendo's frown deepens before he says, "Bring out Rei, she will pilot."

Misato hears this and shouts, "But Rei has yet to recover!"

"If the third will not get in the EVA we have no choice," Gendo shouts.

Shinji then looks at Misato before asking, "If this Third Child is no being cooperative, I'll do it," as a medical gurney was wheeled towards him revealing a girl with blue hair and one eye open revealing her red eye while her other and most of her body was covered in bandages.

Misato sighs before saying, "Shinji, you are the Third Child."

Shinji realises what they meant now and says, "Oh, sorry about that. Gendo should have just used my name and saved all the confusion," he looks down at Rei as she was next to him, "How are you feeling beautiful?"

Rei's lone eye watched him carefully before saying, "I am adequate."

"Well get better okay," Shinji says before the entire facility shakes and a large piece of metal starts to fall towards them. Shinji smiles while his sword is at his side but when he twitches to use it on the falling rubble the EVA-01 moves on its own and protects the two pilots. Shinji looks to EVA-01's face and whispers, "Thank you, Kaa-san."

The Vice Commander stands next to Gendo and says, "It appears you were right. The council will be happy that the scenario has started."

Shinji turned to those who brought Rei, "Keep an eye on her," he turned to Ritsuko and Misato and asks, "What do I do?"

Misato takes his bag from him and says, "You will be inserted into EVA-01," Ritsuko placed a couple hair clips on Shinji, "You control it like an extension of your own body."

Shinji frowns before asking, "Do we know where Tyramigo is?"

Misato sighs and says, "We can find him after, but he may have been destroyed during the N2 Mine explosion."

Shinji waves her off and says, "He is not that weak," he was then led onto the EVA where he was placed inside of a large cylinder that has a strange seat his legs are locked into place while his hands are free to hold a pair of hand controls. The pod is then sealed and inserted into the back of EVA-01 before the whole tube was filled with liquid that Shinji just watches flow over his head and into his lungs. Shinji breathed the strange liquid before asking, "Why does this stuff taste like blood?"

Ritsuko speaks through an intercom to say, "LCL, it allows for your blond to be oxygenated even if you stop breathing. It also acts as a cushion when the EVA is knocked around."

"That still doesn't explain why it tastes like blood," Shinji comments before Misato starts to speak.

"Get over it Shinji," Misato than starts explaining the plan, "We are going to send you up through the EVA lift I just want you to take a couple steps, then we can work on actually fighting the Angel."

Shinji shrugs before saying, "Does 'EVA-01' have any weapons?"

Ritsuko answers with, "At the moment you have a Prong Knife in your right shoulder."

Shinji nods before frowning when Ritsuko was silent, "That's it?"

Misato sighs and says, "Unfortunately, we have yet to complete the rest of the arsenal. All our limited funding went into developing the EVA."

Shinji sighs before asking, "How long will they take to finish?" as the EVA was wheeled away from its restraints.

Misato looks to Ritsuko as EVA-01 has its' back to a wall before Ritsuko answers, "After this battle and when we get the full funding that we need, a couple weeks of overtime. So they should be ready before the next Angel attacks." As Shinji was about to question about the number of Angels set to attack only to suddenly scream when EVA-01 was shot upwards at MACH one through a hatch.

Misato sighs before saying, "The best weapon we could give him was a pocket knife. You couldn't have made like a club, a metal pipe or something?"

Ritsuko shook her head as she says, "Commander Ikari stated that something so simple would not work," getting Misato to look at her in shock.

With Shinji-Surface-Moments later

EVA-01 suddenly stops at the surface due to a series of breaks on the guide pillars around the EVA, with several buildings around the EVA acting as cover. Inside Shinji covers his mouth while saying, "What is with the sudden stop!"

Ritsuko answered, "If we didn't you would have gone flying."

Shinji then says, "That would have been better in my own opinion because then I could have landed and get an idea of where the Angel is," Shinji rolls his shoulders causing the metal holding the EVA still to snap and break before Shinji has the EVA take several steps forward destroying the rest of the lift. EVA-01 casually walks forward brushing off the broken metal as Shinji asks, "Where is it?" The cable attached to the EVA's back slivers behind the EVA as EVA-01 looks back and forth before stopping when hearing heavy footsteps.

Misato then questions Ritsuko, "What is his sync rate?"

Ritsuko was shocked into silence as she reads the details and says, "99.8, point nine. His Sync rate is at one hundred percent. That is impossible."

Shinji sees the creature from before, before seeing Tyramigo chasing it. Shinji smiles as he hears, 'So the monsters have returned? Let's break it.'

Shinji lifts up his left wrist and says, "TYRAMIGO!" On the ground Tyramigo looks at the Purple EVA before roaring behind the Angel and growing to gigantic size while jumping into the air and biting the Angel's shoulder. Shinji smirks before pulling out a red RYUSOUL that was shaped like Tyramigo's head. "RYUSOUL CHANGE!" before placing the Red RYUSOUL into the dinosaur shaped watch.

-QUE BOM!- was shouted out as ten red dwarf like armoured creatures appeared around EVA-01's feet and started dancing in a circle around EVA-01 with a chant being shouted out as TYRAMIGO chewed harder on the Angel. –RYU SO COOL!-

Inside EVA-01 Shinji was covered in a red suit as the dwarfs from before vanished into the EVA. Shinji had transformed into a red bodysuit with silver belt, left arm and gold collars around his arms and legs, his helmet appeared to be a combination of Tyramigo's head and that of a knight. Shinji looks forward with his sword in his hand shouts, "The Knight of Valor! RYUSOUL RED!" EVA-01 appearance gains a red glow that causes steam to appear along the armour seems.

"HIS SYNC RATE SHOT UP THREE HUNDRED PERCENT!" one of Ritsuko's assistants shout through the communication systems before that same voice shouts, "It is still rising!"

"SHINJI you must pull back your sync rate is reaching the red zone!" Misato shouted in panic.

Red appears to smirk under his helmet when he says, "Exactly!" EVA-01 charged the Angel while grabbing the EVA knife from his left shoulder and charged the Angel before jumping into the air and kicking the Angel under Tyramigo, who flipped over the Angel and landed next to EVA-01. "TYRA!" Tyramigo shouts before Shinji speaks, "We need more power! POWER SOUL!" Red pulled out a white with gold crown RYUSOUL and inserted it into his sword.

He chomps the soul in the dinosaur mouth, -Ryu!- chomp –Soul!- Chomp chomp –YES, SOUL!- chomp –THAT'S THE SPIRIT!- creating armour over Red's right arm and creating cracks on EVA-01's right arm as it pulsed with power.

EVA-01 charged the Angel while leaning towards the ground running full speed while Tyramigo aimed the cannons on his back at the Angel and started shooting high calibre shots at the Angel as it generated a red shield that failed before EVA-01 reaches its prey. EVA-01 roars slashes into the Angel like a baseballer and launches the Angel into the air and over the sea, shattering a red orb inside its chest. Before it could even touch the water it exploded in a violent explosion that's shockwave only shook the city.

"PILOT's SYNC RATE IS REACHING ONE THOUSAND PERCENT!" one of the technicians shout.

Misato then shouted, "SHINJI STOP!"

Inside EVA-01, Red raised his head and felt a tug from the EVA, "Now!" he shouts before light envelops the capsule. EVA-01 froze before falling forward lifelessly, while Tyramigo shrinks down and jumps onto EVA-01's back whacking where the capsule was located shouting, "TYRA!"


Misato shouts out orders to those in the room covered in shadow, "Retrieve the pilot! NOW!"

The Vice Commander frowns while he stands next to Gendo before asking, "He reached a sync rate five times higher than when Doctor Ikari tested the EVA."

Gendo frowns before whispering back, "He was willing to be sacrificed, but it is too soon for him to be absorbed into the EVA," he then stands and shouts, "What is the status of the Third Child?"

Ritsuko looks over the shoulder of one of the Techncians and says, "Elevated heart rate and minimal brain activity, he appears unconscious."

Gendo simply says, "Retrieve the EVA," before standing and heading to his office.

The Vice Commander then says, "Contact the UN FORCES and inform them of the status of the Angel and compile a list of items and estimates costs of development." Everyone does there assigned task while Ritsuko goes over the data they were receiving from EVA-01.

Ritsuko frowns as she reads the data and comments, "Something is wrong here, Shinji's heart beat is intermediately changing," She looks to Misato and says, "You better get him back quickly."

Misato nods before saying, "I will get him myself then," before rushing out the command centre with a couple guards rushing away.

Mountain Outside Tokyo 3-Side facing the city-Close to the summit-Just after the EVA-01 and Tyramigo defeat the Angel.

Two teenage figures had watched as the EVA had collapsed while sitting on rocks above the highway below that had several recovery vehicles drove towards Tokyo 3. The first of the two has blue hair on half his head that covers the entire side of his head giving a very emo presences, wearing majority of black under a blue coat, while next to him is a girl appearing two years younger than the nineteen year old boy. She is wearing a pink scarf while wearing a stylish brown tunic skirt combo and knee high boots.

The girl speaks, "Hey, Salto. Was that a RYUKISHI?" as she starts eating a large cookie.

The boy Salto sighs before saying, "Looks like it, Ui. No idea why it showed up though?"

"Should we tell Kaa-San?" Ui questioned while Salto sighs.

"Yes we should tell Master Asuna," Salto admits as he stands before saying, "I could be a rouge RYUKISHI, that needs to be tamed. Though it is clearly powerful," he gains a look of desire as he walks towards the back of the mountain with Ui following him.

Ui then questions as he quickly walks away, "What if it's one of our fellow knights?"

"Then we need to stop him too," Salto says before running faster and the two vanished into the woods.

Crash Site of EVA-01-Two minutes later

Tyramigo was slamming his head on the back of EVA-01, -CLANG! CLANG! CLANG!-, after those three wacks with his head he shakes in pain before saying, "Tyra!" in a daze.

Then a girl with brown hair and wearing the uniform of a pre-schooler walked over to the EVA and climbs up next to Tyramigo and asks, "What is wrong? Did this thing land on your food?"

Tyramigo looked to the young girl before saying, "No, Tyra! Friend is stuck inside," that got the girl's eyes to widen as she started looking for a possible switch or door handle, until several trucks arrive and Misato sees Tyramigo and a little girl trying to open the EVA.

Misato frowns before climbing up and placing a hand on the girls shoulder and says, "Hello little girl. My name is Misato, what are you doing here instead of in one of the Shelters?"

"Hello Misato, I am Sakura Suzuhara I am five. My brother told me to stay in our home when he had to head back to school because his friend was locked in a closet," Sakura admits with a laugh.

Misato shakes her head and says, "He probably went to the shelter near his school then," She then went to the side of metal cover housing the EVA's control capsule and sees Tyramigo trying to slam it open with his head. Misato speaks, "Can you stop that and move so I can open it," she then face palms and says, "What am I doing? Shoo, shoo," she starts waving her hands only for Tyramigo to be standing off the piece of armour. Misato blinks before revealing a tiny hatch that she looks into to find a lever that she inverts, opening the EVA and ejecting the control capsule.

Sakura then asks, "Is that what you were looking for?" Tyramigo looks at Sakura and says, "Tyra!" in the affirmative. Sakura then asks Misato, "So what is this thing? Is it one of the Gundam thingy's that my dad makes?"

Misato sighs before saying, "No, this is for the protection of Humanity," she manually opened the capsule before being covered in the red LCL fluid that grosses both Misato and Sakura were grossed out. Misato was grossed out enough to says, "I just got this dress," she then leans into the pod and asks, "Shinji?" when she looks inside she see Shinji holding a woman about the same age as herself but she simply says, "Who is this woman who looks like REI!"

Dead Sea-Formally Antartica-underwater

The remnants of the second Angel had been steadily melting after the UN Forces had used an experimental explosive that removed all the heat from an area flash freezing the target before a violent heat explosion caused Second Impact and ruined the environment. A secret only known to a select few, one of which was one Gendo Ikari who had pulled the trigger and gave him a god complex.

Under the waves of the red water all was calm until a faded green creature with orange tendrils broke off of a glacier and stabbing into the crust of the Earth under the sea. Inside the Husk of the Second Angel shook before it's core flashed with limited energy and changed shape into a room with four pillars with different faces. From left to right the faces displayed different emotional traits, Joy, Sadness, Anger and finally desire. Inside the room several fleshy pillars changed shape into six different bodies. The first appeared to be a dark priest, black and grey while holding a book with the different pillar faces around this creatures face along with two large curved horns on each shoulder. This is Chaos the Leader and Voice of the Second Angel.

The next two flesh mounds shifted into two creatures that appeared to be smiling. The first of the two shifted into a female looking creature with large pink heart designs while holding a large heart shaped Halberd Axe. Next to the heart creature, was a shorter and wider with green design and what appeared to be a built in fanny pack and a curious expression. These are Candelilla envoy of Joy and Luckyuro envoy of amusement.

The next creature created appears to be an armoured wind up knight that appears to be crying with his armour holding a smaller axe. This is Sorrowful Knight of Sorrow, Aigaron.

Next is a creature that is fully red and appeared to be part candle part angry monster, This is Resentment Knight Endorf.

Finally is a creature that appeared to half skeleton half iceberg, this is ICERONDO the living Iceage monster. Then the ground shifted revealing thousand of strange white creatures that had tentacle faces.

Chaos looks between the creatures as its eyes glows before he says, "What is our task?" asking his fellow fragments.

"The revival of our father and the destruction of the Lilum," they all said with the different emotional states related to their titles.

Icerondo shouts, "I am going to going to head to the Trial and destroy them!" he bursts into snow and vanishes with a couple dozen of the white creatures.

Endolf growls before punching a wall in annoyance and says, "I better be the one to attack next."

Unknown by all those present another creature was born of desire, this one being a blue bird creature with a sword, that made itself scares from the others.

NERV command-Two hours later-Vice Commander office.

Misato, Ritsuko and the Vice Commander speak together in hushed tones about who they found with Shinji in EVA-01. They had images of Rei without bandages and the woman they found. The Vice Commander spoke, "What I am about to say does not leave this room, Understood?"

"Yes Vice Commander Fuyutsuki," Misato and Ritsuko replies at once as the Vice Commander stares at them with calculating eyes.

"The woman you found Misato, is Yui Ikari," Fuyutsuki answered before saying, "Rei is a modified clone of her and several others that were used in her creation. Gendo had planned to use her as a sacrifice to revive the woman you found."

Ritsuko was the first to ask, "Who did she show up inside the EVA?"

Fuyutsuki frowns before answering, "When we first tested the EVA-01's controls she vanished when the sync rate reached the red. Somehow Shinji is such a natural he somehow freed her. What is the Ikari pairs current state?"

Ritsuko sighs before saying, "She is in a coma, Shinji is sleeping."

Misato frowns before asking, "He is only sleeping?"

Ritsuko smirks before saying, "Well he said something along the lines of 'Oh Misato you are so lovely like this, but I can't eat another bite,' I will leave the translation to you," Misato blushed at the implications while glaring at Ritsuko.

Fuyutsuki asks, "Did either of you notice something strange with Shinji?"

Misato frowns before saying, "He repaired my car in seconds after the N2 Mine blast, better than new. All he did was flip it onto its wheels before pulling out a strange sword and strange dinosaur looking key."

Ritsuko then says, "Shinji displayed a level of skill simular to someone using the EVA for years. And at a glance the damage is extensive to Unit one, it will need a closer examination."

Fuyutsuki frowns before saying, "Examine the EVA, but don't tell anyone what you found, not even Commander Ikari," they both nod in agreement before heading to leave the office before Fuyutsuki says to Misato, "I suggest you organise a place for Shinji to live, I suggest that you have Shinji placed in a different location then he was originally planned."

Misato frowns before saying, "I can have him move in with me until alternate housing can be organised," Fuyutsuki nods in understanding before nodding for her to leave.

NERV Medbay-Half hour later

Shinji rises from the medical bed that had been placed in and stretches as his red coat was resting on the chair to the side, before he looks out at the GEOFRONT, with the lake below. Shinji rolled his left shoulder like he did earlier in the EVA. Shinji frowns as he takes his coat and puts it on and looks at his Dino Brace and says, "Good thing they didn't try and take this." He looks around and walks over to the closed area to find Yui Ikari resting with a breathing mask to aid her in breathing. She appears to be in perfect health as Shinji whispers, "Hello mother," while Tyramigo stands behind another medical cover and growls Shinji over. Shinji smiles as he sees Rei sleeping while covered in bandages, "Crazy how a girl can look so beautiful without trying."

Rei opens her eyes to see Shinji and asks, "Is there a problem, Pilot Ikari?"

"Just Shinji," Shinji replies before answering her question, "How are you feeling? Rei right?"

"Yes I am Rei Ayanami, I am in adequate health," Rei replies before she asks, "Is there a reason you are asking?"

Shinji smiles before saying, "I want to be your friend, friends help and care each other." Rei looked at him strangely before he adds, "I also was wondering how you were injured?"

Rei was silent before answering, "I was part of a sync test that failed, resulting in EVA Unit zero went berserk. I was injured in the evacuation process and Commander Ikari was injured in the process of saving me."

Shinji smiles before saying, "So there is hope for him," Shinji then asks, "So are you able to be moved?"

Rei lightly says, "No, I can't be moved off the Medical Gurney without any medical staff," Shinji nods in acceptance.

Tyramigo walks up next to Shinhi and says, "Hello, I am Tyramigo. How are you? Tyra!"

Rei looked at the metal dinosaur in shock before Misato enters the room to find Shinji and Tyramigo talking with Rei. Misato then says, "Shinji I need to talk with you in private, Tyramigo can you please stay with Rei for the moment?" Tyramigo nods in agreement before Misato pulled Shinji towards his mother and Misato says, "You can't tell anyone about the woman we found you with."

Shinji nods and says, "I understand, that poor replica of the RYUKISHI Soul Room, if I didn't hear mother would still be trapped in that creature."

Misato frowns before her eyes widen and she asks, "You said poor replica and you know this is your mother, How?"

"I listened," Shinji answered as he looks at her Mother as she breathed deeply, "My master taught me how to fight with Tyramigo in the same manner as the EVA. He said that the biggest danger is that if you are not careful my soul could have been consumed and be lost forever he had me train my body, my mind and my soul for the tasks ahead."

Misato takes a seat next to Yui and asks, "Who is this master, I would really like to talk to him."

Shinji frowns sadly before saying, "I am afraid that impossible. I started my journey after burying him in the mountains south of where Gendo left me," he frowns before asking, "Is there anywhere we can go to eat? I am feeling a bit hungry and I had been heading to get something to eat when you picked me up."

Misato sighs before saying, "You will be living with me until this is all sorted out, This whole situation is being classified as Top Secret no talking about it with anyone besides, Ritsuko, Vice Commander Fuyutsuki or myself okay. And I am sure no one will understand Tyramigo so unless he suddenly can speak Japanese, so only tell Tyramigo when you are alone," Shinji nods as the two start to leave.

Shinji walks back over to Rei and says, "I will see you later Rei," Shinji smiles before turning to Tyramigo and says, "Come on Tyramigo," "Tyra!" Shinji collects his bag as they leave.

As the odd pair leaves with Misato, Rei has one thought, 'Shinji Ikari, you are strange yet interesting."

Ritsuko rushes into the medbay ten minutes later, looking for Shinji before going to Rei's side and asking, "Do you know where Pilot Ikari has gone?"

Rei answers without emotion, "Major Katsuragi left with Shinji and Tyramigo a few minutes ago, Doctor Akagi," she notices the freaked look in her eyes before she asks, "Is there a problem Doctor?"

"I don't know how he did or how it was even possible but," Ritsuko was conflicted as a scientist after receiving conflicting results before she admits; "Somehow Shinji overloaded Unit one and killed it. It is already rotting away faster then we can repair it," then for the first time in Rei whole life her eyes was open wide in shock.

Misato's home-The next morning.

Misato groaned after losing a drinking contest to a minor, Misato crawls out of sheets as her cell phone and sees Ritsuko's name. She answers the call by says, "Hey Rits, not to loud okay Shinji and I celebrated his first Angel kill last night."

Ritsuko groans over the phone before clearing her throat to say, "Misato, it will be his only Angel kill," That got Misato to sit up revealing herself to be topless and her scar between her breasts to be seen, "I don't know how, but whatever Shinji did, overloaded and destroyed the literal nerves of the EVA."

"Was it possible?" Misato questioned as she struggles to get her uniform on, "Do you need me down there?"

"No, I informed Vice Commander Fuyutsuki. He says, that you should stick with Shinji today while we try and fix the EVA or at least salvage what we can to repair unit zero," Ritsuko sighs over the line, "We haven't told the Commander yet, all the staff know but when we tried to contact Commander Ikari he tells everyone to leave him alone."

Misato groans as her head starts to hurt before she asks, "Any idea why he is not listening to such important information."

"All I can tell you is that if it has nothing that he perceives to follow his plans he will ignore a gun to his face," Ritsuko admits before hearing Misato sniffing the air, "What is going on Misato?"

"I smell food. I will see you when I get called in," Misato hanged up the phone before exiting her room to see a spotless apartment that shocked her before she shook her head and proceeded the kitchen in the small apartment to see Shinji without his red coat cooking while she sees Tyramigo trying to fold Misato's clothes. Misato looks at Shinji back seeing him roll his shoulder again before returning to cooking. Misato than asks, "So why are you cooking?"

Shinji answered, "I wanted to cook you breakfast, with how drunk you got last night," Tyramigo struggled to fold a yellow tank top that Misato normally wears when sleeping or relaxing appeared stuck in Tyramigo's teeth she takes it back from the tiny dinosaur. Misato was silent before he says, "You told me about your scar. I am sorry for your loss."

Misato was silent as she took a seat and says, "I must have drank to much," she then clicks her fingers before opening her fridge to find that it was mostly empty except for a couple cans of alcohol.

"Sorry, I had a couple more after you fell asleep," Shinji apologies for drinking Misato's alcohol.

Misato frowns before asking, "How the hell aren't you hungover?!" she then clutches her head due to her headache.

Shinji smile before saying, "Master's personal stash is a lot stronger," he goes to his bag and pulled out a metal flask with tyramigo's head on the side, "His special blend, also great for medical purposes," he rolls his left shoulder again.

Misato frowns at the sight before asking, "What's wrong with your shoulder?"

Shinji smiles and says, "Just something that happened when I was younger," he finishes rolling his shoulder before serving up Misato a plate of Egg soaked toast. They enjoyed the meal when a small penguin with red hair entered the room and with Shinji's help was at the table eating a plate with fish on it with them, "Nice family you have here."

Misato laughs lightly before asking, "Where is Tyramigo?"

"He went for a walk around the city," Shinji answers as he finishes his breakfast and says, "Is it okay for me to use your shower?"

"You live here meaning you can," Misato says before seeing Shinji grabbing a towel from his pack and removing his shirt as he faced away from Misato and proceeded into the bath with his bare back facing her, revealing severe scaring along Shinji's left side healed from an injury years prior. A scar you would normally see if you skinned your knee only it covered the majority of Shinji left side. The door closed before Misato could question him on his injury. Misato's cell phone then went off, "Major Kitsuragi."

"Here! Now!" Commander Ikari simply says before hanging up.

Misato groans before heading to her room to get changed into a clean pair of work clothes. She knocks on the Bathroom door and says, "Shinji I have been called back to NERV, Commander Ikari wants to talk with me."

Shinji finishes in the shower and walks to the door and asks, "Do you need me with you?"

"No, I don't think that would be a smart idea at the moment," Misato says before placing the spare key to her apartment on the table before saying, "There is an arcade three blocks north of here, take the key card on the table with you," she then places some cash on the table and says, "I have left some money as well to have some fun and get yourself something to eat and drink. I will see you when I get back," she then quickly ran out.

Shinji steps out the bathroom in only a towel and says, "That was allot better then the waterfall near Master's Cabin," he sigh as he rolls his left shoulder again before getting dressed in the same clothes he had been wearing beforehand and after five minutes alone with the penguin, who went into it's freezer, Shinji went to the arcade only to get hopelessly lost shortly after leaving.

With Salto and Ui-An hour later.

Salto adjusts a recently acquired red Dino watch along with Ui and both had travel packs on their backs while Ui was holding what appeared to be a large pink Ankydon in her arms. Ui had a happy smile as they walked together into town for the first time ever. Salto growls as he waits for the traffic lights to turn green, Salto simply says, "Master Asuna clearly has issues."

The light turns green allowing the 'two' to cross the road as some construction vehicles waited for them impatiently while hooking horns. Salto looks at them annoyed before Ui says, "Kaa-san can't help it, she enjoys her snacks," she pulled out the stack of cash she has in her hand, "Rules had changed with the Tribes," she adjusted her brace and says, "How were we to know that Kaa-San decided we were ready to take over for her role as knights."

Salto growls and says, "She knows what we are about to face and yet she told us nothing. WHY!?"

Ui frowns before saying, "She said that she wanted it to be a surprise," as they walk down a sidewalk failing to see Tyramigo sneaking behind them silently. They walked for another ten minutes before they see a building being frozen in ice before shattering and what appears to be large white dinosaur like creatures being created in green goo, while appearing to have no eyes, tentacles and mouths for hands. The large creatures started destroying buildings.

"Tyra!" Tyramigo shouts before turning giant and attacking the white creatures.

Salto frowns and says, "It appears that you had a similar idea," Ui nods before dropping the Ankydon creature in her hands that then led them deeper into the city.

With Misato-Five minutes before the attack.

Misato was standing inside Commander Ikari's oversized office, which has strange paintings covering the roof and floor that show a path to control fate. Besides Misato was Ritsuko and Vice Commander Fuyutsuki standing next to Commander Ikari.

Gendo's eyes were covered with light on his glasses and his hands interlocked simply says, "How was EVA Unit one damaged?"

Ritsuko answers with, "Somehow the Third Child's sync ratio caused EVA unit one to overload. We are unable to determine how?"

Gendo looks to Misato and asks, "Did the Third speak of how he did it?"

Misato frowns before saying, "All he told me is that his training prepared him for piloting EVA and its," she stopped herself as Gendo glares at her so she finishes with, "Inadequate control interface."

Ritsuko looks at Misato in shock before asking, "What!? But the Evangelion project is top secret!"

Misato shakes her head and says, "No, he did not go into detail," that was when the alarms go off and they head out the room and into the Control room to see the staff in terror. Misato shouts, "What is happening?"

One of the technicians speaks, "A blue signal appeared inside Tokyo 3 a few moments ago and proceeded to destroy the buildings in central Tokyo 3. Its signal matches the data on the second Angel."

Gendo's eyes widen before he questions, "How is that possible, the Second Angel was killed during Second Impact?"

Ritsuko went to a terminal and says, "The blue pattern is incomplete but it follows the Second Angel. There is multiple signals that are combining into three entities while there is several smaller signals at the point of origin."

Vice Commander Fuyutsuki was the first to say, "It is too soon for another Angel attack."

Misato shakes off her shock before saying, "Get a visual!" that was when they revealed the large white tentacle creatures are destroying the city. Misato then says, "Those are not the same creature," she turns to the side, "Could the Angel have been used to create these creatures?" her question was directed to Ritsuko.

Ritsuko appeared to be thinking before she says, "If these creatures are mindless then someone created them and are controlling them."

"And if they aren't?" Misato questioned.

"Angels can evolve," Ritsuko simply says before they see Tyramigo attacking one of the large creatures.

"Shinji," Misato says silently while everyone stares that there consoles and Gendo stares at Misato.

With Shinji-Two minutes before the attack.

Shinji walks down a random alley after walking south for an hour, he walked along the alley when he runs into a boy Shinji's age wearing a tracksuit and holding hands with Sakura holding a picnic basket. Shinji sees them and smiles as he hears the boy say, "That damn purple robot almost crushed you, Sakura. It is dangerous."

Shinji's smiles as he walks away from them as Sakura says, "But Onii-Chan the giant dinosaur's friend defeated the monster before I could even get hurt, they were heroes. I just hope the Dinosaur was able to help his friend." Shinji's smiles as he closes his eyes.

Shinji stops when he hears dark laughter before he sees a monster made of ice and bones, surrounded by several dozen white creatures that appeared to multiple before combining as the ice creature causes damage to the city. The boy places his sister behind him as Shinji gets between them and the monster. ICERONDO laughs before saying, "I WILL FREEZE ALL THESE LILLUM!"

Shinji looks over his shoulder and says to the two, "Get out of here," he then faces the ice monster before walking forward and with his sword. Shinji points his sword at ICERONDO and asks, "HALT! What is your purpose in attacking this city?"

"I AM ICERONDO! And you Lillum are slated for extinction!" Icerondo laughs in amusement, "My master has deemed Lillum as a parasite!"

Shinji frowns before saying, "Well we Humans are more than just pests. We have desires, dreams and spirit!" Shinji slashes several of the strange tentacle creatures that goes in to attack him, "And it is my duty to protect this world," he places his sword in his left hand as he brings out his RYUSOUL. "RYUSOUL!" he places it inside the brace before saying, "RYUSOUL CHANGE!" he flips the silver visor over the dinosaurs eyes generating Shinji's red armour.

"KNIGHT OF VALOR!" Ryusoul Red speaks while holding his sword in his right hand before slashing through several of the creatures before he finishes, "RYUSOUL RED!" the creatures explode behind him before he kicks another of the creatures in the side of the head. Tyramigo appears above them and fights the white giants causing him to shout, "Tyramigo! Let's show them our ABARE Chivalry!" he pulls out a Ryusoul, "POWER SOUL!"

-POWER SOUL! RYU SOUL... YES, SOUL!- at each syllable red chomps his sword. –THAT'S THE SPIRIT!- as Red's arm is encased in armour looking like a dragon's maw.

Red charges through the monsters before slashing towards ICERONDO only to have to avoid an pillar of ice shooting from the ground. Red slashes through the pillar of ice before kicking it towards ICERONDO. ICERONDO smashes the ice away only to see Red about to slash him. Red's sword clashes with another exactly like his only held by a blue version of himself with triceratops styled helmet and a red arm like Red's only this one was breathing out orange markings. Blue says with Salto's voice, "What are you doing?"

Red grabs Blue's arm and pulled him out of the way of ICERONDO's attack while shouting, "Stopping a monster from hurting anyone!" before defending Blue with what appeared to be wild sword swings that caught ever ice spike before he flung them all back at ICERONDO. Red says, "Shinji by the way, Master Koh's former student," Blue froze at that comment before Red charges the monster again.

Blue starts to stand and was about to be attacked from behind only for the Pink Ankydon to jump on the creature and smack it with the pink hammer tail. A pink Ryusoulger arrived with gold and blue armour on her arm with a sphere on the end of a chain smashing into couple of the creatures, her helmet appears to look like the ankydon that was fighting. Pink shouts at blue with Ui's voice, "What are you doing Salto, they are attacking people! Summon Triken!"

Blue placed his red brace to his mouth while pressing the button on its chin before shouting, "TRIKEN!" before a blue triceratops with a sword for a snout horn stabbed through one of the creatures. Blue then jumped behind Red and used his shoulder to get some height before his armoured arm expanded and he punched the monster. Blue looks over his shouder at Red and says, "We will be talking after this battle."

"Sure let's kill this monster before he can hurt anyone else!" he grabs the back of his sword and raises the lever a couple times, -THATS THE SPIRIT!- before energy was generated on his sword and he slashes ICERONDO with large amounts of red energy.

ICERONDO groans before shaking and exploding while shouting, "DAMN YOU RYUSOUL RED!" he then exploded leaving snowflakes to fall from the sky. On a building to the side the blue bird creature watches the three RYUSOULGERS with a frown on his beaked face and strokes his white hair tendrils on his face studying the three fighters who defeated those of his blood. While Blue pulled Red away from the body of ICERONDO, Luckyuro arrived with a warping watering can that he used to water the dead monster. ICERONDO stands and knocks Luckyuro away and forced a teleport. ICERONDO shouts, "I WILL DESTROY YOU!" before the creature grows to EVA scale.

Red looks at the giant monster and pulls both Blue and Pink out the way before pulling out his RED RYUSOUL, "Let's combine!"

"WHAT!?" Blue and Pink shout in confusion.

Red simply shouts, "TYRAMIGO!" before throwing his Ryusoul towards the giant mechanical dinosaur before it turned into a scaled version of RYUSOUL RED standing on Tyramigo's back. Tyramigo's next roar was filled with fire as it knocked ICERONDO onto his back. "Our SOULS are one!" Red jumped into the air as Tyramigo's legs straightened and feet shifted backwards, while the cannons and drills detached and the body rotated creating a humanoid body with Tryamigo's head on the chest, the tail attach to the back pointing downwards, the two sets of cannons attaching to each shoulder pointing forward while the two drills attach on the arms next to the fists. Red's Ryusoul Giant shifted into a large key before facing backwards revealing a face as Red combined with it and attaches to Tyramigo's body as the head of the giant robot. "DINOKNIGHT REX!" as the drills on Rex spun once before charging ICERONDO and jumps over a bridge to used the drills as a knuckle duster to slash into the monsters face.

Blue simply says, "He has that much control?"

Pink looked at him strangely before saying, "Kaa-san always said that its the bonds we make that give us power, maybe she meant literally."

Blue shook his head as Rex attached its tail to its left arm and tail whipped the ice monster. Blue pulls out his Blue RYUSOUL and says, "Let's get in there!" Pink nods and they both throw their RYUSOULS to their DinoKnights with the Ankydon growing to giant size.

NERV main Control room-That moment

Commander Gendo was angry but kept his voice calm when he asks, "What am I seeing?"

"Giant dinosaurs fighting what appears to be the Angel destroyed in Antarctica, or at least part of it," Vice Commander Fuyutsuki says with concealed sarcasm, "And they appear to be doing a better job."

On the screen Rex uses his shoulder cannons to shoot at ICERONDO before jumping into the air and with the drills moving to Rex's knees, double kneed ICERONDO backwards. Rex was then captured by the white dino monsters, before Rex shifted its components so that Tyramigo's head attaches to the two dills and one of the cannons before attaching to Rex's right arm while the tail attaches to Rex's shoulder and the other cannon attaching to Rex's other wrist. Rex performs a swinging 'DinoBite' as Tyramigo's head started biting rapidly with the swing.

Misato watched with fascination before saying, "No wonder Shinji destroyed the EVA, especially when he had this in his back pocket," that gets Ritsuko's attention before she increases the level of scanning DinoKnight Rex and ICERONDO.

The fight

DinoKnight Rex proceeds to punch ICERONDO only for Icerondo to cover the ground with ice causing Rex to sip and kick Icerondo between the legs in the crotch where a loud bell was heard. The Triken then jumps from the top of a building spearing the Icerondo back while the Pink Ankydon hammering Icerondo's foot. IceRondo hopped in pain as the Blue Ryusoul giant holding a golden sai in its hand and a another in pink with a large golden hammer.

Blue shouts to Red, "Let's finish this!"

Red from inside Rex, in what appears to be a room of mirrors with a tail sword sheath in front of him shouts, "Then lets do it! RYUSOUL GATTAI!" with that Blue and pink combine with their giant knights before the respective DinoKnights split in two. Triken's top half attaches to Rex's right wrist with the drill attaching to the back while the tail attaches to Rex's right shoulder with one set of cannons attaching to its top. The pink Ankydon splits in two as well and attaching the same way as Triken.


Rex roared before attacking with the Triken sword horn before punching with the pink Ankydon's head. ICERONDO was knocked back before being donkey kicked by Rex. ICERONDO screams for all to hear, "I will freeze you solid!" He blasts Rex with a steady stream of chilling winds, before Tyramigo roars from Rex's chest blasting a fireball from his own head that neutralised the ice blast before it could touch Rex.

Red laughs before saying, "Let's end this!" Blue and Pink nod from their own control rooms before they all say at the same time, "DINOKNIGHT REX THREE KNIGHTS TRIKEN SLASH!" Rex lunges forward and from a crouching position performs an upwards slash leaving a glowing gash in ICERONDO.

Rex turns his back to his defeated foe as ICERONDO shouted, "Damn you RYUSOULGERS!" before exploding and causing the sky to drop snow over all of Japan.

Red looks at the snow before he jumps out of Rex and powers down, leaving Shinji to catch enough snow to create a snowball. Sakura and her brother came out of hiding as they see the snow before the brother stomps towards Shinji, who sees him in his peripherals as the boy speaks, "You could have gotten my sister ki-" he was interrupted as Shinji throws the snowball into his face at high speed.

"What are you waiting for? there hasn't been snow since before Second Impact!" Shinji says more snow falls and Tyramigo, Blue and Pink joins him as the other two DinoKnights dig underground and return to their hiding place. Tyramigo laughs before Sakura throws a snow ball at Tyramigo, causing to shrunken Tyramigo to look at her with a dropped jaw before he laughs and uses his tail to throw a sheet of snow through the air and covering every one. After transforming Ui laughs at the cool feeling of snow before she sees Shinji rolling a large ball of snow with the help of Sakura's brother and decides to join them. Salto sighs at their antics before taking a seat on a bench covered in snow.

Sakura's brother sighs as Shinji tells them to stop moving the large ball and are directed into making another one when the Brother says, "I am Toji, I am sorry about trying to attack you before. But how did you do all this."

"Shinji," Shinji simply says before adding, "At a guess that monster was made using whatever sealed winter away. For all I know, this will be a one off, but it is still fun." They then finish making a slightly smaller ball and then finish making another before Shinji grabs some of the broken polls to use as arms a large traffic cone as a hat and uses a large piece of broken concrete and his sword to cut it into smaller pieces and sends the pieces through the air and into the snowman, to create a smiley face and buttons. Shinji then says, "All it needs now is a large scarf."

That was when the NERV Section two people show up along with most of the people who had rushed to the shelters and then found it snowing much to the joy of the adults. Shinji was teaching Sakura how to make her own snowman when a section 2 operative arrived and placed his hands in cuffs along with Ui and Salto. Misato arrives in her car while looking to the sky, as it continues to snow, she shakes her head before reaching Shinji and asking, "What happened?" Ritsuko stumbled out of Misato's car and sees Shinji, Ui and Salto.

Shinji simply says, "A monster attacked and I acted," his honest answer caused her to sigh.

Misato then looks to Salto and Ui and asks, "Who are you two?" Misato sees there braces the same type as Shinji and says, "You two are coming in for questioning."

Ritsuko frowns before she grabs Shinji's arm and pulls him to the side and asks, "The Angel that attacked, was it sentient?"

Shinji nods and says, "He spoke of a master and destroying Lillum, I think he was referring to humanity though." Ritsuko frowns before Shinji, Ui and Salto were herded into a Section 2 van before they tried to spark tyramigo after them with a cattle prod only for Tyramigo to not feel a thing before Shinji shouted out, "Tyramigo! They want you as well!"

"Tyra!" Tyramigo shouts before walking over to the van and entering with Shinji and the others. It was a tight fit causing Shinji and Ui to laugh lightly while Salto used his legs to try and get more room.

Ritsuko takes a sample of the snow in a vial with a calculating look while Misato collects a sample of snow in her hand and created a snowball while saying, "It looks, feels," she brings it to her nose and smells, "and smells like snow," Misato was then launched loudly as Sakura apparently decided to fight back to help her dinosaur friend only for her throw to smash into Ritsuko's face.

Misato continued to laugh as Ritsuko cleared her face before scooping up a small bundle of snow and using it to cream pie Misato in the face. Ritsuko then laughs before saying, "Come on, I have to analysis this sample."

Misato cleans her face off and says, "Fine," she gets back into her car while saying, "I haven't see snow in years," she cleans up a single tear before she launches the car forward a bit slower as she knows the danger of driving on frozen roads.

Above them the Bird creature frowns as he crouches down and appears to examine the snow through his fingers and says, "Why do Lillum enjoy something that could kill them. No," he looks back to the 'Lillum' below and says, "These 'Humans' need more observation," he then teleports away by bursting into feathers and flying up.

Forests East of Tokyo 3-An hour later

In the forests outside the city of Tokyo 3, where a sight the sight of an astronaut coloured in green and pink, with an oversized head, walking through the woods as the snow reached the person and the helmet leans up to look up while saying, "WOW, It has snowed in years!" with a very childish voice before shouting, "I better get to Shinji and we can make a snowman!" and runs towards a large wood cabin with a training yard and a tree with a stone border around it.

NERV Command-Four hours later-Brig

Salto sighs angrily for the literal hundredth time of waiting with Ui, Shinji and Tyramigo sits with him, Shinji with an annoying smirk says, "If you keep sighing like that you will explode," his joke causes Salto to snap.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Salto's shout caused Ui to try and hide behind Tyramigo who tried to do the same thing to Ui. "You have the power of DinoKnight and you fought something else that was not a Droidon! WHY?"

"You mean to protect those who can't protect themselves or a new faction that was created during Second Impact," Shinji countered before saying, "I hope everyone in the city is enjoying themselves, all those children seeing snow for the first time," he has a dreamy look on his face.

Ui after somehow getting on Tyramigo's back simply asks, "Why didn't you just use that Purple robot then? It appears very powerful."

Shinji sighs before admitting, "No, it was made using details of the DinoKnights and was very flawed. If you did not have any experience fighting with a DinoKnight, you can lose yourself. At least that is what I understand from my mother's notes," He then has a happy smirk and says, "If you knew where to look," he looks to his two fellow knights and says, "I am Shinji, Knight of Valor, RYUSOUL RED," placing a fist on his chest where his heart is located.

Ui smiles and says, "Ui," Shinji's eyes widened at that but he remained calm as she continues, "Knight of Vigor, RYUSOUL PINK."

The three other occupants of the cell look to the oldest member causing Salto to sigh and say, "Salto, Knight of Wisdon, RYUSOUL BLUE. Sorry for making an assumption during the battle, I did not have all the facts at the time."

Shinji rolls his left shoulder and says, "Don't worry about it, We hadn't been formally introduced yet. Your assumption was perfectly within your right. I mean there are others out there that don't look human and are friendly. You can't always just assume the worst."

Salto frowns before asking, "Who was your teacher?"

"Master Koh," Shinji answers before the doors are opened where they see Misato and Ritsuko and a couple of the Section 2 security. Misato simply says, "Come on, it time to talk."

The four are led to a room with chairs along one side for each of them to be handcuffed to the table while they face two opposite chairs that Misato sits on one and five minutes later, Ritsuko enters the room and sits next to Misato. Ritsuko was the first to speak when she asks, "How is the Evangelion control interface inferior?"

Shinji smiles lightly and says, "There is a barrier between the pilot and the Eva under all that armour, but it also lacks a conscious, so it becomes a battle of wills when the two combine their feelings during a fight, If I had lost that battle I would be stuck in the EVA with," Ritsuko raises her hand before he could finish.

"How do you know all of this?" Ritsuko questions in shock.

"The reverse side of the Tap, Gendo left me of her notes and voice, the reverse side indicated the risks of using the EVA and her comments on a scenario she learned of," Shinji answers causing Ritsuko's eyes to widen alarmingly as Shinji finishes with, "I learnt quite a bit, but even a lot of it made any sense," causing Ritsuko to sigh in relief before Shinji says, "Though being in the EVA cleared allot up," causing Ritsuko to slam her head into the table.

Misato then takes up questioning the three knights, "How did Tyramigo turn into a giant?" her question was directed at Shinji who had no idea.

Ui answered, "Well Shinji clearly used the Shrink Soul to make Tyramigo smaller, I did the same thing with Ankyrose," while remembering her DinoKnight before the battle.

Shinji's eyes widen as he says, "That is brilliant," getting everyone to look at him before he asks Tyramigo, "Is that how you have going small?" Tyramigo simply nods while shouting, "Tyra!"

Salto frowns before saying, "How can you not know?"

Shinji looks at Salto and says, "Well I only used the Shrink Soul to train with Tyramigo as Dinoknight Rex. I never used it on Tyramigo."

Misato shakes her head at Shinji's apparent lack of thinking before saying, "You three have put us in a pinch," Tyramigo roars lightly so Misato corrects herself, "Sorry, Four of you have caused a problem with NERV. You see those creatures you fought have the same blue pattern as the Second Angel which caused Second Impact and our weapon to fight the Angel's is heavily damaged," she looks at the four and sees that Salto understands what she is about to ask, "I would like to recruit the four of you into joining NERV as Substitute Pilots."

Salto frowns and asks, "Why should we do that?"

"Besides easy access to information such as another monster attack? Stopping the total extinction of Humanity from an extraterrestrial attack," Misato answered honestly before adding, "We have resources but you have the talent to use them and get the job done," She then stands beside them before falling to her knees and begging them, and finishes with, "Please."

"Sure," Shinji and Ui say at the same time while Salto sighs and says, "It is our duty as Knights to protect others. This qualifies if I remember the stories correctly."

Ui snorts and says, "Like that is Impossible for you Salto," getting Shinji to laugh lightly.

Ritsuko frowns before asking Shinji, "Can we trust these two," indicating Ui and Salto.

"They are fellow knights," Shinji says without a hint of worry before saying, "They wouldn't be knights otherwise," his disarming smile causes Ritsuko to blush and mutter, "Damn he is a ladys' man," Which causes Tyramigo to make sounds like laughter.

Unknown to the three knight and dino, Vice Commander Fuyutsuki was watching their interaction with a frown, having already deleted the parts about the Scenario from the recording devices in the room and has to say, "Yui Ikari you did not deserve your original fate to begin with," before he starts to take notes.

Inside Tyramigo simply says, "Tyra," to ever question while Shinj simply asks, "So who is?"

"She is still in a coma," Ritsuko answers before adding, "In perfect health though. We don't know how long she will sleep," Shinji nods while Ritsuko then questions them, "Where did you get all get these abilities."

Shinji simply says, "My Master chose me to replacement him as RYUSOUL RED," he gained a sombre look before he returns to his normal expression of a smile. "Master Koh found me and took me as his student."

Misato then asks, "Can we meet this Master Koh?" Tyramigo appeared saddened.

Shinji shakes his head in the negative before saying, "He is not amongst the living anymore, illness due to an incident from before I met him."

Misato places her face in her hands and apologizes, "Sorry for causing any emotional pain."

Shinji shakes his head again and says, "Death is just the next journey, He lived a long life and protected the world in his time and lived without fear of his death. A true Knight of Valor."

Ritsuko asks, "For what purpose was these Dino Knights as you have called them, why were they created?"

Salto answers with, "Millions of years ago before Dinosaur were deemed extinct, Ancient Humans of the RYUSOUL TRIBES joined forces to fight another species that evolved on Earth at the same time, where they used humans to create monsters. They were known as Droidons, and their monsters were called Minosaurs."

Misato groans while asking, "Great, are they the reason Angels are attacking?"

"No," Shinji says simply before saying, "The Droidons had left Earth before the extinction of the Dinosaurs, but the RYUSOUL Tribes all survive into the modern day. The Droidons attacked before Second Impact but were defeated and their threat was removed."

Misato sighs in relief before Ritsuko asks, "What can you all tell us about that monster that turned into a giant?"

Ui was the first to speak, "Salto and I arrived when Shinji was about the finish the fight, and we made a mistake."

Salto sighs before saying, "I made the mistake Ui."

"Actually I failed to stop you making a fool of yourself," Ui jokes causing Salto look at her with narrowed eyes.

Shinji answers Ritsuko, "It spoke about killing Lillums and He refered to a master and called humanity parasites," Shinji frowns before saying, "How are humans parasites, I mean can parasites create cities, Write books, create and destroy," he stands resulting in his cuffs snapping from the table as he swung his arms to the side as he stands.

Section 2 guards came in quickly with the firearms aiming at Shinji, Ui stand breaking the table in half with her strength overpowering the bracket and pulling Salto up by his cuffs still attached to Ui's. Misato sighs before shouting, "All SECTION 2 OUT!" They leave as Misato growls before looking to the three teenagers and says, "Our last question is there anymore of these creatures," gesturing her hand to Tyramigo, who was struggling to scratch his head with his tiny arm claws.

Shinji walks over to Tyramigo and starts scratching the side of his head as Shinji says to Misato, "There are other Dino Knights. But they were hidden when the Droidon's were defeated and sent but the only those that were not part of the base Knights."

Misato looks at him strangely before Salto says, "Our Master," he indicates himself and Ui before continuing, "Master Asuna gave us a riddle to find the one such knight, but we don't know for which."

Ui pulls out a piece of parchment and says, "With fists of fury, a father son duo must come together, but only the son knows where the father lies. To find the son search for the sword of evil. The next step will be revealed." Ui frowns before saying, "Master Asuna was never one for word play."

Shinji nods in understanding before he says, "Master, was never one for riddles. He was more into stories," Shinji jumps onto the table and says, "'A test of Fire and Fear, is needed to find the Knight of Quizs, Answer the question and fail accept death but if the opposite, Embrace the flame.'"

Salto frowns before asking, "What was wrong with your Master?"

Shinji simply says, "He was an idiot, by his own words," that got those present to sweat drop while Tyramigo nods in agreement. Shinji then says, "Then there was this other on. 'A battle of the soul and test of wills. Do not succumb to defeat but do not expect to win without those you trust. Life and Death is your choice only the choice will never be what you expect.' That was the stories Master Koh gave me in the time he knew me."

Shinji smiles before Ritsuko asks, "Is it okay if I examine your friend?"

Shinji looks to Tyramigo, who nods while Shinji says, "As long as you don't dissect him, it should be fine."

Ritsuko nods before saying, "We can use my medical scanner in the Med Bay," she stands before saying, "Well the three of you can talk with Rei."

Misato and Ritsuko leads the three teenagers and one ancient dinosaur followed them from the interrogation room leaving Fuyutsuki to frown and think to himself. Eventually Gendo arrive to find the room empty and he simply asks, "Where is the Third Child and his cohorts?"

"They have agreed to work with NERV," Fuyutsuki admits before saying, "They are heading to the Med Bay, so the Ritsuko can examine the DinoKnight that engaged the fragment of The Second Angel. It appears that it wasn't killed, just evolving," Fuyutsuki simply admits before saying, "Are you sure that all of the Angel had been retrieved all those years ago?"

Gendo frowns before saying, "We had collected all of its' remains, that survived the blast. Roughly half a quarter of the origins Angel."

"So you missed some," Fuyutsuki suggests with sarcasm before saying, "If that creature is referring to the Second Angel as its master then what are we exactly fighting?"

Gendo becomes emotionless as he says, "The enemy of Humanity. I want the EVA repaired and Unit Zero thawed and ready for at least by the fifth Angel," Fuyutsuki nods prepared to carry out the orders before Gendo asks, "Anything else I should know?"

"No Commander Ikari," Fuyutsuki says before leaving the room.

Gendo stares at the recording system and listens to the riddles of the story and frowns before making plans for his scenario.

Med Bay-An hour later.

Ritsuko was at a computer connected to a machine that has multiple hoops that rotated around Tyramigo and proceeded to analyse the components of the Tyramigo's atomic structure. Misato leans over her shoulder and asks, "So what are we seeing?"

RItsuko simply says, "It appears to be DNA made using stone," when she sees a DNA structure made from a specific stone. Ritsuko finally admits, "Who ever made this creature created was a genius, but I can clearly see that they are similar to the Evangelions its like," she frowns before opening her personal files to get the original blueprints to the EVAs and compares the designs to Tyramigo and says, "Son of a Bitch! These DinoKnights are extremely simular to the EVAs, only the EVAs used human like DNA for its biological components."

Misato frowns before asking, "So, whoever started making the EVA's may have known about them."

Ritsuko stops talking and deactivates the machine and her computer before saying, "The walls have ears," Misato nods while Tyramigo walks over to them.

Misato asks, "Want to have dinner at my place, I am sure that Salto and Ui would enjoy Shinji's cooking," Misato looks to where they were around Rei who was covered in a blanket. Misato asks, "Do you think Rei enjoy joining us."

Ritsuko frowns before nodding and saying, "We will need to borrow a van and a wheel chair for Rei."

"Shouldn't we ask her first," Misato questioned.

"You won't have to if you consider it an order," Ritsuko countered causing Misato to sigh and looks towards those in question.

With Shinji, he was introducing his fellow knights to his fellow pilot, "Salto, Ui, this is Rei, my 'fellow' pilot of the Evangelion. Rei this is Salto and Ui, my fellow RYUSOUL Knights," causing Rei to notice the strange devices on their left wrists. She nods in greeting while Shinji asks, "How are you feeling today?"

Rei was silently examining the three Knights before she says, "I am adequate at the moment. Do you or your colleagues need something from me?"

Shinji frowns before saying, "I wanted to introduce my new friends and I thought you might like to meet them. Plus you will be working with us in the future."

Rei frowns at that comment before she asks, "Are they to become pilots?" Shinji notices that she appears to slightly sad at the possibility of being replaced. Which was unknown to Shinji, who just smiles before saying, "No, They don't need Evas. How were you injured?"

Rei looked at him with a narrowed eye before she closes her single eye and says, "I failed to synchronised with Unit Zero and it went berserk."

Shinji frowns before saying, "Really who piloted the EVA before you?"

Rei frowns before saying, "I am unsure," causing Shinji to frown before Rei says, "Why exactly do you wish to know?"

"Curiosity," Shinji admits before asking, "Was it your first time?"

"Yes," Rei admits before staying silent.

"Why do you pilot the EVA?" Shinji questioned.

Rei simply answers, "Because that is my purpose? Your father found me for that purpose," Rei admitted causing Shinji to frown.

"So Gendo found you," Shinji says before stretches and says, "Well this topic has made me hungry, want to join us for dinner?"

Rei looked at Shinji with a frown before saying, "I don't eat meat."

"Can do," Shinji smiles in humour.

Misato sighs before saying, "Well that saved me from asking, so we can expect you for dinner. Ritsuko will be joining us as well."

Salto frowns before saying, "Ui and I left our packs in an alley during the Monster attack."

Misato nods before saying, "We can make a stop I have to borrow a van and make another at the store."

Shinji nods and says, "Yeah, I drank most of your beer," before he drops a fist into an open palm. Ritsuko glares at Misato before Shinji questions himself by asking, "Though where are Salto and Ui going to sleep?" That got Ritsuko to smirk as she realises what Shinji meant.

The Husk of the Second Angel-Dead Sea formally Antarctica-The next day.

At the bottom of the sea were the Generals of the Second Angel walks through the large Rib cage room while Luckyuro was gone and Candilla was trying to get Aigaron to smile while Endolf was brooding to the side. Chaos stands in front of the pillars while staring at the emotion face of Desire with a frown. The bird man arrived in a flutter of blue feathers while holding a bag of books on the human mind. The birdman walked to the side and pulls out one of the books which appears to be a dictionary in one hand and in the other, an English to Japanese language book. The Birdman starts reading both books at once as Endolf glares at the bird man before shouting while drawing a sword that looks between a candle stick for the handle and a candle for the blade, "WHO ARE YOU BIRD!?"

The birdman frowns as he continues to read while saying, "Torin, Knight of Desire," he flicked his wrist causing a feathered sword was thrown and pins Endolf to the wall by his sword and wrist. Torin frowns before saying, "ICERONDO has been defeated by the Champion of the 'Humans' and He has powerful allies." The pages start flipping quickly before he drops the two books and proceeded to read books on swordmanship and several books on history. Torin says, "These humans have shown great strides in their Evolution." Chaos looks at Torin and frowns before returning to face the pillars, and remains silent.

Candilla and Aigaron look at Torin while whispering in hushed whispers for a full hour while their minions helped Endolf getting down as he refused to release his weapon when Luckyuro arrives with random stuff that he stole as he shouts, "Look what I found! These Lillums have some interesting objects," she pulled up a naughty magazine while saying, "Though I don't understand most of it," flipping through pages while muttering about lack of garments on the Female Lillum images.

Torin looks at the title of the Magazine and says, "That is an adult parchment that the Humans use to find pleasure," he stands and walks over to the items and kneels examining the items Luckyuro 'Collected' before saying, "Perhaps the items you have brought can be used in understanding Humanity on a physical level," Candilla walks over and after kneeling picks up a strange piece of clothing that was in fact a risky swimsuit. Aigaron collects some items that were in fact expensive and real jewels taken from the same Pawn Shop Luckyuro stole them from and becomes fixated on these specific shiny items.

Endolf frowns as walks past the pile before seeing one of Torin's books and glares at the book that was titled, 'Managing your Anger,' he picks it up and proceeds to read only to not understand before he takes the Dictionary and walks away. Torin looks at Endolf as he walks away.

Unknown Quarry-That Moment

Two RYUSOULGERS, one Green and the other Black were fighting with Black with what appeared to be a shield while Green has gold armour with a styled shoe design was speeding around Black attacking at high speed, attacking at multiple angles. To the side two men were watching the two with strong looks of admiration, like a teacher watching his student become the master. The shorter of the two asks, "You trained him well, Onii-chan."

"As did you Ototo," the taller of the two before saying, "It appears Koh chose his student and past on his duty."

The little brother says, "So Tyramigo was seen fighting Kaiju again meaning," he looks at the two and says, "Perhaps we should send them to join the fight," while the older brother nods in agreement.

"Yes Towa, our sons are ready," Master Bamba says as two Dino Knights stepped out of the cave behind them."

:End Of Chapter One:

At this point people will be raging about, 'Why did you put the Deboss in the story and why is Torin a bad guy!' or 'How can Shinji be RYUSOUL Red he is not part of the RYUTRIBES or old enough,' My arguement is I don't care, I read a story crossover of Gekiranger and Evangelion which led to me reading at this point of time the five Super Sentai crossovers with Evangelion and thought, Wow these are great. Sure they all might have a similar start but its a good choice for the story.

For those who questioned why I wrote this chapter with the a large word count it is because this is the first chapter of the story.

I hope you enjoyed, please review and comment...Remember to beware the Wraith.